Create AUGMENTED REALITY Masks & Helmets + Export as INSTAGRAM FILTERS | After Effects + Spark AR

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[Music] what's going on guys welcome back to another video first one to say sorry about the cut and swelling on my lip i got hit in the face with a hockey stick the other day so i had to get some stitches but we're healing from that we got a good one for you today so previously i made a tutorial talking about creating a 3d face mask or a helmet from scratch using zbrush and then tracking it onto your face well today we're going to make a more beginner focused tutorial around that concept i'm going to show you an easier way as some free methods to create some 3d face masks to customize these 3d assets i'm still going to show you how to track the masks onto your face in after effects but i'm also going to show you how you can create instagram and snapchat filters out of your creations so you'll be able to upload this to your social media your followers can download try it out for themselves so a cool way to share it i hope you're excited about that we're going to be using a free software called spark ar to pull that off and please don't be intimidated about any of this 3d stuff i know a lot of you it may be very new but we're going to talk about a lot of free software a lot of very easy methods to get things done so let's hop right into it we're going to go and search for our assets and let's get started we're going to make some cool stuff today all right guys so the first thing you want to do for this workflow is figure out what 3d software you're going to be using so let's talk about some of the easier ones some of the ones that are free so if you want to follow along with the portion of this video where we track it onto our face in after effects you're going to need element 3d it's a plug-in from video copilot a lot of you who are watching this probably already have it it's extremely easy to use you just create a new solid like this once you've installed element 3d you just plop it on the solid in your effect controls you click scene setup and you're ready to start importing in your 3d objects and then tracking them onto your face that's how i'm going to show it in this tutorial i'm also going to be using cinema 4d to customize any of the 3d models if we need to if you guys don't want to get cinema 4d you can get blender just 100 free i highly recommend it even if you guys are only watching this tutorial for the end part which shows the spark ar in creating the instagram filters i recommend you at least download blender for free just so you're able to change around your 3d models and customize them if you want to and again if you're a beginner please do not be intimidated by this if you're new to 3d you guys can still do what we're doing by taking baby steps by using these 3d softwares just to import in 3d models maybe make a few changes to some things and then apply the steps that i'm going to show you you don't have to know how every little thing works and then there's also zbrush which is what i used in that older tutorial i made i made a 3d mask and sculpted it from scratch you're interested in that longer format link down below so you have the 3d software that you want to use now you need some 3d assets and this is another thing that i made a full video tutorial on where to find 3d assets and specifically free 3d assets so this full tutorial will talk about the best places um if you guys are just looking to grab something fast i recommend you go to turbosquid cgtraderfree3d all the links are of course in that video and now you just need to figure out what you want to get so i'm going to look up sci-fi helmet and i'm going to search by free and then you guys can start downloading you want to make sure whatever you're downloading is an obj or an fbx file and of course if you're able to download just the exact project file for whatever you want that's even better so you'll see some of these have cinema 4d project files unity on 3ds max some of these are going to be fbxes if you guys have the element 3d plugin go ahead and download an obj or an fbx and just start importing it in so if you're trying to use element 3d to start off keep in mind that element 3d only works with obj or c4d files so if you need to open it up in a 3d software again blender you can get for free just to do your converting i'm going to open it in c4d and i'm just going to export it as a c4d project file let's go ahead and open up that 3d file so this one right here sci-fi helmet i'm going to click use auto normals and click ok you'll see this is really big so the first thing you always want to do in element 3d you want to click normalize size this will be in the first little menu here now we can zoom in and this will be properly fit how we want let's also kind of flip this around because it's upside down right now so i'll just click flip y and there you go we have our little sci-fi helmet all within element 3d if you guys have any of these preset shaders or you can even make your own material from scratch you can just start dropping those on and designing the look and feel of your helmet again this is going to be very beginner focus so we're not going to get too in-depth into customization you want to do some basic changing you know you can of course just open up this little drop down select the material and then you can change around and hear your diffuse color which is essentially just what color it is you guys can also load in a little environment which is just going to add some realistic reflections onto the 3d model you guys can mess around with that if you like that's looking pretty cool let's click ok just so you guys can see this within after effects now