Triple Play: How to Make 3 NEW Spinning Star Quilts - Free Quilting Tutorial

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[Music] hi everybody it's Jenny and it is Triple Play day I'm here with Natalie and Misty and we have an awesome week for you today so when I was very first learning how to quilt I was quilting with my sister-in-law and she taught me this block right here and we're calling it the spinning star and we are doing three variations on the spinning star and Natalie I think you're up first all right all right so my quilt is this one here behind me I'm calling it spin sisters because I did the spinning star Block in two different variations so they're sisters not twins I love that so cute and it ended up 74 by 74. I did um star spangled for the machine quilting pattern I love that pattern and the backing is this beautiful red it's a great a great line for um which by the way look at us yes we're we're just so patriotic today just right we never know what we're gonna wear we always dress appropriately off all right so to make my quilt you're going to need one package of 10 inch squares and I've used Tonga batik's Valor by Timeless Treasures you're going to need some accent Fabric and that is because I tried to use the entire layer cake and when I got nearer the end I ran out of blue okay so you're gonna need a yard and a quarter of the Navy and then you're sashing an inner border is this this cream and I just wanted it to be another batik it's beautiful I actually really love that they've finally started coming out with batik lights you know yeah I feel like for a long time we didn't have we didn't have a lot of low lights no well it's it's great it's perfect so you'll need a yard and a half for your sashing and inner border and then your outer border is a yard and a quarter and I've done five inch borders so if you want your borders bigger get more yardage there you go there you go um the backing you'll need four and three quarter yards or if you're using a 108 two and a quarter yards sure and and then the other thing that's super helpful is this trimmer tool because you're going to want to square your blocks up and this works great when you have that Center seam and we're doing quarter square triangle that's right Quarter Square triangles yeah and it's good to line it up have something to line it up on yeah so those are the supplies you'll need so let's go ahead and get started foreign [Music] yardage you're going to want to cut some five inch squares and some four inch squares and the block we're going for oh is this one and then there's one more and we're going to make that that one okay so okay so this is the same same block here right here these blocks all finish or these units are all four inches okay and so this Center is the four inch square and then the five inch is for um this color here oh okay perfect so we're going to go through it step by step so don't let me I'm gonna get ready to sew over here all right so the first thing we're going to do is pull a light and a Red a cream and a red all of the Blues all the red and and red and white or red and cream whatever they get made into half Square triangles and then all of your blue squares get cut into five inch squares Misty you probably want to iron these yeah so can I say I just ironed I kind of do love how this is packaged though it's kind of fun because you can see everything and they're folded up yeah usually we see a flat big flat layer cake right this is kind of fun yeah and there are so there's 15 of your blue squares if your pre-cut has a different amount you may need different amounts of yardages sure this is pretty specific to this line all right so we're going to do a make eight triangle half square triangle we're going to put these two together and draw a line on both sides or going both directions diagonally I don't think I need that anymore I do need a little pencil right here does that work oops it's evading you it's tied up with a string when you have thread and pencils in the same so I think also is all of us Quilters have the same we can really full of stuff we do thread gets wrapped around things all right so if you will sew on either side or both sides of both lines that would be great all right there we go all right excellent so um we're gonna cut these vertically and horizontally and diagonally and we always start with our Cuts vertical and horizontal because there are no lines and this is the easiest time to get that lined up just right and then if your stuff you know gets messed up you have those lines to go back to for the diagonals diagonal cuts four nice Cuts okay all right so we're going to press these open okay it looks like my tension is a little wrong down here I'm gonna check that while she's ironing this is a tiny bit loose I think sometimes you just gotta check that tension so we're going to draw a line on the back of these because it's easier to see it on the cream and you can at least get halfway through if you have a white pencil that might be you could do it on your draw the lines or press the lines on your Navy fabric but I just went with the with the back of the cream because it it worked for me you can see it on the red as well so the cool thing about this is because you get um so many half Square triangles and we're putting the blue on it you're going to get a set for one block and a set for another block you get oh okay two blocks out of two layer cakes squares that's perfect do you want me to start sewing these yeah well we've got um so what happens is these are a little bit smaller so