How to make an epic walk using ELEMENT 3D Part 1 II TUTORIAL II After effect

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[Music] hello friends welcome back this is amit from magnet and today i'm going to show you this epic work scene inside element 3d so first take a look what we are going to create [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so that's look exciting so before i start i have to say that if you are like my videos please check my youtube channel and you will find so many free stuff for elementary and so many tutorial for 11 3d and if you like those videos please do subscribe this channel so let's do this so for this we're going to create a new composition first so go to the composition and create a new composition here and now we create a solid for element and then we hit ok so come over effect and presets and inside the video co-pilot you will find element so now go to the scene setup so first we create a plane for our ground so create a plane and scale this to maybe 10 000 and then we apply the texture here so for this go to the diffuse material setup here and here is the material and i also give this material link in the description so you will get this material from there and first we drag the diffuse albedo to the diffuse slot here and then we just copy this material and paste it to the glossiness here and then we click on the glossiness channel here and now we select this weight matte gloss here just double click on this and again we go to the reflectivity and select the same material here and then we go to the normal bump and select this normal bump here okay and now hit ok then we go to the plane model here and go to the ub rapid repeat value and increase the repeat value to maybe 40 by 40 okay so this look something like this [Music] and if we uncheck this draft texture value here so you can get a more nice result here okay so now we create the triangle that illuminate okay so for this i'm going to create a cylinder here and then we change the alignment to bottom and increase the height and decrease the radius like this okay and i drag this cylinder model to a new folder here and select the folder and go to the symmetry option here and check this x symmetry here okay nothing happened but we select this rotate tool here and if we rotate this but first we select the cylinder model here and then if we rotate this you will see it creates a exact same copy in this direction okay and then we select the move tool here and move it here like this okay and then we duplicate this cylinder model one more time and drag outside from this folder and go to its the orientation properties and just reset this and then select the rotate tool again and rotate it and snap it by click hold the shift button here and then we select the move tool here again and move it here and again we can also decrease the height little bit so now we select the folder uh which in content this cylinder and also select this cylinder here by hold the shift button here and click and drag to a another new folder here so this folder for this triangle shape here okay so now we put some material here so go to the presets and go to the physical material and there is a bright light material here so just apply it here and also apply it here as well so but you can see there is not a touch here so just rotate it like this so now [Music] we go to this folder that contains the this triangle shape here and if you move it you can move it likewise so now we right click on this and go to the auxiliary animation channel and select the channel number one here okay so this looks something like this and now we create the pillars so create a box for this and drag this box out from the group and place it to the group number three okay so and again we change the alignment to bottom here and then we select the scale tool here and increase the y scale only and maybe we decrease the scale and increase the y scale like this okay and now put some material on this as well so go to the cross editor and i'm going to use the concrete material here but one of my friends and also my subscriber suggest me if i use some metal material here it also look nice so feel free to use the metal metal as well because i also think that it look somehow better but for the sake of this total i am going to use the concrete material here but you can use any material you want and i'm using this material here but it looks something stretched out so select this box and go to the uv mapping here and first just to increase the y scale here not the x scale so now it look something normal okay so we almost done here for now so just click ok so here we are in after effect so now we create a new camera so go to the layer camera and 20 millimeter presets is look nice and now hit ok so now we create select the camera tool here and just change the position like this and now we set up our scene here so select the element and then we go to the group number one and go to the auxiliary channel number one and this channel holds this triangle shape here so we select the if we make a room where you can see it is the channel position z position so we just increase this position here [Music] like this okay and if you want you can increase the scale little bit okay and then we go to the group number three here and this group holds this pillar shape here so first we change the replicator shape type from point to 3d grid okay and we decrease the y grid here and we change the x grid to number two and we increase the date grid shape as much you want and now we go over here which is the scale shape we increase the x scale shape like this and also we increase the z scale shape like this okay so this looks something like this okay and then we go to the