i'm going to right click down here and i'm going to go to new and i'm going to create a camera now if you click c on your keyboard you can cycle through the different camera controls you can rotate this you can move left and right you can zoom in and out and you can really check out what these 3d models are all looking like and that's really how easy it is to get going all in element 3d all right so now that you have your 3d assets all designed and set up here's a quick reminder on how to track it onto your face in after effects i also want to say if you're only planning on creating the filter you don't want to use it in after effects then you can skip past this part just use the time stamps below to go to the part where we turn this into a facial filter but either way let's hop right into adobe after effects and start tracking so let me show you how to track it onto your face and then once we've done that once you guys have that good basic understanding of how to get these things working together and set up properly then we'll go back and we'll talk about customizing this so let's set up our track i'm going to go to my project bin and i'm going to create a new composition here i've actually already made it so i'll just tab over here and in this composition this is where you're going to place your footage now whenever you're recording your face for the tracking if you can put it on a tripod so there's not too much movement going on you want to make sure your footage is in focus you want to make sure the lighting is good you want to make sure there's not too much motion blur anything that's going to mess up that track and cause it to give you a shaky result so once you have your footage in this is just me looking in different directions it'll give a good show of the perspective once we track it on first thing you want to do grab a masking tool specifically a circular masking tool so hold down alt on your keyboard and just click up here until you have this ellipse tool you can also just click cue click and drag this over your face if it creates a shape like this just ctrl z that select this layer and then go ahead and redraw that so just draw a circle around your face all right now we're going to right click on this footage here and i'm going to go to recompose i'm just going to name this face ready i'm going to click move all attributes into the new composition and click ok so now back in our project bin here you're gonna see the face ready composition which we created i'm just gonna click and drag this into a new comp so now let's right click on here we're gonna go to track and stabilize and we're gonna track the camera the reason we drew this circle around our face is that way the tracking system is only going to focus around this area we don't need to track the background we don't need to track any of the movement we only want to focus all the computing power right onto our face so we have the best possible track all right so once the 3d tracking process is finished here's what it should look like a bunch of x's on your face and if you have a bunch of x's all over the place that means you have a good result so this is looking pretty good nice healthy track now we can double click in here and we can just click m on this layer and just delete the mask because we don't need to isolate that anymore so click back on this little tab here to go back to your main composition and if you select here in your effect controls you grab that 3d camera tracker that's how you get these to show up again in case they're not showing anymore so you have all these little x's let's start putting some tracking points on here so find a place in the footage i'm going to pick like the middle of my forehead here right click and click create solid and camera now if you click play you should have a square which is connected to your face if for any reason at this point you don't have a smooth result it could be because of the footage that you're trying to do this on so make sure again you listen to those tips i had at the beginning where i said no motion blur good lighting etc that way you can have the track solid nice and smooth on your face so this is pointing a little bit up so i'm even just gonna pop in here and i'm gonna grab the orientation and just kind of uh and just try and straighten that out a bit i'm gonna right click on this track solid i'm gonna rename this to base track info and now it's just easy as bringing in our element 3d object that we made earlier so i'll pop back into my other composition where i set this up here's the solid i'm going to right click and rename this to helmet and i'm going to ctrl c to copy just the helmet layer we don't need the camera and i'm going to paste this into our new composition so here's our helmet and for some reason this is still flipped upside down go up to my effect controls and then in world transform i'm just going to open up the rotation and i'm going to sort that out now all we need to do is link the 3d object that we have here to our face tracking info and this is actually pretty easy to do so if you press play you'll see this is already going to be moving with the 3d tracker camera that we created earlier so we're already off to a good start first off let's hide the visibility of the square we only need the layer in there but we don't need to see it in the scene so click the little eyeball all right now because it's a little bit annoying to change around all the parameters with this world transform thing here what we can do is we can just click open group 1 we can go to create group null and we can click create so this now creates this little group 1 null controller i'm going to right click and rename this to helmet control this essentially is just a normal