How To Make Filipino Mushroom Adobo with Dale Talde

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-I was working since I was like 14. Like, there was this bizarre telemarketer job that a bunch of my friends did in high school, and they, like -- they stick you with a piece of paper and you read the piece of paper to somebody. And, like, to interview for the job was like, "Read this piece of paper." And you read it, and she's like, "Okay. When can you start?" And we did it after school. And then, like, one time, I was so fu-- It's so fucking boring, I fell asleep. They said, "You can't work any more." ♪♪ Hi. My name is Dale Talde, and I am the chef founder of Food Crush Hospitality. And today, I'll be making black beans with adobo mushrooms. So, this dish is really a variation of a Filipino dish that my mom makes from where she's from in the Philippines, called iloilo. And it's originally called KBL -- Kadyos, Baboy, and Langka. And kadyos is the black beans, baboy is pig, and "langka" means jackfruit. It's, like, this dark and murky stew, and I think that's what's really cool about adobo is that it means so much to the people. And, like, adobo is never one of those things when you go out to a Filipino restaurant, you almost never see it on the menu because they always have it at the house, and it was one of my favorite things growing up and it still is today. So, let's get started with the beans. To flavor the beans, we're gonna take some shallots. Let's get some garlic. What I like about this dish is that it's such a murky, like, stew. This is definitely my, like, bastard version of this. My mom probably would kill me if she knew I was making, like, a vegetarian. We're going to dice this. What you're making now is your sofrito. I'm gonna smash some chilies. I do like this dish with a certain amount of heat to it 'cause I think it adds a nice bite to something that's sweet and salty and sour. Chop up some garlic. And a rough chop is fine. I love Filipino food. I just think sometimes, it's a little heavy for me. Like, I'm not from the Philippines. I was born and raised in Chicago. You know? So me loving this dish is definitely, like, a first-generation American. I'm just here to kind of, like, update it, lighten it up, and give a different spin on it, 'cause I'm not traditional. This is your sofrito -- onions, shallots, these bird chilies. Being in Southeast Asia, the Philippines does use a fair amount of lemongrass, and I don't think it really shows a lot in -- in some of the dishes. But this flavor profile is definitely necessary. And what we do is... smash the lemongrass to release the essential oils. Going in with the aromatics. Besides being -- not overcooking your beans, this is the most important part of this entire dish. Unlike, I think, French cuisine -- I was classically French trained, and there was always this, like, softness or this gentleness to cooking our aromatics, making sure they don't get burned or getting too much color on them. You want color in this. You want a toasty garlic, a toasty shallot, a toasty chili in this, and I think that really sets the tone for the entire dish. If you don't cook this long enough, or if you start to add salt in this right now so it doesn't brown, you're never gonna get that intensity of the garlic and the shallot and the chili that you need to -- for this dish to be really delicious. While we are letting our sofrito cook, we are going to strain our tamarind. Pass this through a sieve. You can eat these pieces. They're just not a great mouth feel in the dish. Like, any tropical places are -- they have tamarind. So, Caribbean islands, Southeast Asia, you know, Mexico, Central America. And it has this really beautiful acidity to it. I don't know if you know anything about Filipino food. They love sour. We love sour. You know, and I think it was a purpose of, like, preservation. Vinegars, things that were sour, like, held better. But I love the way that Filipinos use it in, like, savory food. So, we're gonna add our lemongrass. So, we made a mushroom stock. You could definitely use a veg stock here if you wanted to. And we're gonna use this to deglaze the pan and kind of stop the cooking. But we're using mushroom stock to kind of give umami and to mirror the flavors of the trumpet mushrooms we're gonna cook. We've -- We soaked some black beans here in water overnight, and we're gonna drain them. And we're gonna add them to the pot. To this, we're gonna add soy sauce, and we're gonna add all of our tamarind puree. I'm gonna take canned jackfruit. I like the canned version of jackfruit. I mean, I think getting real -- like, whole jackfruit is such a daunting task to clean and pick ones that are ripe. And this has, like, really good mouth feel to it. It's a sturdy fruit that actually, when you cook it, it doesn't lose its, like, integrity. We're just cutting it into, like, large pieces. Season this, salts. Some black pepper. We want to put some more water into this 'cause it's -- the beans are gonna soak it up. I mean, the dish is supposed to be brothy and served over rice, so the -- the rice kind of soaks up all the juices. We'll bring this up to a boil, turn it down to simmer, and then let it cook for about, I think, like 45 minutes to an hour. Just until the beans are just tender. So, when you look up adobo in the Philippines, you'll see a basic recipe of vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, onions, bay leaves, and cracked black pepper. But because the Philippines is made of, like, I'm not sure how many different provinces and, uh, regions, but it is like 7,000 islands -- you will find different variances in p-- in styles of adobo. You'll see adobo that has coconut milk in it. You'll see, like, a white adobo that has no soy sauce in it. And you'll see