How to Make Breakfast Casserole, Keto and Low-Carb | Black Tie Kitchen

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breakfast casserole the dish to serve people really don't have time and the perfect meal crappy but first he must make coffee they get it on coffee what's the point party's ready let's begin uses a baking sheet in line to deliver in a foil because she doesn't like to clean and because bacon is incredibly greasy so wants to finish it is lined with foil he fetches his bacon and procedure river from the childproof packaging which proves to be a viable adversary but never stand between a man and his bacon after some reorganization and undertake SWAT fly this raw meat goes into the oven to become a gift from the higher powers that be he sets his oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and begins prepping the sausage or the meat in a tube he squeezes all of it out from its plastic casing this is the hot variety because he prefers spice the spice of life is spiced he also then prepares another path this he adds about two to three handfuls of freshly washed spinach the amount depends on the size of your hats if you're a giant then maybe one he add some salt to the spinach this will remove moisture and allow it to with a little bit faster and had flavor I could check on the sausage to show that it's pounded correctly he returns to his cutting board and now it's time to crack some eggs begins I crack them into a small vessel and add them to a larger one he does this 11 more times and then on the Tuareg their special white agate and although this may be the egg for the ugly duckling which turns into a beautiful swan today we're eating it so into the vessel it goes and then he cleans because hats and possibly salmonella unlikely but possible another sip of coffee and it's time to check on the bacon which apparently is not fun Sarah he leaves it and the oven he removes the spinach with a slotted spoon into a bowl making sure to gather all of it what's the sausages reached the desired roundness hearing music using a slotted spoon distance shawl she doesn't gather any of the additional grease which she doesn't necessarily want in his casserole and much like the grease he also doesn't want the added moisture from the spinach so he squeezes that up into his panel which will go into the sink and eventually down into the trash another sip of coffee for good measure and he proceeds to add a cup of heavy cream to his eggs and then another cup which totals two and then it's time to turn the eggs into seawater she adds the copious amounts of salt because there are 12 eggs each one requiring a specific amount of sodium chloride to mention freshly ground black pepper a sprinkle of cayenne pepper and a generous raspy - the king spice also known as nutmeg and then using the wires taught to a handle he whisks and there it eventually looks like eggnog which it is not do not attempt to drink it one because there's no problem and two because Salmonella maybe then it's time to grate a pound of Swiss cheese yes Swiss that's a nice creamy texture without an overbearing shaatnez that Jenna would provide another fantastic cheese would be Rhea which also adds a nice creamy texture once it's great it he sets aside and removes the bacon from the oven and although it may not look that crispy it's not what he was desiring he wants a nice kind of chew - he fetches a cutting board and not a piece of paper to drain it on which she could also use a plate and places allowing it to cool & Dre he sets the tray aside and also sets his bacon aside and reaches Ross coffee another sip of a black nectar to revitalize the soul and back to work he grabs his casserole dish sets it on his cutting board and reaches for the fat made from cows milk also known as butter this he covers the casserole dish and also employs the finger method to ensure that all crevasses are covered and just to verify he uses a flashlight any place reflected too much he rubs with his finger with spinach in hand Edward Scissorhands makes short work what you scissors because he doesn't want to touch his cutting board and quite frankly it's easier he merely wants a rough chop enough to why he doesn't need dental floss after eating breakfast then he sprinkles it across the bottom trying to make a nice even layer once he's completed the lay of spinach he moves on to the sausage making shirt and turn it into small crumbles he doesn't hiss Emily want two large chunks or large kurtz just small little sausage bits once the second layer is complete he moves on to the eggs a quick stir with a whisk and he brings it back and like an onion or lasagna he works in layers slowly caressing the spinach and sausage with the gentle flow of the liquefied remains of unborn chickens like a babbling Creek between mountain peaks he covers the bottom and then reaches for the cheese and copious amounts of it after the cheese comes the bacon this he crumbles into small pieces until he has reached a satisfactory amount above the cheese then yeah it's more eggs more sausage more bacon more cheese more bacon and finally the rest of the eggs now it's time for the casserole to come into its own and Sarah amis go into the hot box known as the oven as he places into the oven he makes sure that there's no spinach or anything on the sides he does want it to be pretty of course 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 45 minutes and it meantime the remaining bacon will serve as breakfast along with his of raining coffee nothing quite like coffee flavored bacon or is it begijnhof after 45 minutes zero is a castle from the oven and after a quick minute of letting it cool he cuts into it this casserole is enough to feed 48 Fruity's 12 regular people for powerlifters 1 Ron Swanson and absolutely zero vias and over there looks quite warm and delicious he is not yet done he needs had a little bit of garnish so he's an affair shot knife he cuts some green onions into thinly slices slices the thinly sliced slices and he garnishes him and that is how you make a breakfast castle for you your family and the people who like green onions if you liked this video share like and subscribe and until next time eat well and at the meantime he will continue to add green ideas
Channel: Black Tie Kitchen
Views: 6,317
Rating: 4.9942112 out of 5
Keywords: how to make breakfast casserole, breakfast casserole, breakfast casserole dish, keto breakfast, keto breakfast casserole, low carb casserole, low carb breakfast, low carb breakfast casserole, blacktiekitchen, black tie kitchen casserole, black tie kitchen
Id: WLdoyyrLNM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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