How to make a SOURDOUGH starter

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hey everyone it's mary from and in today's video we're going to dive into all things sourdough [Music] [Music] i've had a sourdough starter for almost 10 years now and there's been a lot that i've learned throughout that time and i want to share my method for making a sourdough starter and maintaining a sourdough starter and using a sourdough starter it's very convenient it's much easier than a lot of the technical stuff that i was reading and watching online and things like that so i hope this will help you i'm gonna break the sourdough series into three parts today's gonna be the starter the next video is going to be recipes that you can use with your discard until your starter is mature enough for bread baking and in the third and final video we are going to bake a beautiful loaf of artisan sourdough bread so today we're going to make a starter we're going to do it together someone tell you what you need you need obviously flour and it's important that you pick a good quality flour i'm going to be using freshly ground whole wheat flour you can use store-bought whole wheat flour or you can use all-purpose flour if you're going to use all-purpose flour though make sure that it's unbleached bleach and sourdough don't work together because if you get bleached flour they've already killed the natural yeast that's on the flour so we are going to use flour and filtered water again no chlorine you don't want anything that could kill that good bacteria and that's it you need a mason jar you need something to lightly cover the top i use a coffee filter and a rubber band but you can put a loose lid on top of it and that's it so we're gonna get started we're gonna do day one of our sourdough starter okay so it's important to note that you can use whole grain flour this is freshly milled whole grain flour or you can use unbleached all-purpose flour make sure it's unbleached and you also need some good filtered water you need the chlorine out of it um so what we're going to do this is day one we are going to take a quarter cup of our flour put it in a mason jar and we're going to add one quarter cup of filtered water i like to take these little chopsticks to mix it up [Applause] make sure you get it really mixed up really well you can see that's that's not very much at all just mix it up that looks good [Music] so i'm gonna grab a coffee filter to put on top of this all right i'm just going to put a coffee filter on top and a rubber band around it and i'm going to put this in a dark corner of my kitchen and i'm going to wrap it up in a dish towel and i'm just gonna leave it there for 24 to 48 hours okay guys it's been a little over 24 hours since we started the starter it really doesn't look anything like anything is going on but there is like a liquid on top and that's normal so if you see a liquid i'm going to overlay some video of that but if you see a liquid there it's just because the flour and water are done and it's time to feed it again so we're gonna feed it a quarter cup of water and a quarter cup of flour again today and then we're gonna put it up i'm going to stir this just a little and then i'm going to add my quarter cup of flour and a quarter cup of filtered water [Music] [Music] okay stir it really well because air is an important component of this process as well okay we're just gonna put our coffee filter back on with our rubber band and we're gonna cover it like this and i'm gonna put this back in my pantry in a dark corner and then we'll come back and we'll check on it tomorrow guys i am so excited day three look at this can you hear it that's day three for our sourdough look at that so i'm so excited i think we're so hot uh it's been in the 90s it just really took off so i'm going to take a quarter cup of this out i'm just going to take a quarter cup out [Music] and at this point i'm just going to throw this away because it's not really really really ready yet to use so we're just going to throw this away and then we're going to feed it another quarter cup of water and quarter cup of flour okay i'm just going to stir this because this has some of that liquid where it was getting a little bit hungry and i'm gonna put a quarter cup of flour up today i'm using all purpose because that's what i have readily available you don't have to stick to the exact same flower every single time some people will say i'm wrong on that but i have had very good success with my starters and i use different flowers so let's stir this up really well tomorrow's gonna be day four so we're gonna be getting really close to that point where we may start saving the discard and if we do we only discard it a quarter cup and that's all we'll ever have to discard from this starter just get it really mixed in there get some air and we're gonna put this back in the pantry for 24 hours i'm going to cover it with the coffee filter and rubber band and cover it with the towel and i have a feeling tomorrow when we look at this it's going to be crazy active which it was today actually but yeah day four tomorrow we're getting really close and we will actually start using it soon not for bread just yet but there are other recipes we're gonna use it for but all right we'll see you tomorrow okay it has been way over 24 hours since i checked on the starter we left early this morning and we've been gone and it's around three o'clock so it's okay though look at it it's all bubbly and active but it's it's hungry so i'm gonna do like i did yesterday i'm going to take half of this out and add a quarter cup of flour and a quarter of water i may even take a little more than half and leave just maybe under a quarter cup because i want to give it a little bit of a a bigger feeding for what's in the jar so i'm going to probably take a