How to Make a Shed in SketchUp

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in this video I'm going to show you how to make a shed or design a shed in SketchUp so this is the shed we're going to be making here we're going to just open up a new project and start from scratch but I thought I would show you kind of where we're going with this so This shed is built on skids notice the 4x4 skids here has 2x6 subfloor three quarter inch plywood on the floor and then it's built with two by fours on 16 inch centers and 2x6 Rafters and since this is only six feet wide uh depending on where your location is these Rafters would be all right and they may not take a ton of snow load but the point of this video is to just show you how to design your own shed so um I'm going to open up a new project and we'll just start from scratch so if you notice the previous project had kind of the grass and Sky look if you prefer that you can go over here to styles go to default Styles and click this one right here I usually don't actually use it but I just started turning it on just to switch it up a little bit so as I build this shed I'm going to at least try to call out every single tool that I'm using that way you can follow along so I'm currently on the selector tool which you'll find right here and you can get to it just by hitting spacebar so if I had the orbit tool which is the o key I wanted to select I'd hit spacebar I'm going to click on this guy here and hit delete just get him out of the way go back to the orbit tool right and when you don't have an object um in your and your uh design here the orbit tool is a little finicky and it will kind of shoot you all over the place so once you have something in here it knows that you're orbiting in relation to that object so the first thing we're going to do is hit the r key for rectangle and you can also find the rectangle tool right here and I'm going to just lay out this shed so I'll click and drag and then once I drag a rectangle I can actually just type in the dimensions I want so if you look down here in the bottom right the dimensions are currently six foot three and three quarter inches by 22 feet 5 and 9 16. so um I usually don't make it Square so that I can see which dimension is the long Dimension so this is basically six feet by 22 feet and what I want is six feet by twelve so I'm going to type in six apostrophe comma 12 apostrophe and of course the apostrophe is just for abbreviating feet I'm going to click enter after I type in my dimensions and now we have a rectangle that is six feet by 12 feet so this is the size of the shed we're going to build now if you wanted to you could make this a slab and build a shed on top of it but I usually just use it as a layout to get an idea of what the shed is going to look like so if we wanted to build um skids a way that you could get an idea of where you want those skids is you could hit t for the tape measure tool I'll drag over six inches on each side hit six enter and um if I wanted the subfloor to overhang by six inches I would design the four by fours right inside of these lines here now um I'm actually going to delete the rectangle here and I'm just going to use this as a guide for my skids and then I'll frame the subfloor over it and then I'll make sure that I've got it six feet so hopefully I'm not confusing you already but basically what I'm going to do is I'm going to draw a line right here I'm going to go 12 feet enter and so I'm going to go over 3.5 inches a 4x4 is actually three and a half by three and a half so we'll come back 12 feet and over three and a half inches so instead of doing the same thing here I'm actually going to make this skid and then move it over here so you'll use the push pull tool to lift this up three and a half inches and now you have a 12 foot long 4x4 and it's actually three and a half by three and a half so uh if you want to color it you can triple click on it hit B for paint tool and then go to the magnifying glass here which is browse and then you can uh click under wood here or you can go to synthetic surfaces and this little wood pattern right here I often use for framing so I'll go with the darker one here for the skids and then the next thing we want to do is we want to make this into a component so because it's already triple clicked we can just right click or control click on a Mac and again if you had already clicked off of this all you have to do is triple click the stud and before I go any further I'll mention if you click on an object and it's not a component yet it will just highlight the face and if you double click it will highlight the face and the edges that touch the face and if you triple click it will select everything that's touching that object there so we've triple clicked on it we're going to hit right click or control click on a Mac make component we're just going to call this skid so now that we have our first skid we're going to copy the exact skid and move it over here and the reason you want to do this instead of making two different skids is if I were to make adjustments on this one it will automatically happen to this one so I'm going to hit M for the move tool and option or alt we'll add a little plus sign on the cursor here notice that the little red arrows here if I hit option or alt it gives a little plus sign what that does is moves a copy instead of moving this object so um since we've got six inches on this side and six inches on this side overhanging these I know that the distance from this end to this end is five feet now when you move this object I could just drag it right here to this corner but I just wanted to mention that you