How to Make a Men I Trust Type Beat in FL Studio

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okay [Music] what is up homies my name is felix and i'm here back again with another video for you all today and today in this video i'm gonna be showing you guys how to make a meditrust type beat inside of fl studio or really just inside any program that you want if you follow the same tips and tricks that i give you here today so yeah a little known fact about me that you guys may or may not know men i trust is one of my favorite bands like probably ever and back when i first started listening to men i trust like probably close to three years ago-ish now they're a lot smaller they had a lot less publicity and stuff but it's really cool to see a lot more people noticing them and hearing their songs in different places and stuff i think it's really dope and they're such an awesome band and if you don't know about men i trust that's all i have to say go listen to all their songs right after you watch this tutorial so yeah make sure you guys check out my instagram and my soundcloud down the description below along with lists of songs i produced my beats from my discord all that stuff you guys already know the vibes and now i can get into this video so the first thing and probably the only thing you're really gonna need is a guitar the other thing that i would say is like second closest to being a necessity is a bass guitar but i don't even have a bass guitar i'm just gonna be using plugins and stuff today also i'm pretty sure they do use live instruments for all their stuff but we're just gonna be recreating it in the fl studio way so yeah guitar is pretty important because you can recreate a bass sound pretty well but not so much guitar so yeah alright so step one of the process is to open up fl studio which we have right here then step two is to make the beat step three is to export it and that's pretty much it so yeah thank you guys for watching just kidding the first thing we're gonna do is go into the channel rack which normally you'd hear me say the first thing we're gonna do is go into the mixer and play our guitar part but for this i'm gonna start with the drums because men i trust has a very specific drum sound well actually their entire sound is very unique but basically the way i'm going to make this beat is i'm going to play guitar over the drums kind of like a backing track a little bit and then we're going to add the stuff onto there so for the drums i'm actually going to go into fpc which is a little bit weird but i have been using fpc a lot i like fpc because the drum kits actually sound pretty nice and pretty realistic and then also you can mess with the velocities and stuff and it has tons of different parts of the drum kit too so it has like the side snare it has like a rim it has like the half opened hi-hat the you know full open hi-hat so yeah basically i'm gonna go to this funk kit normally on any men i trust song that you listen to all the drums are very very light there's no like hard-hitting drums no hard-hitting snare or anything it's all very muted so to achieve that we can just lower the velocity on everything that we type in also i'm gonna keep the tempo right around 140 i'm just gonna make it like 143 or something and now we're gonna make a super super basic drum pattern so usually they don't have any like crazy stuff with their drums a couple little rolls here and there maybe so the first thing i'm gonna do is lay out the hi-hats so we can go like this and now that we have that we can put our snare in and then we're going to turn the velocity way down and as you can hear that's a very light sounding snare now so what we're going to do is do that same thing with the hi-hats kinda but we're going to alter the velocities like this and then we're going to hit alt and then scroll down and now i'm going to add the kick in and the kick is just going to be a super basic pattern [Music] so now what i want to do is give the hi-hats a little bit more of a swing feel so it's going to be like something like that something along those lines so i'm just going to put an extra hi-hat in here so now we got a little bit of a swaying going on and i also want to do alt and then click to the right i probably was motioning to the left because the camera's flipped but just move it to the right a little bit all right so now we got this super basic pattern and what i'm gonna do is just copy it over like this and now i'm going to add a little bit of variation here so i'm going to change this kick and put it here and then i want to have like a lower velocity snare that hits before this snare so we're going to bring the velocity down so what i also want to do here is just add a couple of subtle things i'm going to add a snare roll to give it a little bit more realistic kind of feel i'm going to add in the snare roll right before this other snare like right here so we're just going to do it like this and then we're going to adjust the velocity so that it's like ascending kind of like this and then i'm just gonna add one tom at the end here to add like a little fill i guess you could say but it's literally just one drum sound so honestly i think this is pretty good as far as the drum pattern goes there's not a whole lot that we really need to add because we want these drums to be pretty simple so that all the like guitar bass lines synth sounds vocals all that can fit into there but one thing that i do want to say is if you're gonna do open hi-hats so let's put an open hat right here one thing you want to do to get it sounding very real is to put a pedal hi-hat right after and then get rid of this one on an actual drum kit the way the hi-hat works is that you have the two hats that are like