How to Make A Sci-Fi Helmet | Blender

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hey guys this is colby today i'm going to show you how to make a helmets for your sci-fi soldier inside of blender continuing from our first parts which was the undergarments which we've now done now we're going to start making the helmets so let's get started so what i'm going to do and starting off is going to i'm going to create a plane shift a create plane it's going to appear on the feet because that's the origin point move it up and uh scale it down uh just move it into position until it's covering the eyes so it looks good rotate it scale it down again so i'm going to start off by making the visor and that'll be the first part of making helmets it's usually the most prominent feature of any helmets so let's just get the basic shape just creating edge loops to uh so i can extrude from select this edge extrude outward pressing e i'm going to scale it down there we go not i'm not gonna do that i'm just gonna drag this one to cover the corners of the eyes basically and uh but edit the shape a little bit i usually go with this kind of shape most cases because i think it looks pretty good it's pretty simple just make sure that everything looks pretty nice uh doesn't really matter what the overall shape is you can have something completely different but i think this is a pretty it's a decent design once you kind of get it right just sometimes hard to do but let's try to make it a little bit larger looks better just imagine that like this is like the front part of the helmets even the head you can already kind of see the overall shape looks good so once you have your basic shape of your visor we can start adding a little more detail to it so what i'm going to do is select all the faces in edit mode press three or you can click on this button here this is vertices edge this is face i'm in face mode i have all of them selected i pressed a and then once you have them all selected uh press i to inset and this will create faces inside of the faces that already exist so i'm just going to delete these metal ones here so that way i can merge this all together just dragging it to the side so press x delete faces shift alts left mouse move it to the center make sure you have clipping on otherwise it'll do this it'll never like merge together but if you actually continue to move that direction it won't go any further it's already merged now i'm gonna these faces drag them inward so that way it creates a little bit of depth make sure to make sure that the visor isn't clipping through the head so i'm actually making a little bit further so that way i can actually cover the whole head with the rest of the helmet so uh actually here i'm gonna edit the shape a little bit move this a little bit kind of following the curvature of the face looks good so now we're going to start wrapping around the forward head or the forehead i mean grab this edge and extrude it press e to extrude and make sure it wraps around the head and also curves a bit so i'm going in vertice mode and then move these so that way they kind of follow this like sort of curved surface sorry about that my screen turned black because uh the smooth tool will crash my blender sometimes which is annoying but anyway it's extruded upward wrapper on the head this will be like the just the center of the head and we'll go all the way around in a single line and then we'll come back later and start adding like faces that do the same but around the side of the head right now we're just doing the top so i'm just extruding faces continuously keep going back let's keep going and then around this really curved part of the head we're adding a little bit more edges make sure the uh amount of edge loops is a bit higher just keep extruding just keep going down rotate a little bit pressing r and just get a nice shape for the side view i kind of like this a little bit i'm not going to do like a weird thing where it like curves inward then it like goes out because that looks kind of weird so i'm just going to do like this imagine there's like a line right here that just goes straight down at like a 45 degree angle and then it like connects to the chin and moves to the back of the head that's what i'm do for this head so now i'm just gonna continue on the other side so i'm gonna go from this edge and then extrude downward this will be the chin part now i'm gonna just extrude again sideways scale it down a bit and then move it back that'll create like a little bit of three-dimensional depth looks good and then we're gonna select this edge here extrude back covering the jaw jawline and you know make it look kind of sci-fi you know like low poly but like straight and angular faces that don't really look too weird or curved things that look you know somewhat robotic it's kind of hard to explain but that like that's enough faces for this side of the head because if i start adding more of these edge loops it'll start to create a little bit more of a curve which i don't really once but if you feel like it looks good on your helmet then that's fine but uh i'm just trying to create something that like i like but also that can show you how to make one in general so here we go getting off track a little bit but here we're basically just moving these faces across the jawline and out of like a 45 degree angle from the back bottom of the chin to the back of the head and we're going to connect to the back of the head here so kind of like wrap it around a little bit and then i'm going to fill these faces in so what i did here is uh pressed this edge i hold down shift and i click on the next edge and then i press f and that'll fill pretty easy so here i'm just gonna make sure everything looks kind of flat straight so here it's like a horizontal but looks good right so now we're gonna drag this one a little bit this way so that way it kind of matches the overall like lines here make sure they're pretty straight they don't have to be perfectly but uh i think it just looks good the sake of like a low poly sci-fi stuff all right so now we got the jawline now we can start adding a bit more of