How to Make English Crumpets & English Muffins

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hi and welcome to comfort dad cooks on today's show we'll be making english crumpets english crumpets are so delicious so versatile as well and i'll be showing you different ways that you can use them at the end of the show right the recipe for english crumpets is pretty simple take a bowl and i'm just using an instant pot bowl here very nice baking bowl and in this bowl we have got 425 grams of plain flour 25 grams of whole wheat flour 3 grams or about half a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of baking soda the baking soda will create lots of lift in this recipe and it will rise quite quickly i'll be putting in the description at the bottom of the video here the conversion to ounces and cups and stuff so don't worry about that okay now we've got the dry ingredients in there and then separately we have got here 300 mils of milk just straight out of the fridge and then 300 ml of hot or even boiling water to mix with that milk and that will just make it a lukewarm room temperature to that we're going to add five grams of sugar and whisk that up and then i've got my spatula impelled on my whisker whisk that up and then to that we're going to add a sachet or about seven grams of yeast dried yeast mix that up now what we will do then is that we will create a batter with those wet and dry ingredients so mix the yeast and milk and sugar mixture in with the flour and then make that into a nice smooth batter you don't want any lumps in here it's not like making um muffins or anything like that you want to be pretty smooth so mix that together you can see it's coming together nicely and then we are going to put this in a warm place for about an hour and a half until lots of bubbles appear so we'll be back in just a minute and i'll show you how to cook these and how to make them perfect english crumpets when you're making english muffins or english crumpets you need one of these forms here they're called english muffin rings and they're designed to hold the batter in place while it's on a hot surface and allow you to create perfect english muffins or crumpets i get i got these off amazon i've tried many different types i've tried this one i've also tried um this one which is just plain steel i've also tried non-stick ones and before i started using these i even used a straight four inch i think it is a fluted pie casing this has been greased with butter you can use any fat you want you could use coconut oil if you wanted to but even though this is a non-stick surface and this is an anodized surface i still like to put plenty of butter onto the surface and that allows the um the batter to easily release from this um from this form from this casing okay so i have got here 12 buttered muffin rings and then the star of the show here is a griddle now i've set this to the griddle setting and it's at about 375 fahrenheit here we're mixing grams and imperial and metric measurements in this show so we have a pretty hot surface here and then what i'm going to do is take these rings here and put six on each side and then we will be able to fill those with batter so six on each side then the best measure i found for this size of ring a bit of trial and error is a third of a cup measure so we take our batter and we add a third of a cup to each one now if you want you can even butter or coconut oil the cup itself so that the batter releases quite easily from that don't worry about stuff that you spill onto the surface of the griddle itself because that is just going to cook off so we've got five six and then um we just continue filling these until we've done all twelve now these are pretty easy to do for breakfast if you want to you can do them any time a day the batter takes about now and a half to two hours in the winter time i find it takes more time for the batter to rise and so i use the bread proofing setting on the oven and then put the the batter in there for about 90 minutes and it works pretty well it's funny i've been in this house for nearly seven years now and i just noticed the bread proofing setting on the oven so you want to fill them to about three quarters of the way if you overfill them you will end up with a sort of science fiction experiment on the middle of the griddle here so that's that now what we do is we wait the batter will start to cook little bubbles will start to appear inside the batter here and then in just a moment i'll show you what you're looking for as the muffin or the english crumpet starts to cook and it shows it's ready to take off the the anodized ring here or whichever form you choose to use i use a pair of tongs to take this off they're not quite ready yet if i take it off now it will just go blue all over the all over the griddle so again the griddle is set to about 375 this is just a regular electric griddle on the other side there are fluted plates so that you can use it as a panini grill but you can get 12 on the griddle at any one time so see you in a few minutes and i'll show you how to start releasing these crumpets from the crumpet rings okay we're back and we've got some great progress here on these um these crumpets so this one is ready to take off and what you do is that you carefully ease the form off the um the batter now what we have here is a bit of stickage going on so we'll leave that one for the moment this one is coming off very nicely okay so the muffin or the crumpet will now be able to stand on its own this one will come off and what you'll find is that the batter very very slightly shrinks from the edges of the um muffin ring and allows you to lift the muffin ring off now this one is stuck and the reason for that is because of this a bit of batter that we dropped on the side here so there's a couple of things you can do you can hold the um the muffin ring and you can just break that connection there and it should start to just lift off they go these are very hot these muffin rings when they come off and the surface of this is very hot so you've got to be careful when you're working around this this is not quite released yet if it sticks just leave it it will separate quite shortly there we go so we've got um good separation you can see that on the side of the muffin here there is um dough that's starting to cook not ready to flip over yet but pretty close let's check this one again not quite now if you take it off too soon it'll snag and it'll catch and you'll