How to Make a Summer Season Quilt - Free Project Tutorial

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[Music] hi everybody it's Jenny from the Missouri Star Quilt Company and I am here today with Natalie hi and we have a really fun project for you today so take a look at this quilt behind us this is beautiful and it may look familiar because we did it years ago a little bit differently so yeah I think wasn't it called magic square or Magic Diamond no it's called Seasons Four Seasons oh okay and uh but it does make a magic Square so that's really fun it's really cool and I love this fabric I do love the fabric too so let me show you how to make it so to make this quilt you're going to need one packet of 10in squares and we have used farway florals by Robert Kaufman you're also going to need a 10in pack of background squares and then in addition to that you're going to need a little bit of um background that matches that and that's for your inner border you're going to need 2/3 of a yard and your outer border is going to be a 6in border you're going to need a yard and a half for that and this is the back and this fabric is so beautiful and so fun for the back you're going to need 5 and 1 12 yards look how beautiful this is the colors are so bold and the Flor are so beautiful I just think it's gorgeous so this is quilted in curly twirly flowers uh beautiful quilt design for this and I think really appropriate the quilt ends up being 79 by 995 so this quilt gets really big really fast last and um but you might have noticed that all the way around the edge of this is a scalloped border it's so cute I think it takes a any quilt and just elevates it oh it does it totally does it gives it that o a factor and for that I've used um the scallop and Vines ruler and you're also going to need a squaring tool I use the clearly perfect slotted trimmer I'm going to actually show you how to make some bias binding so you're going to need a bias ruler and uh that that's that's about it and we're going to be able to make this [Music] quill so I'm super excited to show you how to make this because I think you're going to be surprised at how easy it is so it's basically all half Square triangles MH and so we're going to make these the easy8 method and what we're going to do is we're going to take a background square and we're going to draw a line diagonally both directions Natalie you want to do that I do and then we're going to pick uh one of our fabrics and we are going to show you how to do this and this is a very easy way to make them a lot of times I'll sew around and that leaves the bias edges which everybody doesn't love but this way there's no bias involved and so people love this method so we're going to stack these right sides together and then we're going to sew on both sides of the line and I will do that [Music] here and we're going to go all the way across and swing it around and come back the other direction and then we're going to do that to the other line as well so quter of an inch all right one more time all right now Natalie would you like to cut that for us sure so we're going to cut them both directions vertically and horizontally first because there's no lines right there's no lines there that's the easiest way to do that oops they came apart and then we'll cut on the lines the diagonal ones are next oh I'm going to do this there you go all right now we're going to square these up and um you can square them using the clearly perfect or you can square them using the uh a regular squaring tool Natalie do you want to show them a regular squaring tool sure let me find one I'm going to just cut off these edges here we go I've got this 12 in ruler yeah any Square will work so to square I'm using a regular ruler you're going to want to press them open because that way you have that little seam line to match up and to square mine you're going to leave them closed and you're going to go ahead and put your seam line on theirs we are squaring these to four and a half and so I'm just going to keep squaring these they have these little slits in the side of this that enable you to cut off those little points you can do it then or uh later and um yep I have the only I'll just wait for you it's okay I will have the only Road Rec cutter all right fast fast there we go all right we can trade places and you can press yours and I'll I'll square these did you square that one that still has a well it's I have five here so one of these is yours I don't know you'll just have to see I think there's one that's not Square oh that one right here this one okay yep I must have grabb your will you press that open for me I sure will thank you all right to square with a regular tool you're going to use the corner that has the numbers that you need and a 45° angle and no half inch line and and yeah that's ideal because it makes it easier all right so I'm lining up this 45° on my seam line and I am within the 4 and a half so I'm going to cut this first Edge so I have a nice straight side and then I'm going to flip my whoops my little square around and Line This bottom corner up with my 4 and A2 keeping the uh 45 degree angle line right on top of the seam and then I just trim that other corner off and we're all square now if you have a 4 and a half inch square ruler which we do somewhere we do somewhere but it's always good to you know show different ways to do it but you know then you can put it on and just trim all the way around and that's true that does make things a lot easier I'm super EXC excited to show you how I sew these together because it's kind of a hack yeah mhm you're going to be surprised Natalie I am yep okay I'm looking forward to that I haven't haven't been that surprised in a long time this is I'm having some static cling here which would be nice if it was clinging to exactly the right place but I can't get it to move where I want it to there we go almost almost see oh okay all right once you get it lined up then it's easy to trim it that is funny yeah it's just got one more or two more two more okay cuz I stole that one from you all right all right just about done and here's her four and a half that she's lining it on right here yep with my keep your 45 on the 45° angle on the seam your seam line that keeps your points going straight into the corners