How to make an Simple Mission Objective System in Unreal Engine 5

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what's up guys welcome to new Unreal Engine 5 tutorial and today we're gonna make a very simple and easy uh Mission objective system okay so you uh you know pass interception Zone will be a trigger and then you have a UI that will say permission or objective and you basically um would use update and you know where to go it's gonna be a very easy Trail to follow so let's get started also first of all I want to thank because we have reached 2K subscribers so thanks to everyone that has been supporting me on all the tutorials that I've been making I really really appreciate you guys now yes let's get into the tutorial alright so first of all let's make the actual trigger zones that will change our current Mission okay uh so let's just go ahead and go to the content browser and we're gonna go ahead and right click and I'm gonna go into grouping class basically because it's gonna be just an actor there will be just sitting in the world so it's a character and then basically I'm just gonna call this BP Mission object um uh African but just Mission trigger okay because it is what it is it's a trigger for the mission so let's go ahead and open it up and what we're gonna have here is very simple uh so first of all we need a certain um type of collider so we can know when the character has gone through so let's search for collision and it seem add a simple box collision and that would just be allowing uh the area okay it's gonna be our trigger you can call it however you want and there we go that's pretty much it now what we'll do is go into the triggers um events section and we're gonna have one in the on component begin overlap we just want an object we'll um just go through and it's very important that it will be set up automatically but it is said to overlap all dynamic because if it's set to for example no Collision it will not do anything or if it's set to block all the player will not be able to go through so this will you know be allow the player to go through but I'm still with events so what we're going to do is make sure that the other actor is the player so to do this what we're gonna do is just cast third person character or whatever character you're using for the blueprint of the first person or whatever and what they will do is that if the cast is true it will be a player so that's a quick way of doing it now what we're going to have is a new variable on this um on this trigger which is gonna be the um New mission to set so when we pass three uh pass through here it will just update this friendship so we'll change the variable type to be a string we just type everything that we want and what we're going to do is uh exposed so this will mean that we click the ion here that we can change it from the from the in-game scene which will be just easier for us to change so you will see in a sec so now what we have to do is change the um character's Mission a current mission to the new one so let's go back into third person character and what we're going to do is go to the events graph but we're going to create a new function so you just click on here and this will be update mission so basically this will just update the current mission that we have so for this we have to create a new variable which will be the current Mission so let's press this here current submission and then we'll change the type into a string again okay so now what we could do is you drag this uh current Mission and I'm gonna set it and we're gonna set it with the new input that uh the new mission for the trigger will give us okay so when we called it we'll just pass and we'll have it on here okay so now we can use compound save and go back into our mission trigger and drag from the third person character because we're accessing both blueprint and then we can just say um update Mission and there we go and we have our um mission to place here and then we can use drag in our mission uh new mission to set variable and it will set it basically and I think that we can do this test real quick even though we're gonna make a UI in a second I just go here and just print string with the text so we'll just print and Screen the new objective even though like I said we're gonna make a UI for it so now let's go ahead and place uh place it on the scene so for example we can just go over next to well actually up here in this um Circle and just I'm gonna drag and then place it over here there we go and then we're going to do is just rescale it to make it bigger so literally just start scaling it there we go like this and just to cover the area that you want the player to be with a new Mission when it reaches it so when you have uh kind of the size that you want you here that we have the exposed variable this is very important when we did with the eye is so that it basically appears in here so now we can change it every example this will be for example Kill All Enemies for example now if we press play and we reach the trigger point and we jump you can see up there in the left corner well I'm gonna go again you can see that it says Kill All Enemies it's really cool the mission is actually updating uh now there's a problem and it's basically that um it's you know we can basically go ahead and do it all the times they want and we pretty much only want to do it one time so let's go into our mission trigger and it's so easy as she's um well after checking this the player before we have the dimension I'm gonna do a do once and literally it will just do it once because we are not gonna reset it so it will just do it once for this specific