How to Make a Grooving Plane From Firewood and a Chisel

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and we are live so let's actually do this a shindig well I just took myself on the microphone hopefully that microphone is still coming through make sure testing my microphone off it's a great way to start a video office foot that way okay let's actually get into this thing um so today we're gonna be doing a live and I'm probably gonna be here for a few hours guessing four to six hours ish depending upon how long it actually takes and I'm actually going to re-edit this whole video later so that it can be just a regular video but for right now we're going to be doing the live version of it so the read and it will be kind of weird because shooting from just one angle and re editing is going to be very interesting my wife will be coming and going throughout the day so if you want to have questions for her go for that and I'm going to be trying to show things from both camera angles and basically having a laid-back session here so if you guys have any questions or anything it comes up and we can kind of shoot the breeze or do other things but today we are going to be making a grooving plane this is one of the first tools that I ever made was this grooving plane and this is completely out of focus I mean just this down okay there we go and this is a quarter by quarter by quarter grooving plane so it's a quarter inch deep a quarter inch wide a quarter inch in the outside has a fence here and it was made with a chisel a relatively easy thing I made this out of a block of firewood and we're gonna be doing the same thing today on this one I actually like hurt the fence on it so I planed off the fence and then glued on another piece here so I could get what I needed of it and I've got a couple different pieces of firewood to work through here this one is almost exactly the right size it's a little bit too thin but it would be very very easy to do this one because I just have to plain one side flat and then plain the other side parallel and I've got a block I can work with but not everyone has a block like that so I'm thinking I'm going to use this block today the only downside with this one is she I don't know if you guys can see this but there is I want to see the Rays and this so on this block here you can see the the rays coming through from this white oak and I love that on the sides it just makes it look really special and nice I want to do that with this one but that means the rays are coming straight up the center here and then out here on the side they're coming off at an angle and off at an angle so if I if I take it off of the side here I'm not gonna see as many of those rays if I take it right out of the middle then I must see more rays but this end is a little bit too small to take it out of the middle and this end is pretty close to it so I think I'm gonna take it right out of the middle of this block so basically like that right out of this and that is going to mean a lot more preparation sawing fro work and other things along that line which should make this kind of fun so I think we're gonna be using this block ah I always thought it would be cool twins would be interesting we had three kids in three years and that was enough but oh yeah for the iron I'm going to be using this wooden handle Harbor Freight chisel because now I have a bunch of extra chisels that I don't need anymore since I got my Richter so this will be our iron for it so a cheap quarter inch chisel and we're gonna make a quarter inch by quarter inch by quarter inch roofing plain and I'm thinking I might actually give what I might actually give this away when I'm done so if someone wants this maybe we'll do a drawing at the end of this video ah see wood walnut or cherry be good for this yeah traditionally the best wood is European Beach that's what most plain bodies were made out of when they were made to be the best user you could possibly get in America it's usually hard maple that or American beech but honestly there really isn't a good or bad wood for it I like white oak because it just likes a look of it but the problem with white oak is it's a very stringy wood and if if it's left to dry out and splinters apart quickly maple would probably be the best wood but whatever would you have cherry would be great walnut would be great cherry and walnut are going to wear out a little bit faster because they're a little softer but they'll still give you years of use so they're they're pretty good and with how quick one of these are to make up it's it's not that big of issues cool so I've got this block here and I'm considering two different ways of doing this number one I can use a fro and slice one side of it down plane that off and then cut the other side or number two I can start with a saw and cut it a saw is a little bit more accurate will give me a straight line but a fro will allow me to go with the wood the other thing I need to do is the before I go about cutting it up I want to actually cut it closer to its final length and most moulding planes are nine and a half inches long that's the roughly standard length nine and a half inches I made this one at 10 inches and it really doesn't matter exactly what the length is but nine and a half is about about normal so I'm going to see I'm gonna pull this out of here and I want that to that me see how taller I'll be there yeah I should still be able to get that out of there it's gonna be a little bit shorter but we can work with it cool so let's come in come in like ten and a half inches that gives me an inch worth of leeway and we'll grab my pencils my pencils is gone I'll blame my kids so I'm going to come in ten and a half inches and I'm just going to be cutting off actually because this is so close yeah because this is so close let me go ahead and throw it and then cut it later you usually want to cut it to length so you're not flattening out more than you need but I really it's only about three inches longer than I need so we're going to throw this first ah would be better to use say a 3/8 chisel so there were some overlap of the cutting edge or am I missing something well you can make a grooving plane whatever groove you want to make most common for drawer bottoms for me is quarter-inch I know a lot of people who do 3/8 drawer bottoms but whatever you want yeah I like quarter by quarter it's just a good size so let me grab my frou-frou and we are going to slice this up let's see I need sharpen that yeah it's good enough for what we need today so I'm gonna look at this in the green I'm gonna see where do I want this to actually come out and remove the fro ever-so-slightly outside of that because I don't want I don't want to go overboard also I'll notice that the grain is swooping this way so if I if I cut it here it's probably going to cut in a little bit down below and then it'll come back out this side looks pretty straight so