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alright something different today yeah I got a can arrow coil here and it's it's out of air still still have some I love you hear that it's out of air but it still has some fluid in there so this stuff isn't cheap I think it's like twenty bucks was actually a 13 ounce cancer it might be 20 25 bucks I don't know but anyway it push the nozzle down and it's out of air so I'll show you how to put air back in there and then I'm also gonna show you how to put a nipple on here so you can actually fill it refill this thing alright let me get to let me get some things out here and I will show you how to put some air back in there alright what you gonna need is a veil stump probably like this but I got one right here I'm part gonna use this one because I'm gonna cut this off and use this for the nozzle later on but let me show you something here all old valve stems aren't created equal get the other way like this one here let me get see a bit a little brass that's that's the end of this thing kind of you stick this in there and measure it that brass thing is only a quarter inch in so I could actually use that one the way it is but if you take this one this brass nozzles actually a half-inch in so you would have to do is cut a quarter inch of that rubber off at air and then you'd be able to use that but yeah like I said I'm going to use this one and I'll show you how you get obits any good here's a here's a can that's full and what happens is when you push down you're gonna have to put this on there and push down and that little rubbers gonna put a seal around the base here but you can actually tell if you look and there's a space I was looking to slide out look at it and there's a space but if you push down and like I say just a full can and something comes out like that then you know you're gonna be okay all right let me get this out of the way and then we'll put air in this can you know what I clean this office this must been sitting next to the vice and I old grind and dust is on its side let me clean this can often we'll put some air all right clean this out this is so clean now so it's not different can she just push down there's still no air no tricks no tricks here so now what you do is we're gonna take this because this won't work and put it on here and push it all the way down and then just fill with air this should be enough yeah I only keep like 110 pounds in mine these these cans probably good for 80 to a heart and 10 pounds or so anyway let's see if it works let me go get it let me go get a bottle so we squirted there a Snapple bottle here guys Murr with the coli all right we'll canning all right you see here there you go oh you can see that oh yeah anyway [Music] was empty and when you do empty these when you when you're spraying anything there's a a straw that goes in there a piece of plastic straw and it sits in the corners so if you find out which corner it's and you find out by turning the bottle or two can and then they still come out that way you can make sure you get it all look at we will waste it all of that dollar an ounce actually more than that thirteen ounces quaint box will come out [Music] all right let me have to this can't I won't waste your time but look at that can you see all that in there well yeah yeah I can't I can't tie it so you guys can see it but there's a lot in there all right I brought you guys down off the tripods are you look at this look how much fluid was left in there we get the measuring stick here it's about three quarters of an inch you know I know the the bottle has a little thickness on the bottom and stuff like that but it doesn't sound like much you know three quarters of an inch but then if you consider if these pans are probably only full half full and and the rest of them the rest of is 5-color air if if it even has even if it even a so fluid in it half way sad I know so you're losing a lot of stuff there all right let's continue on and I'll show you how we're gonna put this nozzle on the bottom I'm gonna stick mine in the bottom and bring his up airily and you carry up here all right still with me yeah some guys put them in the side here some put them in the side of the can but the undermining the bottom and I'll show you why and this isn't my idea you know don't give me credit for this you know if you want to any body shop any mechanic shop somebody's done it you know what I put a nozzle in a Kansas City game keeper using it I've seen them welded on glued on epoxy Don soldered on which one I'm gonna do soldered on and even even screwed on you know I've seen guys tap the can expect that to stay in there but like I say it's not my idea but we're gonna do it anyway all right put your back in the tripod all right you sure the inside it can looks like we do this upside down alright now here's what the bottom of shaped like and there's the nozzle up here anyway there's a straw that comes down here and goes into this little crevice down here that's why I say you had to rotate that find out exactly where it is to empty completely and what we're gonna do is gonna we're gonna put our nozzle right down here so we're gonna fill it okay alright there's no air left in here no air or liquid so I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna drill a hole right about there right in this Center and I'm gonna cut this off heard back here I guess by the quarter-inch it doesn't matter as long as it below the threads but before I do that I'm gonna find out the hole we need alright act you can