for years I couldn't figure out what those lines were for and then I finally finally figured it out once I started squaring with the clearly perfect ruler then my brain realized how to do it with all rulers and so that was kind of an interesting I didn't Square for all just made sense one day that's just it just loves that fabric doesn't it yeah it's just a little staticky got a little that's okay though sometimes you just have some random challenges just got to power through it perfect okay all right let me get that one and now I'm going to show you so you're going to do this to your whole your whole layer cake you're going to do this to every single piece 42 of these and I kept mine together in piles and uh like this so that I could randomly choose where they went and I actually pinned them together and I'll show you why and you'll have you know I mean I have five you'll have 42 piles and so what I did was all these blocks are sewn identically and you just have to do it the same time over and over again so what I do when that happens is I lay the block the way it makes most sense in my brain which this one is the color down and then I just stack them so I'll stack them on top of each other like this and I stack them the right way they're going to go and I try to make every block different and so there's four on the top of that one and then I'm going to start here and these middles this is where the middle block comes together and I'm going to make those all different and so I'm going to put this one here and this one here and my stacks do get Mees messed up pretty fast but uh I just keep going on it so this one's going to go here and I try to make them all different and I literally stack up I mean just a whole bunch probably not the whole uh layer cake but uh a lot of them let's see I'm going to put this one over here oh flip it around oh oh see if I had gotten that wrong I would have sewn them all wrong after that so what you're looking for is this line here and one that comes out so I'm going to go ahead and uh you could also make two separate piles or like half your block has the colors together to make the diamond and half has the white like half your Stacks that's true so you could do all kinds of little hacks for this yeah whatever makes sense and then when you get enough and you want to start sewing them I just what I do is I come and I just take these two I'm just G to I'm just going to move this because these two are in the same block there okay so I'm just going to take take these two right here and sew them together put them right on top of each other and sew them together and then I'm going to take these two and I know that this is going to be a block so I have my whole block together so every two sets like this when I get a whole chain of them going every two sets I'm going to clip apart I hope this is making sense to you because this is such for me it was it's a chain piecing hack it's a chain piecing hack and it was just so much easier easier so I'll do I'll do a few of these and then you can see how I take them apart and sew them together all right so we're doing this and then we'll come back up here and take these two and while you're doing it if you have two that like you're like no I don't want to put those together you can go ahead and switch those out at any time these two all right so now I have like three blocks sewn together well let's do four cuz four makes might as well you yeah you laid them all out that's right all right so we're going to go ahead and put these and then we're going to do these these out of the way all right so then I'm going to go through and every two I'm going to count two and cut them and two and cut and two and cut like this and then these two and I know these are going to be one block so again I'm going to open them up and I'm going to look to make sure that it matches my block oops which is right here that was right there sorry I didn't realize you were going to refer to that again and then I'm going to sew this down and Natalie as these come off you can actually um snip them and or I'll snip them and um and you can uh iron them cool so hang on just a minute let me get this one through there we go and I'm just going to go ahead and sew these into blocks and I'm nesting that middle seam so make sure one seam goes One Direction and One seam goes the other all right so we're on to this right here and so this one down and then this one and I just sew along quarter of an inch from The Edge and I am nesting my middle seam it's basically like making a half square triangle four patch and then what we're going to do is we want to remember that this this block right here that points away from this strip is always going to be the center so we're going to put four of these to the center like this so we're going to go one two and because we've made sure that all of our middles are different and we're going to put these together like this this makes our block this is the whole quilt right here and so we're going to sew these together like a big four Pat and then we'll show you how that works in the quilt and Natalie I do want to sew together that other one that's there that's half okay so make sure I have two pieces for that one you will need one more block I think there's one over there somewhere all right I'll check it out maybe if not I'll just quickly sew one together while you were ironing sounds like a plan do I not have one more nope all right well best laid plans and the reason I want to do this is because I want to show you what happens when the two blocks come together this is probably my favorite part of quilting is let's see there we go wait let me make this make sense to my brain I don't know why but this way it works for me so we're going to sew these two while Natalie's ironing we're going to sew one more block it is good to have an ironing friend everything is more fun when you do it with a friend that's right all right so I've did my two open them up they're going the right direction I'm going to lay them right on top of each other so a/ quart of an inch mess those seams and then I'm going to sew this one to this one with my middles match matching but I don't want this to be on the same side so I'm going to make sure these go together like this we'll sew that one over there it doesn't matter