a curve to it so i'm actually scalp the whole thing a little bit so it like covers the whole head a bit better i don't have to worry about clipping later so now we're going to start moving upward with these faces across the jaw and the cheek so i'm gonna drag this face i'm gonna create another edge loop here but i'm not gonna like make it curved like this i'm just gonna move it up so that way it has something to kind of align with so here i'm gonna just make sure it covers like the cheeks and follows this like sort of angular like alignment with the rest of the visor so here this is like straight up not perfectly straight up but like a an angle and so i'm just trying to match that angle with this face here so make sure these this edge and this edge are the same angle it'll create a parallel like low poly look and look good so here i'm going to move this a little bit i don't always justify why i do these kinds of things it's just like it just feels right sometimes it'll make sense if you uh just try to make your own helmet you know if you feel like something is necessary for your own taste then do it so here the front of the helmet looks pretty good so far i like the overall like very angular faces that aren't curved really they're just flat but at the top of the head is more curved so try to keep that overall design now i'm going to start moving from the jawline upward so move this up extrude and we'll merge these vertices together later on and make sure that they actually follow each other so go to top view and like they follow that i just make sure that they follow the curvature of the overall faces that we're starting to build so it don't make sense i guess i'm just going to keep moving upward with these faces and uh make sure that you take into account these edges back here that you've already created because we'll be merging this all together as a single like curved face or it'll be a multi-face surface but like it'll be all connected so we need to add edge loops here because these two go together and then we're at another one and now these two go together now you can kind of see what we're going for so we're going to fill in these faces and that connects that part just pressing f once you have two selected and now we're gonna do the same here so create another edge loop another edge loop another edge loop i'm not on that one not on that one this one then we'll do this one here and then this one there you can kind of see what i'm going for i'm creating this like similar uh topology here it's like uh edge flow kind of hard to explain i guess but it will make sense if you just look at it visually you'll see the pattern so i'm pressing alt m and then i'm pressing last that'll merge these vertices together and now we can actually continue forth from here so once you have them all merged looks nice uh then we can start extruding again and adding more edge faces and edges so there we go here i'm just going to straighten this out a bit i don't want to be like too curved so now that we have these faces all merged together we can uh start moving upward again so here i'm going to start with this and then i'll link it to the sides here so grab this edge if you have one like this and then just connect everything together it's all it's in connecting the visor the corner of it to that face that we just created and now i'm gonna start wrapping around the side of the head make sure that it looks good from all angles front view and side view so here make sure again that you keep taking into account the edges that you already created so this edge loop here is going to link together with this edge this edge and then these all these just imagine that we're going to create more edges that follow this line here it's imaginary for the moments but don't make sense so i'm just uh doing it again here here that edge is like following this overall line again here now there's more edges over here than there are on the top or the side so we're going to create some more so once we uh get to the corner here make sure it lines up i'm going to fill in we'll create another edge up here just so we can avoid creating triangles and i'll show what triangles really do they don't they're not always a problem but sometimes it's just better to try to avoid them quads are faces that have four vertices and triangles are faces that have three vertices you know sometimes they work sometimes they don't for the sake of animation they don't because it'll cause weird creases on the surface of the character whenever you start moving around the mesh with like an armature but if it's like a static object then it's not that much of a problem like a helmet is fine as long as the helmet doesn't stretch or anything like that which it's not so you're feeling these faces sorry just fill in so here we have five vertices so if we do like this there'll still be this little gap so i'm gonna create another edge up here and then i'm gonna merge these two problem solved but now we have a whole another edge loop here that's kind of unnecessary because it adds like too much detail in one small area so we need to spread out the edge loops a bit so i'm going to select this edge press gg quickly and that'll allow you to do this once you move your up mouse up and down it'll move along the curvature of the head without affecting like the position too much you can slide it wherever you want and just make sure that they all kind of follow the inline so whenever i edit one i'll have to edit another one which takes a little bit time but it's not too big of a deal so here i'm just gonna make sure they're all straight so now we can start moving towards the corner of the heads with the edges start merging needs together so here i'm going to create another edge loop another one extruding might be easier just to delete these and then attending from the fronts merge these as you go extruding follow the lines here we'll merge them together again but right now we're just going to get the shape and then try to make sure it looks good from all angles again here they are stuck together so i'm going to turn off clipping for a second that'll separate them scale them