How To Make A Taco Cake

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hey everyone welcome back to my channel i wanted to show you how to make a buttercream taco cake now the first thing you want to do is take some 10 inch or whatever size round you have depending on how big you want your cake to be in this case i used three halves of a 10 inch round layer them layers up with some buttercream and then go ahead and stick them together flipping on sideways and place them down on your board once you have them placed on your board you do want to go ahead and give your cake a crumb coat now i recommend using the same color as the taco shell that you're going to be doing so i took me a big old dollop of this um whatever you want to call this taco shell top color buttercream gave it a nice smear pop this into my fridge to set up so that you don't have any crumbs peeking and popping up through your layers now after you're done with this part of the cake you want to go ahead and prep your ingredients okay so of course we have uh some taco meat some lettuce some cheese and some maters now for your taco meat what i went ahead and did was melt me some melted milk chocolate you can use dark chocolate as well and some rice krispies treats and went ahead and melted it and mix it together right on nice like right here and set it aside now if it does start hardening up on you as the milk chocolate comes to room temperature you can just go ahead and pop that back in the microwave for a little bit just so it's a little bit easier to go ahead and place on that cake now for the shale of the taco i went ahead and piled up that buttercream so thick you don't even know how thick i piled it i just kept piling it and piling it up rising it and all kind of stuff like that then i took myself a nice hot drenched in water spatula and i slowly pulled from one side of my taco shell to the other in a nice slow motion as straight as you can possibly be now once you do this you will start to get a little bit of edging because you don't want it to look like your shale is the same size as all the toppings you want your shell to pop up over them toppings because when you bought that taco you gotta have the meat and all that stuff inside of the shell now after i was happy with the size of the shell the side and everything i took my offset spatula i pulled everything into the middle now right here we're going to go ahead and show you how to make them tomatoes so i went ahead and took me some red buttercream y'all i put it inside two pieces of parchment paper slap that down smooth it on on off then i took me an offset or i'm sorry i found it smoother smooth it out pop it in the freezer same thing with your cheddar cheese diet the color you think cheddar cheese would be whatever kind of cheese you want to use take it clump it all up on a piece of parchment paper pop that in the freezer now it's time for us to go ahead and add our taco meat so i would do a thin layer buttercream all over the interior portion of your taco shell and then go ahead and make sure your rice crispy treats with the the with the mint the milk chocolate is nice and warm spread it on top make it look nice like you just picked up that taco show you got so much meat in there you don't even know what to do with it because it's gonna be so good and you're gonna be so full then for the lettuce i did the same thing as the cheese i just took some green mix it with a little bit of yellow got it to the lettuce-y color put it on a thing parchment paper popped it in the freezer and then after i was done i graded it it doesn't get any easier than that you just take it frozen out the freezer great great great great great if it starts to become too room tim and it starts melting in your hands pop it back in that freezer re-grate it again do this until you are fully done grating your cheese and your lettuce now a suggestion i have for y'all is to take these plates with this lettuce in this cheddar and all that stuff pop that back in the freezer until it's time for you to use it because if your house is warm like mine was it's going to start melting on that plate and you don't want that because then it won't look like grated cheese or shredded lettuce it will look like a melted slop okay nobody wants that so after i was ready to place all of my toppings i took me a spritzer and sprayed a little bit of water on top of the interior or i'm sorry the outside portion of my cake and i went ahead and started placing some lettuce then i took me some little square diced and i just put them all over where i thought it would just look more natural just kind of like you're making that taco and you just you kind of hurry because your kids are hungry everybody's hungry you just want to hurry up and feed them so you just kind of toss toss toss toss all them ingredients up on top of that cake up on top of that taco you want to fill it because you don't want a chintzy taco you want to get full you don't want anybody coming for seconds thirds for some fizz you just want them to be full off this big old taco now you want to add that cheese all on over that taco and what is a taco without the final topping anybody know what this final topping is sour cream that's what it is you just want to do it a little dallop put it on top smear it on out clean up your edges now right now it's kind of looking a little bit uncooked and we gotta fix that so what i would suggest is getting some hershey's cocoa powder and a real soft brush make sure your cake is cold right now because otherwise you're gonna be putting all kinds of dents and dabbles inside your buttercream then you want to go ahead and dab dab dab all over the corners the edges a little bit of spots in between as if you had took those taco shells you got them for 99 cents on clearance at the store and you just pop them in your oven pull them out they look nice and crispy now you cannot hand out a real good cake without covering your cake board nobody wants to pay a lot for cake and see the board it just ain't right so what i did was i tried to make it look like that little parchment paper that they put sometimes in the baskets when you go get some fast food and stuff and so i took me some red because i just thought it looked real good with the contrast of the cake rolled it and wrapped it and flipped it and tossed it and all that good stuff to make it look a little bit like soft and you know like kind of like a material that you had just thrown on in the pan and then i covered it on top of my cake glue that down with a little bit of water and for the final finale y'all i took me some extra lettuce some tomatoes some cheese and some ground beef and i threw it just like you went to pick up a taco and it's so full of all that stuff that had just dropped out on the pan anyway hope you guys like my video if you do please like subscribe comment below if you'd like to see another tutorial of mine thanks so much for
Channel: Just Cakin It
Views: 842
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Id: _E4355-ipkc
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Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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