you're going to want to Center that up pretty much it doesn't have to be centered that's just how I did it I could put it up into one corner if you wanted to but it didn't make sense for me to cut them any other size right because I cut the same thing happened I cut down from layer cake squares and it just it doesn't make sense to cut them smaller it's so minor I didn't want to do any extra cutting that makes sense and make sure you don't bother squaring your half Square triangles at this point because that I guess we'll square them all at once yep just extra cuts at that point and we're sewing on both sides of this line as well okay going on both sides of the line this is going to give you some really beautiful triangles all right all right let me look at this it's a little better we don't have to do all of these because I've got some already made all right I'm just going to do one more okay you do one more that'll be perfect there we go excellent oh and I got my Stitch perfect that's what I was checking awesome okay so we're gonna cut these in half and then we're going to take our clearly perfect and we're going to square them to four inches and this is comes in so handy because it has the two seam lines it keeps everything lined up nice and straight and makes these really beautiful Square Quarter Square triangles and you can use the notches to cut off the little Corners so they're not in your way when you press that open of course okay all right so you're going to want to make sure that you've got your seam line on the this dashed line of the trimmer and that your straight line lines up with the seam that goes straight up and down into that corner and we're going for four inches and that will give you that perfect square trim off those corners and then trim your little little triangles off and there are two trimmers that come with this set one is for the whole numbers and one is for the half numbers and this is the trimmer that's true trimmer B and so it's all you know one two three four five six full inch sizes and then if you have squares that are actually larger than this they have one that goes all the way up to 12 I think yeah and so these are smaller ones and these are the ones we find we use the most I do I was using a larger trimmer when I did my when I made my quilt and I noticed that at the very top where the smaller sizes are they don't have these little yeah they don't have the little notches so I always forget to use them pink is not it's not a big deal no now people always say what are those little support and I'm like oh I just forget to use them they are helpful to get rid of them they are okay so you'll notice that for each each of these trap score triangles that we did we got two separate blocks see how they're see how the Opposites they're opposite so I kept mine in in little piles I just put the the ones together and because we've done this one and I have to look because I get so easily I'm the same um these ones line up like that we're gonna go ahead and make this block we're gonna put it together so all all of these blocks are set exactly the same way and and that is um that's the toughest part of the block sure so now we're just gonna yep now we're just gonna lay it out all right so I'll start with the one in the middle and then what I did is I put my my blue to my blue my little mantra and these go all the way around just like that does this go this way or does it turn this way is this way okay and this goes that way see how it makes like a little friendship star okay yeah and then these ones um they line up at the top with the blue and the whites touching you do need a mantra for this yep so this one is turned these two are the same and this one turns so your blue and your white is always going to be the parts that are touching but I I made one wait a second oh no that's right okay I just saw that the red was there and I was like oh I'm doing this wrong no I'm doing the opposite all right so then you'll notice if you're if you're looking at it you have you always have your blue friendship star in the middle and then the one set is going to have the red background kind of like a little cross looking thing and the other set will have a white background okay does that make sense shall we sew it together let's sew this together and then you can see the the difference you can show where the blocks go in the quilt yeah and I will say that I what I did with these is I laid them out like this and I stacked the entire set in one tall stack so that I didn't have to lay it out over and over and over that makes sense that's a good hack all right so we've got this guy foreign goes to the blue blue to the blue yeah they do tend to to have similar like down down this side is the same downtown it does have a spin that like kind of will help you keep it hence the spin sisters that's right sisters not twins I I did do a sash I thought that it looked really busy when they were all put together right next to each other and I love that it one more little bit girls all right give it a press and then we're ready to show the two blocks there we go so you can see them side by side oops kind of old one sure yeah and then here on the on the quilt I just did every other one so we have a red and a white and a red and a white and a red there are 25 blocks so it's five by five and I just did a little sashing strip these are two and a half inches by the size of the block which I believe is 11. yep it's 11 inches Square unfinished so cut yourself some 11 inch strips and then two and a two and a half inch squares out