How To Make DELICIOUS Stop Motion Videos

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hey what's up guys how's it going I hope you and yours are good wherever you are these are just crazy times that we're living in we're at home we're stuck indoors with a lot more time on our hands than usual so I thought why not spend that time and share with you guys some rockin ways to create some beautiful stop-motion videos there are so many tricks in photography that are actually super super easy like this one right here which I'll show you how to do in just a sec now if you followed my work before you kind of know already that I like the pepper a few stop-motion animations in here or there when I can and I've actually made an entire video on how to create food styling time-lapses which kind of share similarities to stop-motion animation and making that video along with some previous client work that I just did it kind of reinvigorated and got me pumped to make full blown stop-motion animations again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] creating stop-motion animations kind of brings me back to the old film days where you had to wait a considerable amount of time to see your final image there's this real big buildup of suspense because you oftentimes don't know what you have until way later until you get back to the computer and put it all together in and you're either crushed or you're blown away I'm sure most of you already know what a stop-motion animation is they've been around forever it's where you take a series of still images of an inanimate object and with each picture you move the object ever so slightly and when you put all those still images together inside a premiere or whatever editing program you're choosing the object becomes animated the more images that you take and the smaller the movement between each frame the more fluid your animation will be say 24 or 30 images and tiny movements per second will give you a really fluid video but it could be choppy choppy is good it could be 10 or 12 images or small movements per second and that's fantastic because well stop-motion I mean it's meant to have its own look and feel it's definitely a technique that you don't want to have in your wheelhouse and your bag of tricks that you can pull out as a standalone option for your clients when their budgets are low or maybe if you're simply just looking for that single awesome clip that will cut through the noise and and make people pause you could be creating a video with a bunch of smoothly film clips and then BAM throwing a stop-motion just the weak people up or or maybe you create one for you or you or your client just to make them stand out in that endless sea of the same on Instagram or wherever you can make these objects spin and move and do crazy stuff when I'm shooting food I'm surrounded by props and ingredients and you can use stop-motion to give these objects life to give them a character of their own and you can use stop motion to create movements that would otherwise be impossible in video without the use of special effects basically if you have a camera you can create anything from a complex animation to a simple single-shot recipe stop-motion video and because you're shooting in individual images you can outperform the resolution of most modern video cameras I mean my 5d s here shoots eight thousand pixels wide that's an incredible amount of resolution when you consider putting together in a video and even most modern digital DSLR shoot well over 4k images and you can shoot in RAW with all the color correction and fine-tuning abilities that come with it plus with that resolution you have all the power to punch in and zoom around now if you're gonna dive into creating these I have a huge tip that's gonna save you a ton of headaches down the road when shooting stop-motions or it's even the same for time lapses you might run into something called flickering it's this slight dimming and brightness with every shot that's causing this flicker effect to fix this you're gonna want to keep your camera's aperture at its widest for the lens that you're using to prevent this change in exposure in your stop-motion this is caused by the aperture not returning to the exact same position with every press of the shutter at least that's the way it is with Canon and for any other brand where the camera controls the aperture I haven't had this problem when doing stop motions with my Fuji lenses I believe because you actually controlled the aperture with the aperture ring on the lens itself but the rest in aperture for these Canon lenses is wide open so like f 2.8 or 1.2 for this 50 millimeter here but if you keep your aperture at its widest you should prevent the flickering in your stop-motion however that does introduce some other problems because these wide apertures let in a lot of light I use this 50 millimeter F 1 point 2 lens just once in that woful video and because the aperture is so wide I had to lower the power of my lights down to their minimum and I also had to attach this variable ND filter from polar Pro it was a good solution at the time but I probably should have used a different lens something there with a higher maximum aperture like this 24 to 70 F 2.8 lens which I did end up using for the majority of the clips but if you have something like that f4 lens I think that would be perfect for stop-motion animation and now we have all of this gear that makes moving the camera super super easy so not only is the object moving in the frame it's animated but the camera is moving as well I created some awesome camera movements by using some of my Adel chrome gear like the slider one and the head plus and a focus module I also got to use my edelkrone dolly one for the very first time which was really exciting it's all controlled by the on your phone makes it super easy and it's like a little RC car for your camera and when I use that in conjunction with the head one and the product turntable it created this really really unique shot I haven't made a specific video yet about this particular piece of edelkrone goodness but it is a really cool piece of gear I did use a bit of simple Photoshop magic to create this shot of the waffle spinning I use this cocktail pic to twirl the waffles and then use the previous image from the stop-motion right before the waffle starts to lift up I grabbed the background from that and using a layer mask composited out the pic in my hand in each image then in premiere I repeated the clip so the waffle could spin a few times more speaking about editing I do all of my color correction my sizing my cropping and stuff like that in capture 1 or Lightroom whichever program I'm tethering to then just like in the last video about creating gifts I jump in the Photoshop file scripts load layers into stack select the folder in my images and click OK now once my layers have loaded over here in the layer panel I highlight all of them go to windows timeline create frame animation and then click over here to select make frames from layers and then because they always come out in the opposite order for some reason I'm not sure why that is maybe you guys do if you do leave a comment in the section below but because of that you have to click here again and select reverse now that's done there playing in the proper order so over here select to change it from repeating forever like we did with the gif to just once and then click on the video timeline