How to make Agedashi Tofu( Deep fried tofu with dashi based sauce)

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Hi, everyone, it's Kunihiro thank you for coming  back to my kitchen today I'm going to show you   how to make agadashi tofu agashi tofu is  deep fried tofu with dashi based sauce   it's a very popular dish in japan and it's very  easy to make at home so let's begin okay so these   are today's ingredients I have 270 grams of soft  tofu which I cut half from large-size tofu and for   the toppings i have 10 grams of fresh ginger  100 grams of daikon radish and 1 green onion   i also have one shitake mushroom i'm adding this  to the sauce and four tablespoons of potato starch   i'm using this one for coating tofu and  these four are the ingredients for the sauce   so i have 20 milliliters of soy sauce 20  milliliters of mirin 120 milliliters of dashi   and one teaspoon of potato starch i'm using  this potato starch to thicken the sauce and   by the way if you don't have time to make dashi  from scratch you can use instant dashi powder   in that case please get 120 milliliters of water  and add a half a teaspoon of instant dashi powder all right let's get started first please cut tofu into  four pieces cut it in half half of half, half of another half then put  them on a paper towel to get rid of excess water [Music] and cover them with another paper towel   if tofu contains too much water the water will  pop and oil will splatter when you deep fry it   it's very dangerous so please do not skip this  part leave this outside for about 15 minutes   then it will be ready and while waiting  for tofu let's prepare vegetables peel the daikon skin. today i'm not gonna use  daikon skin but i always keep it for later use   i usually add it to miso soup you can  wash it well slice thinly and add it to   soup it gives additional flavor to your  miso soup and grate your daikon radish then transfer it to a strainer and squeeze the juice lightly please don't squeeze  too much you want to leave some moisture in it so after squeezing your grated daikon  will look like this still nice and moist [Music] okay next one is ginger please peel the skin i'm not using  the skin for anything else so   this time I'm throwing this away and the same  as daikon radish please grate it [Music]   by the way ginger is not  as watery as daikon radish   so you don't have to squeeze it  and next let's cut the green onion transfer green onions to a strainer and as always please soak the green  onions in cold water for about 5 minutes   to get rid of sharpness [Music]  and 5 minutes later drain the water squeeze green onions well  [Music] and it's ready to use and last one shitake mushroom the stem is a little  harder than the cap so that i won't use it today   but the same as skin of daikon radish this  part is edible and makes good dashi so i   always slice thinly and add it to my miso  soup [Music] then slice the cap at this   time don't slice it too thin because you want  to enjoy the texture when you eat it [Music]   and if the middle part is too wide  you can cut them in half [Music] so this is good size okay shitake is ready   and by the time you are done with your  vegetable prep your tofu should be ready too please move tofu to a tray and put four tablespoons of potato starch next  to them i'm getting ready for coating tofu now all the prep is finished  so let's move to the stove   for the time being place the tray within  your reach and heat some vegetable oil first turn on the heat to medium as you can see i'm using a small amount of  oil in a small pot you don't need to use   a lot of oil when deep frying tofu i'm  using only enough oil to cover the tofu   and there are two important points when deep  frying tofu the first one is to heat the oil   to 170 to 180 degrees celsius and then put  tofu if the temperature is not high enough   the potato starch will fall off the tofu and it  won't be crispy and second important point is   to coat the tofu with potato starch just before  putting them in the oil if you do it too early   the coating becomes very soggy and it will have a  bigger chance of sticking to the bottom of the pot   okay so let's check the temperature of the  oil if you have a thermometer that's perfect   but if you don't please get chopsticks  wet the tips of chopsticks with water and wipe off the water with a paper towel then dip the tips of chopsticks in the oil please  carefully watch the bubbles and listen to the sound   many small bubbles are coming out of the  chopsticks but i can't hear much popping sound   this is about 150 to 160 degrees celsius   so please wet and wipe the chopsticks  before you dip them every time so this is 30 seconds later my second attempt [Music]   the bubbles a little bigger this time and  you can hear a more crisp popping sound   this is about 170 to 180  degrees celsius this is perfect now coat all the sides of the tofu with  potato starch evenly and put it in the oil so this much potato starch is good and put it gently in the oil please make some space first and put the last tofu  because you don't want them to stick to each other   and keep cooking until the coating  becomes crispy it takes about 2 minutes and about two minutes later once tofu gets nice  and crispy take it out and drain excess oil okay tofu is ready now let's make the  sauce please add 120 milliliters of dashi   20 milliliters of mirin 20 milliliters of soy  sauce and shiitake mushroom into a small pot turn on the heat to medium low and give it  a stir [Music] one minute later once the   sauce starts boiling a little let it simmer for 2  minutes and cook the shitake mushroom completely   if you boil the sauce too much it becomes  very salty so please control the heat   and two minutes later when the shitake  mushroom is completely cooked [Music]   please add two teaspoons of water to  the potato starch and mix them well   then pour the mixture over that sauce and keep stirring until the sauce gets thicker  make sure to bring it to a boil one more time   otherwise the potato starch  won't be dissolved completely okay now the sauce is thicker and  it's boiling again so it's ready at this point you might think  the sauce is a little too salty   but that's fine since tofu itself doesn't  have much taste you need a little strong sauce finally let's complete the dish arrange  all the tofu nicely on a plate [Music] then put some grated daikon radish and grated  ginger on top of the tofu pour the sauce and sprinkle some green onions at the end [Music]   clean the plate and that's it now your  delicious agadas tofu is ready okay   that's it for today I hope you enjoyed watching  today's video so if you did please give me this   and leave a comment below thanks so much for  watching and i will see you in my next video bye
Channel: Sushi By Kunihiro
Views: 56,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sushi, dashi, sushi by h, sashimi, kunihiro, agedashi tofu, fried tofu
Id: iK-jvTOg4zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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