Homemade Corned Beef Recipe - Corn your own beef!

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hi everybody this is Carolyn from homesteading family and how do you think Patrick's Day hey we love eating good corned beef on st. Patrick's Day this year we're a few days late because we just returned from traveling for several weeks and so I wasn't able to get the corned beef ready in time so it's your lucky day I'm going to show you how to make your own homemade corned beef now I love the corned beef that you can get at the store I grew up on that and I always enjoyed the flavor but as I became more health-conscious and I was feeding my family I just became uncomfortable with feeding my family all those chemicals that they would put in there and just felt like that is so unnecessary the original corned beef that was made you know long ago that people ate for centuries doesn't have all those chemicals why do we need it and so I'm I researched and I did all sorts of different things and boy I finally built up the courage to make my first corned beef and it was amazing it was so good oh my goodness you don't need the little packages squishy packages and stuff from the grocery store you can make it yourself it's healthier it's cheaper and it is so much better you are going to be totally amazed we make this at least once a year now every year and really we would make it more often than that if I just did it because we love it so much now the ideal kind of meat to use for this is going to be a beef brisket and here when we butcher the beef the brisket ended up in the ground beef so instead I have some sirloin roast and I'm sorry some chuck roast today and I have several of them you're looking for about 4 to 5 pounds of roast if you can get it all in one roast that would be great I'm actually for our family making about a double maybe even a triple batch here with several rows because we're a large family and we really like this stuff so I'm going to show you how easy this is to make super easy so what I have here is 1/2 gallon of water or 2 quarts and just going to put that in a pot that I'm going to use on the stove two quarts of good fresh clean water and I have two cups of good salt now the salt is what's going to be the the preserving agent and the cording agent in the corn beef so use good salt you can use sea salt you can use Himalayan salt this is Redmond real salt and it's a pink salt and so we really like this stuff two cups of it right on in to your water there now come the spices and missus just for the seasoning so you can adjust these to your taste this is peppercorns mustard seed this is some allspice there's some whole cloves in here oh no I forgot the cinnamon sticks you've gotta yell cinnamon let me grab those I think cinnamon sticks are over here there we go okay you've gotta have a few cinnamon sticks in camp so your recipe calls for about cue and I'm going to go ahead and double it like I said so I've got four cinnamon sticks so I'm going to put those right on in I will give you the exact amount the recipe calls for for the different spices in the comments below so go ahead and look for that there so we're going to put those seeds and spices right in now this is we have ginger we have a garlic powder and I have some savory in here because I find that it grows better here than time but if what you have is time use that instead that's actually what the recipe calls for so we're going to just put all of that right in there too and oh I've got my bay leaves this is about five bay leaves and I actually have a base that I keep in my windows at my windowsill here in the kitchen and so these are fresh bay leaf itself they smell so good you just die over these fresh bay leaves delicious I'm going to put all those things here you just kind of tear these up a little so that they release their aroma a little bit faster okay and I'm going to just give it a stir and now I am going to go over to the stove and I'm going to keep it just until all of the salt is dissolved doesn't need to be boiling just until it's dissolved if you get it too hot it'll just blow down the tops a little because you'll have to wait for it to cool back down before you can use it so go ahead and bring it up stirring it pretty constantly until that salt dissolves it'll just take a minute I'll be right back all right well I have gone ahead and heated this and gotten that salt dissolved and it didn't take very much just a few minutes in fact I can still take my finger right on in there without any problem and it's not too hot it doesn't take much to dissolve so you don't have to get it England you're boiling really so boy it's starting to smell really good too those spices are starting to release their aromatic qualities and they're really quite good so now what I want to do is I want to take my other half of my water to more quarts another top gallon here and I want to add it to this just to really bring that temperature right on down you do not want your grind to be warm when it hits the meat if you overheat it a little bit it gets too warm and this doesn't even bring the temperature down enough then you go ahead and just stick it in the fridge and you can finish the next few steps later it's not a problem in fact you can sit it in there overnight and let it get nice and cold that's fine too so what you're looking for is your brine to be lower body temperature or lower okay you don't want it to be very warm you certainly don't want anything