button right here and everything should be good to go hit render save the video wherever choose the size that matches your image size I already sized my images to match my 4k timeline in Premiere but if you want to do some key framing punching in and zooming in and out you might want to keep them at whatever size that your camera shot them at once you decide on that though however click OK to render and you have your stop-motion video clip out of your images you can slide on over to Premiere and import that clip it plays just like any other video clip and you can size it speed it up slow it down and keyframe it from there like this clip we just did in Photoshop I added a keyframe at the beginning and the end to create this zoom in effect while it's spinning it's actually such a simple and easy process creating the video especially ones like this woful video take the most amount of time but it's a fun little ad and the funny thing is is I just saw a go drop a stop-motion ad recently so I know clients are looking for these however if you're just knocking out a hands and pans video for yourself or for a client if you do it the traditional way it can become rather repetitive now the second way that you can approach this is to give these food and props just a little bit more character alright so to continue on number two is how you guys can create simple stop-motion animations for your food and beverage photography I've always done stop-motion animation to be pretty interesting I didn't really think about it then but when I go to style a food photograph I take a photo with every movement of a prop or a piece of food on the table that way I kind of have a record of the entire shoot and I always can you know build my composition I'll move a prop I'll take a photo maybe move it back slightly take another photo check and compare the both photos together just just then make sure that the last photo I'm very very happy with but I didn't really realize it until you know later on that I was actually creating these little stop-motion animations when I put together all of the outtakes from an entire shoot so instead of just using the outtakes with a little pre-planning you can do it intentionally and you know while at the same time is making that really beautiful final image you can squeeze some more juice out of that delicious content that you're already making so with the stop motion animation what's really cool is as you bring the food and props into the composition with every movement you take a photo and as the stop-motion progresses the food and props come to life I'm not being too particular about the movement of my props I want to give them character but I'm mainly focused on the distance that each one of them moves between each photograph that way one doesn't just go racing across the table I find it really really helpful when you're first starting out to create a concrete plan about the overall movement of your props that way if you have point a and you have point B you can get creative and give them character in between pretty much whatever you do the results are gonna be crazy cool and I just find the whole process to be a great time in the studio and as far as creating tired old hands and pans videos stop-motion recipe videos blow them away if not for the simple fact that their eye catching and different now I wouldn't be able to do a video on how you can create stop-motion animations without sharing with you one of my favorite stop-motion effects I think of it as the Mary Poppins effect it's that spoonful of sugar scene where they're singing and cleaning up their room and snapping their fingers and the toys are flying into the shelves everything's going crazy it's a mix of live-action and stop-motion animation and reverse video all in one and it's a really really cool effect and it's really simple to pull off like in these two shots here in this video you simply have to plan out where in the frame the stop-motion will be and where in the frame the live action will be and make sure those two things don't overlap and if you really plan it out you can interact with the stop-motion as well like I did here by picking up the cup of coffee most of this has to do with editing you have your two clips one is the stop-motion without the person and the other one has the live-action now the separation is the edge of the table and when I was shooting I wanted to be really careful not to one bump the camera in any way because if I move the camera at all those two Clips won't line up and two I didn't want to flail my arms about or you know move them across the table in a way that might block any of the items that would later on be in a stop-motion now the editing is pretty simple I lay one clip on top of the other I might need to speed up or slow down a stop motion to match the length of the live-action clip but once I do that then I'll click on the top clip head to my editing panel click on the opacity mask and start using the pen tool to create a mask around the area that I want the stop-motion to show through so I can click around the edge of the table here and down and I can zoom out and click all the way around the frame to where it links up and the stop motion appears now I can fit to frame and play it a bit to make sure that none of the live action is being cut off by the mask I can then zoom in again and affect the softness of the mask to really blend the two clips together it's just that simple you have a rock and clip I mean these are really simple examples but you can get really creative with this and even interact with the stop-motion like picking up that coffee cup in that other clip I just made sure that the coffee cup landed at the end of the stop-motion in a place where I could pick it up and I didn't move it between the end of the stop-motion and the filming of the live-action however the trick is that you only really have one shot at it because once you pick it up it's really hard to go back if you make a mistake real quick in the last video I asked you guys to create some nice little tasty gifts post them on Instagram tag minute I would pick my favorite and give you a shout out plus I'd send you one of these really cool lens gears that you see attached to the end of my lens here from follow focus gears calm well a lot of you guys submitted your work a lot of amazing stuff there I was blown away by it and I picked my favorite which comes from at Le friggin underscore so go check her work out she has some amazing images on her feet thank you to all who submitted and at le frigging underscore please DM me with your details and I'll get this lens gear over to you but that is three ways to make some amazing stop-motion animations start offering them up to your clients they're eye catching they're fun to make and even though they've been around since the dawn of time they're kind of forgotten about so bring them back and get creative and as always if you like this content hit that subscribe button turn on notifications all that fun stuff and I'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Skyler Burt
Views: 167,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stop motion, how to create stop motion videos, stop motion food videos, stop motion recipe videos, food photography, how to photograph food, food photography tutorial, stop motion video tutorial
Id: Pbq-ScPAtWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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