down again and then move them back here i'm going to turn clipping back on and then keep extruding sorry turn clipping back on now we're going to create another edge up here fill and then we're going to merge all those vertices that we haven't merged together yet so alt-m last and let's do the same for the rest all tim altsum if you can't see them from solid viewports then you can switch your viewport to wireframe with this little button up here or you can press z and then switch to wireframe now you can see everything so alt sim last just connect all these vertices if you ever see two together like this they're not connected then uh you should connect them and that will link everything together make sure that silhouette from the front looks like curved on the top like that's kind of like just keep going around here but that's so now i will smooth this out a bit later but uh for now i'm just gonna keep merging these faces so here i'm going to let's see i'll create another edge up here i'm going to fill in this face that way i have quad not a five vertices face or a triangle this is like a harder part of making the helmets which is just linking all the the back faces and the top faces and the side faces all together so just make sure that it looks all good i'm just going to continue extruding we're going to do the same for this set of faces that we did so we're just going to try to follow the sets we'll merge them later but we're just trying to follow the shape it doesn't have to be perfect so now we're going to i think actually i'm just going to get rid of this set of edges here so i'm going to press right click dissolve edges and that'll get rid of that which is really useful for getting rid of unnecessary edge loops really quickly so let's see here i'm gonna fill in this face i'm gonna create another set of edge loops here i guess i actually didn't really need to dissolve them so far i just thought i did but you know sometimes i make my steaks that's fine merseys trying to go as fast as i can here filling these faces here great edge loops as i go and then it's a little rough right now but we'll smooth it out pretty quickly so here we have a triangle but um i'd like to avoid that so i'm going to get rid of this face here so that way we can an edge an edge loop here so i didn't mean to be let's but you can add an edge up here now we can actually create a quad so quad there and quadrant sometimes you have to do that kind of stuff just like improvise to make sure you get any results that leads to a quad because that's what you want to have just for the best topology so once you have your rough faces all merged together now we can start smoothing it out some bits so let me use the smooth tool so by defaults you'll have the select box icon selected and uh i will use the smooth tool so it's this little pink square cube once i have that selected i can select the face that i want to smooth and notes and hopefully blender doesn't crash on me but all you're doing is just holding down left click and then dragging the mouse and i have under crash on me i'm gonna restart i can smooth it out again just like that there we go it's really useful for like smoothing and outs smoothing out the corners of heads or anything that's like very curved that it's really hard to like us do it by hand so so here i'm gonna edit the shape of the head a little bit some use the proportional editing mod a little tool that's this little blue icon up here once you click it it'll allow you to drag faces together like by influence so it'll make more sense when i do it so select one face press g press g i mean and there will be this little circle which is what you're controlling so you're actually controlling multiple faces based on the one that you have at the center so you can actually change how much you want to affect the overall head if you scroll down a bit that'll only focus on this section but if you scroll upward that'll start to gain more control of the overall head so this is useful for like you know larger surfaces that are curved or might require a lot of editing by hand this can save a bit of time so i'm just gonna make sure that it looks a little bulky but not too sharp so here i'm gonna smoothen out these faces again blender might crash on me but let's see i did it's like a 50 50 chance but i can get back in and just do it again every time i use a smooth blender will crash sometimes so just brace for that but here we can just shade smooth and that'll make all this look a lot more nice so now we're gonna smooth out this area so once you have your basic shape of your helmets once it's all linked together and merged and smooth you can start adding some more details to the outside so here we're going to create like a little mohawk so i'm going to select all these faces holding shift so i could select multiple in sequence you could also just press c and that will open up this little bubble and all you just select multiples at a time so here i'm gonna just press p to separate it let me go back into edit mode once i switched out into object mode go to edit mode for this object here then i'll press e to extrude outward so i pressed e then i pressed s so that way i could scale outward rather than just going straight outward try not to make it too like prominent or too uh don't make it stick out too much for the helmet this is just a feature i like to add to my helmets it's like a little mohawk kind of thing looks kind of cool i'm going to try to make this a little bit more straight now i'm going to start making it a little bit sharper so i'm going to press an edge loop ctrl r and then move it up here ctrl r click and then move it down and then do it again here ctrl r and ctrl r now here the uh this is this is a bit messy so i'm gonna make some changes here it's a little more square so i'm just going to make sure that it doesn't like overlap and all that so it looks kind of weird but it looks fun so now that we have like this little mohawk i'm gonna make it a little bit sharper i'm gonna select this edge loop here shift alt click and i'm gonna move it up press gg twice it only says g once but you're actually pressing