Darvanalee Designs | How to make a Quick and Easy Bowl Cozy | For Any Size Bowl #WithMe

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hi and welcome to divinely design studio for those that don't know my name's Nicole Reid and today I'm going to show you how to make these super easy ball cozies that are completely reversible I'm even going to show you how to measure each individual Bowl so you can get the correct fitting size so let's get started [Music] okay so today we are going to be looking at what fabrics batting and cotton we're using this is it a very important part of this video and I just want to make it very clear that you need to use 100% cotton for all of those things so you're batting needs to be a hundred percent cotton your cotton needs to be a hundred percent cotton and your fabrics also need to be a hundred percent cotton and the reason being is that if you don't use a hundred percent cotton and you use a cotton blend or a polyester or something like that you run the risk of actually of it melting and or catching on fire and this is not optimum this is not what we want to happen so please make sure when you're going shopping or your shopping your stash or anything like that that your fabrics your cotton and your batting are all 100% cotton you're also going to need some other supplies so just a general sewing in supplies you're going to need your rotary cutter some scissors some thread snips some marking devices wonder Clips come in handy for this but aren't necessary you're also going to need a tape measure and you're going to need a couple of quilting rulers and the most important part of this is so we can get the correct size for our bowl is the actual bowl that you're going to use so you can see here that I've actually got um three bowls here and this one that you can see here that I've already made actually fits this one nicely and you can see that you can pick it up it's got the corners on it as well and we're just going to do square ones today I do have a few other videos planned for different shapes and extra things that you can put on them okay so you can see here that these ones are already assembled and I just usually Jesus cook whatever scraps I've got leftover in my scrap bin or anything like that and I've got two of the matching ones here and they're totally reversible as well so what we do to one side we do to the other now you might be wondering how you get the different sizes for each of your Bowl cozies so as you've seen before this one actually fits in there quite nicely you can hold that it's got the edges so you don't burn yourself and it's quite snug and fits in quite nicely so I have here a couple of other bowls and different sizes and so I'm going to show you what I do to get the size for each individual Bowl so I just grab my tape measure and this one here which fits into this one this bowl cozy here all I've done is actually placed my zero on my tape measure in the middle of the bowl and then I've just gone straight across the top and it ends up the edge of the bowl being at nine inches so now what I do to make it so it sits in nicely and not raised above the the card the bowl cozy I actually add an inch on to that so the size square that I need to cut for this particular bowl is actually ten inches all right so I will need to cut out of my whatever fabric that I choose to use I will need to cut out two ten inch squares of 100% cotton fabric and two ten inch squares of 100% cotton batting okay so for another Bowl so for instance this little dip bowl here and they look awfully cute on your table when you're entertaining this particular bowl I don't actually use for dip so I actually use to have my wonder clips or pins in in the sewing room and they look cute for that as well so again we flip that over we place the zero on the edge and then run that through the middle there and it is actually coming in at just on seven inches so it's a little bit less than seven inches so let me just have a look closer look there you can actually get away with six and three quarters actually so I'm going to my squares at 7 and 3/4 so that again will make it nice and snug around the bowl and it'll just have the pieces on the outside now this particular ball cosy here I can actually sit this one in to that and it sits in there quite nicely but as you can see it's not as snug as it is with the other one so I will again measure this bowl to make sure that I'm getting the right size as I did with the other ones I just place it on the side and run through the middle and it comes at nine and a half so my square would need to be ten and a half all righty so I'm gonna cut off camera and I'm going to cut up some squares I'm just going to be doing one for this one today and so I need to cut ten inch squares but you need to now measure the bowl that you want to make the ball cozy for and then cut your appropriate size so I've cut my our fabric and I've cut my batting I've got two of each and all I'm going to do now is just place my fabric with the right sides facing up onto this ten inch square here of bedding and then I'm going to do exactly the same for the other piece we've placed our fabric on top now what we're going to do is we're going to head over to the sewing machine and we're actually going to stitch across on each piece of these so I'll grab my marker and my ruler and show you how to do that so all I'm going to do is I'm just going to grab my marker as I said and from one corner and I'm just using a friction pen today and then from one corner to the next I just draw a diagonal line just like so and then I do exactly the same going back the other way okay so I've drawn the cross and I'm going to stitch on that line with my 100% cotton and I'm going to do exactly the same thing to the other side as well okay so now what we're going to do is we're going to add our darts in or pleats so basically what you're going to do is you're going to take your ten inch square one of them and you're going to fold it in half with the fold facing down the bottom here okay I've got a couple of different rulers to show you how to do it this little one here is perfect for this little project because it's only one inch in height so it makes it super easy to place the marks so all I'm going to do for this particular one is place the edge of the ruler on the fold and then move it the right hand raw edge onto the two inch mark and then I'm just going to place a mark here because that's one on one inch up from the bottom and then I'm going to place a mark over here on the fold which is two inches from the side so you can see there that I've got the two marks and then I'm going to join the dots but before I do that I'm going to show you how to use another ruler so this particular one here is an omni grid ruler and it's got all your numbers and everything on it like any other normal ruler so what I'm going to do and it's a six inch one so it makes it super easy and you can see here it's got numbers going from five four back or 1/2 backwards okay so we're going to place it essentially the same thing it's on the one inch mark so we're going to come down one inch and we're going to place the two inch mark on the right hand side here again you place a mark here and a mark there and then you would join the dots now it can be a little bit tricky to join those dots because you are drawing on the flight on the wadding so just take your time and you'll get it done now the other end we're going to do exactly the same thing we're going to place the left hand raw edge side on the two inch mark and then we're going to bring it down so it's only one inch high and again we're going to place a mark on the 2-inch bar the