How To Make A Pot Cozy - (AND Giveaway, e-book, PCT Plans)

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hey all so this week I'm going to show you all how to make a pot cozy you can make one to fit any size or shape pot that you have but I will show you with the pot that I use well I hiked the Appalachian Trail and I will show you the cozy that I use and actually held in there like a champ but if you don't know what a cozy is either it's okay you'll know by the time you watch this video all right so why would you want a pot cozy the reason I chose two was to save on fuel costs so you can boil your water throw food in once it starts cool and cut your fuel off throw it in the cozy and wait for a while for it to finish so it holds the heat in and allows it to keep cooking when otherwise you have your fuel burning the whole time so it saves on fuel costs and money which you won't have a lot of while you're hiking in Appalachia trips so also while you're eating if you've got a pot that you just pulled off of your stove is scalding hot so this way you've got something to kind of keep your hands it'll still be warm but then you've got something to protect your hands when you're eating also so there you go this is my cozy from my third hike that's why it's all Randy doing pitiful looking with a lot of repairs but anyway so this is the original design that I went with and then what I'm going to show y'all I'll show you how to do that one if you so desire but this is the modified version and it just overlaps so but what you're going to need to do this is reflectix you can get this at Lowe's or Home Depot for about fifteen to twenty dollars or you can probably even use one of those reflective when she'll do Funky's same kind of materials so and then you're going to need some reflectix full tape um duct tape I just feel like would probably melt so I did make some repairs of mine using duct tape because I like that but um and another purpose of the cozy is once your food is cooked and you're ready to eat your pot is not scalding hot you can hold it in food so a couple reasons why I like this design over this one as you can see this kind of separates here allowing heat to escape this one overlaps now this one is probably 0.35 so less than 1/2 ounce heavier but that's going to depend on the size of your pot and all of that and the amount of tape you use so all right now the pot that I use throughout my whole through my 2,000 miles is this little aluminum grease pot now you can pay for titanium it's gonna be very lot more expensive way more expensive this costs about seven or eight dollars at Kmart and I just made a little modification you can see this is like an original one here made a little modification of the knob so I could cook on the fire if I chose to you I just put like an ad bolt so this just unscrews and I just put an eye bolt on this one cut it off but a lot of people will tell you not to eat out of and cook on aluminum so you probably shouldn't but I figured I wasn't using theater for six months so that was upsetting my aluminum intake alright so let's start pulling first thing to do is go ahead and make your bottom and your top portion of your cozy so literally just going to trace around I would recommend using a permanent marker so you can see your markings all right so next we're going to do the sad of the cozy so you want the reflectix to come down a little space from the rim of the pot because when you're trying to drink you know liquid left in your meal or you're trying to dump something out or whatever you don't want it right at the edge where it catches and runs down inside your cozy because then it kind of you know makes the tape not stick anymore and all that so to avoid that we're going to leave a little space here on my old design I didn't do that I learned that I need to do Sonia all right little gap there so we're going to mark it over here about where we want it to be and then I'm going to mark inside here about how long it needs to be you don't want it to be too tight around the pot because you want to be able to pull your pot in and out easily so all right and then using straight edge well that's not exactly straight if you want to have the overhang part on your cozy then that's what we're going to do here if not if you wanted to have the design that just has the the part that sits on top then you can skip this part but I like to have the little lip like I said before so this is how you just use the lid to measure length that's a cut okay so I'm just gonna mark when I want it to be again you don't want it to be super tight on there alright okay and then there's no like magic number of how thick this piece should be but I'm gonna do it just maybe one and a half of these um yeah just an estimate just enough to hang over to completely cover the space from where the cose comes up on your pot to where the little lip things down and covers it all right so now I've got the four pieces I've got my bottom got the top got my side and then the lip for the top and for the taping I strongly suggest a glass of wine just to help because it might be a little frustrating all right so we're going to go ahead and do the sad first tape it just a long run there this thing you've got to peel this off and then just cut let's tape you use a ladder it's going to be the liner it is bliss with me are going to hurt okay this seam right here I would go ahead and just tape it really well because you want it to come apart on you while you're on the trail but like I said I mean if it does you should have duct tape on you anyway duct tape will help repair it and we mine work just fine and kept it together but if you go into it you can make it look prettier than that that works okay so once you get the sound done then you put your bottom on you're going to kind of pull it up make sure it's down in there and safely I'm just going to go ahead and get a few pieces on there just to hold it in place might help if you just go ahead and cut a bunch of little pieces and you can stick it all on at one time in fact I'm going to go do that right now all right so now you continue to stick them on there and you could go this way but I just feel like the more reinforcements the better I mean especially I mean it depends on how far you're going to Trek with your code me but if you're going to do a thru-hike and that as well all right boom perfect number all right so there's bottom now for the top alright so for this I bolt here the best I'm going to do is just kind of measure ish where it is and then just make like a slit I'm not cutting your finger off all right so we're essentially going to do the same