How to make Delicious Homemade Lasagna

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[Music] hi everybody everybody i'm back everybody genie i'm just back and i'm back with dan yet another amazing recipe i am so excited yet another day because today at the young's house gina young is going to share with you all how easy it is to make a delicious lasagna this recipe right here bomb so easy to make it doesn't require a lot of ingredients and you know make a genie young sal it's gonna be so tasty y'all never had my lasagna before you better make yourself here are the lovely ingredients you will need the first thing that you will need is around about two pounds of ground meat so we're using ground beef 80 20 and also i have a secret that we're going to use today we're going to put this bob evans breakfast brown sausage in with our meat it makes for a great lasagna you're going to need some veggies so we can make this thing nice and colorful and give it some flavor so we have a beautiful green bell pepper a red bell pepper and a nice sweet onion also we have any spaghetti sauce that you love that's what you're gonna use okay so we have some spaghetti sauce here and also you're gonna need your lasagna noodles we will be using around about a pound and a half or a box and a half and some cheeses so we have three bags of shredded mozzarella you will need some cottage cheese you're gonna also need some rocotta cheese and a couple of eggs you can't have lasagna without some good old um garlic bread on the side and also a couple of spices here's the spices you will need you're gonna need some parmesan cheese in this shaker bottle a little bit of red pepper flakes italian seasoning parsley flakes black pepper vegetable seasoning and salt make sure your hands are impeccably clean let's get started with this amazing recipe ginny young style i couldn't be more excited to make this recipe today i love love love lasagna like like who doesn't love lasagna let me know in the comment section below when is the last time you had some nice homemade not not that frozen kind guys but homemade lasagna let me know in the comment section below what was your experience or when was the last time you had it so now what we're going to do is we're going to add this whole package of this ground breakfast sausage it is delicious and then the next thing that i want to do go ahead and season it gina you're using a whole lot of meat while i want to i like when i have lasagna i want it to be nice and meaty so we just put the vegetable seasoning in we're gonna go in with some pepper and we're gonna put some salt in not too much salt because several times we will taste the sauce to see you know if it needs more seasoning so you can always season more times okay so that is italian seasoning i have my heat up on a medium to medium high heat once it gets nice beautiful and golden brown what you do want to do is make sure you drain that oil when i come back we'll get started cutting up some veggies we got our meat going let's cut up some veggies okay and it's really up to you if you want to cut them who knows very small or if you want to cut them into big pieces strips it's really up to you okay so here is what i'm going to do okay just like so in this manner i hope that you all are having an amazing day today all right so here's what i want to do let's talk about the bell peppers and now sometimes and you all you all are might be familiar with what i'm about to say sometimes when i use the peppers i just throw them in raw just throw them and roll right into the meat it's going to be very flavorful but if you want it to be really flavorful and take it up a notch what you're going to do is you're going to chop these veggies and you're gonna saute them when you saute uh bell peppers and onions they get a much sweeter more delicious taste and then you add them into your meat or your sauce and voila you know you have a bumped up flavor rather than these veggies just kind of steaming in the meat or steaming in the sauce try it next time then you know next time you make spaghetti or you're making lasagna give them a nice saute up and watch how sweet and beautiful they are so what i'm going to do i'm going to cut all these veggies up just like so and then i'll show you what to do next but i do want to mention something that i almost forgot to tell you all about you're going to need some fresh garlic yes we're using let's see did i get my garlic powder out i do want to use some garlic powder as well in my sauce so we're going to use garlic powder and then fresh garlic you need it so what i'm going to do is i'm going to check in on our ground meat and we're going to give it a nice chop you want to get it fine as you can and normally um when it starts to cook you'll really be able to break it up sometimes when it hasn't started to cook it's really hard to break it up so we're going to chop it down until we get nice fine pieces just like so okay so we'll just let that be for the time being and then also i wanted to show you our veggies we got the onions we got the two bell peppers and now we have our garlic let's go ahead and chop up some garlic okay so now i've hit the garlic with the side of the knife just to help me to take that skin off otherwise like i always like to say you're going to be peeling for days trying to get that skin off if you don't do a number like that so now we're going to chop up the garlic nice and fine and then what i'm not going to do today normally what i like to do you all are familiar with it i like to make a garlic oil we're not going to do that today we're