particle loop here and we decrease the size little bit and increase the particle size randomness okay and then we go to the particle rotation here and go to the x rotation here if we rotate this you can see okay and then we also increase the y position like this okay so this look something like this and and if you want you can increase the size number of the pillars or if you want you can decrease the number of the pillar this all depends on you and [Music] this look amazing so now we do the background and for this i'm going to use this wallpaper and i download this from google and i also give this in the description link so you will get this image from there so first we drag this image to our composition so just click on that and drag it to our composition here and first we make it 3d okay and then we press p to bring the position value and just increase the z position like this and also we press s shift s to bring the scale value here and increase the scale okay like this [Music] okay position it as you want so but our environment look different than our sky image here so for this we're going to use this image as a environment map for element 3d world so how we do this so first we select the element layer here and go to the custom layers and go to the custom texture map and go to the layer number one select this space image here and then we go to the scene setup again [Music] and here we go to the environment and click on this drop down menu here and select the space image here okay and you can see our image is placed as environment if we switch on the environment switch here you can see this is look something like this okay so so now we go to our plane layer here because our plane layer doesn't have any reflectivity mode on so we select our plane layer here and go to the reflectivity option here and change the reflectivity mode to mirror surface in this way it can reflect any object above on it okay so now we hit ok and you can see [Music] our surface reflect the pillars as well as this triangle shape here okay so this look nice so now we see the hard edges at the horizon so we have to do some work here to match this so first we go to our space image here and we duplicate this okay so now we apply effect color correction tint effect on the above surface above a sky image here and we also change the both color to white like this and we decrease the amount [Music] something like this maybe 65 okay and then we choose this rectangle mask tool here and make a mask here okay so now if we go to marks properties here and go to the mask feather and if we uncheck this option here and we just increase the y feather option here it looks something like this okay okay so you can see it's make a nice gradient for our sky image here and if you just select the above sky image here and select the mask tool here like this and double click on this and it can decrease the feather from here okay and again we duplicate our speech in space image one more time just ctrl t to duplicate this and on this layer we're going to apply fractal noise so go to the effect noise and grain and use the fractal noise here okay so it look weird kind so we have to fix this so first we go to the fractal type to dynamic progressive and then we invert this okay and then we also go to the transform and increase the scale little bit okay and then we toggle this transfer switch here and we change the blending mode to screen or you can change the blending mode to add also but screen look nice here or maybe you can lighten this maybe we can use the skin okay and you can also increase the contrast and decrease the brightness and also we go to the effect color correction curve and we increase the contrast little bit and decrease the red color here and increase the blue little bit or also increase the green [Music] okay so you can see some organic look here but this is static but we want some movement here so here is the thing that is the evolution and if you change it you can see some movement here you can do the animation only by just make some keyframe here but we can also do some expression here so just press alt and click on this evolution here and type time times 100 and it can animate over time without any keyframe okay but we have to move the evolution very subtle so this look amazing so now we go to the element layer again go to the render option and go to the fog and first we pick a color from here and then we enable the fog okay and maybe we increase the fog opacity and increase the fog distance and also increase the fog range [Music] like this okay so this look amazing so maybe we increase the tint amount for this layer here so match the background with the fog color okay so and again you go to the element layer and increase the fog opacity [Music] and also increase the fog range [Music] okay so this look right for now okay so now again we go to the element layer and go to the group number one and you can see that this triangle shape is little closer so we can increase the jets object position value and also we can make it place it here and you can also increase the scale if you want or something like this okay and one thing you also do that if you go to the group number three and there is the rotation and if you rotate it [Music] like this and also increase the z scale shape and also increase the wise position and again we increase the scale only if we increase the y scale value here like this [Music] okay so this look right okay and now we put some light in our seam so we have to put the light in the same place of this triangle shape here so one thing we have to do that we have to define this position first okay so there is a technique how we know the position so go to the utilities and select this 2d position and