How To Make And Style Detachable Collars! | DIY (free printable pattern!)

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[Music] it's you hey guys welcome back to my channel so one of the big trends i have been seeing a lot lately is collars under like sweaters and shirts and stuff and i am kind of obsessed with it i think it's really really cute but i do not own any like white collared shirts at all the only color shirt i own is like one single green flannel i just don't think that's the vibe for me so today because i don't want to buy four different colored shirts to have four different styles i'm going to make some detachable colors and i have a lot of ideas that i want to do and i have just a bunch of my scrap fabrics here from various projects that a lot of them you guys have actually seen make um and i think i'm going to turn them all into different styles of detachable collars so i think i'm going to do a total of four different designs and i'm going to show you guys the process for all of them and at the end of the video i am also going to show you guys all the different ways that you can style the different colors so i am really excited for this video stick around if you want to see all the cute outfits i'm going to show you guys so let's get working let's get working so to cut out my colors i drafted this little pattern that i was kind of using to reference three out of four of my colors but for the first time ever on one of my tutorials there is actually a printable pattern down in the description box and so i'm kind of basing all of mine off of this one piece that i made for myself but i actually drafted three out of the four colors specifically to that pattern piece so it's a little easier for you guys to make this tutorial so for the first collar i was using this leftover pink kind of silky fabric from my cowl neck dress tutorial and it was a very thin and flowy fabric but it still worked out pretty well for this pattern and then i also went ahead and cut out two pieces out of a fusible interfacing and this one is just a pretty thin one and once you're done cutting out all the pieces it is time to get sewing all right we just cut out the first pieces for the first collar and now the first step that i'm going to do is i'm going to take it to the iron i'm going to take one pair of the collars i'm going to take our interfacing fabric i'm going to put the little dotted side onto one of the back pieces of the collars and press it down and hold it there for 10 seconds to adhere the adhesive interfacing to our fabric and i'm doing this so that our collar will lay a little bit stiffer and nicer and it'll just help because this fabric is very thin [Music] all right so now we have our interfacing on two of our pieces and so these pieces are going to be the lining pieces so the first step is i'm going to take this smaller side not the bigger corner and i'm going to put the smaller sides together pretty side pretty side and i'm just going to sew here along the back i'm also going to do that on the front pieces all right so now we have these little collars and if you put it around your neck it looks like that right now it's looking cute so now i'm going to put them pretty side to pretty side starting with their little center seams to make sure that they are even and i'm going to pin it and sew it all the way around except i'm going to leave a little hole in the inner circle part that is about an inch and a half big so that we are able to turn it inside out and i'm going to go ahead and pin and sew this all the way around and now to make sure that we have some really nice edges here i'm going to clip the corners just by cutting them straight across like this and now i'm going to add in some little notches around the inner circle so that'll be able to turn out better and now through this little hole that we left right here i'm going to push all the edges through and turn it right side out i'm just going to put this little stick in here just so that i can get all the corners to be really nice and sharp and now you have a piece that should look like this so now we have this little raw edge here so the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to push these little edges in and now i'm going to take a needle and thread and i'm going to go ahead and hand stitch that little opening up all right so now that that little area is stitched up right here this can be taken to the iron so we can press all these seams down again okay so it is looking super super cute and it is almost done the last thing to do is i'm going to take a little hook and eye closure i'm going to take the side with the interfacing you can tell which one it is it's a little bit stiffer i'm going to put the hook right at the top little corner on the front i'm going to put the eye right on the other side and so the hook should go just a little bit off of the fabric so that when you put the hook and eye together the edges will come right next to each other and so i'm just going to take my little needle and thread again and hand stitch those on alright i just finished hand stitching the little hook and eye closure and that is the first finished collar i think it's really cute and so this one is more of a seamless look because of the hook and eye it'll look really sharp because there's not like any ties or anything on it so i think like under sweatshirts and stuff it'd be really cute and because it is winter and the sun hates me it's gonna get dark in five minutes so i will show you guys the next one tomorrow okay so it is day two of making these collars and the next one i'm going to do is a peter pan collar which is like the rounded style and i think it is so cute i'm so excited to finally have one so for the second fabric i'm using this orange kind of thicker fabric and this one did work out a little bit better because it had a little bit more structure to it for the collars and for this one you can see i'm obviously cutting it from the same pattern piece but again down in the description box i did make a different powder piece for this one so that it should be really really easy for you guys to make it for yourself and again for this one you're going to cut two out of your fabric and two of your interfacing so i already went ahead and put interfacing on two of my pieces and these again are going to be the back pieces and this one is a pretty similar process to the last one we did but the main difference is the back is not going to be connected and there's going to be a different closure at the front so this one actually starts off pretty differently because the first thing we're going to do is we're going to take two pieces one with an interfacing and one without we're going to put them pretty side to pretty side and then we're going to pin and sew them all the way around leaving a little opening in the middle of the inner circle and now i'm going to do the