How to make a WOOD RASP

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hi I'm Marc DeVito listen next time you're being so blade gets dull don't take it off and throw it away I'm going to show you how to make a wood rasp out of this it's very simple take your blade and flatten it on one side put it down on a little handle flatten it I'll do the other side [Music] now we're gonna fold fold this in half once I'd cracked I mean that doesn't matter and now we're going to take this and hammer this flat okay and now we're going to do it one more time [Music] [Music] so now you have this and this is your wood rasp so now we can make a handle on it just you could either on the end you can wrap masking tape on it so you have something to hold on to or if you want to get fancy find one of your dad's old file chisel handles and you can shirt it into that and you have a wood rasp and it's very cool because it's a plenty sharp to rasp things with this is rock hard maple look at that I've got some mahogany over here and the really good thing about it is it's a little flexible so if you want to go in and get around some of your little joints you have a curved area that you got to get into no problem this will get into it and it stays sharp for a long time so don't throw it away make a file out of it
Channel: Mark DeVito
Views: 12,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to make a wood rasp, How to make, How to do, Band saw blades, Flea Market Flip, Band saw, Home made tools, French Polish, Those Pesky Squirrels, Stamford CT, Cove Island Pond, Repairing Brass Inlay, Recyceling old tools, Tools, Repairing a 17th century statue, Mark DeVito, Uncle Marks office
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 32sec (152 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2018
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