How to Make a Level design tool in unity editor[advanced unity tutorial].
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Channel: Cube Melon Games
Views: 1,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unity, editor, unityeditor, scripting, node, button, extension, programming, tutorial, grid, map, level, design, custom, window, tool, wizard, draw, create, object, layout, input, hierarchy, inspector, basic, icon, speed up, creator, build, player, free, plugin, video, component, list, script, prefab, toolbar, menubar, draggable, event, handle, asset, auto, road, class, field, download, course, public, serialize, serializable, ui, new, drag, drop, press, easy, fast, beginhorizontal, array, 2darray, 2d, function, speedup, not, folder, show, update, 2020, 3d, melon
Id: 5prN35lcnqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 49sec (3469 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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