other one and then i'm going to take this to the iron and press it okay so i actually just realized that i made a little mistake because while i was sewing these i should have inserted this little ribbon right here at the bigger corner while i was sewing it so i think i'm going to seam rip it open just this little corner right here i'm going to insert the ribbon and i'm going to sew back around that little part like i did before and when you put it in the little part should be sticking out and most of it should be inside of it so when we turn out this part will be outside of it so this is what it should have looked like originally all right so now that we've fixed those little ties it is time to do some more hand stitching and again i'm going to set up this little hole that we left here to turn it inside out and this time i have to do it on both of them one done and two okay so the last thing that we have to do on this collar is obviously put them together somehow so all i'm going to do is i'm going to put a few hand stitches right at the back corners where the ties are not so that we can just keep them together and it'll be really cute and really dainty so i'm going to take my needle and thread and just do some quick little stitches to put them together okay so this collar is officially done and so this one you wear it this way and then you tie the front your little bow so cute okay time for the third technique so this one is not following the pattern that i used originally at all and this one is going to look a lot more real instead of being one of the ones that lays flat it'll look more like an actual shirt collar because we're going to make it exactly how we would an actual shirt collar okay so this is the one collar i did not make a pattern piece for because it's pretty simple just cut out all the pieces and so for this one i'm using a white leftover linen fabric i had so these are the measurements for this one they are pretty simple because they are basically just rectangles and for each of these pieces you're going to cut two out of your fabric and one out of your interfacing so the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to take our two really big pieces the thicker ones and i'm going to put them pretty side to pretty side if i can find the right piece so i'm going to take this piece and sew along these side edges and the top edge leaving this little bottom edge completely undone and again i'm going to clip and trim all of my corners and edges and then you can turn it right side out so now we're going to take these little pieces and we're going to put this one down flat and the edges with the rounded corners are going to go up against the raw edge of the piece that we just sewed and i'm going to put a few pins in it just to hold it in place and then i'm also going to take the other one and put it so that the two small pieces are sandwiching the big piece that we already sewed and because i did take some length off of the big piece underneath these pieces are now very long as well and so we're going to have to redraw this curved edge so the curved edge should start right at where the corner of the bigger piece starts and then it'll curve up and back into where we sew it and now when we turn it right side out it should look like this and so the next thing we have to do on this one is we're going to fold both of these edges in on the raw edge i'm going to pin them and sew them right across the bottom okay so now that we have no more raw edges on our collar the last thing to do is to put on the little button it's looking so good okay so i have a little white button that i found so i'm just going to take my buttonhole foot and i'm going to make a little buttonhole on the right side whichever side that is that you want it to be so i'm going to take my little buttonhole maker i'm going to open up this little sliding part and put in the button i'm going to set my machine to a buttonhole stitch and then you just switch it on and there's this little flap thing right here that you need to pull down and it goes right in between the little holes that the sliding thingy makes so now i'm going to take my fabric and you have to put it where you want the buttonhole to start so i'm going to put it down by the very edge and then just let your machine do its [Music] thing now i have a little buttonhole and then all you have to do is take a little seam ripper and seam rip it open and then you have a usable buttonhole and now all we have to do is put the little button on the other side but now you can button it up and then when you fold these little edges down you have a very nice looking collar look how cute all right and here is this one done look how cute and just a side note about these collars is sometimes they can have a little bit of space here you just have to find the right kind of shirts to wear them with but something you could also do with these ones is you could kind of cut out a square piece and attach it to the bottom edge of this so that it kind of goes underneath it'll be like this around your neck so that when you lay shirts underneath it it's more of a complete piece and it'll make it look a lot more seamless and real so basically all you would do is you would cut out a square piece and cut out a circle in the middle of it and then you attach the circle all the way around the little bottom edge that we sewed at the very end and we're finally on to the very last collar i'm going to make for you guys and this one i'm very very excited about because i'm going to make it very oversized and cutesy which is something i've been seeing quite a bit lately and i just really love the way it looks so for the last collar i am using another white fabric but this time i'm using a lighter rayon fabric and same thing goes there's another pattern piece down for this one in the description box you guys can go ahead and print that out and use it and for this one the same thing goes you cut four out of your fabric but unfortunately i am all out of interfacing somehow so if you want to cut out a layer of interfacing to go with it you totally can but i did not for this one for this color though you're also going to want a little trim or i used a lace fabric and for this i just cut out a bunch of strips out of this fabric and don't worry they don't have to be really uniform or clean or anything you're just going to want a bunch of them so that we can use them for ruffles and so this one is going to be pretty similar to the first two that we did but i'm going to be adding in a lot of ruffles so i took these little lace strips that you guys saw and the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to put my tension on my machine all the way up probably to about eight and a half and i'm just going to do a basting stitch all along them and right before the little pieces end i'm just going to overlap the next one and keep stitching so i get a