too much but this is the happiest cheerful fabric I just love this it's beautiful and I think that I would like all the pieces to get their Fair turn at being seen they're just uh I mean it earliest breathtaking for me mhm all right so when you sew these big ones together you every every Square gives you a a place to line up your seams so that you make sure that they all nest and fit like that and then Natalie you can iron this one more press and let's go look at how this fits into the quilt so you see our blocks that are together right here this is how this goes right in here like this and what happens next is was you put these two blocks together this secondary square is going to appear with whites in the center so we have one block with the color and one block with the white and they stagger automatically so I'll show you that how these come together right here there you go and all right see see here what's happening so it's this secondary block that happens out here mhm that just it just blows my mind and I just love it so what we did with these was we put one two three four of these across and then we did One two 3 four five down so 20 blocks total and uh and then we put a little 2 and 1/2 inch inner border all the way around it and a big 6in border out here and when you're going to do a scalloped border make sure that you take it to the quilter before you cut it so leave it nice big 6-in border and send it off to the quilter and then I'll show you how to make the scallop border so I am super excited to show you how to make a scalloped border it's way easier than you think and obviously you could just put a regular border on here and it's fine but I think that o a factor is so cool it's just really great it is so I there's lots of different rulers out there for um to make a scalloped border and you can use any of them you can even use a bowl you know but but I like this one because of the book that comes with it first of all it can do several things scallop Vines and waves you can see the different edges on here they use it for um applic as well but it has the measurements in it so like if you have a quilt you know the math is done for you so if you have a quilt that is um you know like uh so many size whatever size it will tell tell you the number of scallops and the size and so I really like that so on our border we did 8 in scallops and if you'll take your ruler so I got this little you made a fake border I made a fake border I love that cuz why not I want to show you guys right so imagine the rest of the quilt is over here imagine it imagine it so that actually that's a really good point because when you take your quilt to be quilted make sure that you have not cut the scallops if you cut the scallops first she will never quilt for you again but and it won't look as pretty either because it get Quil get kind of stretched a little bit when they're being quilted so you just put your 6-in border on there have it quilted when you get it back you're going to lay your whole quilt out on the table and you're going to start cutting these and I'm just going to show you because you have the you know you'll have a you'll have the whole book you know you'll know how to do this but um this has right here a line and it says line up with the outside edge of the quilt it tells you just what to do if if you were going to do a Vine you know or a curve you would line it up down here and do it with the edge of the border right I would also suggest just really quick because we didn't mention it but you do want to trim and square your quilt before you put before you start drawing your scallop you're not going to want to just like do it like one cut you're going to want to square your quilt first right and then start measuring out you always kind of start from the middle of your border and work your way out because this middle one right here is where if you have any play it all that's where you want that to be you don't want it to end up on a corner so in here in the back it shows the little corner circles you know and if you do an 8 in wide border this is going to be your corner and you'll literally just cut these out and you'll lay this on here on your corner like this and because it's a corner it would be nice if that was also a template don't you think oh that would be a good template yeah but uh because it's a corner you know you'll lay it right here and your corner seam will come this way the corner of your of your quilt will come this way and then you'll just cut this around the side and obviously you'll have another border down here and a whole quilt so um I'm just going to show you how to do this because a lot of people cutting a border people feel really scared about that and so basically what we do is we're going to line this up with the bottom here and you're going to trace this now you can use a pencil you can use a pen a marker uh I really like these these little chalk ones are you doing this the scallop I'm doing it for on um I'm sorry you're right I'm doing it this way the scallop I'm glad she's here okay but you want to come in far enough that you're not losing your corner right yeah so when yeah you'll do your corner first okay and so once your corner is done so I'll leave this little space for the corner because it's going to be trimmed like this and then you're going to put your scallop out here and I'm starting from eight now a lot of times if I know I'm going to do eight I'll put a tiny piece of painters tape or something like that on there so I don't forget and so right now I'm just going to start with with the eight and this is a little chalk pencil and I'm just going to come around here like this and you can see it makes a little line right there and then I'm going to line my eight up again right where it starts so keep this on the top and move this to the eight so they match up and then we're just going to go ahead hold that side down for me would you uhu and we're just going to trim this right along here like this to the to the eight though right to the eight but because I'm lining it up with the eight over here I can uh I can fudge that other end over there so I'm going to line it here so cuz see how it comes and it matches up with the eight right here uh then I don't have to worry about what's happening over there too much can you hold