this and then you have a pedal that makes them go like that and that's how you get your closed hi-hat and when that hi-hat is open you get much more of a crash kind of sound but you have to close that so you can go back to your closed hi-hat so when you close that the sound of those two you know symbols crashing together makes a little bit of a pedal hi-hat noise that's like this alright so now we have our drum pattern completed it sounds like this i'm gonna hit ctrl l on this and put it into a mixer so now that we have the drums down i'm gonna basically do what i said and use this as kind of a backing track so i'm gonna go to insert two and then i'm gonna click whichever one my interface and guitar and everything is plugged into if you don't know how to record guitar nfl studio i'd recommend um this video i don't really know where it is but you'll see it in the cards i'll leave a link to the video that i made on that and that will definitely help you out but yeah basically i'm going to connect my guitar alright so now that you have your guitar hooked up through fl studio and everything make sure your guitar is tuned so if you're updated to the latest version of f4 studio you'll have a tuner but if not you'll probably have your own tuner of sorts that probably looks something like this so now that our guitar is tuned properly i'm going to basically give you guys some tips on the type of chords that you should be playing for these style of beats so the type of chords that you want to be playing are for the majority of the time probably i would say like 70 of the time 75 percent of time they're going to be using major and minor 7th chords if you're playing the guitar i'm assuming that you already know how to play guitar but if you don't you can check out my video on how to get started playing guitar and that'll help you a lot with this but essentially the chord progression i'm going to be using today is c minor seventh b major seventh d major seventh and then a major seventh so it's basically gonna sound like this a very nice very beautiful sounding sound and i think it will go really well over these drums so also the thing you want to keep in mind is we can't just have this be a very bland sounding guitar we got to make your guitar sound you know like a men i trust style type beat so basically what we got to do is gotta slap some chorus on there we gotta put some other stuff on there i'm just gonna load up guitar rig and you know see what i can find that sounds good so you're probably gonna be looking for anything that's like chorus related or maybe like in the funk slash jazz sections anything that's going to have a nice like ethereal kind of sound for the guitar rig preset that i chose i basically went into styles and then funk and soul and then i chose the clean chorus one and then i went into the chorus thing and then i adjusted all the knobs a little bit i just turned up the chorus turn up the vibrato a little bit and then it gave it more of like a wobbly chorusy sound so now we have our guitar pretty much down i'm just gonna put an edison on this and then i'm gonna play the drums and then just record over this and also with your strumming pattern you don't wanna be super aggressive with it like you don't wanna be hitting chords like this you wanna really let the audience feel that chorus [Music] so yeah i'm just gonna record this now all right so here we have our guitar part that i just recorded and now i'm going to take this bad boy and drag it in here and then we're gonna have to chop it and everything so i'm going to turn the boost up and then you got to make sure that you change it to generic bleeding and then change the mode to auto so that if you chop it and slice and stuff it all stays the same tempo and that there's no like clicks and stuff so the guitar sample is not perfectly on beat we can stretch it a little bit to get it uh more accurate if you want to like see right here this is a little bit before the line what we can do is select the cut tool and then cut right here and now right click make unique and now we can stretch this so that it's after the line and now we'll just have to adjust like everything after that now as well so we can make unique with this one and then stretch this one back so that it lines up with the lines and everything so for this style like i said metatrust always uses you know live instruments and everything so there's going to be human error in there you don't have to have it right on the line like you do with trap music but if you'd like to adjust it so that it's all you know closer to the lines if you're way off beat or something like that you can obviously do that with the whole sample and everything but however i think how i have it is probably fine so now we're going to do is add a bass line and i don't actually have a base just yet but i am getting a bass guitar pretty soon which i'm pretty hyped about you guys are going to see that in some epic videos but however i'm going to be using uh ample bass for this and it's not the best sound but i think it'll be all right for what we want to achieve here so what i'm gonna do with the bass line is just copy the root notes of the chords which is what you usually do and then you can add little licks and stuff onto it later on so the chords that we used were c sharp e and then d and then a so much to my surprise the ample bass plug-in sounds pretty decent when you pair it with the guitar and drums and everything [Music] i think what i want to mess around with is trying to pitch the guitar a little bit lower so that we can get the bass a little bit lower as well so i'm gonna try to do that now okay so after messing around with the baseline and the pitch and everything a little bit i pitched the guitar