find that you end up with something that if you have a dog the dog will probably enjoy but um again not quite ready yet couple more minutes on this one and then a couple more minutes on these um with a lot of griddles the griddle is hotter on one side than it is on the other and you might find that this as with mine means that some of the crumpets are taking a little while longer to cook on this side so the goal here is to get all of the rings taken off the crumpets and then they'll be able to cook on their own and in a couple of minutes we'll come back and we will flip them over to cook the other side we've managed to get all the rings off the uh the crumpets now and they're still a little moment before we turn them up it takes time um seems that most british things take time um like um qriket although this doesn't take five days only the british could have invented a game that takes five days up to five days and could still end in a draw anyway everyone in the united states is also used to waiting because of the results of our presidential election and um so you wait until the top of the muffin like this one starts to look like it's forming a little skin and then very carefully you can turn these over so as best as fingers you want the other side of the muffin or the crumpet to be looking like i don't know i call them crumpets because i well muffins they're kind of interchangeable so you gently and easily turn these over watch your fingers i don't want any stories of burns and you want the um the already cooked side of the english crumpet to look about like this so let's get all of these flipped over if you turn it over too soon what you will find and too soon means it's not quite form the skin you can see that this one hasn't yet become completely solid on top and if you turn it over now what you'll find is that the top is still quite soft and it means that you'll end up with some seepage of the batter to the edge of the crumpet and it'll just be a bit misshapen still tastes fantastic but there'll just be some misshapen quality to it so that one's probably okay now and again you can turn that over if you don't feel confident in doing what i just did what you can do is that you can take the muffin ring and turn it over in its entirety so that the muffin stays um constrained between the this all sounds awfully scientific the muffin sound stays constrained between the walls of the muffin ring these cool down fairly fairly easily and then what you can do while these muffins are cooking is if you've got some batter left which i do you can re-butter these rings when they've cooled down a little bit and then start to fill those with the batter as well so no wastage here okay so these are looking pretty good not cooked on the bottom yet we'll leave that a little longer and you can always move these around on this side of the griddle and bring ones across from the other side of the griddle they come from the other side of the griddle and then um you can get i think up to eight on here i think is eight is my record but that's how many you'll be able to get there and then what you can do with these ones as they start to cook is move them a little bit and then you can do some more crumpets by putting more of the batter in there and so you make better use of the available space um i usually get my kids to do the uh buttering of the rings not the lord of the rings the buttering of the rings and then um that's their contribution to the dish here and you know it's a pretty hot surface here so you want to watch this with your fingers and also around your kids but again a third of a cup of the batter goes into here and then there we go and again you want it at about three quarters of the height or height if you live in oregon the height of this should be filled with with batter these ones are looking pretty good getting these turned over now and these are starting to cook very nicely okay so what we have here is almost ready not quite if you like them less brand than this you could start to take them off now if you want to you can also turn them over if you've got one like this that's quite well browned and the other side that is not the depending on what fat you use it will also contribute towards the browning of these on the grill so these are looking pretty nicely ready now what i will do here is i have a rack and i'll start to put them on here and start to cool them down that one we can call is ready a little squidgy and soft around the outsides on these other ones give these ones a couple of minutes you can of course eat them directly hot off the grill if you are sucking in air at the same time and probably cool them down but i like to leave them as with all bread when it comes out of the oven if you cut it immediately you lose some structure it becomes more of a a colloidal or fluid kind of substance and and the edges of crust and things will start to disintegrate so if you leave it to cool down a little bit just uh like when you cut pizza or meatloaf or any of these other dishes that require a little cooling time just to have uh it's its shape hold its integrity that's a good thing to do so if you can possibly um wait or if you tell your kids they'll be another 10 minutes when in fact they're already cooked teach a little patience like that so again um english crumpets and you can take them off when they're ready be careful with non-stick surfaces and metal tongs because um the two of them do not often do well together as cooks i think we want to have every surface be bulletproof dish washable and usable with metal implements but it doesn't always work like that so those are doing pretty well you can also bring these ones from that side over onto here and you can get all of these on here there's one that's misshapen delicious just a little bit of seepage on the batter there i think i caught the edge of the ring on the on the side of the uh the griddle there so we're just waiting on these here and then we can get some more batter on the go now i told you about using these much larger um rings if you don't yet have english muffin rings you can use one of these if you want and we're going to see what happens when we do that now it i'd forget how much batter goes in here but we're going to use the same rule as we did before where we want about three quarters of the height of the battering to be filled with batter so let's put some in there as long as you have a um container that constrains the batter so it doesn't just flow out the