of the Border fabric yeah I was going to say that's out of the Border fabric that makes it really fun yeah and this this is all in you know included in your fabric amounts yeah that's perfect I think it went together really easily and I think it looks really fun I think it'd be great for but it would also be really cute in other Fabrics absolutely absolutely all right I hope you like it I'm thinking you're up next I'm up next foreign [Music] so this is my quilt and I called it spin-off this is the block I'm talking about right here so pretty and uh yeah and so I had a few other little challenges I think it looks really cool I love how it all came together but finding those right measurements you know that's that's not my forte so we worked a little hard on that so to make my quilt you're going to need one roll of two and a half inch strips and I used Artisan batiks Liberty by Studio RK for Robert Kaufman you're going to need some accent fabric that's our Navy right here and you'll need a yard of that our background I use the Missouri Star tone on tone of course I did anyway you'll need two and a quarter yards of that and that includes your inner sashing and your middle borders and all the all the stuff that's all you'll need for that our outer border is this one right here is the little um like fireworks fireworks yeah I'm like though you know those things the fireworks and I have a six inch border out here and um you'll need a yard and a quarter for that our backing is pretty so pretty isn't that fun it has a little variety of colors yeah a little bit of a tie-dye look to it and uh the quilt came out 71 by 71 I think it's I think it's a great size and you know I had a jelly roll to work with so it's a little bit different so I don't know if I mentioned backing four and a half yards let's make sure we get that in there my quilting pattern is also Star-Spangled you know it starts to work with and I love it it's just the you know the Stars aren't too big and then it has these swirly lines in between it gives it some movement yeah I think it looks really great I think so so let me show you how to make this [Music] so to make my quilt I had jelly roll strips to work with so I had to create my own fabric which means I had to sew strips together so I sewed three together right here and when you sew three strips together they come out so my rule is however tall they are that's how wide you cut them right okay so this one it should come out just about six and a half I think your strips look great I'm going to straighten up this Edge right here oops and then I'm gonna and then I'm going to measure it and it says six and a half so I'm going to come over six and a half so my ruler is five one more inch is six and a half and I'm going to make sure this is on the line and I'm just gonna cut my whole strip set into six and a half inch strips and then what we're going to do is we're going to make these outer blocks right here and so what I did for that was I took my two layer cakes I cut my ten inch squares my my accent fabric into ten inch squares sewed all the way around it you know added my Missouri Star white to the other side sewed all the way around it cut it diagonally both directions what that gives me is four of these and you can see how this will happen right here so we just cut it both ways and you get four of these and this actually works out to be about six and a quarter we don't want to trim either one of these we don't want to do any squaring yet right save the cuts right but what we're going to do is we're going to draw the line on this and and this is the same as with Natalie's quilt we're making these Quarter Square triangles and so I'm going to Center this on here and it doesn't matter which way my squares went my strips went so this square is going to be a little bit a little bit bigger but what we're going to do is we're going to square them up so if you'll sew both sides on that that would be awesome and we'll get making on that star you guys know I love blocks that look like you worked really hard but they're pretty easy so we're going to cut this in half on the line right here that's the fun of quilting right and then what we're going to do is we're going to square this on this side to six inches so I'm at the very bottom of my ruler lining it up on the sew line lining this line up on my Quarter Square line cutting around both sides and I get to very easily do these little things because it's at the very bottom of the ruler I don't even have to go in the slot and so we're going to do the same thing over here line up my sew line with their sew line and and of course you can do this with a regular square ruler as well this just makes it easy because it's got the two lines to measure with and so we'll trim those off and when you do this you're going to get four four of these from each 10 inch square which means you're going to get eight blocks from each one so if you'll press those flat and so you're going to get four going One Direction and four going the other direction and I actually did not worry about um you know I have both on my quilt as well but you can't really tell that one's going this way and one's going that way yeah and so here's our pieces and you know you just want to make sure that your you're putting them in the right pile see this one is the opposite so I have an opposite pile down here let me see just like Natalie did so the other thing is because all of our little blocks are squared to six our middle block you know our strip block is six and a half but it needs to be cut down to six