How-to Make An Abrasive Polishing Buff for a Rotary Tool Tutorial

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this is what it looks like this is what we're going to make today so what we need today for this craft is we need a pop bottle like this or something similar then we need scouring pads like this doesn't matter what make or what kind doesn't make much of a difference they're all relatively similar they have some small differences and this is this is sort of how it looks this is how these these pads look and they're they're usually used in the kitchen to clean pots and pans they're pretty thin so these pads are going to be turned into into a rotary tool bit or a dremel tool bit that we can use what we have here is is we have a little wrench like this and then we have a and it has a little screw driver on the end then what you have here is you have a little mandrel and I took the little washers off that were on it because they're not good enough and then here here this is what one of these pads looks like once it's finished and we've used it and it's and it's being used up this is kind of what one of the brand name ones look like this is I this one is about five dollars and it's pretty expensive and when once we've made ours they're they're relatively similar not identical but similar and they might be maybe maybe ten cents to make one or ten to 25 cents so much much cheaper and then here we have a set of scissors and then here we have this rotary tool which can be any brand it doesn't really matter and then here we have some pliers and then of course we have no true I showed you this before we have the big needle so this is a really big needle here it's a thick one and this needle needs to be about as thick as this screw here so that's about ideal just a little bit thinner and now we've gone over the items now we're going to art-making the craft the first thing we're do is going to do is we're going to cut the scouring pad into one-inch squares approximately there's a line there's the line or the or the first strip now we're going to cut it into little squares here we go so there's one little square I'm going to cut lots of these little squares now I have a whole bunch of little squares like this lots of them I need maybe three to five to make one one of these little products so what I did now is I poked a needle through these little squares the purpose of this is to make a little hole which is a little bit smaller then there's a diameter of the screw you can see here's the little hole the little hole is being poked through there you go so now I'm going to do this to the other four little squares or five I'm going to poke a hole through each of them so we have five little squares of the hole through them what I do now is I take this mandrel and I'm going to unscrew the screw from the top and I'm going to make some new washers because it needs new washers to clamp the scouring pad into place if you just use the screw then it will tear out needs more friction so here I've screwed out this little mandrel here and then the screw and the base are now separated now I'm going to take the big pop bottle and I'm going to poke through the plastic with a big thick needle which which you can probably buy at a sewing store and I'm going to make a hole in the bottom so see like like that there it is there there you can see how I poked through and this is about how it looks now about like that and the purpose of this is to make a washer what I do now is I poke through the plastic bottle and then I'm going to cut out really little washers just just with these scissors it can be any type of scissors but just be careful because they're sharp so what I'm what I'm going to do here is I'm going to cut a little round shape around this hole maybe one centimeter or a little little bit less and it's it's going to become a washer so this is this is the bottom part of the Popeye where the plastic is a little thicker and I just I'm just going to cut a circle shape around this hole so that I have a little washer these little square these little circles we're cut out of the pop bottle with scissors it's not very hard to do they don't have to be perfectly round and then the idea is to push the screw through the hole see once you push the needles through one end is a little bit a little piece of plastic juts out and on the other hand and on the other side it's very it's like an indentation so you want to put this root through from the indentation side not where the little plastic is sticking out and the reason is it's just a lot easier to push the screw through what we've made now is a screw sort of an assembly here and the scouring pad there will be about three to five of them will be sandwiched between these these two little pieces of plastic and then screwed into the top of the mandrel so the washers so the plastic washers are like a clamp and they clamp everything tight and then as it spins everything will just get round because the edges will get worn off but what I did here was I pushed one through right right one of these little pads through and see on the other side there's nothing right now I'm going to take the next pad and it's going to also be put through as you can see I took the next pad and I push the screw through the hole and these little pads are sort of the corners don't match up and that's that's the idea sometimes it's a little hard to get the screw through the hole you just push the big needle through again wheel it around make a hole a bit bigger and then push the screw through so what I did now is I pushed forth through and you can notice the corners alternate and they don't match up it just balances the pad a little but it