How to Make French Onion Soup | Get Cookin’ |

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let's make french onion soup let's talk about what onion to use for French onion soup I'm not going to get mad if you use whatever onion you want but classic is the yellow onion these are the most readily available and this is how the recipe started what you're looking for are just good thin slices no need to break out the mandolin because we're going to cook these down until they basically melt what I love about French onion soup is of course the affordability of it just requires very few ingredients it's all about developing that flavor which we'll do now come on French onion soup is just a soup that's made by caramelizing onions and adding beef broth then topping it with bread and cheese it gets all gooey and melty we'll get to that part later first step is to caramelize onions this is what develops that rich flavor and color to the soup to do that I'm going to start by melting some butter and adding a little bit of olive oil I like to use a combination of both because the butter is going to add the best flavor but the olive oil is going to keep it from burning throughout the cooking process once the butter and olive oil have melted together add add in your onions and we're going to cook these pretty low and slow about a medium to medium low heat stirring occasionally we are not trying to saute these onions to get like a rich brown color on the outside we're trying to caramelize them from the inside out as the onions are heated the sugars are released from the onion to the surface and then when they hit the skillet or the pot they turn brown that's what caramelization is it's the cooking of sugar some people like to cheat the process by adding a little sugar here you don't have to do it if you do it the right way so we're just going to cook this low and slow about medium to medium low heat until the color develops this process takes a minute so you know pour a glass of wine enjoy the moment what's amazing is how much these onions cook down throughout this process the pot started like half full with onions and you can see how much they've just melted down I'm happy with where the onions are they're good golden I'm going to add in some thyme I'm using fresh thyme as a matter of fact when any recipe calls for dried herbs you can always use fresh you just want to Triple the amount now it's time to add in Sherry and broth now it's starting to smell like french onion soup season it up with a little bit of salt and pepper I'm going to bring that to a simmer for about 30 minutes at this point the soup is pretty much done we're just going to develop those flavors a little bit more and while that happens let's make the top everybody's favorite part about French onion soup is what's on top you get these croutons of crusty bread topped with cheese and you know how I feel about the perfect bite that's what this creates you've got that soup with the little crusty bit of the bread and then that gooey cheese now what's classic and what I typically do is just top it with gruyere cheese this recipe calls for a combination of provolone Swiss and Parmesan which I think sounds incredible so that's what we're gonna do and don't feel like you have to have all three of these simple Swiss is all you really need for the bread you want to use just something good and crusty French bread is classic I'm using a baguette because that's what we had the slices here a little bit smaller so I'm going to use a couple slices instead of just one Big Slice of French bread all right time to make the magic happen it smells incredible let me give it a little taste good to go because I'm using a baguette the slices are a little smaller so I'm adding three on top you can also tear your bread if you want to go ahead and have that in kind of bite-sized pieces slice the provolone Swiss and Parmesan that's it you want to have these on a rimmed baking sheet because they are potentially going to Bubble over so you don't want to mess in your oven pop these under the broiler for two to three minutes until it's all toasty gooey and bubbly you can just smell all of that cheesy nuttiness and then that Sherry the Sherry kind of makes it to me I'm going to top it with a little more fresh thyme and some Cracked Pepper are we ready for the perfect body [Music] soups had a perfect bite this would be the one with me prices where they are this is the soup you need to be making right now easy enough for a weeknight fancy enough for company doesn't get much better than this yeah nailed it
Channel: Allrecipes
Views: 35,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: allrecipes,, recipe, recipes, food, cooking, kitchen, how to, how to make, kitchen tips, tips, tricks, cooking techniques, get cookin, video, comfort food, soup, french onion soup, onion, easy to cook, cheese, cheesy, beef broth, caramelized onions, vegetable soup, stovetop cooking, world cuisines, inspired cuisines, experienced cooking, french inspired cuisine, onion soups, simmer, provolone, swiss cheese, bread
Id: JVrsw3GS92w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 36sec (276 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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