select this triangle and generate okay so it will make a null object that holds this position here so now we go to the layer create a new light and parallel light look nice and now hit okay and then we select the parallel light and press p to bring the position value and then go to the element polish position number one and press p as well and select this position values and copy this and then we just paste it here okay like this and if you want you can move it literally up and we can delete this element position for now but you can see that our sky is disappear because our sky layer is 3d and it interact with the light so we have to select this sky image and press a and here is the option called except light just turn it off and do the same for the rest and also do for this okay okay so now we do the fun part that is the shadow and the ambient occlusion so go to the element layer again and go to the render setting first you go to the shadow and just enable this nothing happen because we select the shadow mapping here but we change this to red rest okay so you can see the shadow here but one thing you also notice that the shadow of this triangle shape where this is kind of weird that this object cast the light so it is impossible to make the shadow or the same object that cast the light as well so we have to do one thing that first you go to the scene setup and then we go to this triangle shape here first we select this cylinder and go to the settings or maybe first we select this material setup and go to the settings and there is a option called cast shadow we just uncheck this okay and do the same for this shape also so just disable this cast shadow switcher and now hit ok you can see the shadow of this triangle shape is disappear and now it look normal okay so everything here casting their shadow but not the triangle is here okay and again we also go to the ambient occlusion switch here and just enable this okay and it can make a nice contact shadow and if you increase the amount intensity you can see this nice looking ambient occlusion here and you can do one thing that go to this ambient occlusion quality preset and if you have a very high quality pc or [Music] pc you can change it to ultra but remember that it renders slower the render so in compositing time we make it as medium here okay so now we change if we change this resolution to full here you can see [Music] this look amazing okay but one thing you have noticed that our normal map is not work properly because as you can see [Music] as you can see the bevel part is looks something is down from the surface so one thing we have to do that go to the scene setup first and go to the plane and if you see that yes it not look natural so go to its material setup and go to the normal bump map and there is a option called invert y okay so if we just check this box you can see this look nice because this reflection also not look right in the default settings but if we change this you can see the reflection look nice for now and now hit ok and then we press ok here and now it look right and you can also get the reflection of the triangle also [Music] if we [Music] come over here and you can see the reflection of the triangle [Music] here is the reflection so you can do one thing that you can increase the scale see the reflection is look nice okay so now this is the basic setup for our seam so now we import the obj sequence so for this we go into the scene setup so in order to make a object sequence uh for a element 3d i use mixamo for this and i also made a full length tutorial on how to down make a mix sumo a rigging inside element 3d you can check this tutorial here and i also give this link a tutorial link in the description so you will get it from there and you will know that how to make any model in adobe fuse and then put it into mix sumo and read them and make the obj sequence for compatible for element 3d so for this i'm not going to show you how i make the obj sequence i just import this object sequence so first you go to the file and import and go to the 3d sequence and find your obj sequence and only you have to do one thing that only select the first say obj model here and make it open and if you do everything right the texture also import with the model here okay so first we drag this model out from this group and and place it to group number two okay and you can see this looks something like this and if you scrub to the frame you can see it moving okay so this look nice for now okay and it's placed in the group number two so now hit okay so you can see our obj sequence is successfully imported in our element 3d world so now we do the adjustment for our obj sequence so again we change this resolution to half and then we go to the group number two first we create a null object for our obj sequence model and then we press s to increase the scale and you can see it makes a nice shadow for our sequence as well [Music] okay and you can see some of our pillar is above from the plane so go to the element layer and go to the group number three and also decrease the increase the y position [Music] okay and then we again go to the group to null object here and press p and change the position and you can see that our obj sequence is faced toward us okay so we have to rotate it as well so press after selecting the group num group null here and press r and change the y rotation only to 180 degree okay so now it faced towards this triangle shape here and now we press p again and make a keyframe here [Music] and go to maybe 10 seconds or so or maybe 15 seconds and press n to end this composition area and trim this area as well and just animate the keyframe okay so if you go to the element layer and first we change the render