How to make great tasting beer at home.

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[Music] you're about to embark on the easiest and most rewarding DIY project ever Cooper's DIY beer everything you need to make your own great tasting beer is all in your brew kit box but even if you've had a few DIY disasters in the past just follow the simple instructions and you're sure to make great tasting beer over the next few minutes we'll take you through getting prepared cleaning the equipment mixing the ingredients adding the yeast the fermentation period testing bottling and then enjoying your beer now let's get into it before you start gather all the ingredients necessary for your chosen style of brew pay particular attention to ingredient best before dates the fresher the better only use water that's free of chlorine odor and is acceptable for drinking the most common cause for brews to fail is contamination so all equipment that comes in contact with the brew must be cleaned to remove all visible soiling make sure the tap is removed disassembled and cleaned once the equipment looks clean it should be sanitized with a chemical sanitizer such as Cooper's sanitizer or a non scented household bleach the first time you use your kit you can just rinse it in hot water just remember whenever you're cleaning your equipment only use a soft cloth that won't scratch it once everything is clean you can connect your tap put on your thermometer strip and you're ready to go [Music] to prepare your mix first remove the label from the brew can and standard inverted in hot tap water for 10 minutes or so to soften it we invert it because that's the end will be opening while the cans warming pour dry ingredients into the fermenting vessel and add 2 litres of hot water to dissolve once the brew can is ready grab it with a tea towel open it pour it in and mix thoroughly then add water to the 20 liter mark give it a stir and check the brew temperature to get the brew temperature in a 21 to 27 degrees Celsius range top-up to the 23 litre mark with cold or hot water as required getting a temperature right is important so you might want to do a wet run without ingredients first at this stage you might see some particles floating in your brew don't worry we call this cold break and it's totally normal now it's time to add the yeast first fit the croizon color then sprinkle the dry yeast evenly over the surface and place the lid on even if the temperature is slightly outside the recommended range it's important to get the yeast in as soon as possible next measure the specific gravity of your brew to do this you'll need your hydrometer start by drawing the brew from the tap to half fill the sample tube and then discard this first sample then draw another sample with enough brew to float the hydrometer read the gravity scale at the meniscus of the brew and record now we wait while the brew ferments just make sure it stays within the recommended temperature range after 12 to 24 hours you'll know that fermentation is underway because you'll see foam beginning to occur and the brew becoming cloudy all you need to do is make sure the temperature is consistent and leave it for a few days on day 3 of fermentation or when the foam has subsided removed the croizon collar for cleaning and replace the lid it's fine to put your croizon collar in the dishwasher on day 6 draw another sample out and measure the specific gravity again if your sample is too foamy you may need to dig acid test the specific gravity each day final gravity is reached once specific gravity is stable two days in a row this means your brew is ready to bottle at this point we recommend you try your brew to check if it tastes and smells okay if so you're good to go to fit your bottling valve just slip it inside the tap now you can easily fill your bottles without having to keep turning the tap on and off if there's too much foam while bottling just back the tap off a bit it's also a good idea to place a container under the bottling valve to catch any drips once filled prime your bottles at the rate of 8 grams per liter that's to carbonation drops for every 742 750 ml bottle store the bottles at or above 18 degrees Celsius to allow the secondary fermentation to take place after a couple of weeks you can stick your bottles in the fridge get them nice and frosty then sit back and enjoy your Cooper's DIY beer if I'm the old deal our projects were that easy [Music]
Channel: Coopers Brewery
Views: 2,001,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Coopers, Coopers Brewery, DIY Beer, Coopers DIY Beer, DIY, Homebrew, Make Beer, Beer, Beer Kit, Brew Kit, Brew, Kit, Microbrew, Wort, Diybeer.Com.Au, Brew Enhancer, Yeast, Malt, Ferment, Fermentation, Fermenting, Bottling, Mixing, Testing, Specific Gravity, Final Gravity, Thermometer Strip, Hydrometer, Brew Can, Cold Break, Secondary Fermentation, 1862, Hand-Made, Family, Easy, Home Made, Ale, Lager, Stout, Draught, Bitter, Blonde, Cerveza, Krausen Kollar.
Id: T1l1oCyCZKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 43sec (343 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2011
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