one each point and then on the two-inch point and then again join the dots just like that and you're going to repeat that for this second piece so again folding it in half so what we do to 1 we do to the other and we get our ruler and we make our marks and then join our dots and the same on this side make our 1 inch mark and the 2 inch and join the dots ok so now what we're going to do is this is where the Wonder clips come in handy I just place a couple of 1/2 clips on each piece so I know that it's not going to move and then I'm going to head over to the sewing machine and I'm going to stitch on that line that I just marked okay so we've sewn them and you can see there that that's now stitch that's created our a little dot now just making sure that you do a reverse at the beginning in the end I forgot to mention that before I went off to sew it so just make sure that you do a reverse here at the beginning and at the end and that will make it a little bit more secure now what we're going to do is where we've just sewn there we're actually going to just trim some of that excess off and get rid of that dog so onto the right hand side of the line this little triangle bit here you're just gonna trim that off and I usually just eyeball that at about quarter of an inch a little bit less and then I do the same for the other corner so you can see there I've just cut out a little triangle ok so it's still sewn together and it's just got rid of some of that excess and it's created that nice little dark there alrighty so we'll repeat that for the other one alrighty so now what we've got to do is we've got to create darts on the opposite side so this is what your piece looks like when it's closed okay and you've got the V coming down into there where we've marked that cross and we've done our two dots and they're sitting at the bottom so what you're going to do now is you're going to grab the top part of that and the bottom part of that in the center and you're going to flip it so your dart is now at the bottom here and at the top and you're going to place them right pretty sides touching and aligning your darts so all I do for that is I make sure that they're aligning I grab my wonder clips and I place that in place there so it's going to stay nice and secure and then I lay this as flat as I can and again you're just going to place your two inch mark on your ruler and one inch up and you're going to place a mark there and there remembering to have your fold down at the bottom and then you'll join those dots like so top another 1/2 clip on this side and then you're going to repeat exactly the same thing on the opposite side remembering to keep that fold down the bottom and then join the dots and you're going to repeat the same thing for the other 10 inch square that you've got okay so then we just pop that onto there and set that aside and we're going to repeat it for our second piece okay so now what we're going to do exactly like we did last one we're heading over to the sewing machine and we're going to sew on those lines remembering to reverse at the beginning at the end just for that extra security and then we'll trim them off and then we're ready for assembly so we've done that to both sides now and now what we're going to do is we're just going to open them up and set them like this and we're going to assemble our bowl cozy so all I do for this is I place them right sides together and I line up all my darts so I just nest them like I would if I was patch working and then I just pop a little 1/2 clip in there and again with this one we've placed all our wonder clips there and all our darts are lining up and you can see that my corners are all lining up as well so what I need to do is actually make a mark on one of my straight edges here about two inches in length so we can turn our little pot up a little ball cozy three so all I do is just lay that down flat and I just make a mark there and a mark there and that will be a little bit snug to get through but it's still big enough to get the the ball cozy turned through so on that I put a couple of pins just so I know that that's where I've got to start and where I've got to stop and I'm going to sew a quarter inch seam all the way around reversing at the beginning at the end at the end so I know that that's going to give it the added strength to pull it through and with the needle in the down position I'll start here reverse then I'll pivot go along here and just do the same all the way around until I get back to the yellow pin and then that way I'll be ready to turn it through if sewing all the way around and I've left my little two inch gap here so basically all I'm going to now is to just reduce some of the bulk out of the corners here I'm going to grab my scissors and I'm just going to trim a little bit away from that corner but making sure that I don't cut into my stitches so now I'm ready to turn it the right way out so I all I do for this is as I said it's going to be a little bit snug because we've only made a little bit of a hole there and I just go in and grab that corner so you can see here I've just gone in and I grab a corner so I'll grab the furthest one away and I'll put my index finger in there and my son on thumb on top and then I'll just turn that through and I'll just slowly pull that out now what I'm going to do now I've got all my points out and I've got to close that up but before I do I'm actually going to give that a really good press make sure that my seams are all lining up nicely and then we'll top stitch that close and go all the way around to top stitch the rest of the bowl cozy you can see there that I've pressed it all and all my seams are aligning quite nicely and I've also just folded that in where that opening was and gave that a press as well and now what I'll do for that is I'll just place a couple of pins in there so I know that that's the opening and I need to make sure that that is sitting all nicely when I come around to it to sew it and that way I can top stitch it closed so now all we're going to do is use an eighth of an inch seam allowance and we're going this top stitch all the way around and then our little ball cozy is finish you can see how little ball cozy is down down with top stitched all the way around we've closed up our opening and now we're ready to place our bowl in it and we can pop it in the microwave and put our soup in there or ice cream or whatever purpose you want to use it for it doesn't have to be used in the microwave but as long as you've got a hundred percent cotton through whatting fabric and your cotton you'll be right to use it in the microwave okay so that's a little Bowl cosy today I really hope that you enjoyed this video keep an eye out for future videos where I show you how to make different shapes and also some accessories to go with them if you like this video today give us a thumbs up down below hit that subscribe button and the little bell icon beside it and that way you won't miss out on any future posts and as always we love to hear from you so please leave us a comment and for those that don't know my name is Nicole Reed for Devon Ally design studio and I'll see you all again next time bye for now [Music]
Channel: Darvanalee Designs Studio With Nicole Reed
Views: 128,507
Rating: 4.9490395 out of 5
Keywords: Darvanalee Designs Studio, Nicole Reed, Sewing, Quilting, Fabric, How to, Handcrafted, craft, website, projects, books, studio, DDs, crafty, tutorial, bowl cozy, Darvanalee Designs | How to make a Quick and Easy Bowl Cozy | For Any Size Bowl, quick and easy, #macrame
Id: eSrbEs3dBpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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