How To Make Fermented Probiotic Pickles

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hello everyone thank you so much for watching welcome to I cook and paint I am so happy to see you because today I'm going to show you how to make fermented pickles now what's the difference between fermented pickles and non fermented well the ones that you're probably more familiar with the ones that you get from the grocery store those are non fermented which means up there brined and vinegar these pickles that we're gonna make don't have any vinegar in them at all they get their sourness through natural fermentation not only are they he's way way way tastier than the store-bought pickles packed in vinegar but they're way better for your digestion now before you start making these I do hope you'll check out my blog post on how to avoid mushy pickles you can find the link to that in the description box down below alright ready so here are the cucumbers we're gonna be pickling today these are called Kirby cucumbers they're farm-fresh I washed them really well and now I'm gonna take each one and remove the stems I read somewhere that if you leave the stems on your pickles can go mushy but I made these again since making the video and I forgot to take off the stems and they didn't go mushy so I don't know what's up with that to remove or not to remove it's up to you now we're gonna make a saltwater brine and basically for every cup of water you use you need 10 grams of salt and make sure this water is chlorine free okay now you can use pickling salt kosher salt sea salt but don't use that iodized table salt that's no good for pickling now whisk this together until the salt gets completely dissolved all right so now I have some spices I'm gonna add some mustard seeds peppercorns here I have some red chili flakes coriander seeds bay leaves and cloves I'm also gonna use some green tea leaves in the brine because the tannins and the green tea and the bay leaves can keep the pickles nice and crispy and here I have some fresh dill now you don't have to use dill or spices or anything if you want just regular sour pickles then that's your choice I'm also gonna add some nice fresh garlic I always like to remove this little stem off of each clove of garlic because it's really bitter and it can affect the taste of the food and to get all the flavor of the garlic into the brine you might want to slice it so you'll want to get all your museum class together your sliced garlic your fresh dill your spices and then you're ready to build your pickles so I'm gonna do some whole pickles in a crock and some Spears in mason jars today you want to take your cucumbers and line the bottom of your crock and make sure you're using a food grade crock one that's made for doing this sort of thing so line your cucumbers on the bottom pick the ones that will fit it's kind of like making a puzzle now we're gonna top this with a few slices of our fresh garlic and now some dill and last but not least a few of our little spices here so you don't even have to measure this I'm just randomly grabbing a little bit of this a little bit of that now we're gonna take another layer of cucumbers and do that again basically we're building a giant cucumber parfait so there's our cucumbers and then our garlic our dill and spices ooh look at that now I'm gonna take my Brian and pour it over the cucumbers I want them to be completely under the liquid so I'm gonna put a plate on top to weigh them down some people use a plastic bag with brine in it as a weight but this works well too so if you see that any of the cucumbers are kind of breaking the surface of the liquid top it off with more brine because these have to be completely anaerobic now even though I forgot to show it I did cover this with another plate and you want to let it ferment in a warm place for three to five days anywhere that's about 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal so now we're gonna do some pickle spears in mason jars these are 500ml mason jars and I'm going to just quarter these cucumbers lengthwise and then just kind of stuff them into the jars fermented foods seem to like being snug so go ahead and cram as many Spears into each jar as you can now I'm gonna add some garlic I always try to stuff them in so they'll be visible and remember you don't even have to use herbs or spices or garlic or if you want you can vary your ingredients after all these pickles are your masterpiece now some of you might be wondering can I do this with big cucumbers you can just as long as they're not too seedy and not too mature you could slice them crosswise and they should be good to go for pickling so now I'm gonna top these off with the brine just like we did with the crock and again we want everything to be completely submerged put the lids on but don't screw them on too tight because the pickles have to breathe so when you're closing it shut as soon as your fingers first feel resistance stop there that's called finger tight okay so put these also in a warm place you can sit them next to your crock and after a few days this is what they're gonna look like now don't be alarmed if you see this little bit of white fuzz growing the bottom that's perfectly normal to have that and definitely don't freak out if you open one of these jars and you see this your pickles may or may not be this bubbly it depends on how hot your places but again it's a perfectly natural effect so don't sweat it now let's check our crock pickles so these have been fermenting for five days look at this now again you're probably gonna see a little bit of this white scum floating on the top it's perfectly normal it's just a little bit of harmless yeast that happens during fermentation I'm gonna take one out of the brine so you can see what it looks like you can see how much the color has changed and now we're gonna cut this open so you can see the insight I can't tell you how much my mouth is watering right now these smells so good look at how nice and crunchy that texture is and that nice even color in the middle nothing is Hollow or mushy these turned out really really great but the only way we can really tell how good they are there you have it Wow you can expect a way stronger punch of flavor and these pickles compared to those vinegar packed ones you get from the store and if you're noticing a little effervescence if you're sensing that they're slightly fizzy don't freak out that's normal alright once your pickles are fully fermented like this it's time to get them into the fridge they can't stay out anymore so I'm just gonna remove the rest of that scummy yeast on the top surface chef Jon from food wishes does this cool thing where he holds us over the sink and then flushes it all out by pouring more brine into it but I don't have any brine left so I can't do that so I'm gonna transfer these into a nice big jar just put them in a hole like that and then pour in all of that nice brine hopefully you're a little less messy than I am and now you want to make sure these pickles are completely submerged under that brine so kind of push them around to make room also don't worry if your brine looks really cloudy we just shook things up and it will clear after a few days now just pop these into the fridge and your pickles are good for months how cool is that well I have to tell you guys I had such a great time making these pickles for you today and those of you who know me well have probably figured out that at some point I painted a picture of these cucumbers to see him more of my paintings check out painting with Paul calm I put the link down below along with a link for the recipe for these pickles if you enjoyed this video then let me know you did so by clicking like please don't forget to subscribe to I cook and paint for more great recipes and I will see you all in the next video later
Channel: I Cook And Paint
Views: 25,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homemade pickles recipe, Fermented pickles recipe, Homemade probiotic pickles, Naturally fermented pickles recipe, Lacto fermented recipes, Lacto fermented pickles, How to make fermented pickles, Pickles without vinegar recipe, Pickles no vinegar, Homemade kosher pickles, Kosher dill pickles recipe, Pickles in crock recipe, Crock pickles recipe, Natural pickles
Id: ZoWyLluoAS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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