How To Make Custom Minecraft Nether Portals!

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so I was going to the nether to check out the fortresses about making a potential transformation video but when I made my nether portal I actually messed up and made it slightly bigger than normal but when I lit it I was surprised to see it light up and I was like hey guys what's going on here and they said yeah you can make bigger portals now like since 1.5 and I was like what mind blown moment for a second there I mean that's what happens when you spend most of your time in creative mode and not paying attention to the game updates this is essentially what happens you just lose touch completely with the game but what this means is I can make these excellent looking portals in vanilla minecraft by using these larger scale portals so let's get straight into it to start off with I'm just going to show you a bunch of designs and then I'm going to go a little bit in depth on how it's actually going to work so this one is actually based on the smallest sized portal possible now we don't want to pretend that it's not a portal this is why I've decided to use nether bricks and darker colored blocks to try and decorate it but we will later on come into some more designs which are a little bit more on the creative side but these are the sorts of ones you might use in your own house to decorate your portal it very much screams nether including this one which is slightly taller and these are very simple ones because they still have that rectangular shape and that's exactly what I want to address in this video because we're able to make the portals much larger we're able to decorate them more than just what we've done here with these two little bits on the side we can make things like this and integrate them into cliffs now this is a little bit of skullduggery here because the portal isn't actually integrated it's not actually that shape we've done a little bit of a trick here and that's what I want to show you today to try and spark some imagination and see what you can come up with with this nether portal idea so just to demonstrate this the normal-size portal as we went over earlier but you can make them bigger and here's two little examples or rather large examples to display this point and there is a limit you can't make a portal the size of a map there is a physical limit on both the short end and the high end so how do we get these shapes well there is a little bit of a trick we essentially make a shape in front of a larger portal and then cover up the excess purple portal block so as you can see I've got a rather rugged looking circle this is going to be our quote portal if we actually try to light this in a vanilla sense it wouldn't form a portal as you can see there those of you will well that it will be able to set the inside of that to portal but most people don't have world at it so you need to make a portal square behind it and light that so as you can see this is the entire basis of our portal we have the shape but we need to just cover up any excess portal to make it look like that circle is our portal it's a little bit of a trick but it's quite startling how much it works so I've just covered it up with some very basic hand to raining and then textured around it very very quickly you can definitely do better than what I just did there and I'll be showing this particular design a couple of times as it's the one I kind of go to because when I think of portals that is roughly what I think of but the general concept of putting some sort of decoration in front of a big square portal leads us on to many other options the crew have put together a bunch of cool designs this portal is integrated into a tree I love the idea of pourcel being integrated into nature of some kind and this design really is one of my favorites that I want to show you today it's not my favorite because my favorite one somewhere down the line there's a little bit of a hole there this one is actually fairly good but to make this in vanilla is nuts so unless you're an avid builder with all of the tools necessary this probably isn't a good idea but on the other hand is probably giving you some pretty cool ideas I hope this one is one that I made and it's supposed to mimic and symbol you know an Egyptian symbol I didn't do very well on it but you get the idea of how you can use the portal in any sort of biome situation this could be used on some sort of desert build you will need to tidy up the back a little bit on these builds they are quite messy and having a back actually helps quite a lot now this one is one of also one of my favorites it's like the basement portal and it's like spreading across your house it does take a lot of obsidian but the effect is really quite nice it makes it look like the portal was a mistake or an accident and I love builds that tell a story and this portal doesn't feel like it was intentional and I just absolutely love that so that's something you could put in your basement this one's a bit of a jokey kind of one it's two hands coming from the clouds holding the portal but the irony is it goes to hell and not to heaven so actually quite like that just the joke of it really I wouldn't suggest making it but if you wanted to use this in any other situation that the whole point is you can use these portals in creative ways that portal there is actually the normal one it's the 2x3 or whatever now you can use portals structurally this one here is entirely portal for the walls of whatever this pillar thing is it's meant to be some sort of ruin and it's like a relic in the middle now you will need creative for that little bit they as you can see there's one of the dragon ender crystals they're an honor spire and it's a pretty cool thing but you can't just place them you need to have some tools to be able to do that so oh oh don't tell the crew that I did that well if you do manage to place down an n-bit crystal don't break it this one let's just let's just move on this one is awesome this one is my favorite one it's the portal in the book it's probably not ever going to be used by you guys but as a creative concept I absolutely adore the idea and this is exactly what I meant by using these different sized portals in creative ways you could make some sort of fairytale land and that could be your metaphorical way to another world now this one is a bit more symbolic of nether and that's kind of what I wanted to do with the nether portal is keep it in theme and theming an atmosphere is a really important part of building but maybe that should come in for another time let's take a look over all of these portal designs and I really really hope that at least one of these has given you some sort of inspiration on how to decorate your own nether portal even if it is just putting some sprawling obsidian in your basement to make it look more alive now obviously these designs aren't perfect and I don't expect you to replicate them but they are supposed to give you some ideas this one in particular I will come back to because I'll show you a way of integrating it into your world and then these two last ones are ones that I kind of expect a bit more realistic but just decorating something as menial as your nether portal can just improve the surroundings maybe you have a community nether portal and you'd want to do something extra special for it and that's kind of where I was heading and for anyone that's new to my channel I just want to let you know that I usually do things this way I don't do block for block tutorials because I want to teach and inspire other people not just kind of show them what to do it's all about creating your own image and sometimes these designs help you and speaking of which this design here is my idea for a community project like a portal for anyone to use now you find a nice big cliff side and those trees are planted and we have done a little bit of sprucing up here but the idea is very simple you just create a gigantic portal for anyone to use and perhaps if there's a river you put a bridge over there and a nice pathway for hand training will take a while and just to prove the point it is completely square there's been no well that it used but between a bunch of you you can make this very simple portal now simplicity is important and you can see that the atmosphere of this build is quite stark the portal has a nice transition into the cliff and there's nothing that sort of interrupts your view like for example this would not look good in the middle of a town I think I will come back to building an atmosphere around your build another time but let's just prove the point you can just go inside and you end up in the nether now I'm under the impression that the nether is incredibly outdated even the generation looks a bit odd in my opinion I really think it's do some attention from the developers although I don't really play survival so I really really don't know and the whole reason I came here was to transform a nether fortress but before I even got there I was like these portals suck it's time to change them so maybe we'll also go ahead and do fortress I know people love the transform series there's the sea temple the stronghold and the nether fortress they still haven't done and then I still haven't touched on any of the smaller ones like the igloo this sea monument I think someone said or desert well I mean how the hell am I going to transform a desert well I honestly don't know it's so tiny worm I gonna do - it just huh anyway thank you very much for watching everyone I hope you've enjoyed this video I'd love to see your portals and the creative stuff you guys come up with because that's the whole point if you guys don't come up with anything creative I failed I have failed you anyway thanks again peace
Channel: Grian
Views: 5,130,420
Rating: 4.8817277 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build, portal, minecraft portal, nether, nether portal, custom portals, portal design, decoration, tips, tricks
Id: m9GNqlVvqFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2016
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