layer which we can change around and it changes the positioning of the helmet so that's going to be pretty useful now we just need to link the position of this null to our tracking info you can actually just grab this little pick whip tool here it's just a little squiggly if you're not seeing that try clicking toggle switches and modes i think it's always there click and drag that from helmet control onto face track info click away so once you've linked it you can open up your position your transform here just click reset i'm going to grab this anchor point and i'm going to start to align this onto my face and now if i press play the tracking on my face here is pretty good i just need to scale it up make it look a bit better so i'll take my scale bump that up and then still using my anchor point and it's starting to look pretty cool if you want to see your face through here you can even go back to your element 3d that your your scene setup and wherever the glass is on this model if you do have a kind of screen over whatever you're using i'm going to scroll down all the way here to advanced with this selected i'm going to change this blending mode to screen and now we can see through it if you want you can even take this little force opacity maybe just opacity it down and there you go now i can see my face through the screen which is pretty awesome and that kind of gives me a good little understanding of where i need to put this so maybe i'll anchor point it over a bit more so that's just the basic setup of how you can take a 3d object using element 3d plug-in for after effects and how you can track it onto your face now we're going to talk about customizing this so what i'm going to show you first is i'm going to show you how to change some of the options with element 3d here just to make this look flashy and different next what i'm going to show you is using your 3d software i'm going to use c4d you can use blender to create a different face mask all from scratch just using kit bash little bits and parts then we're gonna go into spark ar and we're gonna turn whatever we make into an instagram filter you guys can upload them publish them and share them with whoever follows you so i think one of the coolest ways to customize these 3d objects that you're seeing here is by creating custom textures quick little side note since we have all the 3d tracking set up here if you guys have any downloaded uh glitch transitions or kind of hud effects that you can get if you just search for green screen hud or glitch overlay glitch texture you can find a bunch of these you can drag this into your scene here and all you need to do is make sure that this is a 3d layer so click toggle switches and modes you'll see this little 3d cube click that uh let's scale this down so i'll click s and then let's change the blending mode so toggle switches and modes put it on add and now you'll see that this is tracked in with your scene so let's go to maybe a part where i'm turning my head and there you go you can use this 3d camera tracker to just bring in a bunch of different elements other than 3d and have that still tracked in so you can do so much with that but we'll just leave the customization on your end i'm going to show you the essentials so next one i want to show you i'm going to go and create a new composition here just to keep it all organized so in our project bin click this new comp button let's name this custom glitch texture and click ok and then i'm going to open up that folder where i have all these saved glitched overlays i'll leave a link below to some if you want to check them out i'm just going to start selecting some uh and then dragging them in so i'm holding down control on my keyboard and i'm just grabbing a bunch of different ones that i think look cool like that i'm going to click and drag them into the comp now these are all 4k this is a 1920x1080 project so i'm going to right click transform and fit to comp and then they're all in line so i'm just going to kind of make them i also have some of these hud elements again these are all things that you can just search on google so i'll drag some of these in some circles i'm even just going to hide the glitches for now we'll revisit that but i want to just start with a simple little display so go back to our main composition here now let's drag that hud layer in and now back in our project bin let's grab custom glitch textures drag this in here's what that's looking like if you make this a 3d layer again just checking on this cube you have the you'll have this tracked on to the outside of the scene which looks pretty cool in of itself but we can even take that a step further switch this off we don't want this to be 3d for now we're going to click on our helmet again we're going to go up to our effect controls for our element 3d settings here you have this custom layers you can open up custom texture maps and even custom text and masks so custom texture maps layer one we're going to select this drop down and we're going to put it on our custom glitch text layer here and we can even just hide the visibility here but let's go back to scene setup here for our helmet and now selecting the glass of this helmet which is right here just says glass cracks you'll see if i scroll down for textures you're going to see diffuse specular normal and illumination i'm going to go to diffuse and i'm going to click this little drop down here and i'm going to select custom layer 1 and click ok i'm also going to do that with specular now let's click ok as you can see our hud is on our helmet now the only issue is our hud is actually kind of to the side we want it to be right on the middle of the helmet it's kind of on the left ear let's go back into the scene