very long chain of ruffles look how cute this chain of ruffles is it's so cute okay so next i'm going to take our little collar pieces here and i would have loved about a layer of interfacing between the lining layer but unfortunately i ran out of interfacing but so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take one of our pieces and i'm going to pin these ruffles all along the little ledge except for the inner circle so i'm going to pin them in towards the fabric and around the corners i'm just going to turn them so they go all the way around all right so now it is pinned around the little edge so i'm going to take the corresponding piece i'm going to lay it on top over all of the ruffles and i'm going to pin it in place again okay so now i'm going to carefully sew all along this edge to encase all of our little ruffles okay so now i'm going to repeat those same exact steps on the other one okay so now we have the ruffles all the way around on both of the pieces and so we still have to finish the little edge on the top so what i'm going to do is i'm going to cut down the ruffles just a little bit to the end right before the top and then i'm going to fold everything in and stitch across the top leaving a little opening in the middle like we always do to hand stitch it up but also on the back i'm going to insert a little ribbon again just out of the side so this tie will go in the back okay so now those are sewn up and there are no more raw edges i'm going to put the little edges together like we did before and just put a few stitches between them so that it is fully an enclosed circle when we tie up the back again okay so now the very last thing to do on this one is to trim all of the lace ruffling i just want it to be a little bit shorter and more uniform all right that is the last collar look how cute that is i'm so obsessed i cannot wait to put together all these outfits all right so next i'm going to figure out how to style all of them because i'm really not quite sure yet i'm so excited to experiment with them and i will show you guys how they look alrighty so i have never styled detachable collars before and now that i have these four beautiful detachable collars i am very excited to put on some fun outfits so i am going to show you guys what i come up with all right so this is the first outfit with the first collar that we made and so i paired the pink collar with my pink pants and i put on just a good old white fuzzy sweater and i think it's a really cute outfit like i'm so excited to wear this out like it's so cute i just wish i had places to go all right this is the second outfit and they paired it with a kind of similar sweater but this one obviously has some like pink detailing on it and then i threw it with my pink pleated skirt and this is again one that i think is so so cute and i love that all the colors kind of match and stuff and i am honestly just like a big sucker for color coordination which you guys will probably see in some other outfits but i feel so cute in this look how cute and i need to figure out how to describe outfits without saying it's so cute so we'll work on it all right on to the second color and i found that i really like pairing these kinds of colors with um sweaters and stuff but i do think there are a lot of really cute ways to also pair them with t-shirts so this is an oversized one i stole from my brother and i just paired it with my jeans that i recently bought because look at me i have jeans now which i never do but again i think these collars are just like a really easy way to dress up any kind of outfit and make it a little bit more interesting and this is the same exact shirt and collar but this time i paired it with my overalls and i love the way that the collar kind of goes over the overalls a little bit and again this is just a really fun outfit and you know that i'm always looking for a good outfit with my overalls so i'm very happy i know i know talk about color coordination but like how could i not put these two together they're so cute so this collar is obviously made out of the same fabric that i made this pleated skirt out of and there is a tutorial on this one if you want to make it yourself so it is so cute i wear all the time and so i put it with this blue sweater because i love the contrasting colors and blue and orange are just a classic together all right so now that i'm officially obsessed with this outfit time to move on to color three all right well i feel like this is the very classic outfit we've all been seeing this year and this is the third color that we made that is a little bit more like shirt collar and just a big sweatshirt and a pleated skirt which it's a trend for a reason look how cute i mean yes very cute keep saying cute way too much jam it and i have of course been seeing this outfit a lot like this with skirts but i've also been seeing it a lot with our sort of baggier jeans and i touch my in because that's the style i'm a little bit more comfortable wearing but i know a lot of people have just been wearing oversized sweaters over their pants and it's still really cute just a little bit out of my comfort zone still alright so here is the fourth and final collar and this one is definitely my favorite i'm kind of obsessed with the oversized collar trend right now i think it's like the most darling little thing and so i paired this black sweater with this black skirt so it's like an all black and white outfit and i just i love the contrast this collar gives i think it's just precious it's so cute all right here is another outfit with the really oversized collar and this time i put on this white t-shirt with this cute little lettuce hem on the sleeves and i just put the collar on top of that and then i put a dress on top of all of it and i'm a really big fan of wearing t-shirts underneath dresses and i wear this one a lot so i think this is another fun way to kind of switch it up and make it a little bit more different alright guys that is all the outfits i have for you guys today i hope you guys like this tutorial and little like styling video i had a lot of fun making it i love all the outfits and i'm kind of obsessed with all these colors now and i hope this inspires you guys to make some for yourself because they're just a super fun piece to have in your closet and i hope to see you guys next time bye
Channel: PaperStxrs
Views: 29,433
Rating: 4.9846287 out of 5
Keywords: paper, star, stars, paper star, paper stars, paperstar, paperstars, stxr, stxrs, paper stxr, paper stxrs, paperstxr, paperstxrs, collars, collar, collared, shirt, diy, how, to, sew, make, style, fashion, sewing, easy, beginner, friendly, detachable, oversized, peter, pan, peter pan, ruffled, ruffle, design, cute, aesthetic, tutorial, trend, trendy, faux, fake
Id: jH2NoMJrOpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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