mode to draft and if you see if we make a quick ramp here so press 0 and this look little bit right maybe we can decrease the increase the position [Music] may be our model animate too fast so we decrease this [Music] now it look right okay so again we go to the element layer and back to our full render mode here and this also render nicely okay so if we go to the full resolution again [Music] this look nice okay and maybe our texture tiling is little too much so we again go to the element layer and go to the scene setup and select this plane model here and go to the uv mapping maybe we decrease it to 20 by 20 so now you can see the reflection also nice okay so this look something like this okay so now we select the element layer and duplicate it and this upper element layer is only for the illumination part only so first we select this element layer and go to the output and go to the illumination if we increase some increase it you can see the increasing the illumination of this triangle and again we go to the upper element layer and go at the bottom and at the output and we change this composition i mean show mode to illumination so this look something like this and if we make it to half raise here [Music] and again we go to the effect and use some glow on it so i'm using the optical glow for this and maybe we decrease the glue amount increase the blow size and you can choose any coloration from here you want and now hit okay and then we change this blending mode to and okay so now you can see this look really amazing and if you go to this full resolution here or maybe we can decrease the glow amount little bit down wow as you can also see some pillars is above from the plane you can down the pillar as well everything once you make another copy of element you have to remember that any change you made for your bottom element layer you have to do the same for the upper element layer as well so here we change the y position so we just copy this y position value here and go to the upper element layer and go to the group number three and we just paste this value here okay so select the camera tool here [Music] and you can see this look amazing so now we do the camera animation part also so for this we have to follow this character so first we select our camera and go to the layer new and create a null object and this will be our camera control so maybe we name this as cam control and first to toggle this switch and make it make this new null object as 3d and select the camera and link the camera with this null object and then we also link our camera control to the group number two okay so in this way you can follow the character without animating the camera because our camera linked with this null object and this null object link with our group null object okay so but you can animate the camera as you want but it still follow this [Music] obj sequence and you can also change the position of the null object to change the position of the camera but it will still follow the obj sequence model here so now we do some camera movement so select the camera and press a to bring the point of interest value press alt and hold this and click on this stopwatch here and type wheel okay and bracket first bracket and inside the bracket with type maybe 10 or maybe you can type 2 comma 40 maybe so first we go when you come animate your camera you have you don't have need to see the close layer so we can turn it off for now to speed our render and select the bottom element layer and change this render mode to draft mode and you can visualize by pressing 0 to make a quick ram preview here so as you can see [Music] there are a little bit of camera check here so if you want you can make a more camera shake by increase this value to maybe 100 so let's see how it look now okay so this look maybe we change this resolution to half and then we see [Music] and you can see that in this frame our obj sequence not line up properly so you can see that it slides on the surface so we can do one thing that we can we can decrease this keyframe and now if you see that it still slides so our animation is too fast so we have to slow this animation so let's see [Music] okay now it going to match the movement but we still need to slow our down our animation so that look right and one thing we have to do that go to the element layer and go to the scene setup [Music] and go to this obj sequence and we change the end frame to from 37 to 36 we have to decrease one frame because the last frame is not moving so we have to change this to 36 and now hit okay and now if you see [Music] now it look correct or maybe you can slow down the animation little bit more [Music] okay so now it look nice a little bit more [Music] okay so this look right so again we do another camera movement so we select our camera and press r to bring the rotation value and make a little bit shake of the z rotation value of the camera but it will be very little bit not much so press and hold alt and click on the stopwatch here and type wiggle and brackets and inside the bracket maybe we put 0.5 comma [Music] 10 let's see how it look maybe it is too much so we have to decrease this to five so let's see [Music] okay this look nice maybe we can change this to one okay this look right or maybe we can place our camera a little bit up here so this look right and if you think that your character is too close to this triangle shape you can change the entire position of your character here by selecting this group null object and select this position value and make a keyframe here anywhere in between the initial and the end keyframe and then we select all the three keyframes and just change the z position like this okay and then we delete this keyframe and you can