can move it over five feet and if you were to move this Edge on the left five feet that would put it over here and we want it on here so it's actually going to be five feet minus three and a half inches which is 56 and a half inches if I'm not mistaken 56.5 enter and that's exactly where we want that so now we have two components here or one component that's copied I'm going to hit e for the Eraser tool and just erase those dotted lines and now we are going to create a subfloor on top of these skids here and again I've got five feet from end to end so I want six inches overhanging on each end so the easiest way to do this is to draw from here that's five feet we can go actually so let me mention one thing I'm going to have another one and a half inch board over here so um and that's going to be my rim joist I guess of the floor system subfloor system so we're going to go line and we're going to draw four and a half inches past here which would be 64.5 and then I'll hit space bar line and come over here and just pull this out 4.5 so even though we're overhanging six inches you'll see what I'm doing here so I'm going to go up and again the line tool is L on your keyboard not sure I mentioned that I'm going to go up 5.5 inches which is the height of a 2x6 we're going to bring this over what do we have nine inches plus 69 inches and then come down right here and so now we have a basically our first two by six now what I'm going to do is before I pull this out one and a half inches for its thickness I'm going to paint it I'm going to hit B and I'll go to synthetic surfaces here and I'll click this one and the reason I'm doing that is when I hit P for the push pull tool and pull it out 1.5 inches it Paints the entire board so now every side of it is uh with that wood pattern so um now we have our first joists and what I'm going to do is copy this all the way across here 16 inches on Center so the first thing I want to do is triple click this and hit right click or control click make component we'll call this floor joist and then now so uh when you when you set something 16 inches on Center the first board you're actually going to move from here 15 and a quarter and I'll show you why that is but let me just go ahead and move the boards and then I'll show you what I mean by that so again we're going to go to the move tool and we're going to hit option again because we're making a copy so we're going to move this along the green axis I'm gonna just let off and type in 15.25 so that's 15 and a quarter and the reason is all the boards from this point forward are measured from Center to Center 16 inches but the first board is measured from the end so that your sheet Goods like four by eight sheets of plywood will fit on the end here and then end up on the center so if I measure from here to Center type in 16 enter it's dead centered here so that's why we move the first board 15 and a quarter the second board we're actually going to move 16 inches so we'll hit M for move option for copy if you're moving this board you want to be along the green axis here if you happen to come off track while you're still holding the click to drag and move this you can hit the left Arrow key and it will lock you right into the green axis so I'm going to do that and type in 16 hit enter that's going to give me 16 inches there and then I'm going to type in x 8 which is times 8. and so now we've copied our floor joist all the way to the end and because the end here ends on 12 feet which would Center us since 16 inches goes into 12 feet we're going to need to move this one along the green axis three quarters of an inch just to make it sit right there so now we have our floor joist and in case I confused you the reason these are overhanging four and a half inches is because the rim joist still has to go along the edge here and because these are components we can just draw that on here and it won't mess with anything so what I'm going to do is hit L for the line tool I'm going to come out 1.5 on the red axis go down on the blue axis 5.5 go back to this corner and back up again and just like last time we're going to get on the side that we're going to pull on which is this side I'm going to pull it across the whole thing here and we're going to paint it first so hit B there we go painted it now I can pull this I can let off and type in 12 apostrophe for 12 feet hit enter and now that should go all the way to the end there so we just want to copy this over here I'm going to Triple click make it a component and do not forget to make these things components because um things will get sticky where if you try to move them it will move other things and warp things so everything should be a component in this project so we're going to call this Rim joist enter and I know that it needs to move six feet it needs to be six feet here so I want this end six feet minus an inch and a half for the material so if I move this and hit option so m key for move and then option for copy I can drag this over and six feet is 72 inches minus an inch and a half is 70.5 enter so you can of course just drag it across here if you um don't feel like doing math but um there we have it so now we have our subfloor we've got two skids and our two by six subfloor on 16 inch centers so the next thing I'm going to do is create the uh plywood for the subfloor here so we'll just use since it's 12 feet long we can just use four foot wide sheets and we'll make them six feet long so in real life you would be cutting two feet off of the end of all the plywood so that's how we'll make it I'm going to go down here I'm going to hit L for line I'm going to come up on the blue axis and