How To Make Authentic fry Fish. Easy fried Fish For Waakye & Kenkey!

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hello loved ones welcome once again to our purpose recipes in today's video i'm going to show you how to prepare or how to make the perfect and crispy fry fish okay for all your cooking peppers all right phrase so let's dive into this video first of all we're going to need fresh fridge okay and i'm using this fish called pampanus or pompano yeah this is actually the fish right here in fact this fish is so delicious if you haven't tried this fish right here please just give it a try okay i know mustafi has been eating tilapia and you know snappers but if you haven't tried pampanu and this is your first time give this fish a try so when i bought this fish they actually cleaned it for me so all i have to do is just do a little work to it you know like make it perfect how i wanted it that's why i'm cleaning this fridge but make sure that you clean your fish really well since it's fresh you don't really want to just wash it so i have here some lime and lemon that i'm going to use to clean my fish so after you wash your face make sure that you squeeze some juice or lemon in there and have it sit for about five minutes that's how i usually do and after five minutes just go ahead and rinse it with fresh cold water okay yeah and then set it aside all right friends so now it is ready so we're going to start by adding some salt seasoning and i have my favorite like fish seasoning right here that i grab it from the grocery store that i'm using right here so friends with this recipe you can use any fish seasoning of your cheese i know some of the seasoning is really hard to find especially depending on where you are but i'm using these simple ingredients that you can easily get from your normal grocery shop okay so after you add all your seasoning go ahead and mix well you know make sure that it is nice and well seasoned and then let it sit for about five minutes so after five minutes we're gonna add some flour so i have here all purpose flour about two cups i'm gonna be using right now this is an option the reason why sometimes we use flour is because when we don't want that fish to come apart you know what i mean yeah that's the reason why you have to sometimes add flour so that way it will come as crispy and you know perfect like how you want it okay so after you add your seasoning in the flour go ahead and set it aside and of course i really love coconut oil if you guys followed me i always use coconut oil in my cooking that's what i'm gonna use to fry this fish but if you don't have coconut oil it's okay you can use any oil of your preference but using coconut oil actually help because it can take high heat and also it's perfect for frying foods you know that's why i really love my coconut oil and also it's very very healthy okay and friends i'm gonna remind you that if you cannot find this kind of fish also feel free and use any fish of your choice and use tilapia or snapper you know card whatever face i want to use for free and use it but you can follow the same procedure that i'm doing and your fish will come out really good so this pampanus i really love this fish i had really good experience with this fish so far and my husband or my family really love it so yeah so what i really like about frying my fish is that i like to add onion pepper and garlic on top of that and also i have here some bay leaves i'm gonna throw them in there that way it gives that oil a great aroma and also it makes the fish taste really good and also the smell that's what you need right it smells really nice and casa so you can fry this face and absolutely you can enjoy with watching jello fries king k whatever you want to eat this fish with i really really like my fish with crispy taro okay with fried crispy towel as i really like my fish with or you can even eat with fried yum depending on what you feel or you want to eat that day just go ahead and make this peppered fry fish for all your cooking papers okay look at that it's so juicy it's absolutely perfect all right friends so this is how i make my authentic fry fish and i hope you really enjoyed this video if you did please go ahead and share for us and also don't forget to leave me some comment if you have any question and also don't forget to follow this page and you know learn how to make amazing foods at home for your friends and loved ones this is what obama is all about thank you so much for watching and i will see you soon stay please
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Keywords: best fried fish, how to fry fish, fried fish, best ga kenkey, best jollof rice, fufu recipe, how to make fufu, tilapia light soup, fried tilapia, fish light soup, Waakye recipe, how fry meat pie, meat pie recipe, fried meat pie, okro soup, egusi soup
Id: aSdnV3TtvJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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