setup if you click back on here you're going to see these little offset uv offset buttons let's just try and drag this to the left and see if that does anything all right so we kind of have it almost over my face so let's keep trying to work with that a bit all right negative 1.25 looks like it's it so let's set that for the specular as well and check out how cool that is now we have the hud tracked onto the actual mesh of our 3d model here all right guys and other than that a few other details we're going to quickly go by if you need to cover up anything that shouldn't be showing like for example this just click ctrl shift d to cut out a piece of the face and then ctrl d to duplicate it take that piece of the face mask around it so that it's covering the spot that you're trying to cover to blend it in just click m and add a bit of feather and then i added a little bit of a manual mask track as you can see but nothing crazy if you really need to you could always rotoscope it i did the exact same thing with a blue solid here this is what it looks like just with the face over top i went to layer new solid created a light blue solid and again did the same exact things just masked over top of it and then softened up the mask by adding a bit of a feather the only other things you need to know is if you go in your effect controls for element 3d you can go through render settings and just kind of mess around with these try and get the best look you want for your helmet here i went and i turned on ray tracing just to add some of these realistic shadows under ambient occlusion i also created another new solid so layer new solid made it black and just made a little mask around my neck put the blending mode on soft light so i have a little shadow darkening up underneath where the helmet would be so let's get into customizing the 3d model because i think that's more important you don't always want to be using other people's models even if they are letting you use them for free so i went on turbo squid i downloaded these free kit bash parts let me hop into cinema 4d import those and show you how we can combine these parts with any other 3d model and so here's the helmet that we used before here's all the little parts let's just start customizing so i'm going to zoom in here and just find some cool stuff let's maybe delete the skull and we can take everything else that's here and just start tossing that on so i'm going to grab my selection tool and i'll just go like that let's go ahead and just group that little selection together so i'm going to alt g and i'm going to name this jaw parts and we'll click and we'll take this out of this null go ahead and grab our scaling tool and we'll just scale this up so really so ultimately what i'm trying to show you is just taking different parts using the basics things like scaling and just being able to select in your 3d software and then combining it with these models or you know making things from scratch duplicate that control c control v have those coming out the sides or something kind of just free styling something together and there you go so you guys get the idea once you made the adjustments you want you can just delete all the excess file export obj or even if you're using cinema 4d like me you can file export as a c4d project file then bring that right back into element 3d that's why i like working with c4d because it has that element 3d project file compatibility you don't have to use fancy kit batch stuff you guys could even just use these like primitives that are built in just showing you how you can import things in how you can customize just from the bare essential basic way now let's start in spark ar and i'm going to show you how to make some filters and instead of using this the one i'm going to show you for the tutorial is actually this little stormtrooper helmet just to switch it up show you a few different things that you can do so here is the stormtrooper 3d model that i customize i'm going to bring this model into spark ar it's not going to look as fancy because we're doing some nice octane render textures it's going to look pretty similar here's a quick little time lapse how i customize this again i use c4d but you can do this with any 3d software i just selected this helmet that i found for free i went into this points mode to show the lines i kind of wanted to cut away one of the eyes because again this is going to be a filter so i wanted you to be able to see your eye through this mask you can select these points just with the selection tool like that and then you can literally just click delete and that's all i did to be able to cut away that chunk of the mask to kind of make these a little more jagged you can also right-click on c4d just grab the knife tool and you can just draw like this and it kind of cuts up the geometry and then i also projected these cool kind of traditional star wars tattoos onto this mask and all i did for that was i created a new texture here's the image that i'm using and then i just projected it projected it over with the alpha you take that concept that i just showed you do with any other mask bring it back into element 3d and do the same exact thing where you have the jagged kind of eye showing or any other creative cool stuff you guys come up with but either way let's get into spark ar let's turn this into an instagram filter that we can share first you're going to need to download spark ar it's very easy it's 100 free just follow what you see on the screen here once you've done that open it up another side note if you are a windows user you're going to have to download itunes to be able to install this they use like an itunes mirroring for you connect your iphone with it something like that once you