just going to throw this raw garlic right into our meat and let this garlic cook right in with that meat just like so okay so at this moment i'm going to go ahead get that garlic in there so that meat can get nice and flavorful and when i come back we'll make our way to the stove behind me and just started sauteing up our veggies so now what we're going to do i got some butter in my pan i'm going to saute up these gorgeous veggies okay just like so and literally just about seven to ten minutes we want to get nice and sweet and you'll know how will you know when they're nice and sweet well those bell peppers will start to turn a deep color you don't want to cook them until they're mush you know but like i said seven to ten minutes that'll do the trick they'll be nice and sweet so now if you all can see the meat you will see that that meat is nice and fine because i really took the time to chop it down get it small pieces and also our veggies we cook them for around seven to ten minutes get them nice and sweet and really bump up that flavor to this lasagna so now that we have the bell peppers in and the meat has been drained you want to drain off that excess oil let's go ahead and season one more time because then we're going to put the sauce on this and we're just going to let that baby simmer you hear me all the seasonings that we used before including garlic powder all right italian seasoning definitely a must red pepper flakes and i'm going to hold back on the salt until i taste it we'll let it simmer for a while and then if it needs salt we'll add salt you know okay so let's go ahead and what you don't want to do is you don't want this to be watery you want it to be a nice thick sauce so don't overdo it with the sauce i'm going to continue to pour more sauce in until i'm happy with the consistency and i'll show you when i come back so our sauce has been simmering for around about a half an hour and you can see that it's starting to get nice and thick it's not really loose you don't want it loose i can't stress that enough not when you're making lasagna okay so what i do want to do like i have to i have to taste this and i'm just aiming to taste the sauce to see if i need more seasoning or if i need that sugar that i usually put in delicious i feel like it needs a little bit of sugar wow gina that's a lot of sugar listen here i'm not putting enough to make this sweet i'm putting enough so that it gives it a different flavor okay i'm pretty sure this will do the trick and we're just going to let this simmer let's make our way over to the stove get started on our noodles and then i'll show you what to do next so we have our boiling water and what i'm going to do is i'm going to salt the water when you're making rice potatoes or noodles you salt the water so that even your noodles have flavor okay so now with lasagna noodles you don't mess with them too much you don't want them to break all up okay so just get them in there just like so eventually they will start to wilt and once that happens you can give them a nice stir around and like i said i like to use a box and a half for one lasagna so first thing i want you all to take a peek in over here at our sauce we have some sauce it's been simmering for an hour and a half let it simmer it gets it tastes better the longer it simmers we got some noodles and what i've done is i put my noodles in a little bit of cold water so that they don't stick okay so the noodles are done and i have a little bit more noodles cooking just in case so now when you go out to purchase your ricotta you're going to get the container that's about this big and also same with the cottage cheese you don't need a really big container but what i'm going to do with the rest of this is i plan on doing another recipe with what's left so i'm not going to you know get rid of it okay so we have the ricotta just like so and then we're gonna take some cottage cheese you can use the large curd or the small card or you don't have to use cottage cheese at all or you can just do all cottage cheese and no ricotta or all ricotta and no cottage cheese it's really up to you have fun with it this right here it's mistake free and it's so easy to make put you some parsley flakes in there just to make it nice and pretty right we're going to put some garlic powder in there but before that we are going to add two eggs and what this is going to do is going to create somewhat of a cheese sauce and it's also going to help to bind together your lasagna so that it doesn't go splat when you try to cut it okay so i will get the garlic powder put some in there but this right here this is the cheese sauce you need this this is a big secret for my lasagna [Applause] time to make lasagna here's what we're going to do you always always always want to start off with a little bit of sauce in the bottom of the pan how much just a tiny bit just to coat the pan so that your noodles don't stick to the bottom you know so really that's enough is that it gina yes that's it just that little bit okay that's gonna prevent your noodles from sticking once again all right so now go in with your noodles noodle time all right so now the noodles are going to go just like so in this manner and what's very tricky is if you put them this way it just doesn't seem to stick together so what i like to do overlap it that's why i make extra noodles when you overlap it it stays together okay you will have some of your noodles fall apart on you don't freak out about it it's not the end of the world it'll be okay you can even use the ones that are torn okay and sometimes you might even