How to make a spinner ring - (2 Different Styles)

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so due to popular requests I'm going to show you how to make these two different styles of spinner rings and let's get started on this because there's a lot of work that goes into these so to start off all we're gonna need is an assortment of brass sheet metal copper sheet metal some brass and copper wire and some twisted wire I made in one of my previous videos if you like to see how to make the twisted metal that I did in the previous video feel free to click the car at the top of this video or a link in the description so first things first I need to figure out the width I want my first ring to be which I decided on about 20 millimeters basically I was trying to make it a larger ring but I needed to make sure it doesn't go over my knuckle then I need to find a diameter of the ring I'm going to do this by measuring my mandrel to a size 9 [Music] once you have the diameter you're going to take that and add the thickness of the metal that you're going to be using to make the ring and then take both of those numbers once they're added together and multiply it by 3.14 and that will give you the total length you'll need to cut to make it exactly the right size so I'll take both my measurements the 20 millimeters and a length that I need and scratch them both into my piece of sheet metal so once we have everything in place we can start cutting it out I'm using a jeweler saw with some pro cut lubricant you can also use beeswax if you want you for a lubricant for your blade one thing I like to do is start with these smaller cuts and then move on to these longer cuts but this is just personal preference so once this is cut out we're gonna clean up the sides with a file make sure it's not sharp and it doesn't have any of the pattern from the saw blade so using the same sheet of metal I'm going to cut another one out that is ten millimeters wide instead of 20 and use the same process I just showed so you're gonna want to get good at making these circles because rings are just fancy circles and these rings just happen to be a bunch of fancy circles so before we do anything else with these we need to anneal them so they're workable so we can actually curve them around the mandrel once you have annealed both pieces make sure to quench them and then we're going to start shaping them around the mandrel mostly we just want to get the bottom curve and then hammer down the tops and then we're going to flatten them out as flat as possible so we can solder them together you might notice that the thicker of the two rings is a little bit harder to get lined up properly if you use some patience and some non marring pliers you can bend it into shape also be very careful when hammering the pieces as you can see I put my thumb inside of the ring if I hammer this too much I could probably hurt my thumb pretty bad and if you're wondering why we're making rings flat on one side it's to make it so we can have a better solder joint rather a stronger solder joint when we do solder them together and then we'll bend them back to being full circles [Music] so once all that's done I'm going to use a jeweler saw and cut through the joint this will make it so both sides are completely flush with one another and this is really key to getting a good solder joint you want everything to be as flush as possible so there's no gaps so if you're ever soldering a ring and you're hammering it back into the mandrel to make it round again and it splits and this could be your problem so after all this I'm going to need to pickle both the Rings because the next step is to solder them once they're all clean I'm going to add some flux to the joints on the top and bottom and make sure it actually gets between the two pieces too and then add some hard silver solder on the inside of the rings if you use the same soldering method as I do make sure you heat up the pieces slowly and keep an eye on where the solder chips are because they like to bounce around and move you want to keep them on the joint so when the solder does flow it flows through it and not around it and all over the piece after quenching these I'm going to start forming them into actual ring shapes on the mandrel since we just heated them they should be annealed now and easy enough to push on almost all away but you will need to use a rawhide mallet or if you want to text your room you can use a texturing hammer just try not to hit them too hard because you'll start to thin the metal out and stretch it and the sizing will be off I also try to keep in mind when using a mandrel I'm making rings that are kind of thick like these that the mandrel has a taper to it so you have to flip the rings around and make sure both sides are equal and we're pretty much going to do the same thing for the other ring just make sure that the whole thing is round all the way through and to flip the ring over so it doesn't get a taper into it so I wanted to test fit one of the rings and it's a little snow again pretty much got stuck on my finger so be careful with that it just needs to inside to be polished out and it would slide off fine but I had to use some dish soap and water to pull it off but anyways we're going to now file down outside edges of these rings to make sure that they were uniform if you textured yours you really don't need to do this part because it'll take off all your texturing so basically all I had to do was hammer this on to the mandrel just to the point where I get stuck so I can use my file on it way easier than holding it in my hand and then in a curved motion and go over the entire piece until it's uniform because there's a lot of high and low points on both these rings as for the thicker ring you're gonna want to focus mostly on the bottom half and then flip it over and then do the top half that is now the bottom half because if you put enough force on it you can start bending the ring because of the taper of the mandrel along with the ring being long enough for that to actually affect it this process will also clean up your solder joints and make sure that it's completely flush with