doesn't matter much because it's just the corners are going to get worn off anyway so now I have this little screw push through I'm squeezing these C so that the screw comes through so that little the scouring pads are being squished I'm going to pop the green plastic washer over top of them see I popped it over top of them and now they're locked into position they they're a bit compressed see like that it's squished in the middle but they don't come apart because that little screw taper things they sort of catch on the plastic and they clamp it all together the next step is going to be to put the rest of the mandrel until into the dremel tool or into the rotary tool and then just screw everything tight so what I did know was I took a wrench and I and I tightened the and I put the mandrel and tightened it into the rotary tool or Graham - whatever you want to call it see so it's nice and tight it's in there like that and that's now it's it's ready for the next step so what I've done now is I've screwed everything tight I've I press down this button and then I used a wrench and tighten this so that this little mandrel here is really tight and then I took a flathead screwdriver like this and I and I stuck it in here and I screwed this screw into the mandrel quite tightly until it was compressed you can see can see let me just see if any focus you can see how compressed it is I really squished it in there so now the screw is is squishing both of the plastic washers together sort of making a sandwich and then the scouring pad is in the middle and it's held firmly and securely now you have this sort of an attachment or this this sort of a bit for your dremel tool you can see what it looks like you can you can see the bits or the edges are not aligned and now what you do is you take it somewhere against some rough surface like a rock or a piece of wood and you and you're turning it on full speed of course you wear glasses and then what happens is these edges get worn off and then it'll it'll be come around so it'll be come around and fuzzy sort of like a product once once you've consumed it it looks like this meaning it's it's basically useless at this point and then you simply take it put this mantle back into the dremel tool or into the rotary tool like that and then you you unscrew this and then you save the two washers that you made in the beginning and you repeat the same process again and then and once you get good at this it shouldn't take more than about maybe two minutes to make one of these so in two minutes you can save yourself five dollars which is pretty good you can use these things all day long if you want you can you can take the scouring pads and and can go on on Amazon or Ebay and buy some dremel manuals like for that for the little rotary tool I think it should be pretty obvious and just make sure that this shank is the right is the right thickness it'll say on the product or you can just buy these products in the store where you buy the dremel tool and and you can you can buy a whole bunch of them and then you can make 20 or 30 of these little things and you can use them one after the next they're completely consumable and very cheap this is what the part looks like when I when I took it out of the dremel tool now I'm going to use it on a piece of wood and you'll see how it looks I wear safety glasses and and you can see by this point I haven't even used it very long and you can see that um spinning just sort of rounds it and it fizzes it and it looks almost like a product right you can see these things get used up very fast and that's if you make your own who cares if you buy them it's pretty expensive and I usually use mine on a really high speed cuz I'm but I make sure I wear eye protection and they get used up fast I think probably it's better use them on a slower speed but I'll give you a demonstration of how well they work it smooth today yeah it's just like using a antabuse and pads by hand but it's a lot so now I have this this dremel tool in this bit and I'm and I want to show you how it works so I I stick it on around a mid speed maybe a three or four and I turn it on like Yolo and it gets rid of the rug you can see it gets worn away with this lightly know how to measure C by this point it's pretty round and it's also pretty looks a little fuzzy it almost looks like a product right so it just sort of fluffs out and and it's really important to make sure that this screw is in really tight because if it isn't this stop that scrubbing pad is going to have some problems and it's it's just it won't it won't spin right see by this point it looks perfectly round but it looks almost like a product right and it's just the edges just got worn right off it's very cheap to make thanks for watching bye hope it helps see it so this is the pad now that I've used it it looks perfectly around the spinning just rounded it and you if you make a whole bunch of these you can use them whenever you want and they're really cheap and you can also substitute other materials instead of these scrubby brushes and you probably get a different result
Channel: Digital Friend
Views: 447,870
Rating: 4.4508705 out of 5
Keywords: How-to, Tutorial, Fix, Abrasive, Polishing, Polish, Buff, Rotary, Tool, Dremel, best, good, great, awsome, amazing, crazy, save, money, economical, cheap, low cost, consumable, hand, made, home, DIY, project, wood, rust, steel, plastic, soda, pop, bottle, green, RPM, speed, removal, sanding, contour, screw, mandrel, washer, eye protection, $$$, variable, bit, scouring, Pad, scissors, cut, hack, life
Id: Kuxmi5_XPao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2016
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