How to Make a Pasta Carbonara by Chef Kelvin Fernandez

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome to another episode of kelvins kitchen today it's all about pasta carbonara I think pasta carbonara is delicious it's six ingredients and it takes me less than 10 minutes to make I know everyone is always on a time crunch when preparing dinner the key to this one is multitasking there's a little bit of technique let's get cooking and let's get started pasta carbonara okay first I got water set to boil while that's happening I'm gonna cut up six strips of bacon just cut all the way through doesn't have to be too small or too big it's gonna get nice and crispy and this is one of our star components for our pasta we're gonna start the bacon in a cold pan bring it up to a high heat we're gonna constantly monitor the bacon the Bacon's gonna take about 5 minutes to 6 minutes to cook from start to finish we'll fast forward the process when we get there later but make sure it stays on the right temperature do not stop stirring after three minutes it's starting to crisp up we're gonna lower the fire so about medium-high and keep stirring keep watching at this point we're gonna go cook the pasta because our pasta water is boiling multitasking at its finest time to drop our pasta we're using fettuccine here so I'm adding two portions you can measure just by using your hands if you're using a different type of pasta okay after five minutes of cooking we have our pasta in pastas gonna take six minutes according to the box so our bacon is good to go I'm turning off the heat right now because what we want is we want the basic bacon to get crispy but we don't want the firearm when we're adding our egg all right so next step just gonna let that continue to crisp up I have two whole eggs we're gonna crack that in so we have two whole eggs you know what's that up I pretty much put one egg proportioned I'm gonna hit it with a little bit of parmigiano Reggiano traditionally it's pecorino romano but we're just gonna create a nice little sauce so we're gonna add about two ounces to three ounces of pecorino romano or Parmesan cheese and that's going to help create our sauce once we emulsify the bacon fat the pasta water and our eggs it's going to whisk this up and set to the side our pasta is going to be ready in about one minute then it's time to make our sauce all right our bacon is crispy turning off the fire it's still gonna be hot because of the bacon grease we're going to take out our pasta down with the water just making sure that we're mixing that together I'm gonna add a little bit of salt Szechuan pepper I'm gonna grab the last of the posture strands let's just means more I get to eat and now while the fire is hot while the sauce is hot over here we're going to add our egg yolk and old stop stirring there's the heat is off but that's going to create our sauce you don't want scrambled eggs if you have the heat on high what you're gonna get is scrambled eggs we don't want that see that you know this really nice luscious creamy sauce let's see if we can zoom in look at that and basically basically the heat of the pan is creating this beautiful luscious sauce oh we're done let's taste the salt is great the pepper is great we're adding Parmesan cheese on top time to plate all right I got a nice shallow plate I like to twirl the pasta all right swirling the pasta twirling the pasta it's going to give us a nice presentation all right let me show these them for the second plate mmm sauce right over wipe right and of course say when on the parmigiano-reggiano traditionally its pecorino romano but just like that in ten minutes or less we have an incredible pasta carbonara we did such a great job this pasta just looks incredible smells delicious we did it in ten minutes or less ki it was it to multitask made sure we started with boiling water we crisp up the bacon added the pasta while the pasta was cooking the bacon was cooking we had the eggs already it was just enough talking my mouth is salivating you know what time it is wait time to eat Wow this looks good cook the pasta for six minutes cuz we're gonna cook it again in that sauce so make sure it was al dente that's like a bacon egg and cheese pasta this is a bacon egg and cheese pasta it's really good it's very creamy pasta has some nice texture this is really good showed you a quick dinner ten minutes or less don't forget to Like and subscribe let me know in the comments what dishes you like to see me make let me know how easy this was ten minutes or less right happy eating happy cooking see you guys next time
Channel: Kelvins Kitchen
Views: 7,209
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Id: kkcolMDOKUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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