open up spark ar it's actually a really great software owned by facebook as well they have a bunch of little preset templates here so if you want to start off with something like eye color you can then we'll add the 3d object around it so let's do that we'll pick this eye color template of course this is optional you guys don't have to change your eyes it's just showing a few different things there's so much with the spark ar software here that i'm really just going to try and show you the basics but if you guys do enjoy this if you like seeing videos at the end i make it in the instagram filter if you want to see some sparky or stuff let me know in the comments let's change the eyes we're adding a little stormtrooper here so let's give them some red eyes just select eye color over here on the right for iris i'm just going to make this red and there you go easy as that they have the template all good to go let's take this and just expand it up so we can see what we're doing all right now let's bring in our stormtrooper helmet or whatever sci-fi helmet you guys created in your 3d software found on the internet whatever it is you want to put in here they even have a little library here so for those of you who just are interested in the filters you don't even have to touch a 3d software you could always just use some of the 3d objects that they have in here that's really nice to use it's awesome to see that they have that they also have different textures here patch assets which is kind of like plug-ins other stuff music so really great software all around click add assets click import from computer now since we're putting a helmet over someone's head you need to do one little setup beforehand you need to go to this website here and you just need to download these face references this will give you two folders mesh and textures just go to mesh and open up head occluder once that's loaded into your assets here let's go ahead and add a facial track so click add objects and click face tracker insert open up device open up focal distance and here is our face tracker this one's for the eyes so we'll keep that separate grab face tracker one take your head occluder click and drag it onto face tracker one now you have this 3d head that's kind of in the plane and that now allows us to place our helmet over top of that so right click if you want to rotate by the way the controls are really easy zoom scroll wheel that's all you really need to know now let's add whatever face mask or helmet we want so click add asset again import from computer depending on what asset you use you may need to reduce the file size of it this stormtrooper 3d object you'll see it's 18 megabytes if i open this in it's going to give you this warning here if you click learn more it'll give you info on how to fix that if you guys are using blender for free it says triangle count exceeds the recommended limit use the spark ar toolkit for blender to reduce it so blender users click the link below if you want to do that fix it's very fast it's easy you can do it in like two minutes here's how i did it in c4d you just add a little polygon reduction make your object a child of the polygon reduction connect and delete export and you're good to go so if you do a quick google search of reducing the triangles of a 3d object for whatever 3d software you're using you can find it very fast and easy so let me bring in the fixed lower file size versions this one cracked helm reduced size so take your helmet or your face mask drag that onto your new face tracker one now you'll see that tracked onto our face you just need to transform this a bit so it's over top of this head occluder here a quick little run down click r to bring up the rotation tool click t to bring up the scaling tool and then click e to bring up the transform tool that's really all you need to know also we can pause this for now grab this access and move it in click again t scale it up e move it back there you go now you can see the eye poking through there pretty cool and then just give that a little play see how that's looking all right so you can see it's not really covering his head as much so you can either scale all right so that's pretty good you can also set uh you can also say your camera to whatever webcam you have set up but i'm using it to record now so i just won't do that now comes the texturing part of this so we have that all set up and scaled now we can just texture a texture let's just click on this helmet three here let's click on the helmet and over on the right it's going to show you what materials are being used so since we want to add decals these tattoos over top of them i'll do the same thing i showed you in c40 i'll select the helmet ctrl c ctrl v to paste it and you need to grab the helmet and just drag it out of here because for some reason it pastes all of it click confirm now we can delete this right click and rename this to decals this is going to be the decals here and we need it to match up with this helmet so on the right you'll see position over here we click helmet here's the position of the helmet so we can just copy and paste those so make your position 0 0.004 and the rest of these look like they're zero so that's pretty easy if you need to you could always just select a value control c and control v it scales all one and rotation is all zero all right so those are all lined up i'm gonna click t here and i'm gonna scale up the decal layer so it's a little bit bigger now let's add in a custom texture for this so for the materials on the right let's just click the drop down click create new material and here it is down in this materials folder so select that new material i'm actually going to rename that to decals and then in here same exact