How to Make Buttery Blueberry Biscuits

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(cheerful music) - When you're getting into the world of baking, I always recommend taking up biscuits as a project. You learn how to make a biscuit. You can make 'em fluffy or flat or flaky or just about anything, and you can switch up flavors very easily. Now, Morgan's here and she's going to show us a great sweet biscuit that hails from the south. - Yeah, so I'm gonna show you how to make a blueberry biscuit. So I didn't want this to eat like a muffin. I wanted to eat like a flaky biscuit, so it's really important to start with the right ratio of dry ingredients. So here I have three cups of all-purpose flour and to that I'm gonna add 1/2 cup of sugar. There was a balance of trying to get these sweet, but not too sweet, so this is definitely a little bit more sugar than an average biscuit, but not near as much as a muffin. I have two teaspoons of baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, and then 1 1/4 teaspoons of salt. So I'm just gonna whisk this until it's nice and combined. And what would a biscuit be without butter? I have 10 tablespoons of chilled butter that I've cut up into 1/2" pieces. And I'm just using unsalted butter. I tend to bake with unsalted butter, just so you can control the salt. Now, I am gonna just get my hands in here and smash the butter. So you just want to go in and just smash it between your hands and break it up into irregular pieces. Here I have 1 1/2 cup of blueberries. So you can use frozen if you want. We have instructions for that on our website. - Okay, perfect. - So I'm just gonna fold these in nicely and make sure they're totally incorporated. With biscuits, you don't want to over-mix it. That can make a tough biscuit. We don't want tough biscuits in here. So I'm trying to get all the dry things together before I add any liquid 'cause that's when you start making tough biscuits. Here I have 1 2/3 cup chilled buttermilk. Fold this in gently. Again, trying to be gentle here to avoid making them tough. So I really don't want any flour streaks, but I don't want to over-mix it at all. - Lovely, so just until the little pockets of flour are gone? - Yes, perfect. So I'm gonna let this hang out for just a second. Gonna move on to our pan. So I have an 8x8" baking pan here and the only thing to make these better would be more butter. - Yes! - I'm gonna brush just a tablespoon of melted butter all over the edge of this and the edges of the biscuits are going to frizzle and fry in this butter, so I will have nice buttery edges all over these blueberry biscuits. And now the batter. So I'm just gonna press this out. Make sure it's nice and even. One more thing, so I have a bench scraper and I'm gonna spray it with non-sick cooking spray. So I'm gonna just go ahead and actually score where my biscuits are gonna be. - [Host] Oh! Pre-stamping. - Pre-stamping. This will make it easier to cut them apart at the end. It'll kind of give me some guidelines on where my biscuits are. - Very nice. - Virginia Willis is a Southern cookbook author. She explained that biscuits are like people and they rise better together, so I always picture that when I bake these biscuits. - Instead of stamping them and having them set apart, they bake better together, you're right. - Also, when you roll out biscuits and you have to re-stamp and re-roll them, you can risk overworking the dough and you can make 'em a little more tough. So I'm just gonna bake these in a 400 degree oven. It's gonna take about 40 minutes. I'm gonna check 'em with a paring knife when they're done and it should come out clean and they should be nice and golden by then. (cheerful music) - [Host] (gasping) Look at that crust! - So delicious. Smells so buttery. - It smells unbelievable. I will get the door. - Thank you, thank you! - Oh! (chuckling) - So I do want to check these 'cause they look nice and golden, but I also want to go in with a pairing knife. See, nice and clean. - [Host] No crumbs attached. - [Morgan] No crumbs attached. - [Host] That's what we want. - So I do need to let these cool five more minutes before I can turn 'em out. And while I do that, I'm just gonna make a little more zhuzh to dress 'em up. - [Host] Love it! - So I've got two tablespoons of butter, a tablespoon of honey, and just a little pinch of salt, so we're gonna make honey butter. So I'm just gonna microwave this until the butter's melted. It'll take about 30 seconds. Okay, so it's been five minutes and I'm gonna flip these out. So I'm just gonna put another wire rack on top of 'em. Just make it nice and easy on myself. - [Host] Ooh! Cake! - Cake. (both laughing) And, one second, wait for it, biscuit! - [Host] Biscuit! - And.. - Oh, you can really smell it once it comes out of the pan, oh yeah. - A little glisten, a little shine. I love this because now when you eat this, if you get this little bit, you get a salty sweet honey butter bite. - [Host] All the good words. - [Morgan] All the good words. - [Host] Oh, that's beautiful. - All the magical things. And you want to make sure to go ahead and use all of this. If it feels like too much, that's a good thing. - [Host] Ugh, gorgeous! - Almost time to eat. It's a little doughy inside right now. We just have to let it cool 10 more minutes. - Those look beautiful. And the aroma here in the kitchen. Fresh biscuits, nothing better. - Yes, thank you so much. I'm very excited. So it's been our 10 minutes. We made ourselves these helpful little lines earlier. It's like color within the lines. Cut within the lines. I'll give you this guy. This is nice and big, fluffy. - [Host] Lovely! Can we just marvel at the size of these for a moment? - [Morgan] I don't skimp on my biscuits. - [Host] That is some healthy-sized biscuit there. I am very appreciative of that. - [Morgan] A lot of blueberries in here too. I'm making sure you're getting your antioxidants. Biscuits are good for the soul. - All right. Mm! So soft. - Yeah, they're buttery, they're rich. They've got a nice little salty sweet thing going on. - [Host] That's it. They're not too sweet. They're not dessert. - No, I want this to be a savory biscuit, but also still balanced, sweet, have the blueberries come through. - Oh, and that top, that craggy, crisp top. These are biscuit heaven. You should open up a place, sell these, and call it Biscuit Heaven. - I like that. Great idea! - So you're definitely gonna want to make these biscuits at home. Smash cold butter into a flour mixture, use the pat-in-the-pan biscuit method to shape the dough, and brush on lots of honey butter for a sweet glaze. So from Cook's Country, biscuit heaven on a plate. It's the all time great flakiest blueberry biscuits. Thanks for watching Cook's Country from America's Test Kitchen. So what'd you think? - Leave a comment and let us know which recipes you're excited to make, or just say hi. - Now, you can find links to today's recipes and reviews in the video description. - And don't forget to subscribe to our channel. - See you later. - Alligator. (chuckles)
Channel: America's Test Kitchen
Views: 96,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooks country, americas test kitchen, cooks illustrated, weeknight recipe, easy dinner, quick dinner, comfort food, easy recipe, family recipe, food show, cooking tv, cooking tips, how to, biscuits, blueberries, blueberry, easy biscuit, homemade biscuit, bread, bojangles, bo berry biscuit
Id: op8i2DP7c7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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