that for me yeah I'd stop at the eight okay you can stop at the eight and then one more and if this were the end of your quilt you would do your corner and then you would you know you would make it work and because it has you know I'm out of room because my piece is just a piece it's it's just to show you the method it's not to show you the whole thing so um because you can actually the whole thing is so much easier than I mean I sorry there you go I keep forgetting to hold it for you all right so then what we're going to do here so like here I got off the line a little bit you can just rub that out it won't show and then what we're going to do is we're going to take our scissors and we're just going to cut this and I'm going to start here and we're going to cut this just along your line right on the line and you want to make sure that you can see the line like this and let me see I have left room for my corner oh here we go and we're just like this all right so now you have these little scallops and anytime you have a curve you have to have bias binding and bias binding just means it's cut on the bias on the 45 so it has stretch to it and so I have made some right here but I want to show you how to make it because bias binding you know actually it's not the scalloping part that people are most worried about they can figure that out but that binding so let me just tell you I have a half a yard of fabric right here out of one half a yard of fabric you can get 280 in of bias binding and so what we're going to do is we cut a straight half a yard just like this this is one half a yard mhm and with the fabric with the fabric all the way and then what we're going to do is we're going to open this up like this and so you're going to have this long nice long piece right here you want it pressed yeah you might want to press it we'll let Natalie smooth that out for us so it lays real nice and then we'll move that ironing pad so we can stretch it the whole length of it so what we're going to use for that is a bias binding ruler and this is made for the half yard and it's actually made with a tape in the middle because if you have a long ruler like this the chances of it getting broken are high so um well it makes it easier for travel too yeah this is Susan Brown's ruler it's tqm product and it has holes in it so you can hang it and it and it just works and because it's got these 45s on the end it's already set up perfectly so what you're going to do is you're going to take this and you're going to lay this on here so that it 45s on that side and on this side and you can start over here as far as you can go like this let's see let's just get it over here as far as we can and I think because this binding is colored a little bit it will oh you know what let me check and make sure let me make sure this is exactly it's got to be exactly a half yeah you want you want your lines your cutting lines sides edges to be perfectly straight you do 100% And I can show how to do it with a regular ruler if you don't have one of these bias R okay so I'm going to start by squaring this to an exact half here's a nice which I thought I had done here's a long like this I'll be using this in a minute I'll show you yeah I'm all about the ease Natalie's about the know I like the ease also but um not everybody has this ruler at home so that's true we can show just one additional but they could they totally could yes they're they are available all right so now this should line up exactly so we're lining our line here with the uh on the edge and it lines on that edge very convenient yes and so then Natalie if you'll hold on to that edge right there then what you're going to do is you're you're left-handed I am left-handed so just hold it up there on this side and then what we're going to do I'm I'm actually going to switch to my right hand and cut the other side but you'll just want to go along and keep cutting so I'm just going to switch this one over here and cut mostly because I can and Natalie's holding that ruler so it won't slide and so this piece actually we're going to keep cutting cutting cutting cutting and it gets smaller and smaller but I'm going to come across here and because the ruler is already 2 and 1/2 it just makes this binding so easy so we're going to line it up here along the edge and we're just going to cut all the long strips you can get out of it first that's what I do first is I cut as many full length long strips as I can get okay and then you're going to keep cutting the whole half yard even down to the little pieces and so then what you're going to do with these is you're going to sew them together and they're already with the 45 ready to go like this they're just cut perfectly and you're just going to lay that on here a/ quter inch is going to stick out of either side yep and we're going to go ahead and sew these together and we're going to make our long bias binding and so and one more my other piece here and again as you cut the little pieces you'll have little seams but because it's on the bias it will not uh it it it just it just won't you won't have the bulk in it that you have with a regular um bias it disperses those seams so they're not right on top of each other all right so do you want me to show the the other room rer real quick sure sure let's do that all right so if you have a nice long ruler you can still use your half yard I think it's the a great size because you're going to still get the same amount of stuff but you look for your 45° angle line and you just line that up with the the bottom line and then you can cut the same the same direction it comes out exactly the same way so if I was going to do that over here and I had already cut my first cut um what I'm going to do is is line it up so it's 2 and 1/2 right so then you're going to go over to your 2 and 1/2 Mark and line that up all the way across and then this 45 line just runs along the bottom of your Fabric and that's why it's important to cut that half inch I mean that half yard just right yep and so then you'll just cut your strips so you can do it with either ruler uh it just it's it's really easy to do all right so bring up the iron again oh okay what we're going to do now is we're going to iron this in half just like we would our normal binding but I want to show show you that