and so I've already done that on this one but it's basically I just trimmed like a quarter inch off of this side and a quarter inch off of this side to make it six inches because that has to be the same as the block now we're going to set these aside for a minute because I'm going to show you these blocks out here which I think add a great deal to the quilt and it's just a fun Corner block you know the one I showed you to begin with was there was nothing in the corners and so I think we've all taken advantage of those fun corners and done that so what I did was I made a four patch and I sewed my two my accent Fabric and my Missouri Star fabric together cut them at two and a half inches and I always cut mine before I iron them just like this and then you're going to put them together just like a four patch like this and I have one here ready for you to put together now and so it will go just like this and so we'll put those together and if you press to the dark side then these little seams right here will just Nest up so tight and there'll be nothing no Fabric in between them and you'll have a really nice point in the center there all right Misty if you'll press that of course and so on this what we're going to do is we're going to take a two and a half inch strip of our white background I'm going to cut off my Selvage and my fold I've kept it folded all the way in and then you're going to cut these little pieces at four and a half and both of them are cut at four and a half like this and so just go up your whole strip and do that and then we need to cut some two and a half inch squares off of our blue and so I'm just going to cut one because that's all I need for this block right here so we're going to sew and this is just a little hack so this is how you know when you do something over and over again it you find out the easy ways and so what I did was I took this one and I sewed it to the blue right here first and then I sewed this one to the side of this okay so then when they're together you just open them up and they they go right together it's a Jane chain piece hack so you're going to sew the two and a half inch Blue Square to the four and a half inch white and then you're going to feed this one in right behind it okay there it is and you're going to need four of these for your corners that seam tried to turn on me so now let me show you how this works so then when you open these up they're ready to go in there in their right place and so you can just put that on there and I know well you know it's funny because we cut all the pieces and we do all the things and we're sewing and all of a sudden we're like wait a minute if I sew this then this will make it easier so you are you know perfectly welcome to just take half of those and sew down the sides of your blocks and you know in the other half so the little strips to them put them together um this just worked for as I got going this worked for me really well I think it's great all right so then we're going to iron this press it really nice and flat all right now since my blocks rarely come out perfect rarely and this needs to be trimmed down to six I feel like it's like a little gift for me and so we're always going to trim this side that we added on always never trim your four Patch always trim this side and so if this side over here is perfect line it up with your line on your mat and then cut this off at six inches because we need it to match the size of our other blocks so then we're going to turn it and this this one is a little tiny bit wonky over here so I'm just going to clean that up just barely clean it up and then I'm going to set this straight and put this one on this line and this line and then I'm going to come over and cut this one at six two I mean at six also and what that does is one of the things I love about this is that when we set this into the quilt it actually looks like you did some really fun small piecing you know so always keep your large four patch to the center so let me show you how we lay out this block so I can show you how we did this so this is our Center and then these right here my Mantra was that my white is always on the outside so that way it didn't matter where you know once I stacked up my squares with their matching Partners the white always went to the outside and then it came it made the friendship star because I was I kept messing up the French star and I'm like there's got to be a mantra so we're gonna do this and then with our these four patch units that we made the largest four patch the you know the four patch part goes into the center like this it's really pretty I love how that chains in the background I love it too and so let's go ahead and sew this together so we'll we'll lay these on here but anyway I mean let's take a look at it first actually so let's just glory in this moment our block is together and I did keep my same strip set together of that one well it sure is but I didn't even notice that because I'm just all about the you know making the block yep all right so do that one I'll try to line these up for you so you can just go from one to one to one well and you get nice big block with this too which is which is great yeah makes a big quilt quick well and that's actually you know I was looking at all this out and all the sashing and all this stuff and I was like nine blocks is good it looks great but then I had some leftover strips so that's where this part came in so we'll talk about that in a minute there's this one okay I think that's just right [Applause] and then if you want to pull that