thing so go to diffuse choose from file and load in your image now one thing you're going to need to do to make this easier you'll see how this is a white background what i did was i just opened this image up in photoshop so open in photoshop and then i just grab my magic selection tool so over here right click on the background layer layer from background click in the white and then just delete that way i just got rid of the background so this is transparent and then i just file save as and i save this as a png so that way when we come back in here we can load in the png file this time so this one with the transparent background you see here it's shown on our face mask but let's set up the alpha so scrolling down here blend mode alpha you guys want to change around how this is projected just select your material above where it says your blend mode alpha you'll see this tile and offset tiling options if you just make like a 0.2 increment you'll see how that changes around and you can get some different variations of whatever is being projected if you put this up to like two though it might disappear so it depends on your uv map so pretty cool that's why i gave you this example instead of the original sci-fi helmet because i already showed you how to add the materials to that but i never showed you how to really customize them so i use this example some different ways of customizing hopefully that'll help your ideas run a little bit more now to finish this off there's only two more steps step number one being let's make this eye glow so i told you earlier that this is just a plane that i kind of put in that little eye slot so it's in its own separate area so we can give it its own separate material so you'll see over here materials let's create a new material for that as well and we'll name that red glow color of course just make it red and there you go and if you want you can kind of make it see through like i did so i went to specular so in my blending mode here i just put that on add last thing i did and i said i didn't want to get too in depth but just one more cool little thing is i added a voice changer so right click on microphone here click add and then click speaker now click on speaker and on the right you'll see this little audio with the yellow arrow click that to open up this patch editor drag in your microphone and you can do some cool stuff with this just click drag out go to audio and then you can add any audio adjustments so i added a pitch shifter i made the adjustment minus six and then take that and connect it to the speaker now if you want to see what that sounds like select your microphone over here on the right preview just adjust and there you go and there you go i won't say too much because i don't want my speakers and microphone to explode because they're kind of close to each other but that's all you really need to do just turn the preview back to none you guys can mess around with that do some cool stuff there's so many cool things in this software i'm pretty excited about that if you do want to see more stuff like that just let me know and this all off let me show you how we can export this get it to instagram all you need to do is file upload and export this should tell you that your file is good to go if not of course you need to down scale it in your 3d software just click publish a new effect click upload it's going to open up this spark ar gonna open up this spark ar hub here so you can name it make sure that your instagram is connected to your facebook so fill out all the little info for the demo video this is pretty cool if you just click save over here in the top right you guys will get a little notification to your instagram you can open it up and just test it right in your phone there what i did was i took this video with that little testing option and then i just saved that video in the top right in instagram uploaded that to dropbox on my phone opened it in dropbox on my computer and then just uploaded it from there here's the little preview video so whenever you open this up this is what people will see when they're going to download so here's what this looks like you can choose a thumbnail off of this video for your upload file here i just made this little thumbnail in uh in photoshop it's just 200x200 just a little icon upload that it takes a little bit to review but mine was already up within like a few hours after i uploaded it for the review and that's it guys i hope you do enjoy let me know how you feel about the augmented reality stuff i think it's really cool and it's cool vfx that the average person can do if you just get a little bit into 3d and we're not doing the craziest of 3d here that's what i like about it we're using basic import tools we're doing like a few things things that you can learn in 3d within the first day of getting a 3d software great projects to introduce you into this to get the ball rolling and then to open doors in the future to a lot more stuff going forward as always thank you so much for watching thank you so much for supporting and i'll see you guys [Music] foreign
Channel: Max Novak
Views: 44,589
Rating: 4.9652629 out of 5
Keywords: 3d, after effects, helmet, mask, ed ov, max novak, instagram, filter, spark ar, sci fi, augmented, reality, ar, vr, tutorial, workflow, how to, cg, vfx, blender, c4d, element 3d, video copilot, film riot, music video, yung thug, astronaut, short film, adobe, premiere, ae, jitter, freeze frame, clone, effect, best, top 10, nft, daft punk, trippy, hud, glitch, elements, free, preset, pack, plugin
Id: QkMD56ntqzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 11sec (1751 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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