the ring so to make the circles that are going to go around our thicker ring we want to do the same math equation just using the diameter up the outside of the ring and the thickness of whatever we're going to be wrapping around it add those together and then multiply it by 3.14 and then you're going to want to add one to two millimeters on top of that to the total and that will make it so your piece will float around you basically and not be bound because we want to do these spinners and not just snug pieces of metal as for the thinner of the two rings I'm going to be using two bands on either side of the center band that are going to be locked in place with solder and the center band will be spinning so those need to basically match up with the outside diameter of the center shaft or center column ring to do this you just don't add anything extra and make it like you would tipping the best wire to use for this to make sure everything's going to line up perfect is square wire which I have none on hand that is the right size so I'll be using two millimeter round wire that's for the center piece of this ring it's going to be two twisted wire I made in a previous video the basics of how I made this was I took two 16 gauge pieces of wire one copper one brass I put them into a drill and put the other end of them into a vise and pulled the trigger on the drill to twist them in place once I was done I hammered everything down flat as even as I could and that's basically how I made this piece so after all that here's all the wire I'm going to be using just keep in mind that you don't have to use these exact wires you can use others and just be creative with it so once I have all those pieces I'm going to anneal everything besides the twisted wire the reason why I'm not annealing twisted wire is because I need to put some solder on to it so it all stays together when I bend it around to turn into a ring and Hammer it and I don't want it to fall apart on me [Music] so after annealing these pieces I put them into the pickling solution for a while to clean them up so what they're gonna be ready for soldering and I need to clean off their ends a little bit more before I can start forming them into rings and I'll be doing this just by using a hand file so we're gonna do the same thing we did before we're just going to take them and round them around the mandrel and then flatten one side cut them and then solder them you you [Music] you [Music] so when soldering the twisted wire make sure to put flux all over it and then place a couple pieces of hard silver solder across the length of it then just try to evenly heat the whole piece until the solder flows and make sure it flows between the two pieces of wire so everything is one piece I accidentally had one piece off of the block a little bit and melted the brass wire seeing that brass will melt sooner than the copper counterpart even with it melting a little bit I'm not going to remake this piece because I want the larger ring to be more of an artistic feel to it and I don't want it to be perfect looking so I'm gonna go with it and make it work and make it look nice as for other rings all you needed to do is put some flux on the solder joint and put the piece of solder underneath the ring and set it on top of it and make sure that it's as flat as possible so it can actually make contact with the ring and when it flows it will go up through the joint and it should have a almost perfect solder joint once we're done soldering all these we're going to use the mandrel to turn them all back into perfect circles also we're gonna use this time to test fit them onto the center parts of the ring to make sure everything is lining up and everything fits how they're supposed to when it comes to the smaller of the two rings you're gonna want to make sure that the outer bands are pretty tight for the top and bottom to the point where they can kind of stay where they're at without you holding them if you let go they kind of sit there and not fall directly down if they do fall down and if you can afford to stretch the inner ring a little bit to meet up with them just put it back on the mandrel and Hammer it a bit and bring it up in size just barely and it should fix this problem but if there's a lot of play between the outer bands and a main inner ring you're gonna want to cut through the solder joints of the outer bands and remeasure and shorten them a little bit and then go through the entire process again of suffering them back together and reforming them and testing it as for the larger ring it's gonna be a little more lenient because you just want them to be able to spin freely so I'm just gonna use some thin wire and tie everything together and put it inside the pickling solution so they don't get all mixed up and take out the twisted wire from the pickling solution because we're going to turn those into rings now so I'm going to have to figure out how to make this melted one look nice it happens to be the same length because only one of the wires melted so what I'm going to do is try to match up the other side and cut off a piece of wire and then solder them together [Music] and I'm going to be using the same technique I did on all the rest of the rings throughout this video which is just flux the pieces put a piece of solder underneath the solder joint and heat them and tell solder flows and try not to melt any more of this after quenching both pieces I'm going to turn them back into their ring shapes and I'm going to have to take a burr off of the one that I had to modify to make it look proper and I'm just going to use hand files to do this and then I'm going to clean them off with the pickling solution so I'm going to use an 80 grit sanding wheel to clean off any of the solder or the little bits of copper that are all over these pieces so I was gonna clean this piece up completely and flatten both edges on the ring itself because it has two points on either side but I decided it'd probably look a lot better if I cut round bits into the edges and then flared them outwards so that's what I'm gonna do using a round hand file you could also use a round rotary tool to do this