look at this upside-down so unless I tell Mike yes right at the my we come to the point two nine seven it's about nineteen sixty fourths so I'm not gonna drill that hole I'm gonna adroit the bit underneath that the smaller size is probably a nine thirty seconds and then I'll drill that hole when the own tree because I want that to be a tight fit so it'll stay in place while I solder it before before I do even drill a hole I'm gonna get a little dremel in them well gonna clean this up a little bit because most most stuff has a coating on there and this is no exception is probably a some kind of coating to keep it from rustling so tell if I if I get that little coating off it'll it'll help the solder here alright let me get set up all right I cut this off you know yeah I cleaned it you want you want this stuff clean because oxidation any pond I'll tell you get the oxidation off and I just use this extender here to hold it so that's all clean that's all ready to go that was just helping me hold it and this here I punctured a little hole in there to let whatever air was left and it wasn't any really so now what I'm doing is just roughing it up [Music] I should be plenty reason I didn't trouble hope for us that way all that dust wouldn't go in there I don't Leone the ending went in there because of that little hole but let's get some drills out all right got our 9/32 hole in there so this doesn't fit in there yet but what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna I'm gonna put some lacquer thinner in here shake it around and clean it all out you know get rid of all the aero foil because that's that's flammable then once I get a whiteout I'm gonna put the water in there and shake that and blow it all out and make it so that there's nothing in there but why you're why you got this out look in there I used my light and I was able to find out where that straw goes and you want to walk that out that's it very important and we'll show you why later but that hose that that plastic line comes down and goes right into this corner right where I have it marked all right let me clean this out and we'll get back to you all right I cleaned it out with lacquer thinner so it's real clean in there now now what I'm doing is I'm reaming it out I got a ream here you guys don't have to do this I mean you guys can do what you want so I'm just doing a little bit of time because like I said I want there as tight as possible and it's just about there you see where he's holding it this is actually holding it so I'm gonna I'm gonna put that in right or to about the threads because then it'll be below this you got a half-inch to play with here so I'm gonna bring that all way down to the threads and then we're gonna fill it with water that's that's what why I marked at where that was I'm gonna solder sideways and fill it up the water about here and that way that plastic hose won't get hot and melt when if you guys put it in the top here what some guys do is they they fill this with water this little centerpiece fill our water so that plastic don't don't melt I've seen one guy that didn't put water in there and it didn't melt so he wasted a can so let me let me put this in and send that down where I want it and then we'll fill over water and in solder it I put a little flux on there you know it's pretty tight I prefer doing this standing up but that's what I mark is I gotta filled up a water almost halfway let's see how it works should work should be I put enough gas here it should've hit it don't take much I let that cool and I will give her look see okay actually came out pretty good there's a nice little pool around their pool of solder and actually whipped itself up the threads because I had some flux on there but that's okay in that case you hit that with wire wheel a small wire wheel on the Dremel and it'll get rid of that solder or you can actually get one of these tools and spin that on there and that's probably what I'll do I'll just I'll recut that I'll get the solder out of the way you know that's only for a cap you don't really need a cap but anyway that's wrong though you can actually see it getting the solder out of the way there now so now I'm gonna get all the water out of here and we can put this valve in there a couple of advantages too and disadvantages of putting the valve on the bottom when you put the valve on the bottom if you get any kind of leak you know sometimes these valve stems leak but very rare I've never had one peek if it does leak you know and you have a cap on there you're okay but you know you lose a little material but if you have enough top here and it leaks I'll just leak air out but then another advantages is up here if the valve fails and this comes shooting out at you it's gonna put out an eye and if it fails down here and something shoots out you're just gonna get a sore toe so let me get some of this water out well I'm gonna get all the way out but what I'm doing fill it up and it will squirt it out the top I put the valve stem in there and then put a little bit of air in there and don't forget we marked where the bottom were or our hose was so I'm gonna tilt it in that direction and get there this little water to get all the water that's in there well I just punch that with the air hose a little bit and that much air is still in there Wow let me get this water out of here and I'll turn you back on let's just waste your time watching this hey I know I'm gonna blow I'm gonna let the rest of the air out and then take the bass time at the bottom all right before