drier ones. This style that we're doing here is from my mom's region. It's in Basilan, so that's a southern region of the Philippines, and this is a dry adobo. So if you could imagine it's almost as if you're pickling the ingredient and then reducing the liquid out of it. So it's -- almost sits in this fat, and it's almost, like, preserved in this fat. But it's a cooked dish. It's not, like, uh, pickles. I chose to use, like, king oyster, royal trumpet mushrooms. I just feel like they are the heartiest of the mushrooms out there. They really hold up to a braise, and they feel like you're eating meat. So, we're gonna take off the bottoms and then split these in half. In restaurants that I'm at, they clean the outside of these, and I love the idea of keeping these whole 'cause I feel like it adds, like, an even heartier texture to the mushroom. Get the pan rippin' hot. We're going to score the mushroom to make it look pretty and to get the vinegar really incorporated or, you know, really penetrate the mushroom. And whenever I'm searing mushrooms, I -- one, I do not season the mushroom 'cause I want to get -- let it get a really great sear on it without -- It's to kind of release some of its moisture. One of the keys for me is cooking this like you cook or sear a piece of steak. Hearty amount of oil. So, this is coconut oil. Want to stay in this whole world of the Philippines, and, you know, they use a lot of coconuts there, so... [ Pan sizzling ] So, let this sear on one side. Got a healthy amount of oil in here. You might need more. Mushrooms, like, really soak up oil. That's why I love using mushrooms for this application because they soak up whatever you're gonna give them. And you can see the pan started with a lot of oil, and you can see the mushrooms have already started to heat up into that. So, you want this type of color all throughout the mushroom. Gonna get that on the other side. I want to prep the rest of the aromatics. When you have a normal adobo, my favorite part of, like, a chicken adobo is actually the onions that have been stewed down in chicken fat and in vinegar. So, I want to cut these shallots a little bit big so you can actually, like, pick them out. And you can see they don't lose their integrity. And the garlic, we're just gonna slice. I'm gonna toast off the annatto seed in this oil. Just gonna bloom them in this oil, and you're gonna see it immediately turns this super cool color, right? You see annatto seed show up in a lot of Filipino food. A lot of it's just for color. Make something look like that beautiful saffron red. If you don't have saffron, annatto seed will definitely do the trick. So now we're gonna add the shallots, and it's quite a bit of shallots that I have in here. Probably, by weight, almost the same amount to the mushroom. So, now I had the mushrooms back to the pan. And the -- I guess the most important part, bay leaves we'll add and then coconut vinegar. And what I like to do is add just a bit of water to this. To cook this dish out almost dry, like, in my mom's very traditional style where you'll see almost the oil really enrobe the entire dish. And, you know, this is a very traditional way of preserving. So, now that we have the vinegar in, we can season the dish. Some salt. We're gonna let this stew down and cook down until it's just the oil, the mushrooms, and most of the liquid is gone from this. And that'll probably take about 15, 20 minutes. That's why I like using the shallow pan with edges, 'cause it can do that very slowly, and you have more control when -- in a pan like this. 'Cause effectively, you're braising these mushrooms in vinegar. You want something with some high sides to it. When you hear the sizzle, not a lot of liquid left, so that's really kind of just refrying in this, so we're gonna season this with some more pepper. And then, we're ready to plate this dish. We have our black beans here. So, let's plate up the black beans and jackfruit. So then we'll take a few of these... ...mushrooms. ♪♪ And this oil, it's like this very beautiful mushroom oil. And then, like any Filipino, we're gonna serve this with some white rice. And I always leave my rice separate, and it's just me. I always leave it separate from my dish. Like, I know a lot of people who would, like, "Oh, why don't you put the rice on the bottom?" and...I don't know. I like controlling the ratio of rice to beans to mushroom. I like those bites. And that's my, uh, version of mushroom adobo with black beans and jackfruit. ♪♪ So, I just got a bite of the jackfruit with the beans. There's a sweet-and-sour note to this dish that I love. I like that the mushrooms -- You have to use a knife and fork for them, that they are so kind of meaty and have this beautiful texture to them. And then, together, you really get the floral sweetness from coconut oil, definite sourness from, you know, the coconut vinegar and the mushroom. I love this. [ Laughs ] And for the recipe, click the link on the description below. ♪♪ And then, together, you really get the floral sweetness from coconut oil, definite sourness from, you know, the coconut vinegar and the mushroom. I love this. [ Laughs ] And for the recipe, click the link on the description below.
Channel: Munchies
Views: 124,516
Rating: 4.7961874 out of 5
Keywords: MUNCHIES, food, mushrooms, how-to, How To, how to make, cooking, Dale Talde, CHEFS, adobo, spicy food, cooking tutorials, mushroom adobo, jackfruit, rice and beans, vice, eating, Chef, restaurant, world, documentaries, munchies tv, filipino, philippines, vegan, munchies test kitchen, from the test kitchen, braised, coconut, vinegar, beans, rice, trumpet mushrooms, fungi, comfort food
Id: DA9_bU3NGbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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