How To Make A Sugar Wash - Crazy 8 Style

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so today we're going to make a sugar wash a sugar wash is probably the easiest recipe you can make you really have to to try to mess this recipe up there's a couple things that we're going to need and you're you're gonna need something to ferment it in this is a seven gallon bucket you're going to probably want at least a six gallon bucket to do it in uh six gallons should be fine this is a seven i've never had a problem with a seven gallon overflowing with a sugar wash but uh six you should be fine as well we need sugar you're going to need at least one pound of sugar per gallon of water ideally you're going to want at least a pound and a half i'm going to use a 10 pound bag of sugar for a couple reasons number one i'm lazy and i don't have to measure it out if i use a full 10 pound bag number two a 10 pound bag in five pounds and five gallons of water gives me a starting gravity of around 10 of 1.092 1092 so it's going to produce a decent amount of alcohol and i've made that enough times that i know about what i'm going to get out of it you're going to need some water i'm going to use 5 gallons of the spring water you can use whatever water you want use tap water if you want like i said any water well water if you've got it should work just fine you're going to need a yeast i am going to use this distillermax rm this is a made by distillermax it is it is a daddy yeast a distiller is active dry yeast but it's made specifically for sugars you can use whatever daddy yeast you want all right don't don't uh don't get wrapped around the axle about trying to find that yeast and use that use whatever daddy yeast you want you're going to need a yeast nutrient i'm going to use this distilled by distillovate gn this is their general nutrient you don't have to buy the specific yeast nutrient you can just use a a small can of tomato paste will work just fine for you you need a spoon to measure it with one tablespoon of yeast two tablespoons of yeast nutrient or one full small can of tomato paste you're also going to need something to measure the temperature with just a small mechanical thermometer like that will work just fine since i have it i'm going to use this ink bird either one works just fine um do not go out by any bird thing you've got to have it like i said small mechanical works just fine here's what you have the only thing we're going to need is a pot to heat the water in i'm going to use an 8 gallon still to heat it in just because that's what i have available at the time you can use a a pot on the stove if you want you can heat it over propane however you want to heat it temperature wise we're going to heat the water to about 110 we do not have to boil this our only thing we have to do is melt sugar in the water that's it the hotter you get the water the quicker the sugar is going to melt but also the longer you're going to have to wait to pick your yeast so just keep that in mind i find 110 degrees to be a pretty good balance 110 120 somewhere in there usually works pretty good for me so i'm gonna get this water into the still and uh i'll pick back up in a minute if you'd like to learn more about distilling check out distilling tradition on me week distilling tradition is a group of friends on me we that share information about distilling you won't get yelled at for asking a question and no one's gonna make you wait six months after registering before you can post something we have recipes we have instructions we have how to's and we have plenty of knowledgeable people ready to answer your questions that's distilling tradition come join us all right so what i have here this is a small eight gallon still and i have the five gallons of water inside i am going to use this little still to heat up my water you can use whatever you want a pot on the stove would work just as fine if you're doing this outside you can do this over propane over you know wood fire whatever you want to do this is electric so this is a temperature in my basement but it's not connected to the uh still at the moment so it's going to continually read that i'm going to turn it on for 100 power and we're going to watch the temperature gauge right there until it gets up to about a hundred to a hundred and ten you don't have to heat this really hot because we are just melting sugar that's all you're doing is melting sugar and then you're gonna wait for the water to cool a little bit to pitch your yeast and when that gets close to about 110 i'll be right back and our water is roughly 110 degrees it looks like we're a little closer to a little over 110 but that's that's all right you do not have to be completely accurate here 110 120. um if you get up and go make a sandwich you come back and it's 1 30 you're good you're just gonna have to wait a little longer to pitch to yeast that's all so i'm going to take that water i'm going to dump it in this kettle and we're gonna mix in the sugar all right so we have our five gallons of water in the kettle i have my 10 pounds of sugar in it i give it a really nice stir and you can see the cloudy around the edges over here that is sugar that's not quite dissolved yet so we're going to keep stirring a little bit and also you'll notice right here in the very middle you'll see a dark spot that sugar is pulled up in the bottom so we're going to mix that up and then we'll give it another stir so you can already tell how clear the water is right now um i'm gonna let this stop swirling but i think we're good at this point yeah see i'm not seeing any of the cloudy around the edges remember four you can see the clouds around the edges that was a sugar that wasn't melted yet it's nice and clear well it's kind of a yellow tinge i just used regular cane sugar regular cane sugar is not quite it's actually a an off and off white it gives you a yellowish looking water when it's done so you can notice in the middle down here see that we don't have we do not have a puddle of sugar in the bottom anymore so we're good i'm gonna call this good we're going to transfer furthest over to the fermenter all right so i'm going to move the camera all right i'll be right back [Music] all right right now i need to wait for my temperature to get somewhere between 90 to 100 degrees see my temperature right now is 99 degrees so right now it is technically okay to pitch the yeast the magic number is 90 degrees if you don't know the temperature range for your yeast use 90 degrees now the yeast that i'm using here i happen to know that the temperature range the preferred temperature range the optimal temperature range for this yeast is 85 to 95 degrees so i'm going to let that cool off just a couple degrees and then we'll pitch our yeast but if you pitched your yeast right now you'll be just fine to anything between 90 to 100 you're gonna be good all right so let's check this again looks like we're right about 96 degrees that's close enough for me let's go ahead and put some yeast nutrients in this and then we'll pitch the yeast i'm going to use two heaping tablespoons and we're going to mix it in real quick don't have to get it perfect you just want to mix it in a little bit so it's not sitting on top you pitch that yeast there we go and today i'm going to add one tablespoon of this distillamax rm any daddy yeast will do you can use turbo yeast if you want um turbo yeast has the nutrient built into it as well so for doing something like this that might be an advantage for you you can make a yeast starter if you want but i normally just pitch the yeast right in the mesh or in this case the wash mix it up a little bit then we're going to install the lid i do use a little bit of a rubber mallet to make sure i get this lid on nice and tight [Music] and then i'm just going to use one of these real simple little air locks about half full of water that's all there is to it you just gotta let her work probably two weeks ten days something like that it'll be ready to run cheers
Channel: Crazy 8 Moonshiners
Views: 16,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sugar was, how to, how to video, how to make a sugar wash, how to make liquor, sugar shine, how to make moonshine, home distillation, home distilling, amateur distillation, amateur distilling, sugar wash, neutral spirit, sugar mash, sugar wash, sugar wash recipe, sugar wash distilling, sugar wash moonshine, sugar wash calculator, how to distill sugar wash, how to make a sugar wash for distilling, making a wash for distilling, making vodka, sugar (ingredient)
Id: pPPxg7BrMHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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