see everything looks same but our character is far away from your triangle okay so this look nice okay so go back to our but one thing you have noticed that i changed some setting in our bottom element layer so we have to do the same for our upper element layer so you can memorize what change you have done in the bottom element part but sometime we have we forgot what we changed so one thing you have to do that go to the upper element layer and select the element layer and just delete this for now and go to the bottom part and select the element layer and just copy this and again go to the upper element layer and paste it okay and place it above the optical glow and then we collapse all this and go to the output and change this to illumination okay so now we change the render mode to full render and also do the same for the bottom element layer pull render and turn on the glow element layer wow see this look amazing wow so maybe we change this to resolution to full and then we do one thing that go to the element layer and there is option called enhanced multi sampling you can turn it on but i recommend you once you finished your all setup you can turn this on but before you turn on save your project first and then we turn this on and you can see some fixing in the edges see if it you can see here and if we turn this on it look nice okay and we also change the multi sampling to maybe 32 okay it do some changes here but not much so maybe we can reset its default values okay but multi-sampling enhanced multi-sampling works more but we're not done here so we have to turn this off and one thing you have to do that if you want you can turn the depth of field of your camera so press a a after selecting the camera and turn the depth of field on and maybe we increase the aperture [Music] and increase the focal distance just focused on your character here and once you turn on the depth of field you can see that our triangle is getting dimmer so one thing you have to do that you go to the illumination element layer here and there is a option inside the render setting there is a option called the depth of field just expand this and here is the option called pixel blur i mean depth of field mode it said default set is pixel blur you can change it to multi pass but remember that it slow down your render so if you turn this on you will change a change here so it will take little time okay so you can see it glow nicer you can see here if we change it to pixel blur fade change it to multi pass look great okay so but we have to change it to pixel blur so this look amazing and we done all here and then we can turn on the motion blur for this so if you go to the render setting you can turn on the motion blur [Music] you can get a nice motion blur here depending on the speed if you animation is your nation's speed is high you can get a more motion blur here and if you turn on the motion blur for the bottom element layer you can do the same for the above element layer as well go to the render setting and go to the motion blur turn it on and you can turn the motion blur for your space image as well so here from you can turn this on [Music] okay so our scene is ready but we have to do some color correction here but uh one thing i have to say that if you render this it will take little much time to render because this glow element layer is very heavy so i have to say that you do one thing that you can render it in different passes so once uh you have to do one thing that first we select this element layer that is the glow element layer only and we can render it separately and then we do the render for the rest of the element layer okay so it will fast the render as well and once you do the rendering in passes you have a control in individual layers that you can see that we can't turn this on the depth of field mode to motion multi pass because it will very slow down our render but if you separately render your glow element layer you can boost it by other effect so it also do the same job but without changing this depth of field mode okay so i am going to i am not going to render this again because i already render my actual full scene here so i am show you how you set up the glow layer and the without the glow layer in all together so you will have the idea and you can do this for your own okay so this is the enter scene that we build and after render i will show you the color correction so i have already rendered all the passes so i show you how we set up this okay so here is the globe pass that i have rendered separately and here is the normal pass that without the glow okay so once you render your element layer without the glow it looks something like this and the glow layer it looks something like this okay so now if we [Music] change the transform mode of this glow path to add this look right and it also take very less time to render so this technique is good for if you have low end pc like me you can do this technique or if your pc is high enough to handle the all layers in a single render you can do this but this really decrease the render time very much and once you have this separate glow layer you can do changes to this glow layer separately so maybe you can change the glow amount so maybe we can change the glue amount from here without affecting the norm with the effect in this layer we only change the glow to this highlighted area only so this is a advantage in this technique okay you can change the color if you want okay so you can do this [Music] and you can do one thing as well that you can do some heat distortion on this only not the bottom layer that is on this layer so we use the video copilot heat destruction plugin for this so select only the glow pass and apply this heat distortion