type in 0.75 or you can type in three quarters three slash four point seven five we're going to go along the green line 12 feet oh no no I'm going to do it four feet because we're going to make this one sheet at a time then I'm going to come back down on the blue axis right to the edge here and then I'm going to connect it all the way across here okay so now we've got this little Slither and we're going to pull it all the way across six feet across and again before we do that we're going to paint it B for the plywood I'm going to use this darker wood right here click right there okay hit P for push pull I'll just pull it out a little bit I'll stop and I'll type in seven two enter and that's 72 inches which is six feet so now I can triple click on this object control or right click make component we'll call this plywood enter okay so I'm going to move this sheet of plywood over here twice I'm going to copy it twice so that it goes across the whole project here so I'll come down I'll hit M for the move tool option for copy and I'll just drag a copy of this along the green axis and then I can stop and just type in 4 8 enter which is four feet and then I can hit X2 and that made two copies of it so now we have the complete subfloor system joist skids and the plywood flooring so now we're going to start framing so um we'll start with our bottom plates and we'll make our studs throw the top plates on we'll do that on these end uh side walls and then we'll do it on the end walls so the way that you make a two by four here is just start in the corner come up 1.5 inches come across 3.5 come down on the blue axis to this line come back to where we started and just to clarify I'm sure most people know but a 2x4 is actually one and a half by three and a half so that's why I use those Dimensions so I'm going to hit B for the paint tool select this color here hit P for push pull pull this out type in 12 apostrophe enter so now we have a 12 foot bottom plate and it's actually going to be the exact same board for our top plate so we'll just copy it when it comes to that and we'll use the same board over here for our bottom and top plates so I'll triple click on this right click or control click make component and I'll just call this top slash bottom plate enter okay so now we want to draw our studs on here um there's a few ways you can draw that but I find the easiest is just to come right here hit L for line come out 1.5 enter come across to the edge there to this corner back to this corner and back here again so now we should have the stud we can pull out but before I do that I'll hit command Z which goes back one step and I'll hit B and I'll go ahead and paint this now I'll hit P for the push pull tool and I'll pull this one up 82 inches so now we have a stud and if you remember from the beginning of the video we're going to build this shed where it's taller on this wall and shorter on this wall so um I'll name this one I'm going to Triple click on it make component I'll name this tall stud okay now we're going to space this 16 inches on Center across the project just like we did with the floor joist so we'll hit M for the move tool option and again we're going to move the first one 15.25 and then we'll do the same thing here hit option again for copy and we'll move this one 16 enter times 8 or X8 enter and then again we've uh got to move this one back here move should come this way 0.75 enter okay so now we've got our studs and to make the top plate all we have to do is click on the bottom plate down here hit M for move option for copy and since our studs are 82 inches we need to move that plus the distance of uh what we're moving and what I mean by that is the bottom of this isn't 82 inches from the top it's actually 82 inches plus this one and a half inches here so I'll move this up type in 83.5 enter and that should land right on top there and so we're going to go ahead and frame the next wall so what we'll do is we'll click here M for move option for copy we're going to move this across here so this is six feet minus three and a half which is 68 and a half if I've got that right okay and then we can go ahead and set up our studs on this wall so just like last time we'll draw it here we're going to come over 1.5 come across across three and a half back to the corner back to this corner and then we're going to hit B for the paint tool paint this here before we drag it up so that the whole board is painted hit P for the push pull and we'll pull this up 70 .5 so this is our short wall here and then we're going to make that a component by triple clicking right click make component we'll call this short stud and then M for move tool option for copy come over 15.25 enter option again move this one 16. X8 so now we've got our studs right there I'm going to hit M we're going to move this over three slash four or point seven five and then we'll copy the bottom plate and make a top plate on this wall out of it so click on the bottom plate m option for copy and because this one is 70.5 actually just to make it easier I'm sure some of you guys don't want to do the math so you can just drag it all the way up here there you go you don't have to do the math like I'm doing I find that easier just because it just shoots it right up to where I need it so now we've got our two studs I mean our two walls there with our long studs our short studs we've got our top and bottom plates now I'm going to make this one just single top plate um it's it were it really wouldn't matter if you framed your Rafters directly over this um but we won't get into the structural stuff here we'll just um stay focused so um the next thing I want to do