How to Make Bee Bread

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hey this is the divine superconductor sponsored by my to life and I'm here to share with you how to make bee bread this is a super nutrient-dense you can call it a superfood I just call it a food it's a complete food complete protein this is excellent for vegans or vegans or vegetarians and all it is essentially is raw honey fermented with bee pollen and the magic of bee bread is in the fermented be pollen so I have a bunch of e pollen here and you can get the granules pretty easy usually it's pretty easy to find local bee pollen but just because you eat the pollen straight doesn't mean you're actually accessing the protein inside so what the bees do is they actually ferment the pollen to unlock the nutrition inside so it has a hard cell wall to be pollen think of it like chlorella or different allergies in general you have to crack the cell wall to get to the nutrition inside like pine pollen this is the same idea and the bees are natural form enters they do this so to make one pound of honey takes an average of twenty thousand flowers getting the the nectar from the from the flowers bringing it back to the hive the beekeepers actually have little great so as the bees are scurrying along this tray the the pollen falls through and so not all of it falls through but a lot of it does so the bees get to keep some for themself but a lot of it get drops down to where it could be harvested that's where you get bee pollen and whether we're talking about raw unfiltered honey which unfiltered to is the key or bee pollen or propolis the waxy substance that they use to Cork the honey or royal jelly all of the things in the Beehive are very medicinal and they're foods they're one of the few sources of nutrition left on this planet actually and so our situation with health it's a toxicity issue and a starvation issue and it doesn't matter where on the world you are it's the same for everybody toxicity and starving to death because we're not getting proper nutrition even if you're on a whole thirty Organic plant-based fruits and vegetables diet you're gonna be deficient in nutrients and it's not just enough to say the soils mineral deficient that's not even an accurate statement how about the soil doesn't have any fulvic acid doesn't have any microbes doesn't have any fungus now you can't make the plants organic so that means we're not getting minerals from our green juice and that's a super red pill but it's the it's the truth you tube acid rain look at the effect that it has look at the difference in acidity between fulvic acid and sulfuric and nitric acid that's a pretty big difference pretty big so this is a food and this is a way to make something especially if you're on the go traveling musician actor in your car a lot just business person you don't have a lot of time to prepare food this is excellent there's only two things you need to make it honey and bee pollen and you can add extra things I have some propolis here which means defender of the hive it's the waxy substance that holds the hive together this has a lot of incredible benefits each aspect of the bee hive has different benefits and they're all incredible and remember that fermentation turns proteins into amino acids it turns carbohydrates into simple sugars like straight glucose and even for diabetics for people with sugar metabolism issues go back and see my video where I interviewed my friend Rob Matt on honey and he describes it it's very very easily digested by the body and the coolest part to me is that who knows what nutrition we're actually getting in this it's a lot of its undiscovered we might be getting really novel bacteria because remember it's fermenting it's blowing up it's amplifying it's replicating the bacteria that's already in the pollen you got to try it to experience it that's all I'm gonna say so 12 ounce jar usually you can get these left over from gauge ours do you use ghee a little plastic top these work the best these are 12 ounces these have found a really excellent for making small batches of bee bread you can see this is my finished one here and this is hard as a rock I have to be careful I don't break spoons but this is going on months old and remember that this is one of those substances I mean especially when it's fermented that lasts forever they found honey in Egyptian tombs even bodies of children mummified in honey in Egyptian tombs these tomb robbers actually take the honey and it was just as edible as it was thousands of years ago it never goes bad honey never spoils so all these doomsday preppers getting these canned garbage things know the ultimate survival food is honey if you have honey and you have a water source you're good and if you have pollen and honey in a water source you're thriving when it comes to stuff hitting the fan bee products or where it's at if you can put some algae in there maybe some sprouts you're really good so literally just with the five gallon pail just go like this and fill it up and the ratio is one to one and that's pretty much all you need to know if that's all you got from this video you know how to make me bread one-to-one ratio so one part pollen to one part honey and that's not a you know for sure scientifically accurate ratio it's just one that I've done that worked for me and so then you take the honey and this actually is pure sage honey tame some pollens raw got it at the health food store ideally you get local honey but if you around a lot of GMO crops it might not be best to do that actually see some type of a critter in here so I'm gonna fish it out that's good that's when you know you have good honey is when you see some stuff in there is it pour it in and see how I put the pollen in first I've learned that over time just the way to do it you know almost to the top want to leave a little room at the top for it to go back and forth cuz that's the last step and of course do not waste this that's pure food Wow that's pure sugar no it's pure honey it's different very usually this is predigested food when it comes to sustainability of feeding this planet it's gonna come down to be products and algae the oceans getting destroyed with ocean acidification parasites heavy metals mercury PCBs dioxins seafoods not an option that's why I created my de life to actually provide a source of DHA and share these teachings of how to actually use it in tandem with the Sun and with grounding and these practices to improve your health and this is a great complement to that lifestyle this is this is a food so this is propolis this is completely optional and I just put in about a tablespoon boom doesn't take much and what makes this easy is you don't have to mix it by hand because that would be a nightmare so see here propolis in there got the honey the pollen pretty much a one-to-one ratio cap it this lid make sure it's secure that's the key really really tighten it down good and now you just do this and you set it upside down and every time you pass it or every once in a while you need to do it more so in the beginning but as it gets going you don't have to do it as much and it's gonna mix and eventually this pollens gonna fall down a little bit as it the honey pulls it and you just keep going like this set it down like this set it down like this down like this and just maybe two three times a day if you can only do it twice a day that's not a big deal that's okay just do it once in the rising and once in the evening the very last step is just to let it sit for about a week it really depends on ambient temperature so I don't only give you like a time to know that it's done you'll know that it's done when it actually gets harder comes like a bread because right now it's just you know honey that's floating around with the pollen it'll actually look pretty solid so that's when you know it's done when it gets thick its medicinal it's a food it's incredible there's a lot of information out there about honey and propolis and royal jelly and bee pollen you could add royal jelly to this but if you did you would have to refrigerate it so the good thing about this one is it doesn't need to be refrigerated which is awesome yeah I forgot to mention you can't actually shake it at first you just get things really moving but it will mix on its own if you just are patient and let it set so here's the bee bread-making check out the best DHA in the planet put the link below and try to go local with your honey and bee pollen and if you can't then go to the health food store but try to go to your co-op first or your farmers market or a CSA because here that's gonna be the best quality in general stay supercharged
Channel: Matt Blackburn
Views: 19,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie
Id: MoDSBq-g4y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2018
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