How to Brew Coopers Real Ale Beer Quick and Easy

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have you thought about making your own beer or have tried and failed come along with me and i'll show you how to make a successful batch each and every time quick and easy let's go [Music] hi musa here from quantum home improvements and solutions welcome back to the channel 14 years ago my wife bought me as a present a cooper's brewery kit and this particular one had a lager in it i wasn't too fast on the prison i've got to be honest but i still i gave it a shot and to my surprise i found out how easy it was to do and how great the beard tasted and so it wasn't long before it became very popular amongst my family and friends and so i started brewing more and more and i tried different type of koopas beers but the ones that i liked the most was the lager and the pale ale and so i did have some failures and it's when i didn't stick to the recipe or i didn't understand the recipe so i'd like to share with you my successes and show you step by step how to do it this is the fermenter i'm going to be using i've actually got two types and this is the older version but for demonstration purposes this one's going to suit better so before i start the home brew first i need to sanitize the container and coopers actually have their own sanitizer brand but they no longer sell it through the local distributors which i usually get from either woolworths or big w i'm using the brigalo homebrew sanitizer instead [Applause] okay so i'll also put the stirring spoon in there and sanitize that at the same time [Music] okay so we've given plenty of time for the sanitizer to do its work and so now it's time to empty out the water in this container in the from the fermenter into the bottles that we'll be using to bottle the beer later on so we need to sanitize everything and so we also have sanitized the hydrometer which we'll be testing later recording a measurement so we know how much alcohol is actually in this beer i usually brew either cooper's lager or cooper's pale ale but i'm going to try for the first time cooper's real ale now apparently it's a little bit bitter and uh which um i'm okay with i do prefer a lager a sweeter beer but i'm gonna give this a shot we have state of origin and movie guys it'd be interesting to see what they think of this beer in months to come with the syrup that gives the taste to the beer you need to put that in hot water and let the the syrup soften because it won't come out of the container easily unless you do that so what i do is i boil water and put it in the sink and let it sit for a period of time and while i'm letting it sit i'm actually bottling the sanitized water into the bottles at the same time okay so this thing is called a little bottler and so it has a little valve on the bottom this is pushed up so you push this up the bottle up against the base and the fluid comes through there and just gravity fed into the bottle we squeeze it in it's a very tight fit we grab a bottle and place it under the little bottler and just slowly touch the base and you'll see it'll start to spurt out with water once you turn the tap on that is and you'll hear it straight away and this water i keep in just until i bottle and then i wash them out you do need to put a towel down because it can keep a little wet so generally speaking it takes me roughly about 35 minutes to uh to set up a brew so 23 litres will usually give you around 32 bottles so that equates roughly to two and a half cartons of beer now considering the cost factor of buying the ingredients which is anywhere from 28 to 30 depending where you buy it from and comparing it to the quality of cooper's beer and how much it cost per per carton that's a big saving so with my beer i allow it to ferment for or sit i should say um i ferment for eight days but i let it sit for two and a half months now you can actually drink beer 14 days after it's bottled so around about the 23rd day but i found that the beer always tastes green uh green meaning fresh probably not ripe not ready um yeah so i would definitely give it two and a half months for any beer and so cooper's is an australian company based in south australia where my wife was born actually so and they're very unique they do the homebrew kits but they're also very popular for their beer very nice tasting beer and their beer is mgo free so genetically modified organism free so their beers you'll find almost beers you'll find have a use by diet or best before with the cooper's beer is actually in some cases best after so now we're finished and the boxes are full and we'll put them away and ready for bottling in eight days now before we start the process of putting the syrup and the water and all the ingredients we need to wash this out in hot water so we need two liters of water in preparation of putting the syrup in now i'll just take the can out of the hot water so this beer looks quite dark actually compared to others okay so i leave that past the lid partially on and i'll carry it with a tea towel so now i'll pour the water into the fermenter and i won't pour all of it in and i'll show you why in a moment the syrup is quite dark and it's actually quite runny which is good all right so you tip it in so what i do now with the remainder of the water i tip it in the tin just so i can get all of that ingredients i'm not going to put it all in yet i'm just going to give it a bit of a stir and so just washing down those walls and so that will take out a crucial amount that would never have been used if i didn't do that so you need to use the whole two liters of hot water so i get every bit of it out that i can now use our spoon just stir that around a little while the water is really hot you need to dilute the sugar so we use the number two enhancer and we put it in very slowly if you put it in one go you'll find that it's going to clog up and they're just going to stick together you've really got to do this slowly my experience tells me don't rush this so just a little bit at a time while you stir and you can see that just nicely coming in while i'm stirring look at that very nice and gentle okay so that's it there so the last thing you put in is the yeast the very last thing so you don't put it in until you've done your testing of your hydrometer using a very clean