on this and we can decrease the distortion amount to maybe two and change it to fire and smoke and maybe we decrease the heat amount and decrease the noise scale so you can get a nice distortion in your glow areas okay so this is also an advantage for this technique in if you render your entire scene in different passes you can do this as well okay so now do some color correction for our scene so go to the layer new adjustment layer maybe we can go to the color correction first we select the tint and then again we go to the color correction and curve maybe we decrease the you can set it as black and white i mean look at this this look classy [Music] but we need some color here so first we decrease this and we increase the contrast little bit here and decrease the red amount increase the blue maybe a little bit wow this look amazing and maybe we can go to the layer new adjustment layer again and then we maybe use some third-party plug-in for color correction so maybe we use the look effect here and go to the edit [Music] and maybe use some presets here you can use anything you want so [Music] for for this this look amazing and maybe we can apply another effect on this so maybe we use this diffuse effect and maybe we increase the size of this and hit okay so this look amazing [Music] okay and again we create a new adjustment layer and go to the effect and go to the blur and sharpening and increase the sharpness little bit so you will get crispy edges here [Music] okay so this look amazing so this is how you can do this scene so let's see uh into our actual composition and if you want to make it another camera move camera position you can do this as well so go to the layer new and create a new camera here and hit ok so initially it looks something like this but not panic because we just apply a new camera so our scene is reset here so first we change the resolution to third and uncheck the glow layer here and go to the element layer and change this resolution mode to draft and select the camera tool here and maybe we place our camera here little bit here and then we select our element layer again and changes to full render you can see a nice reflection of this and if you turn our reflex illumination element layer again you can get a nice reflection of this triangle shape here okay maybe turn this off for now [Music] and select our camera and press a a and increase the zoom like this and turn the depth of field on and increase the aperture decrease the focus distance here maybe decrease the aperture little bit [Music] and you can get a nice depth of field scene and every time you do something like this something this kind of macro shot it always look amazing so maybe we change this to full render here and if you turn this glow layer you will see wow see the glow look amazing and if you go to the element layer bottom element layer again and if you go to the output and turn the enhanced multi sampling [Music] wow this also make some changes okay so now you can also do some camera movement here [Music] and once you happy with your camera movement you can render this separately and then you can add with your previous camera movement with this second camera movement as well so this is how you can make another scene here and this look totally different okay so and if you want another movement you can do this also so go to the layer new camera and again another camera again do the same disable this and this also go to the bottom element layer and just change this to draft mode here go to the camera number three [Music] and find the character here [Music] here is the character and [Music] we start from here and also again we create a new null object for the camera number three name change this to cam control number three and change it to 3d so now we link our camera and also link with this okay so first we make a keyframe here keyframe here and then go over 10 seconds or so and make another keyframe that we move our camera and wave pass to our character something like this okay so now you can see maybe in here [Music] we make a keyframe here and select all the keyframes and move it little down here okay and then we just delete this keyframe and in this way we can move all the keyframe [Music] okay so make a little quick ram preview here so press n and press 0 okay so this look amazing and if you go to your element layer after once you happy with your animation change this to full render again and the depth motion blur look nice here and turn on this glow layer as well and you can render it out or you can enter it in different passes so this is how it looks so i hope you get all the ideas that how i create this scene and i hope you will like this so this is it and this is for today so i hope you learned lot of things from this and if you like these videos please check my other videos and if you like those videos please please do subscribe this channel so i am amit and we will see in the next video so till then take care and bye [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Magnet VFX
Views: 11,629
Rating: 4.9887638 out of 5
Keywords: Amit Das, Magnet a self production house, after effect, element 3d, CGI short film, element 3D tutorial, how to download free 3D models, free 3D models for element 3D, after effect free model, free 3d models, 3d map design, Advanced 360 degree environment compositing inside Element 3D, how to download free HDRI map, free HDRI map for element 3D, free HDRI map, HDRI map, environment map, element 3D forest, forest, videocopilot, newton cradle animation, The epic walk
Id: KWL95nWal_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 28sec (3808 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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