but I thought of that after I decided to use the hand file [Music] you so now that that's all done I need to use a rotary tool to cut back all the burrs that are left from the file because now the ring is extremely sharp on inside and it wouldn't be very comfortable to wear this also gives me a chance to clean up any solder inside of the ring and to clean up the solder joint to blend it with the rest of the metal so after adding a lot of detail I felt the outside of this was a little too plain so I'm gonna take a just straight file and scar up the entire outside you can do this by using the edge of a file you can also use a triangle file which would be a lot of use here but I believe I broke mine so I have to deal with this I'm also gonna polish the inside of this ring because it's it'll be smooth on your finger and it'll be more comfortable than if it was rough and the outside I'm going to polish because I like the contrast between the scarring and a shiny finish and this will also make it so I don't have to leave it in a tumbler as long so after all that we can finally put this ring together and call it just about finished all you really need to do is use a metal doming punch and hammer it down and then I go up one size bigger just to get a little bit more flair to it and then repeat on the other side and make sure all your rings are on it because once you do this you're not gonna be able to get them on or off so once all that's done you should be able to spin the rings around the outside of it and with no problem or snags and it should fit on your finger properly or onto the mandrel wherever size you're making and the only thing left to do is polish up the outer rings which I'm gonna do in a tumbler for about eight to twelve hours but before we do that we need to finish off our other ring and we still have a lot of soldering to do on it so we're gonna start by putting flux on the outside part of the inner shaft of the ring and then we're going to take one of the outer bands and place it on it and make sure it goes always the bottom as flat as possible and it is also going to have flux on it then I'm going to place four pieces of medium solder around the ring where the two meet with my torch I'm going to slowly heat up the entire piece until the solder flows and connects the two pieces once this is done we're going to have to pickle it and then move on to the next step so after pickling my piece and looking at it I found out that the solder didn't flow properly so I'm just gonna put some more flux on to it and then reheat the piece and this should fix that problem if needed you can add more solder and I'm going to have to reap ickle this again for the next step so if you're using an acetylene torch and just on the flame part you can blacken this piece so no solder will really stick to this because we want it to be spinning freely or you can use libera sulphur or if you use jacks darker or you can even just keep the piece up and make it fire scaled and gross and don't pickle it so it has a less chance of stuff actually sticking to it another thing you can do if you don't want to do that is use a very thin piece of steel wire and tie it around over the spinning part of the Ring and then put your top piece on top of that and the steel should separate it enough that you won't have any solder leaking from top piece to the center if you do happen to do that make sure to take the steel wire off of the piece once you're done before you put it into your pickling solution or you'll ruin your entire pickling solution along with everything else inside of it so make sure you use flux on the top pieces and then use easy or extra easy solder because we want it to flow as quick as possible and be able to stop it as quick as possible once you take it out of the pickling solution you should check the piece and make sure that the bands are secured properly and there's no gaps in the solder if there is go ahead and go back and add more solder and repeat this process again until everything is working properly also make sure that your center ring spins freely if all the following checks out and you don't need to do anything then we can move on to the next part of the process which is cutting off the excess material from the center piece of the ring I'm just going to use a jeweler saw and cut along the top band all the way across until basically that piece pops off so we're just about done with this ring all we needed to do is clean up both sides of it using some 220 grit sandpaper a rotary tool to clean up the inside of the band and then we're going to hammer this on to the mandrel and trim off the excess on the band's so it's more flush and kind of squared so you can access the center spinning part easier so all I need to do now is shave down the outer bands with this hand file and I need to do this in a curved motion so I don't get any flat spots so once all that is cut down to my liking I'm going to clean it up with some sandpaper along with a sanding disc and then quick polish and then throw this into the tumbler with the other ring and after about 12 hours in the tumbler here's the finish rings thank you for watching if you like this video leave a thumbs up and if you have any questions or suggestions leave a comment below if you want to see future videos of mine feel free to subscribe to my channel and I've been getting now videos about once a week other than that I hope this video helped you out and I'll see you guys next time bye [Music] you
Channel: GomeowCreations
Views: 79,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make spinner rings, How to make a spinner ring, spinner ring tutorial, how to make a spinner rings, spinner rings, spinner ring, spinner rings for women, silver spinner ring, spinner rings anxiety, spinner rings for men, spinner, fidget ring, fidget, spinning rings, jewellery collection, jewellery making, Patrick Adair Designs, spinning ring, anxiety, fidget spinner, jewellery making at home, adhd, jewellery, fidget cube, Tempest Rings, gomeowcreations
Id: qbgAt05cePs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Sat May 26 2018
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