have to cut um your lasagna noodles to make them fit into whatever size pan you're using okay i would assume this is about a 9x12 size pan but what what what i like to always look for is that pan that says lasagna pan that tells me i got the right pan okay here's what we're gonna do let's go in and you can do the layers however you want heck if you wanted to put cheese on top of the noodles and then the meat you could do that do it how you want this is how i like to do it and sometimes i don't even do it in order you know you can have fun with this let those kids help you when you're making this recipe they're gonna have a lot of fun especially when it's done they're going to love love love the taste of this lasagna so now that we have everything nice and spread out i'm going to come back and i'll show you what you need to do next now we're going to take our ricotta cottage cheese and egg mixture and i did put some garlic powder in there and just spread it just like so you don't need to put too much you know because this it spreads out during the cooking process okay so now just a nice thin layer just like so all the way through and the next step that we're going to do is we're going to put on a nice healthy amount of mozzarella cheese if you like to use provolone absolutely you could use provolone provolone is great for lasagna okay see i'm happy with that like i said it will spread out nice healthy amount and you decide how many uh layers that you want to do for your lasagna you know when i tell you guys that a recipe is easy it's because really it is easy this recipe is a piece of cake all you really got to do the hardest thing is getting your sauce to taste amazing once your sauce is amazing this comes together pretty simple right okay so now back in with the noodles but we went this way the first time this this time we're gonna go this way well gina my noodle's too long well take some scissors or just break it and go the other way it'll help that lasagna to stand nice and tall okay just like so like i said you can break it but you want to make sure you overlap it i'm going to continue to do this all the way down and cut it so that it fits my pan and i'll be back noodles are down and they went the other way the other noodles went this way these noodles go that way back in with sauce and i know i know right now some of you are saying dang is it really that easy yes it's really that easy and like i said i'm going to repeat myself the most thing that you really want to do is you got to make that cheese sauce and also you want to make an amazing meat sauce this meat sauce right here is key to a delicious lasagna well people are gonna go nuts you gotta know how to season you gotta know how to taste your food when you're cooking it you know so you can re-season it if need be like we did in this video never you know what you're feeding to your loved ones so now once i get this all the way over we're going to go in one more time with another layer of that beautiful ricotta cottage cheese mixture okay ricotta cottage cheese mixture coming up you if you want to you can only do one if you want to let me try to slow down so see how i want to save this if you want to you can use one layer of this mixture it would turn out delicious but i like to use two layers of this because it is amazing all right and then what we're going to do is right away we're going to put some mozzarella on and do our last you know our last layer it's up to you you could do uh two layers if you wanted to okay and guess what it would be delicious but you can do five to seven layers if you wanted to i normally like to do threes i've done four but three is my lemon okay so now let's go ahead get some mozzarella on just like so and then the noodles go on top we put meat sauce on top of that and we're done but i'm going to show you each step before this goes in the oven 350 degrees and when we put it in the oven it gets covered with aluminum foil last layer get your noodles on all the way across meat sauce and cheese okay so that's the last layer i'm gonna do this and i'll be right back to show you what i'll do next lasagna is ready to go in the oven where's the cheese at we're not gonna put the cheese on until the last i like the last 15 minutes that this is cooking so this is going in the oven about an hour and a half 355 degrees or 350 um foil boil it up we'll put the cheese on the last 15 minutes so it can get hot and bubbly without a cover do that lasagna has came out the oven it cooked for an hour and a half we got the cheese on we got parsley on back in the oven until the cheese gets nice and hot beautiful golden brown take a look at this everybody gina young style lasagna make you some look look in the inside oh look at the inside go on everybody take a bite god bless this food thank you lord for feeding us a meal today and all your blessings we love you jesus amen take a bite if you want to look at that we better make you some and as always god bless good night
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 81,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to make Delicious Homemade Lasagna, Homemade lasagna, Lasagna Recipe, Lasagna Recipes, Gina Young lasagna Recipe, How to cook Lasagna, How to Cook Homemade Lasagna, Lasagna, Lasagna Tutorial, easy lasagna recipe, how to make lasagna at home, how to make lasagna, best lasagna, italian food, cheesy lasagna, lasagna recipe, gina young recipes, gina young lasagna, gina young, homemade lasagna
Id: 6Ebfm6rn7X4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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