trigger in the scene okay so now let's go ahead and you know set up the UI pretty much so now we're going to delete the string because we can know that it's working and let's just go ahead and create a new widget so right click use interface widget blueprint and you could create a normal user widget let's call it WP underscore Mission something like that and now let's go ahead and open it all right so now when it's open we're going to do is just add a canvas it's going to the palette here canvas panel just add it over here and there we go so now we can place things on the canvas so what we're going to do is just place a normal text and let's just do it for example up here and let's just um place over here and change the uh this is going to be like the title so it's gonna be uh Mission or current Mission or whatever you want to call it also objective or whatever you want let me guess you can see current Mission and it's place over here and then we're going to do is just place the um the anchors in the corners uh this is just because uh is the change uh we changed the resolution on the screen size it will outline perfectly on the screen and now what we want to do is add a KO box here we go is drag it over here and just place it around here with the size that you want uh a blocker text to be appeared of course I used to have killed enemies but you have a more detailed explanation in the mission it will fill up more space so can I just place it and then remember to put the anchors over here so now you can see that um we have some details over here that we can change first of all the stretch Direction I'm just going to say that's going to be down only so when it the text reaches the end it will now go also up but only down basically so now we can just drag the text to be inside our block you can see that it aligns now it's a child over here and now we'll have to do is just align align it just into the left and the top we can also change a bit the uh size of the font and there we go we can see that we have basically everything over here and yeah that's pretty much it okay so now we have set up our thing so just click on the text um I'm gonna just change it into the uh current Mission sex so as this is important because we're gonna be using this reference of the loop of the variable sorry and then just click its variable so it will appear as variable okay so now we can compile and save now let's go back in the third person character blueprint and let's go back into the events graph and just type in the begin play so uh when we start the game we'll basically create a widget or a great widget there we go uh now we have to select the class of the watch with this WP Mission the only player is going to be the get player controller it's going to be us basically and the return value uh we are basically going to do a thing I need to save it as a variable so just right click promote variable and it's going to be the mission widget because we will need it in a second and then just dragging this and then say add to viewports so add into the screen all right so now I will basically add into screen as you can see we press play you see uh in the left we have the UI current mission mission here but of course is it will not update it I guess if I go here and I just jump it will not do anything because we're not we have done anything so just go over here and we have to do is go into our update Mission function and just after we set the uh the new string to be all you have to do is just get the mission widget variable that we did and then just drag it and say get text and then we can see that we have the variable that we can get current Mission text so now that we have a reference to that text variable we can just say set text so now we can set the text of that one and it will be in our case The Cremation so uh we can drag it over here get it and then just plug it in here it will convert it into um into text but there we go so now if we press play you can see that we have we just mentioned here that of course you can disable if we have don't have anything but just go over here jump and then you can see that it replaces with kilo enemies it's really cool what you can do also real quick is just play a sound for example so play sound and to D is okay and then we can use Swipe a different sound for example this one is okay and then what we can do also is uh to show you I can just uh you know duplicate this Mission trigger put one over here in this side too and change it to be um jump and die for example so now we're with let's play you can see if I go here the sound plays it updates cable enemies and then I go back here and then you can see jump and die and they play the sound and of course if I go back because with the two ones it doesn't play again so you guys that was a tutorial if you found it helpful uh and enjoyed watching use uh every object like the video and subscribe um and yeah oh with all that said bye bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Gorka Games
Views: 15,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, videojuegos, unreal engine, unreal engine 5, ue5, mission tutorial, tutorial, quixel, megascans, unreal engine tutorial, objective tutorial, ue5 fmission, ue5 objective tutorial, ue5 make mission, unreal engine how to make an objective system, unreal engine 5 challenges system, unreal engine 5 mission system, unreal engine 5 missions tutorial, ue5 tutorial objective, how to make a mission in ue5, simple objective system in ue5, mission objective system ue5, ue5 quest tutorial
Id: ft8mUfN35XU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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