pot or container uh remember you don't want soap in it so you've got to make sure that you wash it down in hot water i've got six liters in this eight liter tub i don't overfill it on purpose because it's so easy to spill water over the edge and all i do is tip this tap water directly into the fermenter so we'll stop at around 20 liters just check the temperature and see if we need to add some hot water i like the temperature to sit at around about 23 22 when i first start fermenting so over the next couple of days as the yeast starts to consume the sugar the temperature will rise because of the activity but then after about four days it will then cool down again so if the temperature drops below 21 that's not a good thing the most optimal time of year to brew is in the uh mid-season so we're coming to a mid-season but we're not exactly there yet okay so let's raise the temperature back up again okay so i'm getting close to the mark and that's where i want to be i'm going to put this hydrometer in into the fermenter and just see where it where it sits it was sitting on 35 and so what we'll do we record that measurement and when we finish fermenting we'll take another reading and the difference will show us how much the alcohol content is now we'll just cut open the yeast packet and then we'll just spread it around the top just give it a bit of a stir not too much so now what we need to do is close the lid and close it pretty tight because we've got to trap the air in we're going to trap it in really tight so this little device here is going to restrict the air from coming out there is a little hole on top with a rubber grommet around it i just put some water in there you can see the water's around about halfway the temperature is now sitting on roughly 24 degree maybe 25 i'm pretty happy with that we have an air conditioner going at the moment when we turn that off this temperature will drop a little bit but i don't expect it to drop too much if it's sat on around 23 for the next six days i'll be quite happy um but i do have a blank blanket ready to put over it if we need it so it's the second day it's around about 24 hours since i've put the brew together and now i can show you why i chose this fermenter so the breather which is on top here you saw where i filled it round about halfway well now the pressure of the yeast consuming the sugar is causing the air to push outwards but we don't want oxygen to get back in so this breather pushes air through and the water it bubbles up and as it bubbles it doesn't allow water air to come back in coopers have a new type of fermenter where they've got two pieces of plastic that come into each other and the water level the 23 liter is higher than where the covers overlap so the oxygen can't get through so this will start bubbling up roughly around about 12 hours after you've put all the ingredients together and closed it off it's now the eighth day and the beer is ready to be bottled so the temperature did drop a little bit over the last couple of days but by putting a blanket on top i was able to maintain the temperature around about 22 23 degree and i'm confident that this beer is going to be fine so before i started i've actually washed out the bottles and rinsed them in hot water and taken all the sanitiser out and so they're ready to go and i've also labelled the box with the type of beer that i've brewed and the date also check with the hydrometer what the gravity level is so we'll take the lid off there we go wow that beer smells very nice the reading last time was at 35 so that's 1035 we'll just see now what the gravity level is so the hydrometer was hovering around about the 1.00 area so that means that the alcohol content is just below five percent and i'm happy with that now i'll just get the uh carbonator drops ready so we put two carbonator drops in per bottle so just put the little bottler in now okay open the tap and we're ready to go so it's very crucial when you're bottling the beer that you are very efficient in the way you're handling your bottles so as it gets close to the top you've got to have another bottle ready because you don't want any of the beer to drip on the ground now the first couple you do will throth up and won't fill up all the to the top so i generally just leave them on the side for a minute and that throth will go down and when you get to about the sixth or seventh bottle it won't throw off up as much the throth has come down on most of them so i'll just go now through and just fill them up all i do now is just drop in two carbonated drops close the lid and i close it as tight as i can because there's a lot of pressure it's going to build up in this bottle in the next couple of months and you don't want that pressure to go out because the beer will go flat it's worthless okay so that's the final amount so around 32 bottles just under another successful batch i was just thinking over the last 14 years i would have brewed roughly about 60 batches of different type of cooper's beers and had a lot of success but i learned a lot on the way as well it is easy very simple to make the cooper's beer long as you stick to the recipe and saying that i do have a friend of mine named bill west and he makes his own boutique beer from scratch and wow what an incredible tasting beer he makes and i'd like to get a video with him in the future if possible so anyway that's the end of this video i hope you enjoy the content i hope you got something out of it and please drink responsibly if you do enjoy the video i'd ask if you'd subscribe and please hit the like button and i'll see you on the next video [Music] you
Channel: Quantum Home Improvements & Solutions
Views: 38,033
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Keywords: How to brew coopers real ale beer, How to make coopers Beer, How to brew coopers beer, How to brew coopers larger, How to brew coopers pale ale, Brewing beer, Making beer, Coopers beer, Beer, Is coopers a good beer, Is coopers a nice beer, Successfully brewing, Brewing beer quick and easy, Home Brew, Coopers home brew, Australian Beer, Coopers Australian beer, Australian coopers home brewing kit, coopers home brew kit, cheap home brew kit, Great Australian beer, home beer
Id: LTFOv6zR5z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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