here so it's going to fit together like so so it looks like good length and everything and we're also going to tape around here to reinforce them as soon as that start filling all right so you take the two ends together to make your little ring and you put the top down in it and go ahead and lay a piece of tape here the bread that's where you're going to need two one okay so lay it down there and fold the tape up once you do a couple pieces like that just to secure it and it should be good to flip it over all right what is done alright so in here I'm just going to go ahead doing this so that when you slide the lid down it's not catching on this little slide over easily um I had that issue with my old design doing that whenever I put the lid on stuff not okay now we're going to take this this and you can see I mean it would fray here and give out pretty quickly so that's why I'm doing all this and if you really are like a Nazi on wait like to the gram and I some of y'all are which probably wouldn't even be do it it comes even because it's not absolutely necessary but um I mean the less time you use again the latter it's fitting me so you could definitely trim off so this tape here but just for the sake of showing y'all how to do this I'm not going to go over leaking it food of course the more time you spend on it prettier it's going to be Wow all right so just to show you all the weight difference between the old design and the new design all design 1.25 ounces new design one point three ounces so 0.05 difference there on the one I just made and then as far as the pop modification goes modifying the top so the old one with the plastic knob three point six ounces and then with the unbolt 3.7 ounces so really not a huge difference here just according to preference in what you decide to do all right so I hope that that was useful for y'all if you end up making a cozy let me know how it works out for you I'd be interested to hear what y'all starts thoughts are on it I wanted to make some announcements first of all this is going to be the last video of season 1 but no worries season 2 is coming up shortly I want to take this break to go ahead and finish the ebooks that I've been working on for y'all it's a basic guide like how to prepare to hike the Appalachian Trail because when I started I had no clue like what do I do I literally googled how to hike the Appalachian Trail or how to plan an 18-3 hike I want to put information in there not only just about how to prepare but like things that you'll deal with mentally out there wildlife safety just all kinds of things just so you'll know what to expect I think even if you're planning to do it in sections or you know any kind of backpacking in this part of the country then it will be helpful for y'all another thing I have put a gear list I still need to add some things to it but it's on my blog WWE wanderlust calm and soon during this stretch the span that I'm taking a break I'm also going to put up all of the financial information I know you all have asked that and I want that included in the e-book so I'll also post that on the blog for y'all to see coming up I'm doing trail magic not this coming weekend but the one after at brown gap and there will be some people who um were in the videos and stuff while I was hiking that are doing trail magic with me so like the family of seven and then cap one of the guys that named me so anyway we're all going to be out there doing trail magic for this year's thru-hikers as a way to pay it forward so and I'll definitely take in video there so you all be looking for that after the break and in case you didn't know it has almost been a year since my thru-hike began um began on March 29th and the channel I think was started the 1st of April so um almost at a year anniversary now and kind of in celebration of that and the e-book and just everything I wanted to do a little giveaway so I'm going to give away a live straw to somebody I'll pull a name out of the Hat but all you have to do to enter is comment on this video a question or some piece of information that you would like to see in the e-book that I am currently writing one of the questions that I've gotten a lot lately is what are your PCT plants so I want to hike the Pacific Crest Trail I'm hoping to do it next year it's going to depend on funding um so I'm trying to get this ebook out I'm trying to start my micro grains business I'm working a bunch of part-time jobs I could get another engineering position but I don't really believe in starting something like that with a company and then quitting after year burning a bridge I just don't feel like it's my character to do that so anyway I'm just going to try to have all kinds of forms of income to save up to make it happen a lot of you have suggested that I start a patreon so I'm going to do that but I wanted to be able to provide something of value to the people who are donating so that's why I want to give this ebook done that way you can either buy the e-book straight up for whatever price it has or you can donate through the patreon account and get a copy of the e-book that way so anyway that is my plan thank you all to everyone who has stuck with this channel from the beginning I never imagined that there would be this many subscribers were approaching 4,000 quickly and I just I just can't believe it how much support I've gotten from people who have started out from the beginning watching or along the way or you know post hike but I was just you know doing something that always dreamed of and just to be supported by so many people has been absolutely amazing and has encouraged me to continue to do more and has really made me have an itch for the PCT um I'm gonna go ahead and take a little break though three to four weeks so I'll either be back April 20th or April 27th I will keep you all posted but we're gonna keep rolling with the once a week on Wednesdays thing I'm gonna miss y'all for this stretch I'll still be answering comments and things like that um but get ready for season two okay so I am here at Amicalola State Park and I am about to hike the approach trail just wait my pack in and sign the Reg
Channel: Homemade Wanderlust
Views: 68,582
Rating: 4.9582505 out of 5
Keywords: travel, hiking, hike, adventure, fun, story, Auburn, Alabama, epic, Appalachian, Trail, climbing, canyon, national, nature, mountains, update, park, lake, trail, tents, camping, summer, University, Aubie, River, stream, Mountains, National, Scenic, PCT, Cozy, Cookware, giveaway, lifestraw, ebook
Id: pYW6pcUi8zE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2016
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