is make my end walls here so I'll start with this back wall and to find out how long my bottom plate is I can hit t for the tape measure I can come right here to the edge of this bottom plate and go right in here to the inside of this bottom plate so uh if you look in the bottom right corner it says length five feet and five inches which is 65 inches so what I'll do is I'll come in here and I'll draw my stud right here I'm going to come over 3.5 enter come down to the line there back to the corner back here I'll hit B for paint and I'll go ahead and paint this before I pull it out P for the push pull tool and I'll pull this out 65 enter okay so now we've got our bottom plate there I'm going to click on it right click make component call this end wall top slash bottom plate so again we'll use this for top plates on this wall and for top plates on the other wall there so now we need some studs um let's see all right they're going to be 69 inches so what I'll do is draw a line here come out 1.5 come back across over to the corner back where I started hit B for paint P to pull out type in 6 9 enter triple click control click or right click make component we'll call this end wall stud and then now I need to pull this across 16 inches on Center now you don't actually have to make this one 15 and a quarter if you want to do this exact you would find out where 16 inches on Center lies right here so I'll just go ahead and do that I'll type in actually the easiest way to do this is to start in the middle right here pull this type 16 enter so now I need my stud to come past this by three quarters of an inch so we've got from here to here plus three quarters so 11 and three quarters move tool option for copy move this 11.75 and so 16 inches from the edge lines up here and that may be confusing to people but if you're just trying to get an idea of your shed design just go ahead and build it um 16 inches on Center all the way across and at least at first so you can get the hang of SketchUp and then you can perfect it later so I'll move the next one over 16 inches move option for copy come over 16 and then it may be X3 yeah that'll do it so we'll just call that our end wall and because the end of the bottom plate here has no stud we'll just copy one more and we'll move it right there okay so now to move our top plate to the top there we'll hit m option for copy and these are 69 inches so we're going to move it 70.5 if I'm not mistaken yep and then I'm going to put a bottom and top plate on these end walls here just for the heck of it so option again for copy move this up one and a half inches Okay so we've got three walls now we need our front wall here now this front wall is going to have a door so there is going to be essentially two different bottom plates that are really short right here and then the top plate will be the same as this wall so what I'm going to do is is draw my first bottom plate which I'll come out 3.5 come down here click here here B paint P for pool type in 12.5 and then I will make that a component triple click right click make component I'll call this front whoa bottom plate and then now we're going to hit move option for copy and move this all the way over here okay so now we've got two of those and if we wanted to just basically take these studs from over here I could click M see I'm over on this stud right here M option for copy and I could move it all the way over here and then I'll do let's see move option I'll move one right here then I'm going to double it up here because this is going to be a big four foot wide door so the hinges need some structure to hold on to so we'll double up right here on the ends and so I can select both of these I hit spacebar for the select tool I can click on one of these hold shift and click on another hit m copy and now it will copy both of these so I'll just move this over right here and now I'll deselect one of these so shift click again so now it's back to one is selected hit M for the move tool option for copy and then I'll move one right here okay so now all we need is a top plate and this is going to get a double top plate as well since it sits over our doorway what I'll do is I'll just select these two right here and I'll move a copy of them by hitting move and option again and I'll just move it all the way over here so now we have all four walls we've got a four foot wide door here I believe this is five foot ten and a half you could actually make this a little taller and make it six feet there but I actually mapped out all these Dimensions so that an eight foot piece of plywood would fit over all of this including the rafters that we're gonna make up top so now we'll go ahead and make those Rafters now there's a couple ways you can do this if you take a board and give it a standard pitch like 6 12 8 12 something like that you'll come up with a pretty funny angle so if I'm not mistaken this shed was designed so that you didn't have to uh do that and you could cut a very simple angle on a rafter so what we'll do is actually first we'll just make a rafter going straight across here and then we'll we'll tilt it down to make it um fit this properly so I'm going to come over here I'm going to draw up on the blue axis and again if you're off here you can hit up on your arrow key and it will constrain it to the blue axis so I'll type in 5.5 enter I'll come along the green axis 1.5 enter come down to here enter or click click okay so what I'm going to do is first I'll paint this B for paint tool click here and now I'll hit P for push pull and I'm going to pull this out a little longer than six feet so we have some room because we're going to cut off some