this has I want to show you the give so this has give to it and that's what's going to help us go around those Corners okay I actually have a piece here already cut and so I'm going to uh start by sewing this on to this Edge are you going to add like combine these two pieces we can combine those two I just mostly wanted to show them how how it's going to look like regular binding once you iron it in half oh okay now when I start my binding because I know I'm going to have to finish it with this I start in the middle of a curve and so I'm just going to put this on here and because this has give it's just going to give and when you get to this part right here what you're going to do is you're going to pull this as straight as you can get it and sew straight across and when you let it go it's going to make its own pleat and so let me just start sewing this on along this little curve so you can see how it's going to look and I um believe it or not go kind of slow on this because I want it to be right on that edge do you ever pin on this I don't pin so I'm sewing down here and I come right to where the curve directly is uh across from the curve and then I'm going to turn my um my foot lift my foot and turn it and then I'm just going to pull this straight across here like this so I just kind of pull my binding straight across and we go back up the other side like this and I come down here and again we're at that curve and I come so it's like straight across and then I'm going to pull this straight and sew straight across put my foot back down so even though you're like holding on to it you're not pulling or stretching anything right no no all right so then we kind of stopped here so then you have this this binding on here that's like this and what I do is I take these scissors right here and I just clip in right here wherever there's a little this little indent I'm going to clip I'm not going to clip my Stitch I'm just going to clip the bulk so that it will lay down nice and flat and then we're going to take this right here and we're just going to pull this around to the back and look how nicely that curves and we're just going to sew this again straight across and you can sew this down by hand or by the machine very cool and uh it just lays so nice look how pretty that looks on the front when we pull that around now these two pieces is right here when you get oh here's the little piece you did when you get all the way around you're going to have two pieces that come together like this and so what we're going to do here is we're going to match these up like this and it's just going to go it's just going to go straight across just like you did all the rest of it let me do it and show you now if you well so typically it's not going to match up exactly perfect you'll have to trim it so that it's exactly the right length the right and you do that the same way as you do normal binding yes where you overlap them by the width and then um yeah so then this will be this will have been sewn on here and it will all it will just finish up your whole little Edge and you'll have this nice yeah little bias right there looks so pretty and I like to hand sew them down but you could sew them down by machine for sure um just stitch in this little ditch right here or you could do like a wide zigzag that covers the whole thing or a decorative Stitch or an embroidery Stitch yeah yes speaking of I have a little surprise remember when you were looking for that extra block earlier so there is an extra block when you make this there's one block that's extra I was looking for it did you have it I made it into a cute little pillow because I just thought it was so fun oh my gosh and I added some embroidery just a little basic running Stitch so Natalie's been doing a lot of embroidery lately if you haven't noticed I just think it's so cute so cute so you actually just straight line quilted this on your sewing machine yep add a little batting and a backing yep and I wanted to tell on myself I didn't have like free fuse and I don't like basting with pins so I actually ironed on with with um a heating Bond oh I ironed it right onto the batting that's awesome and then just ran it through Straight Stitch I started in the middle and went out all right and then I added just a simple envelope back where you just overlap the edges and I love that not fun so was it harder to stitch through with the heat and bond oh no no super soft and easy it was a light a so light adhesive just our msqc one so one of the things I love about this embroidery is that number one all the stitches aren't the same no number two they're not lined up perfectly like in Little rows cuz their stitches it's just it's just random and what do you call Super organic running Stitch running Stitch yeah and there's a I mean I a little Stitch support video so you can go check that out if you need some my gosh helpful hints but it's super fun and cute I thought it would look great on your couch or your porch or 100% or even a bag yeah yes you could make this block into a bag or wall hanging could be a bag yeah anyway so there's lots of extra tips with working on this we showed you how to make the scallop binding how to make the the The Binding and the bias binding and the scalloped Edge and now look at this just a cute little extra so cute anyway we truly hope you enjoyed this video on the summer season quilt from the Missouri Star quote company hey everybody every week I give you a new idea and we are almost 1 million Quilters strong so join us every Friday for a new tutorial and if you haven't clicked or subscribed make sure you do that today see you on Friday [Music]
Channel: Missouri Star
Views: 93,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MSQC, quilt tutorial, quilting tutorial, free quilting tutorial, sewing, sewing tutorial, tutorial, quilting precuts, pre-cut fabric, sewing fabric, how to quilt, learn to quilt, quilting lessons, free quilting, free quilt class, free quilting classes, how to sew, quilt patterns for beginners, easy quilt patterns, scalloped border, quilt scalloped edge, How To Make A Scalloped Edge On A Quilt
Id: bjDOFXqzqGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 45sec (2205 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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