there's just a little bit of compression down in here so I'm gonna stay away from that and try and pull it out of like right here so let's put the throw right there and then let's bash this sucker down in there now I would like to have a fro mallet but I don't have one down here and we will work with what we've got though [Music] just like that we got ourselves a fresh board and look at that grand figure on there in that Purdy that's Purdy me like that I switch over to show you the guys this there let me see that see the Rays coming through there and so now I want to see can I get it out of right there and that's pretty close I think I want to move it over again this this green is really nice and straight that won't take much at all to flatten out and I want to move it over a little bit closer to the side because it's bigger over here than it is here so not by that much but by enough yeah so I'm gonna throw it again throw it throw it I'm gonna throw it again just gonna move it over to right about there and then we'll see how this comes out jover sorry camera angle did you fill out the bottom fill out the grains running direction I want yep good boom there we go yeah it's I'm looking for now I've got this piece that I can actually make something out of it and hey I might be able to do like a quarter inch piece out of this in the future nice thing about ribbon wood is that because it runs with the grain I know that the fibers in here are running from one end all the way together and I'm getting a really really strong grain across this so probably save these and hold onto them for future uses see it goes that way yeah whatever and this is the one we're gonna be working with so set the fro aside but the pile of tools that have been used to start to build up on the bench I made a rabbet plane out of birch seems to work well yeah purchase pretty good birch is little bit soft but still a great wood and really easy to work with hand tools I love birch actually I'm gonna be I have a birch tree in my front yard maybe cutting down later and that's how I'm gonna be actually showing a video cutting it down trimming it apart and turning it into lumber with just hand tools I thought it'd be kind of a fun video but it will be birch um cool so now we've got this the next thing you do is I need a flat and true side to work with so either I can flatten off this side or I can flatten off this side I'm trying to see if it really matters which side I flatten off it really doesn't so I'm actually gonna stick with this side and before I do that when I actually cut it to length because I don't want to I don't want to have excess on there that I don't need so I want to make this nine and a half inches but I want to get rid of this stuff at the beginning a little black there so we're gonna come out to somewhere around here so I'm going to eyeball this cutting off at this point and we'll trim it back later so throw this in the vise and have a little bit of fun here everybody needs a good vice in their life and let's actually use the cheap saw the cheap saw plastic handle junk I like doing things with cheaper tools when possible just showing you don't need good quality stuff good quality stuff is nice but it's not necessary we're doing big cross grain cuts it's not this big a deal let me switch over to show you guys a little bit more of what's going on here [Music] there it is - hang in there let's cut this thing apart tada smaller block wrappers bigger block so now it is approximately the same length it's a good bit too thick and so what I want to do is I want to flatten out one surface get one edge nice and true and then I can measure everything off of that nice edge so let's throw this in the clamp because it's an organic shape it's really hard to clamp because I don't have anything holding this end it's actually pinching it right here so what I can do is grab some shims or other thin wood stock and I can slide that in and you see if I got another ship now and this will allow it to have pressure on both ends a little bit you can clamp that down now I have a good clamping pressure all the way across this so I can work on it so ah grab my four and a half I think you're good to go yeah and the four and a half has a really heavy cut on it right now taking off a pretty solid amount here yeah let's actually give them the scrub plane first it's a little bit more than I thought so with the scrub plane I'm just eyeballing the high spots right now and this whole piece is actually really well twisted so this end is up at an angle like this this is here should we put the winding sticks on there and show you something goes a little bit so this one is somewhere around there and this one's somewhere around there so you can see the twist in it so I want to focus on the high spot right here and across this side there's a little bit of a high spot over here I want to get those down and just get this into a flat plane okay see how close we are to that fish in this way this way we got to give it work we're high right across here I wonder why is this taking such a small shaving some reason I backed the errand off on it get bit I think the time has come to sharpen this one yeah she's all jammed up I haven't sharpened that one in about a year so that's why I have multiple planes Hey the star of the show has arrived what today oh yeah and I forgot to put one I was just outside okay let's see we're at now pretty good yeah let's see what we are levelized winding stick wise [Music] still a little high over there really high in the middle just got to take off a little bit here and with the winding stick like that it might just be one bump just lifting it up one side of the other so I'm gonna do that now the great of this is now running this way so I got a plane up yeah it's getting close to flat no I'm loving this Ray figure in here zoom in and show you what we got going on here this is Purdy in the wrong direction there you go you start to see that Ray figure in there and that's what I'm looking for so we got a little bit of tear out here I gotta get rid of let's see how close we are to wine free and flat pretty close it's still a little bit high over in that corner we can fix that you still there get rid of this tear out so now that exposed this crack here opening up like to see if I want to get rid of that or if that will just disappear in the fish they still take off about a half inch from this end it's pretty good is within tolerances that's good I like that yeah we're good that way so for the sake of what we have going on right now I'm gonna call this flat I could do a little more detail on it and I will do a little bit more as we go on but for right now this will work for me and give me a reference I can work off of the next thing I need is a bottom or a top for this now normally this is the outside of the tree this is the inside the tree you can see the Rays coming out from here normally you want the bark to be