it twice and now it looks a bit sharp i'm gonna make sure that it looks pretty even so here it's kind of like going inward a little bit i need to fix that so drag it outward i'm gonna do the same here just press shift alt and then selecting the edge loop so now we have mohawk done i'm going to turn on the edge split modifier for the helmets so that way i don't have to worry about these like shading ears in the corners of the eyes here so edge splits uh where is it right here and that'll add these little uh these creases here so i'm going to actually fix them a little bit just uh drag around the vertices a bit move them around so it's they're not uh doing that weird problem it'll do this weird thing like that it's kind of hard to fix there we go now let's fix this one and come on not sure why does this okay um see sure why does it here we go i'm just trying to get rid of this sharp edge here you can mix around the modifier bits and that'll do that so turn up the angle a little bit and i think it'll fix it just mess around with it i don't know exactly why it does that it's a weird modifier but it helps uh if you're new and you don't have to worry about like trying to add in edge loops to like fix these weird problems because it'll just make it more complicated so right now edge split is kind of an easy fix the overall it's probably a little rough but i think i'm fine with it so now i'm going to add a little more detail to the jaw area so i'm going to create a cube shift a move it to the left side i'm going to turn off the smooth tool because that keeps crashing blender uh but here i'm just gonna mirrors across the helmets i'm not gonna turn on clipping because right now it's just on the other side it's not gonna be merged so here i'm just gonna move it downward and it's just like it doesn't have to be super like detail or anything just like kind of like just like that change a little bit i'm gonna make this part a little bit taller so i'm a an edge up here so that way i can move this up without moving the whole part up moving forward a bit scale down there we go and then move it just right there down a bit making a lot of changes here here i'm just going to drag this edge back a bit so that way it kind of sticks up like that i'm going to merge these two faces here so right now droop down the middle and then turn on clipping again i'm going to delete this face because i don't want it to cause shading problems so i'm going to select this set of edges here and then my extrude and stick them together let's move this forward a bit that way it's kind of curved angular actually i might just get rid of that section i just like so here i'm gonna go back i'm gonna shorten this area a bit doesn't matter too much but so i'm just gonna try to make it look better i'm just messing around with it until i look happy with it okay i'll do the same here i'll cut another cube and just move it up scale it down mirror it across again select the base mesh or the helmet i mean it's taking a while let's try to do this a little quickly assuming it's like the back of the helmet so here i'm gonna just do that i'm gonna move it up a bit like that i'm going to try to make it not stick out too much so i can try and move it closer to the helmets here i'm gonna decent so i'm gonna try to add some more details to the side right here just try to move up the word a bit just keep adding cubes and just change the shape and uh it all starts with just a cube you can turn it into anything you want as long as you just extrude faces and like you know just you know don't think too much about it doesn't have to be a certain design it can just be random as long as it looks good so here i'm going to scout down and edge up here a little bit wider screw downward here i'm going to make sure it kind of sticks out a little bit around the jaw so just do that give it some nice detail i'm gonna link these faces together with like a small link move this up a bit that way the lines better and then i'm just gonna select this face press i to insets and then extrude towards the little middle section here and then move it down and uh that's weird yeah that's that's not bad looking just make sure that it you know doesn't overlap or cause any weird problems so i'm actually just going to drag it all the way through because it doesn't matter if this part you don't really need to merge all the things together like with the merge vertices because it's just a small detail there we go try to make it cover the whole edge of the helmet so move this down a bit that looks fine so here i'm just gonna just kind of mess around with this i'm not trying to create any specific design or be really you know crazy about it just add random pieces that kind of extrude just make it look a little more robotic that's something you'll notice with like famous iconic designs in movies like star destroyers stuff they have a lot of like non non-functional things that just look good that's it it's just you know aesthetic and so that's what i'm doing here they're like pretty much random just to add a little detail to the surface of things i'm trying to speed this up a bit it's taking a while but uh i think that looks pretty good i think i can pretty much call this helmet done for now the modeling aspect now like later on we'll model the rest of the armor for the body for that now this is just the helmet uh and we'll texture everything later with just like simple colors and base colors we don't have to worry too much about like complicated texturing and all that but uh i hope you guys enjoyed making these helmets next time i'll start making the shoulder pads and then next time after that we'll start making the chest but uh i'll try to be as quick as i can but i hope you guys enjoyed this video so see you guys next time
Channel: Colby Weaver
Views: 528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sci-Fi, 3d Modeling, Character, Blender, How To, Helmet, Make a helmet, Blender 2.8, Blender armor
Id: JImrZrglPkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 11sec (2231 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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