How to Make Capicola at Home - Step by Step

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[Music] [Music] what's going on guys Jax the bearded hiker here so I'm so excited about doing this video today because we're gonna be making charcuterie specifically capicola using the Coppa muscle of a whole pork shoulder and we're gonna be doing it in the refrigerator using the my charcuterie kit now I've used these my dry bags before making some dry-aged steaks and I was so pleased with the results I decided I was gonna order these charcuterie bags and give it a shot and I got a feeling it's gonna come out delicious so stay with me and I'm gonna show you how to make this all right so let's take a look at this Coppa muscle here okay so it's already trimmed as you can see alright so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and weigh this Coppa muscle out because it's gonna be very important that we get a good weight on it so we don't know exactly how much insecure and other spices that we need to use okay so now that our Coppa muscle is weighed out we got three point four pounds but we're gonna go ahead and overshoot that and just call it about three and a half pounds it's very important that you record that weight because not only is it gonna be you know how much spices in whatever that you put on the Coppa muscle but it's also gonna be how to know when this is done so when this has reached a 35 to 40 percent reduction in weight that's how you're gonna know that it's done alright so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and throw those spices together blend them up and then put them on the Coppa muscle okay so now that we have our Coppa muscle weighed and we know exactly how much of each we need we're going to go ahead and blend it up here so I'm going in with some kosher salt and that was exactly about 60 grams or six tablespoons of kosher salt we're gonna go in with some sugar here and we're gonna be doing about two tablespoons or thirty grams here is we got our insta-cure - which is about a teaspoon and that's let's see a teaspoon that's gonna be 6 grams going in there all right pepper now pepper may weigh differently depending on what type you use this happens to be about two tablespoons of coarsely ground black pepper and if you're not a big pepper head then you could go with less so we're gonna go in with those juniper berries now and that is about 3 grams of juniper berries I'm gonna go in with 2 bay leaves and then we're gonna go in with some freshly grated nutmeg okay and that's about a about 1 gram of nutmeg or 1/2 a teaspoon gonna go in with some minced garlic as much as you want this recipe recommends about two cloves and then we're gonna go in with some fresh thyme about three sprigs there so we're just gonna put our lid on it now and I'm going to spare you with the load obnoxious noise that I'm about ready to do alright we're nice and blended up now so let's move on to the next step alright so we got our spices here blend it up we're going to go ahead and start rubbing them on this Coppa muscle alright guys so now that we got all that cupboard covered liberally we're gonna go ahead and stick it in a bag here now you could use a ziplock bag but I want this meat to lay pretty flat on you know this rub here thanks this rub to be kind of adhered on there so I'm gonna put it in the back master and I'll show you how we do that okay we're going to go ahead and slide this in our vacmaster db2 10 here VP 210 I should say now you could use a regular ziploc bag or you could use a regular regular vacuum sealer but I just love using this that master here I've had it what a month and a half two months here I'm gonna be doing a review on this at some point I just want to get familiar with it before I do a review on it anyway let's go ahead and put that down what this does is right now it's vacuuming out all the air inside this chamber here after vacuuming out all the air you'll see it it's gonna cut off and the vacuums gonna stop and it's gonna suck down and then seal boom all right so it's sealed it basically what happens is it just back use out all the air I mean it's and it's you see look at that okay so now guys what we're gonna do is I'm gonna stick it in my refrigerator we're gonna leave it in there at least seven days we may even do two weeks but I'll let you know as the process unfolds now that won't be the end after we take it out after that we're gonna have to do some other things and it's still probably gonna take I don't know six to eight weeks after that when we put it in the my dry bags okay we'll see you in about seven to fourteen days all right guys so it's been exactly 14 days so we have removed this bad boy out of the refrigerator we're gonna take it out of the package and we're gonna lightly rinse this off before we move on to step two so we're rinsed off pretty good I mean you see it I didn't do it too aggressively you can still see some specs and whatnot on there but we got the bulk of it off so now typically capicola is seasoned with paprika I think by tradition now we are gonna season with some paprika here but I have some other things in here so what I have in here is a quarter cup of paprika 1/4 cup of Kashmiri chilli and 1 tablespoon of chipotle powder and we're just gonna kind of liberally season here now we don't want to be I'm gonna beat I guess kind of aggressive but I'm just I'll go back and wipe off you know a little bit later on but we're just gonna go ahead and coat this up so normally it may not matter for this coat to be dry on it but through my bags they like a little bit of moisture cuz the bag actually sticks to it so again you just want to make sure that your rub that you're putting on here is more you don't want any dry spots on here you want it to be you know your rub to be hydrated while it's on here if you're using the my bags okay all right that looks pretty good so we're just let us sit here for a minute and then we'll all show you what we're gonna do next so why the capicola is sitting there in that rub soaking up some moisture we're gonna go ahead and we're going to prepare our little doohickey here and what I have is this is just a 2-liter bottle that I've cut the bottom off and then I have this roll here and this is just a meat netting it's I believe it's the size 16 I'll leave a link in the description now by no means do you have to use this meat roll you can use butchers twine if you wanted to it actually butchers twine a little bit easier but this is very hard this stuff is very hard to stretch over the meat so what