quarter cup and then just dip a little more out and then feed it and we'll get it ready for tomorrow which may be the last feeding before we transfer it to the fridge all right let's get started here okay i want you to look at that [Music] it's looking really nice give it a little stir lots of bubbles can you see those so i'm going to take it's very active i just smelled it but it still hasn't got the right smell so you can use your nose a lot when you're doing sourdough starter so i'm just gonna dump this out really quick and i took a little more than half of that i left maybe two to three tablespoons i gotta go get the flour i forgot it okay so i'm gonna put a quarter cup of flour and a quarter cup of filtered water and just like the days before we're going to stir it really well i have a feeling this will be the last that tomorrow will be the last feeding before we put this in the fridge and start using it on a few recipes and keep feeding it for a week or two to get it ready to make bread but there we go all fed ready to go i'm gonna go ahead and cover it again with the coffee filter and rubber band and we're going to cover it with the towel put it back in the pantry until tomorrow and then we'll do something a little different tomorrow um and get it ready for the last feeding okay we're day five so things are gonna be a little different today if you've been having activity like i have where it rises and falls within a certain amount of time like 12 14 hours something like that today is going to be completely different we're just going to take a little bit of this and put it in a pint-sized jar and we're going to feed it really good and if we get consistent activity like a it doubles in 12 hours you can put it in the refrigerator once it doubles don't wait for it to fall again and don't wait for it to get hungry once it rises up you can put it in the refrigerator and then in the next video we're going to talk about what you can use your sourdough starter for until it is mature enough to make a loaf of bread now one thing i'm going to say is that you are going to be discarding more of this today but you can save that if you want and put it in pancakes or you know whatever you can still use this you don't have to throw away what's left in the jar but what i want you to do is just take a little bit out maybe a couple of tablespoons and then we're going to feed it half a cup of flour and a little less than half a cup of water and then what you can do you can take a marker and you can mark it right here and where you see your starter and just watch it over the next 12 hours and if it pretty much doubles so it goes above like double then you're good to go you can put it in the fridge and i said put it in a pine jar i'm in a court drawer we're going to start putting it in a quart to our nail so let's do that real quick and then that will be it for the starter video and then on the next video we'll start doing some recipes okay so here's our starter we're going to take about two tablespoons of this and put it in a quart tar [Music] you can just put a lid on this and save it if you want to use it in recipes that'll be fine so i just got a little in the bottom that's all it's going to take the reason you want to do this is you want to give it quite a bit more flour than starter so that it really builds it up it strengthens it it makes it a stronger starter so we're gonna put about half a cup of flour [Music] and then we're gonna put [Music] just a little less than half a cup of water filtered water we're just going to stir that up [Music] now you can either like take a rubber band and put around this or a piece of tape or you can find let me make a mark with this [Music] you can find where it comes to on the jar this is what i do and you can just put a mark on it there now this time we're going to leave it out on the counter so we can actually watch it watch its activity and if it if within like 12 hours or so let me find my mark you see my mark right here if it's like up to here it's going in the fridge it's good to go now it's not probably going to be mature enough to make like an artisan loaf of bread but i'm going to show you what you can do with it to use it and keep feeding it in the meantime until it's very mature and ready to do that all right so that's all there is to making a sourdough starter it's pretty easy pretty hands-off not a lot of discard when you start with a small amount of starter i think we discarded all together maybe half a cup of flour and water which i know that's that's hard to do even that but it's just the nature of the beast you have to do that right at first to build the starter but we're at this point now where if it doubles we have a starter it's it's good to go um we will make pancakes and biscuits and different things but that's gonna be the next video but for now just relish in the fact that you made a sourdough starter it took about five days and in in the summertime it doesn't take as long now in the winter time if you did this it would take longer but since it's so warm it didn't take that long and that's exciting okay i hope you enjoyed this video and if you did give it a thumbs up and if you're brand new here um i make videos on cooking from scratch gardening food preservation and all things homesteading so if you like that type of stuff just hit that subscribe button down below and i make two new videos a week all right well i'm gonna sign off and in the next video we'll start cooking with our sourdough starter y'all have a good one see you on the next video [Music] you
Channel: The Rose Homestead
Views: 37,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #sourdough, #sourdoughstarter, #fromscratchcooking, #wildyeast
Id: bw5nwZ2O8UU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2022
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