down and we'll add this guy onto the neck first first row all right like large four patch in okay there was a couple the reason I say this large four patching is generally actually the reason we bring anything up when we're teaching you is because we've made this sheltered way we've made the mistake yeah and so uh so I always I get this Mantra large four patch to the center larger largest block print to print yep and my Mantra was the right to the outside it's interesting you know we all have different brains and it just it's just all you know how it works for you is the best and that's one of my favorite things about Triple Play is that you know we all teach a thing a little bit differently and it works for instance look at my table I'm a mess this is actually how I create it works for me for sure I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one with the messy soap absolutely not or sewing table at least I don't think so now on this when you put these together even though they're strips you really only have to match these two seams and even those are not really going to show up too much and so you're gonna I think you're gonna lose your thread yeah hang on no you did bummer it's all right I gotcha mamas can help [Music] this is not the sewing machine Natalie regularly sews on and so she doesn't know the thread trick and so I'm always working on it every time I'm here I try to figure it out I work on this machine all the time and so I'm very very good at the thread and that is a cool thing to know whatever you know whatever you want to get better at you just practice more true I like lining up those seams I do like my machine though we all really get used to our own machines for sure somebody asked me one time what kind of machine do I need to make what you're making and I'm like one that runs it just needs to run good yep all right I'm just going to line those up match those two middle seams I'm working on it and our block will be finished and then Misty will get to iron it am I making you feel rushed Natalie that's the tiny bit okay all right I'll stop I'm getting there you're good just matching seams trying to make it look good I do love when I get a different cut because you know as a jelly roll you really are creating your own fabric pieces and you could do that with any number of strips or pieces or whatever there you go all right if you want to press that of course matched them all up well they look great it looks that is one of the blessings of using a jelly roll is that there everything is like you know there's it doesn't your eye doesn't land any one spot particularly not so much pressure on the so here's our block and then what we did was let me clip this thread right here let's take it back to the quilt here I have nine of these they go here and I put this little inch and a half sashing and a little inch and a half square and I did that to kind of make the you know dried in really go in smaller and so I literally sewed my sashing on like this so that's just how I did the sashing parts on this and if you're if you're sashing strip is an inch and a half then your little square needs to be an inch and a half as well and then I had a bunch of strips still left over so I went ahead and you get you get a piece about this big left on the end of your strip from cutting your blocks anyway so I just kept those piled up and I just sewed them together and added a border in here on the side and you can see I still actually have some pieces left and I didn't worry if I had a partial block or anything like that I just went ahead and sewed them on I figured was that like four inches or three this is actually let me measure I think it's three three and and a weighted for it I'm gonna measure this end this end looks they're three three inches yeah three inches okay and so this little three inch border and then I added another uh inch and a half and then finished it off with the nice big six inch border right here that's great I love it I think this came out really fun lovely like picnic size yeah it's awesome it's great and of course you know I think it would make a great uh table top or two just one square in the middle of a table wouldn't that be pretty that's absolutely true or three or three or four of these big ones for a runner or even a bed Runner when you know when you have them yes when you have a nice big block it would make a great bed Runner yeah that'd be cool that'll that'll dress it up for the holiday right yeah right all right well Misty I think you're up all right all right so this is my project I just did a little table runner this time we host the Fourth of July at our house and I am always needing small things to kind of dress up the house and so this seemed like the perfect time to make another little it's perfect Runner I love it thanks and so to make this you will need one package of 10 inch squares and I use Sabrina by Whistler Studios I really only used like 10 squares so you can actually make four four tables absolutely absolutely and then you'll also need a half yard of background I use this beautiful red and then for your outer border you'll need a half yard and a yard and a half for your backing fabric so let me show you how to make this [Music] okay so this is my block that I made and I have a little Courthouse step in the center which I had a couple of things I wanted to do I really wanted that Courthouse step in the center and I wanted to figure out how to make all of my stars spin the same so if you notice I don't have any opposites in mind I probably made myself work a