I feel that let's address the elephant in the room here because everybody's gonna say oh I don't know why you buy that aerofoil PB blaster works and transmission fluid and acetate and you know everybody's got you know I've used them all I've been around a long time used them all they all work and some of them don't work you know but it's not not because they're not good it's just because even on this silicon oil here you can focus in here it says right here it says creeps into openings as small as a millionth of an inch if you don't have that millionth of an inch for anything to seep into nothing's gonna work so I got this I got a gallon this stuff here this stuff's worth about $120 a gallon and I picked it up a flea market for five bucks I bought it off a friend you know and I know it was the real the real stuff you know because if you guys buy an open can of anything at a flea market it could be full of pee-pee for all you know but any what I've been using this stuff for years I like it like the smell of it you know I got more of her over there here's another one I used to it's a B G this is perfect for professional use only so some of you newer guys you can't use that yet but like I say I've used it all and everybody's gonna you know all the funny guys are gonna say I should use this I should use that and you know hey this is what I use this what I've been using so I also use PB Blaster it's all there you know like I say it all works it's either gonna work or it's not so let's fill this up and you note I had two cans at ease and I only took one and this should last me the rest of my life but I'm more sorry I didn't buy the other gallon you know it was cheap enough all right let's fill it up what I'm doing what I'm gonna fill it up was I got this almost looks like a ketchup bottle a little squeezy bottle so you know what while we're here I also put the rest of the is the stuff we juiced out of the other one and makes it in yeah that silikal is the same stuff only thing is it has silicone in it you know it's a lubricant penetrant and a lubricant so it's actually better than regular stuff so I think this this will be plenty for that camp probably too much but we'll see maybe I want to put a hat Marilyn from a little bit in all right fill it now you just take the valve out you know here's it is one of valve cast with the thing on it we can use one of these that'll take it out too that's probably all wind up using all the time but anyway you just what are you here leaking like I got most of the air out but it's like anything you wouldn't take a tire part you know is just a little bit of air left okay now you just take your fluid here and you you stick it in and let it go to ten you see the air bubbles think it looked at just a little bit there you go you're here don't know if you can see like I say I'm not gonna put this whole thing in there okay we'll put about three quarters of it in no Tony's back on alright I filled it with this whole ketchup bottle here and I'll tell you why because us I was feeling the weight of that and they're not feeling the weight of this this other one that I thought was a full can and they they felt they felt close you know my effect it felt a little lighter so I said okay it's okay so I got a set on net ounces it's actually a 10.8 almost 11 ounces and here's the one that I thought was full that's thirteen point seven ounces so stoic that that whole catch it bottle is a demon as much as it comes in original so that's good and here's here's one that has never been used and that's a 16 and 1/2 ounces so I'm happy I'll fill it although we saw with the ketchup bottle air in there or mustard let's call it mustard and we should be okay that's oh shoot some air in there and see how it works all right the plenty juice in there good the valve stem back in okay I got about 100 pounds in the big compressor there so this is only gonna take a little burp but we did is make sure you got the can standing up like this or else you'll get the fluid back and up on you so like I said what you should really pump this in with a hand pump but I got the big compressor hooked up so is this let's just take a little burp okay I'm gonna leave it at that see if it works yeah gonna need one more all right I heard at that time you see that's plenty of air pressure you see the rest of the day to do that so there you go you feel your own you put anything in there you buy the stuff by the gallon instead of by the cane and save a lot of money so I'll leave a link in the description for you guys who ever wanted my arrow coil cuz some people like that stuff I'll leave a link here to the like this couple guys asked you got that so there you go some of you guys try to sing out I'm gonna put a cap on yes and that way if it does ever leak you know it'll it'll go into the cap so alright you say enough of this alright later
Channel: 805ROADKING
Views: 97,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spray can, aerosol can, refill, hack, how to refill an aerosol can, refillable spray can, aerokroil, pb blaster, wd-40, refillable aerosol can, free, diy, how to, 805roadking, spray paint, aerosol spray, lifehack, life hack, rechargeable, can, compressed air, kroil, transmission fluid, acetone, lacquer thinner, chevy, ford, dodge, fun, funny, fail, failure, solder, glue, super glue, epoxy, how to solder, weld, tig weld, mig weld, how to solder copper pipe, flux
Id: jR9Wiwku4VY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Mon May 28 2018
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