I'm gonna do is just kind of cheat a little bit okay now we're about ready to go ahead and do this now you see I have a net on here now you don't want to go too far with your net because if you do this thing will collapse on you alright so for now we're just gonna pick up the capicola I'm gonna just kind of work it in here just like this and that'll help us get a little bit of structure on this thing all right all right now what I've done is I've just cut the end off now we're gonna do is working this there we go all right so properly netted we're gonna kind of shake it like that all right so now that we got our capicola in there we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna tie this one off - all right go into the next step all right real quick guys I just wanted to show you guys what was in this charcuterie kit by whom I here you have your insecure number two that you'll need your juniper berries you have your vac mouses for the bag you have some start start and end date and weight stickers here that goes on your pack you also get to my bags here and you also get a sheet of charcuterie recipes all right so we're about ready to seal this up we got our in my bag here and you can see I've just put a cup in the back a big shout out to kasoori right there cuz this vacuum sealer right here is gonna go perfect for this application okay so we're just gonna pick this bad boy up we're gonna go ahead and slide it into our my bag here now we just want to make sure that while we're vacuuming guys go ahead and kind of massage this in because it's key for this case or for this bag to be touching this as much as it can be alright but we also got to put in the back Mouse which is this little deal right here and this is gonna help seal now also we're gonna take this and we're gonna crinkle the end of this bag and this is going to create channels there so we'll get a nice vacuum and I must say also these bags aren't like vacuum bags they'll allow moisture and everything to leave the bag and don't let any harmful bacteria or anything come into this bag all right so let's go ahead put our back mouse back mouse in here back mouse is in so what we're gonna do is go ahead and shut this lock back down and hit the vacuum seal and as we're vacuum and we're gonna go ahead and make sure help this alone by working some of this air out now do have this on a gentle cycle it's pretty good right there okay so we're nice and sealed up here after that first seal I went ahead and backed this whole bag down and I did another seal right above the first seal so now we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and we're going to stick this in our refrigerator and we're gonna put it on a cooling rack so we can get air circulation around the whole thing and I don't know we got to reduce the weight of this thing by thirty five to forty percent that's usually gonna take anywhere from I don't know six to eight weeks so we'll see you then all right we just pulled this out of the refrigerator then I thought it would but it's actually been ten weeks and three days since we started this now I did go ahead and go to the 40% in weight reduction and instead of the 35% now what we need to do is go ahead and take this out of the bag take this netting off we're gonna go ahead and slice into the middle of it and give it a try after that I plan on doing what they call Equalization after I've read a couple of for in a couple of forms about this they said that by vacuum sealing it and letting it sit in there in your fridge for a couple of weeks extra that it supposedly enhances the flavor we're gonna find out looks pretty good actually let's go ahead and move this netting here all right so I'm pretty happy with with the looks of this nice and hard on the outside let's go ahead and give it a cut into the middle all right the reveal wow I am happy with that guys wow that looks beautiful here let's uh let me cut me a piece off alright there's our slice I sliced it as thin as I could with my knife I don't know if you can can you see through it and there's probably not enough light back there anyway alright let's give it a let's give it a try alright here we go guys smells fantastic hmm Wow all right that's the absolute best capicola I've ever tasted all right really really good okay so I'm interested in seeing what this vacuum sealing this and regular vacuum bags is gonna do in a couple of weeks so we'll give it another taste test it in so we're about ready to slice into our capicola after it's been sitting in the refrigerator equalizing for two weeks now we'll make sure that we understand that equalizing and equilibrium curing two different things this equalizing what we did was supposed to enhance the flavor some people say it helps with a case hardening and it just kind of settles everything down after the curing process so let's let's slice into this stuff and see how we did [Music] all right so we got us a few slices here so let's give it a shot I'm gonna try to do some close-ups later mmm very good did it enhance the flavor hmm I don't not sure if it did or not do I find it any better than when we first tasted this I mean not really it's still delicious I'll probably need them side by side it does seem a little moister in the mouth a moist moister so when I first took it out there was a little bit of hardness around the outer edge and it seems to be more consistent all the way through I'd say sorry I'd keep chewing my mouth over I would say this is a definitely do again I'm gonna slice this up what I don't eat I'm probably gonna put it in the freezer I'm hoping that all it'll stay good like that and then when I just feel like I need some just gonna take it out serve it with some cheese and some crackers or something like that all right guys how to make capicola at home using the my dry bags [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jaxx Drinkwater Southern Cooking & BBQ
Views: 113,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make capicola at home, how to make capicola, capicola, charcuterie, cured meats at home, cured meat recipe, cured meat, capicola recipe, umai dry bag, umai capicola, umai dry, how to cure meat, dry cure recipe, copa recipe, capicola (food), coppa, curing and aging capicola, how to cure and age meats, homemade coppa, curing and aging coppa, homemade, meat, pork, cure, food, curing, pig, how to, cured, copa, recipe, boston butt, salt, salumi, curing meat, gabagool
Id: PBxyaKQv49k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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