little harder to get this but it was a fun challenge yeah sometimes you just need and I love that you focused on the center instead of these outside corners yeah that's fun too exactly so to begin with I just picked a light and a dark of my 10 inch squares since I went with that red background I stuck with the white and the blue mostly and then we are going to cut this in half both directions I'm going to stack them up nice and straight because we're going to cut them both exactly the same I will just lay my ruler along here and I'll make a cut this way this ruler is so great for working with pre-cuts because it's five inches and most of the pre-cuts are 10 and so it just well all the layer cakes are 10 for sure and now that we have one of these corner to corner once and one of these corner to corner twice just like this just a little safety thank you I appreciate it and then one of these I can set aside and then the other one yes thank you I'm going to cut down into one inch strips tiny little strips but so fun just like so the whole thing the whole thing all the way across just like that and the reason I did this is because I figured out that I could get the angles that I wanted and so that I'm also going to do the same thing and cut one five inch square of my background both directions so I have my little triangles I'm gonna get ready to sew because I think some sewing's coming it is a tiny sewing it's a little sewing but you can do it I know oh I can do it that's the thing about small things you know while it's not my go-to it it's just it's not harder it's just smaller absolutely so don't get afraid of it so then we are going and you just kind of have to lay it out to start so let me let me do that to begin with so we're going to put one of these here and then with that we put our little light and this and so we're going to sew these now are all your blocks exactly the same they're not so you have two like this and two that are the opposite so this one is exactly the same you'll make two like this and I would probably just stack them absolutely absolutely started making my little pile s okay and then you're let me start that one okay and then on your other we're gonna have our large white pieces and then our background comes in like this and these are exactly the same too so you'll see I can turn them I hope I put these on here right just you're just going to check before you wait you got to sew them so I do have to sew them so they're laying the same yep good let's see we got this one and we got wait for it this way all right all right make sure those are the same open yep before I before I start we got it right right this is you guys you just these little quarter squares you got to pay attention all right so then so then I'm gonna put them on here yep all right and the red at the top right yep and are these gonna these aren't gonna line up exactly they're not exact ly the same kind of thing are we pressing them um use the clearly perfect okay it is interesting to me because you girls that's not your go-to brain ruler but it's so perfect for these squares on this side and then we'll do the same [Music] line across here and my seam line going up and down and then I will just trim these just like so and then now you can practice awesome it will make it a lot easier for you guys if you have your own Misti handing you the fabric absolutely true and your own Natalie sewing let me see here just one more to square and then we'll move on to our little centers to lay down tiny little babies see it just like so squaring has really become one of my favorite things I didn't do it for so satisfying but then you have this perfect block when you know your block starts off looking kind of a mess yeah everything goes together so nicely too yep all right so then now we have our little background one inch square and I started with my blues and we are just going to sew on either side so I can cut it at one yeah go ahead you want me to okay just for that middle part yep that might make it easier there's one a little but that's you know you're only making five just to make your little Runner so it's a fun fun Challenge and just so you know that you can eyeball that straight line because it's you know it's very really short very small but this is one because they're so little I pressed a bunch in between and I starched my fabric so that I you know had a better time working with it and so if you want to set up your iron right next to you so you just have your little Nest ready to go it makes it go pretty quick great you did it all right press that tiny thing yep and we'll add our white this should measure right at two inches and it does and so I just sewed this on either side okay let's do it or you can just cut it in half honest and then you'll have a little extra and you'll Square it up yep all right so we'll just we'll just start here now Courthouse steps is a variation of the Log Cabin block but it is all done um same colors opposite so your lights and your darks are going to go this way so it's it's a fun little block I feel like we've done a tutorial on the courthouse steps I'm sure we have probably a long time ago yeah maybe that would be a fun typical way that would be you want to press that and then I'll square it up I do all right all right it's so little I'm not sure if I've got it just right it looks good okay best wishes thank you the best wishes good luck hope it works out the way you wanted it to and she's squaring it so it's going to work out great [Music] add our Blues okay to the other side this I can probably