sides you'll pretty much be able to use anything and again as i've suggested you want to make sure that the um the ring is well uh well oiled buttered coconut oiled or whatever sort of oil and you wish to use on that so these are looking good i'm pretty much ready and if you take them off and they are not perfectly ready inside you can always toast them you can also fry them in the pan if you wish and um pretty versatile anyway english crumpets so let's uh continue cooking these and i'll be back shortly to show you how you can actually use them okay we're back and we have english crumpets ready to eat so as i mentioned earlier there's many different ways to eat them first of all let's just take one of these crumpets here and slice it open and then you can see how it looks so remaining fingers beautiful now there's many ways that you can enjoy english crumpets first of all let's pop this one in the toaster so that you can see how it looks when toasted so let's take another one of these here i got some strawberry jam here there's butter these are warm so it should melt pretty easily put some butter on this one and some strawberry jam absolutely delicious now these are absolutely delicious as well on a summer sunday um don't know what it is you could do it on a summer monday or a winter wednesday if you wanted to but you could put some clotted cream on there and have that as an english afternoon tea absolutely delicious mmm fresh gorgeous absolutely wonderful the other way that um you can have these is you can use them for sandwiches so on this one i have some nice cheddar cheese that i've sliced up and then this is a jar of pickled beet root that i made recently good crop of beetroot and it was also cheap in the stores and then a beetroot and strong cheddar cheese sharp cheddar cheese which is my favorite and you could even put a tomato on there if you wanted to as well i've got some sliced tomatoes here so there are many ways to use these i'm sure that my swedish friends would probably put cali's caviar on this and enjoy that because the flavour of cali's caviar it's a something you can get from swedish delicatessens and stores is absolutely delicious and the extreme saltiness of calais caviar when you put something relatively neutral like a tomato or a tomato or a piece of cucumber or something is absolutely delicious this is english crumpets probably as you've never seen them used before but absolutely a delicious sandwich nonetheless mmm you can pretty much put anything on crumpets and enjoy them any way you want now in just a moment the toaster will go off okay right we've toasted them so we've got the um crumpet and then we've toasted it inside depending on how dark you like your toast you can even make these even more toasted and again when i was a kid we used to have these and we would toast them and then we would just watch the butter disappear into them absolutely amazing again super delicious absolutely wonderful in just a couple of minutes here i'll show you the super size english crumpet which i've done with the four inch fluted pie dish okay we're back now i'll show you how i would handle this situation where the batter has not yet completely released from the um the form and you're welcome to just wait a little longer but i mentioned if you don't feel used comfortable using your fingers you can actually flip these over and that's what i will do here to show you the alternative way of doing it now this one is not quite ready yet um but this is the bigger one that we've been doing now there's a couple of ways you can do these if you're feeling adventurous you can um certainly um ease them out with a spatula around the side but i found the best way with these because they don't have a hole in the bottom except a smaller one is that you can leave them until they cook much further the other way with these ones is to just ease them with using a silicon spatula here to actually release them save your fingers now if you don't butter it well enough what tends to happen is that this will stay in the the form until until it's nearly cooked and can even get stuck so what you can do is gently push using a spatula best not use a knife because it can damage the the coating certainly if your muffin rings are non-stick and then it will release like that didn't leave too much behind and then you can continue um cooking your muffin in this way now what we're going to do with this one is carefully grip the edge and then just flip it over like this now did okay on that one and what you can do is gently press the edge here you can see why i switched to using muffin and crumpet forms makes it way way easier to do it that way the other way you can do it is you can get a second silicon spatula oh no he has two silicon spatulas and then just ease it out like this you can see the size of that crumpet in relation to the these ones these these are amazing you can um make this into a huge sandwich it probably would serve two people you can make them into breakfast sandwiches by splitting them as you can with these and you can put canadian bacon on bacon you could do roasted vegetables you could do an omelet and then what i do with these is i tend to make a big batch i could even make double what i've just made and separately make some scrambled eggs or whatever you like to have on your english muffin you split them you toast them a little bit and then you put your filling in and then you can actually freeze them and then when you're in a rush in the morning or the kids are rushing after school you can warm these in the oven or you can microwave them if you have a microwave and they are an absolutely wonderful way to get a healthy breakfast without having to sit there in the morning and make the whole thing you know so you basically you're making like a production line of english muffins uh english crumpets and then you can you can freeze them and they last uh you know quite a few weeks so if you have a vacuum sealer you can freeze them and they they can last for quite a while so let me know in the comments below how you fared with your english crumpets um and how it worked out for you and thank you for sharing today and i hope that your kids and your family enjoy uh eating and making english crumpets as much as i do so thank you
Channel: Comfort Dad Cooks
Views: 45,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 27min 16sec (1636 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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