angles on the end so I'll just go with something like 80 inches for now and then I'll show you I'm just going to cut it off anyway um but what we can do first we'll triple click this make it a component we'll call it rafter and then the way I designed the shed I actually made the rafters on the end different than the ones in the middle so we'll first start with uh we'll move this over 15 and a quarter and then I'll copy some for the ends here you'll see what I mean in just a second so that sits directly over our stud there and now what I'm going to do is rotate this so if I hit Q for the rotate tool notice there's a blue protractor and then it turns green and it might alternate back and forth if you hit left on the Arrow key it's locked on the green face so that's what we want we're going to click here on the corner and just anywhere on here on the end here and we're going to bring it down 10 degrees I'll hit 10 for 10 degrees and so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to hit M for move and I'm going to pull this down right onto the edge here and it should line up right here too 10 degrees yep so I kind of designed the length of these walls so that a 10 degree slope like that would line up perfectly and then now what we're going to do is we're going to trace these lines here and we're going to cut them out of the piece so this is if you if you were to draw let me stop for a second and say I'm going to hit spacebar for select and click off of this if I were to hit L and I were to draw on this rafter this line is not actually connected to the rafter component so the way that you actually draw on it because we want to actually trace this out we're going to Triple click the object and now draw on it so I'll start right here I'm going to draw up to this corner draw to here and then I will come up just like that so we're going to do the same thing over here L for line tool start right here actually we're going to cut this off flush on this end come down here Trace here orbit around hit l click on this corner and draw that right there so now what we can do is pick this rafter up m I'll go up on the blue axis I'll type in 12 just 12 inches just to keep it simple and I'm going to hit p or actually I have to Triple click this again to to alter it so I triple clicked it I hit p now I'm going to pull this over and type in 1.5 so it cuts that piece clean off there and then right here we're going to hit p oll that 1.5 enter and then I'll erase this little line here and so now if we let's see rotate with the orbit tool which is o now if we pull this down 12 inches it should sit perfectly flush on our framing there 12 enter so there it is okay so now we're going to copy this across the project here by clicking m option drag this over 16 inches enter times eight okay so I mentioned that the end Rafters were going to be a little different so I'll manipulate this one and then I'll drag it over here to the end you'll see what I mean but I framed this a little funny where the wall notice the rafters going into our studs there so what we're going to do is we're going to Triple click this rafter we're going to right click it and hit explode which I am not seeing oh don't triple click just click it once right click and then hit explode so now all of these Rafters here are still a component but this one because I exploded it see it is not selecting like a component and I'm going to triple click control make component I'm going to call this one end rafter so before I do anything else I will get this lined up here quarters back over okay so now all we need to do is we need to trace out this shape right here we're going to Triple click line from here to here so now click on this M for move I'll move it up we can just move it up six inches just to see what we're doing here we're just going to cut this piece off by using the P Push Pull tool and again we have to Triple click on it to manipulate it because it's a component move that over hit 1.5 and then I will just delete this little line right here okay so now if I move this down six inches by clicking off of it click it again m come down six that is our end rafter and so to move this all the way to the end I can hit M for move option for copy because this is 12 feet long I'm moving it 12 feet minus the inch and a half here so that's 144 minus an inch and a half which is 142 and a half so I'll move this over I'll type in 142.5 enter oh I did not have it lined up so I didn't have it on the green axis so copy move this see it went off like that I'm on the green axis 142.5 enter so that should have added the end rafter down here all right so there you have it I think that's a good stopping point um I'll just stop at the framing here because that's the basis for designing your shed you could just apply 4x8 sheet Goods to this but I think most people watching this are probably just trying to get an idea of how to start designing how to start Framing and SketchUp so I hope that was helpful it felt a little bit all over the place and maybe I moved a little too fast I'm not really sure what to think about it so I'd love to hear your comments if you could just let me know in the YouTube comments how I could be better at these tutorials better at helping you I'd really appreciate that so anyway thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Webb Tutorials
Views: 14,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sketchup shed, make a shed in sketchup, design a shed in sketchup, sketchup shed design, sketchup tutorial, sketchup for beginners
Id: H26QPEDigKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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