use yeah you can for one half and then yeah there you go it's getting so big it is it's growing yeah see it's just those first little rounds that are a struggle it's so funny when you start off that tidy that this much feels good to you all of a sudden I love tiny though I just I don't know it forces me to slow down I think and just enjoy the process that's true you do have to yeah do you you do have to take your time pay a little bit more attention a little more attention and just enjoy it and when you're sewing tiny it's always a good idea to shorten up your stitch stitch length a little bit you don't want that to there should be more of our white this is going to be longer than a half now so you'll need to run for each side it's gonna be so big it's getting there it is it's growing and so just out of your little charm pack cut um do you does it you get all the pieces you need for the whole Center just out of your little one inches very cool it's all in there that's great now did you cut any of these like before you ironed because I would cut before I ironed the little pieces I didn't no just because I wanted to be able to see from the top and make sure that it was staying close to square you know sometimes I like to use my seam lines to kind of square it as you go as I'm going yeah so you can you can line that a little bit more accurate and then I actually think this one that you cut off will fit perfect all right then Yep this is so cute thank you I mean it is it's a little time consuming but I enjoyed making it it's really fun well and the flip side of that is that this fabric is so darling yeah and if you decide you didn't want to do this it's a four inch square exactly just cut a smaller Square that's true that little guy in the middle and you're good to go absolutely and then we have one more round after this our last round of white and then that will finish up our little Block in the middle I'll be interested to see if it like stays at four inches I had to square mine up a few times yeah which is fine sure it can get a little wonky but that's where the starch helps too when you're when you're working with these tiny pieces and then when I give this back to you and you get it cut up we I want you to show them how the courthouse steps works with the same colors on the same sides because it's a fun blob it is I really like it really old block but a lot of fun did you always start with your dark I think so yes curious because you know you could you could technically go either way I just didn't know exactly the same right well they're really cute thank you so let's and that turned out beautifully yeah yeah great turn this little guy it's so cute I'm sitting here going I spoke that yeah that tiny little thing yeah and there we go this looks really close sometimes you'll need to square it up again to make sure it's exactly four inches because that's what it should finish up but you can see here's our little Center and the Navy builds out this direction and the white builds out that way which is the traditional Courthouse step and so then now to set our block together we are just going to put our Navy towards our Navy just like this to make our little friendship star and our white towards our White and it spins around and then you'll put your background four inch squares in those corners you go just sew it together like a nine patch and so here is our finished block just like awesome and you just set them right together set them right together five across and I used a little three inch border I think it's a three inch all right let's talk about this thread though yeah so we have variegated thread now as an option here in our quilting department at Missouri Star and I thought why not use that red white and blue I love it I love it too it adds so much color and interest yeah it was just a fun fun time to use it I think the back on this is the beautiful floral yep and you can see the the variegated variegated on that yeah I love that it's super fun and it finishes up at I think 15 by 57 so a great little perfect and this is one of those where if you have a long table like I just just make more blocks if you have a shorter table just make a few less exactly yeah very cute I love it alrighty [Music] well I hope you enjoyed that they were all three different and beautiful and a lot of fun and you learned some cool Corner techniques and a really great Center technique on that and we hope you enjoyed our take on the spinning star from the Missouri Star Quilt Company hi everybody it's Jenny from the Missouri Star Quilt Company we hope you enjoyed watching this video if you aren't already part of the Missouri Star Quilt Company family be sure to subscribe so you won't miss a thing and if you click that Bell it'll notify you every time a new tutorial comes out see you next Friday [Music]
Channel: Missouri Star
Views: 345,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jenny Doan, Quilting, Quilt, Quilt Tutorial, Quilting Tutorial, free quilting tutorial, sewing tutorial, quilting, quilting precuts, precut fabric, sewing fabric, how to quilt, learn to quilt, quilting lessons, free quilting classes, how to sew, free online quilt class, quilt patterns, how to make a quilt, triple play tutorial, missouri star triple play, star quilt patterns, patriotic quilts, patriotic quilt patterns, layer cake quilt patterns, jelly roll quilt patterns
Id: HJ9EhTkkJ-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 24sec (2964 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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