down by 300 cents and it made the bass sound a lot better just made it sound a lot deeper so it sounds like this now [Music] so i think that sounds pretty nice it's a really cool bass line and for using a plug-in rather than an actual bass it sounds pretty pretty amazing so now what i want to do is mess around with some synths and stuff because i know a lot of times in their songs they'll use some different synth leads or some synth chords and stuff so i just want to add that in there you know as a little little sprinkle little cherry on top so you already know we got to pull up the juno 6 presets but if you don't have analog lab you can use a million other juno emulation vsts out there i think the teluno plugin is free and that's like the one that everybody knows about but also any other plugin that has like some 80 style pads or keys or whatever will do the job just fine okay so i just made a super sick pattern with one of those juno presets and it sounds like this [Music] so honestly i think this is coming together super nicely it's exactly that kind of style that i was going for here with the juno keys it sounds a little mac demarco-y but we're gonna tone it down just a little bit so that it's not like in your face i think i'm gonna add like a guitar lead or like a guitar like solo or something like that just to see what we can come up with so i just recorded a little guitar lead part and it sounds like this so i'm not going to be playing that throughout the whole song it's only going to be playing in like certain portions but the last thing that i think i want to do is take the chords and i just want to put like a very soft pad underneath everything using those same chords all right so now i have the pad sample in here and i was kind of going for like a more mellow sound with this i don't really want like a super bright pad [Music] and as you can hear it's pretty toned down and i'm going to eq and everything anyways so now that we have pretty much everything that we need here i'm going to mix everything basically i'm just going to take every melodic component and then i'm just going to eq it i'm going to eq out some of the low end but however the mixing process for this style of beat is very different as opposed to trap music because with trap music what you want to do is kind of make your kick and your 808 and like your clap and everything the focus of your beat but however with this style that's very much not the case so with your melody and stuff it's safe to leave in like a lot more of the low end the bass frequencies but however you do want that bass guitar to cut through or you know bass guitar vst to cut through the mix and stuff so we want to be able to kind of give everything its own sound within the mix and also you know put a bunch of reverb put a bunch of chorus and stuff on it so yeah once i do that i'll get back to you guys and then also i think i'm gonna put some reverb on the drums just a little bit so that they sound more realistic as well so at this point in time you might be thinking what the heck man that looks way more complicated than it needs to be well that's because you're right basically what i did was for whatever reason i ended up rendering all the drums as one audio clip like this and then i was like i think i want to adjust the volume of the hi-hats so then i just ended up rendering everything like this so now i have everything as its own individual sample so i can mess with it if i need to but then also i rendered out these little drum fills like this and then i have this one as well and i'm pretty sure that one is a fill that they've used on like quite a few different songs and basically all i did was just take the end part of the actual drums that we have and just take out the hi-hats and it just sounds like that as you can hear it's the same so pretty much now that i have everything mixed the way that i want it and sounding pretty nice i'm basically just gonna take the whole beat and lay it out and then we're pretty much done i'm just gonna have all the drums come in and then you know have certain breaks here and there have certain instruments come out so yeah i'm going to lay this beat out and then i'll be pretty much done here all right so at this point i'm pretty much done with this whole beat i got the different sections in there to keep it unique and keep it all spicy throughout the whole thing for me personally it was very weird to make something in this style because i'm not really used to doing like super simple stuff but that is like the style that we're going for here you know keeping it simple keeping it nice and fresh and you know being simple is not a bad thing because obviously when they're writing their music and you know writing the guitar parts and the drums and everything they're taking into consideration the fact that she's gonna have to sing over it as well so yeah anyways that's gonna do it for this video i hope you guys enjoyed this one i definitely enjoyed making this beat shout out to men i trust they're so awesome they literally have no bad songs so definitely go check them out uh make sure to check out my instagram my soundcloud down the description below month plus the songs i produced my beat storm my discord all that stuff you guys already know and i will see you guys next time [Music] [Music] [Music] cause i said so hit a ko with a sick flow pick up talk [ __ ] get money pay phone make sure i get what i came for
Channel: feezo
Views: 18,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: men i trust, bass, guitar, indie, mac demarco, rex orange county, indie band, indie music, fl studio, producer
Id: jWWLFtbcTng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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