that will even start cooking your meat because that will cause some spoilage now this is going to the salt in this is going to really preserve this meat really well and so and it's going to just turn it into this lovely tender product so here we have we have it all mixed together now I'm mixed in that extra water and it's all mixed together really well and our next step here is going to be to get the brine completely cover to meet and you're going to need it to stay covered for several days if you're going to do it in the refridgerator some people are more comfortable with that then about seven to ten days if you're going to leave it out on the countertop which is perfectly fine with all its salts in there it won't go bad that felt really ex is a great preservative then you can do it in about three days I've let it sit for up to five six seven days in a regular temperature kitchen absolutely no problem and it just gets better and better so we need to find a container in your kitchen that is food safe and it can keep your your meat totally submerged underneath the brine you don't want any to hit above the air because then it won't be in that salt and that will go bad so you don't want to ruin your meat like that a very common way to do it is to put your meat into a ziploc bag and then just fill it with a brine because you can kind of get all the air out of there and keep it under that brine I really don't prefer that method because these non rigid plastics really do leech and you know the whole point of me doing this at home is to get away from all those chemicals then put it in the store so I really prefer to go with something that's less non leeching or at least less leeching another option if you just have a smaller roast is to go with a glass gallon jar that could work if you had an appropriate size crock that would be wonderful that's an 8 gallon crock and that's just way too big for what we're doing right now and all of my medium-sized crocks are filled with food at the moment so I can't use those so my next best option for me is to go with a food grade bucket and you know this is a little big for what I'm doing but it will work and we can make it work just fine so if I had a medium option I would do that but right now you know you work with what you have when you're on a home spin so that's what we're doing so what we're going to do is go ahead and just arrange our meat down here in fact you know what before I do that I'm going to go ahead and just flash a little bit of the brewing on the bottom because I want to make sure all the parts of the meat are so I just come for a little bit of the front man about half of it then I'm going to go ahead and start putting in my meat I'm just arranging it so it's in there you can move around loosely I'm going to kind of you know turn in a little bit over the next few day just to make sure that protein is really evenly getting on all of the pieces okay you can see we're not going to have any problem with the amount of grind the meat is well under already but I'm going to go ahead and put the rest of that fine and the rest of the seasoning right on the top now this will start to float a little the meat well so if you have it in a container like this where you have open space at the top you really do need to go ahead and weight that meat down under something generally I will put a good dinner plate on here and then maybe a bowl on top of that with something heavy clean and heavy you want everything to be very clean it doesn't need to be sterile but it does need to be clean and so oftentimes I'll get a jar of sealed jar of food or you can just put a jar fill it up with water and put a lid on and put it into a bowl on there just to keep the weight under now that are the meat under with the weight so I'm going to go ahead and do that here and then I am going to let this sit in the kitchen for about I'll probably go for about five days this time I like that little bit more Bryant flavor that we get from a longer one just right out now my kitchens not hot it's not summer here and so in the floors on its a concrete foundation and so I have a nice cool floor so that works really well in my kitchen keeps a little bit cool but you feel free if you're more comfortable put it right in the refrigerator for that ten days and that will work out really well for you too and then after that amount of time I'm going to get out and I am going to slow cook it all day long and oh I love it with some of the spices in it I go ahead and cook it in a little bit of art you don't want it too salty but you do want some of those spices in there and so I'll cook it like that and then right at the end I'll put in some potatoes and some cabbage and oh we're going to have a wonderful pink Patrick's Day feast maybe a week late have a great Saint Patrick's Day guys enjoy and be healthy good bye [Music]
Channel: Homesteading Family
Views: 278,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homestead, homesteading, homesteading family, corn your own beef, homesteading skills, easy meat curing, cure your own meat, preserving beef, corned beef, make your own corned beef, homamade corned beef, corned beef recipe, preserving, corned beef and cabbage, st. patrick's day, brine, brining, how to make corned beef, food preservation, meat preservation, homesteading 101, brisket, corned brisket, corned beef brisket
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2017
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