Braided Rug Tutorial

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[Music] hi everybody so today i'm going to show you how to make a rug here's some colors i chose to make a rug with so we're going to get started [Music] so first of all we're gonna take five strips and we're gonna fold them over nicely like like in three [Music] that one's not very long and it also helps to stretch out your stuff a little bit so it doesn't make your rug stretch out that one's good enough [Music] so here i have five different strands that i rolled over on the top nicely and i'm going to sew them together [Music] so you want to make sure each strand is attached securely after you sew you can also hand sew it with a needle and we're going to start the braid so we're going to do a weaving process take the one on the right go over under over under now and it's helpful to find a place to secure it so you can work more easily and you're going to start again from the right with the next strand over [Music] under over under and you want to keep it a bit snug okay so we're going to continue to use it from the right side over under over and under then that one becomes the end one and we start over again so now i came to the end of my strands and i need to add more so i'm going to roll it just like i did at the beginning and you can do there are several ways to add this is the easiest way i'm just going to fold it over make a tiny slit just just like that make a tiny hole and get another strip [Music] so then we're going to roll this over nicely like that as well and make a slit in this one same way it's a tiny one stick that one through that hole and then take the tail of itself [Music] and stick it through that hole pull it tight now you have a secure another strand longer strand okay another way you can do it if you don't want to do it that way is sew it on with the machine just roll that on there real nice and there you go let's add it on so now that we've got all our strands lengthened we want to continue braiding and to make a two foot wide by four foot long rug we want to have about 28 inch center so we're going to measure it after a while make sure it's a 28 inch center okay so now we're going to measure and see what length we've got and i've got 28 inches so i'm going to start to turn it around and braid it into itself so this time the strand that we're bringing around is gonna come back around and go into the first loop here that we just made [Music] and we're going to go in that same loop several times so that we have a nice turnaround [Music] do so now i'm going to go in this hole one more time that was three times because the first turn around is a very sharp term turn around obviously now i'm gonna bring the next strat a strip and then we're gonna find the next hole here right up from the one we just used and put that one through and then again i'm going to use that hole with the next strip now we're coming around to the other side and again now we're going to find the next strand here next loop i'm sorry [Music] and we're going to keep going the whole length of the rug that way we're going to find the next loop this is the one we just did we can see by pulling away now we're going to get this strip a loop and again on the next one now again i mean the next loop [Music] do [Music] you think [Music] so i came to my last loop on this side so now this strand is going to come over to the neck side find the first loop and put it through there and then i'm going to bring this next one into that same loop so because we're going around a very sharp curve here to make the rug stay laying flat we don't want it to become too tight so you want to be careful not to make it too tight but going around the edges either the corners either so we're going to do the first this side this corner just like we did the first corner after we come through after we feel like we came around the corner well enough that our strands are nicely together going this way then we'll just do one strand each again [Music] so [Music] so now we came down one full circle around the center spray that we made first and we go around this curve just the same as before except i don't go three times in one hole usually i just do two as we come around [Music] find the next loop and go through that one twice [Music] there we go this is the second round [Music] so now we're at the plate we're just going to continue to braid around and around until we get it to the size and the length that we like [Music] okay so now i've braided it as big as i want it i'm ready to end it i'm going to show you how to end your rug so let's get these out of the way i'm going to take the last strip that i just braided in and i'm going to sew it right to the loop that it's in that i put it in through so you can do this by machine or you can just do it by hand so so one by hand i'm gonna snip off the tail [Music] this is the one i just so fast now that's my end just like that [Music] now i'm going to continue to braid just a little bit farther so it doesn't look like i made an uneven if i just cut them off all here and so fast it would not be a nice curvature so i'm going to braid just a little farther not much there's a loop or two [Music] and that one i have to bring up three because that would make it even okay so now i've i've braided just a couple more loops and i'm going to go ahead and sew this one in and snip it off here's where i sewed it fast right there and i just snipped off okay now i have three strands left and i'm going to continue just braiding a little bit farther to get a nice rounded ending [Music] so now i braided the thin three braids with the three strands up to this point and i'm gonna flip these back and do the same as i did before sewing this fast to this last loop okay so now i've snipped off that third string and i only have two left so i just do a kind of a braid so over and then since we're ready to go under just go under and then go over and under into the next loop and only for a few loops you know so that fast there we go now i'm ready to sew that last one fast so now for this last strand i don't really have anything to braid with so i'm just going to end it right here i'm going to sew it just like i did others and snip it off and this is our finished product if you've any questions feel free to ask them in the comments
Channel: Beverly Martin
Views: 118,776
Rating: 4.7905602 out of 5
Id: wJljWX5L2Zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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