down that is the historical way to do it so they're gonna make this the bottom of the plane through make this the top now the first thing I want to do is I want to mark off a line where the top of the plane will be so pick this up grab me a straight edge and an awl use this saw as the edge here and I'm going to mark a line right across here there now it's like ever so slightly out of focus like it doesn't know where to focus that's because I hadn't focused it now I'm gonna put this I'll change it in there's no matter what's up any questions right now er um yes clockman 45 months no are the kids driving you nuts being out of school so long uh yes and no no more than they would in summertime but the the nuts part is doing the homeschooling yeah you know a lot of people are talking about all this extra time on their hands because I'm about the busiest I have been in a long time and haven't been able to do as much woodworking as I want mostly just because we're getting the kids up and running and homeschooling and Sarah has been working like a madwoman so called you in well actually just working my non-paying job right now okay you kissed you this morning didn't they pizza and Chinese if they weren't closed why are all the Chinese restaurants closed I haven't figured that out so I got this line I want to come down to and I have a couple options number one I could plane it down to that or number two I could saw it down to that sawing sometimes a little bit faster sometimes a little slower and I think that's what I'm going to do here no I'm gonna plane it down I'm gonna plant it down so let's actually draw some lines on here I grab a square and go off from that line that I just drew and draw across the ends this way I know where I can come down to on this line this side I have a question what's up it's very important Landon marks wants know what's been keeping you busy besides kids you don't know our children very well then yeah yeah I know it hasn't been just having kids at home hasn't been keeping you busy but it is we started homeschooling and then our school system said okay we're going to do schoolwork from home but their school work from home requires a lot of parent input and so it's just been a lot of back-and-forth but ya know just keeping up with the business is I haven't been able to put as much time into with my write as I normally do which is kind of sad there's normally the kids are at school and I've got all the time I need okay let's plane no I'm gonna saw it I'm gonna slow it down Samwise super chatted for serious front later Coco funny stuff he's helping Allan out and I came prepared with lots of mom jokes yeah we got mom joking we got mom jokes cuz I I knew she knows things so what did the one tectonic plate say when they bumped into another one Oh what is it sorry my fault so I've got my my for PPI and saw there's something physical going on up there I'm staying yeah sixteenth inch or so away from the line they'll cling back to it bench is in the wrong place I'm running into this over here yeah that's better [Music] turned around cupping the other end so I can tell my natural instinct is to twist away from the line so I'm saving more material so the back the front side on my side is right on the line I'm telling the other side is probably off the line but because I don't have a line over there it's hard to tell I can't have a line over there because it's still the rough wood this one's far more on the line but because the first one twisted off I'm gonna have a bit of a shmoo between them I'll show you how bad my shrew is see I didn't point the camera at you this time no comment good but you know that goodbye right family will tell and tattle on you there so go get rid of this right here where I put that grab the scrub plane and right here I noticed there's a knot Hey not what I want to see we're not bad just all right now what's that you're like so sorry so I've got a knot in here and it's everything I wanted I saw this one coming across I thought I may have missed it but apparently not so well not just means a little more work not a horrible thing but not a great thing okay now the important thing with this is not that this is flat and twist free which is what we're looking for but we want it to be 90 degrees to this face so put this on here you can see so most of this area I'm high over here and then I'm high over here so we're gonna actually plane a little bit diagonal here from here across this way focusing on the high spot here and the high spot here let's see how that goes still high there and pretty good there so I've got one high spot right here that's where this is plugging up break that off I'm just hitting the high spots that planes a little dull though from the rough work it's okay okay that's good now we are about the same angle all the way across and we're just high along this edge so couple passes we should be good that is well within tolerances so before we go any farther we need to mark this and my pencil is missing I need my pencil use this one mechanical fine pencil so I want to mark this because this is my this is my true edge and there's really fine pencil doesn't like going across the yoke so poor my wants to know what's the standard size for a chessboard and is it required that you make your checker pieces for said board I don't know what he's asking standard size for chess set I don't know how you've never done that you've built a case for our chess board yeah I want to say each square is an inch and a half by an inch and a half but I'm probably wrong last one okay so there is my true face and edge now we need to start working the other one so either I could plane up the ends actually have to cut this one off and plane this one up or number two I could smooth this one out to be parallel with that or number three I could do this side and I think I'm going to do the bottom here at the top because that is basically our plane right now or do I want to rip it did you you know that's actually let's rip it let's do the hard work first let's do the hard work first so I need to figure out how thick I want my molding plain and what we've got Google is we've got a quarter inch chisel make my mark and then I've got a quarter inch groove and then I've got my fence so how thick do I want my fence to be now the fence isn't just about being thick and in this case this is the fence here the fence is what gives rigidity to the whole plane if the if the fence is is thick that means that this whole thing is because the problem is over time this plane may want to twist and veau having more material here will resist that twist and Bo so in this case I'm gonna make it about 3/4 inch so that means this needs to be an inch and a quarter so actually I move it out to an inch and three-eighths that will give me a little bit of wiggle room I'm gonna use this marking gauge to then run all the way around this we're gonna go right through that knot right on the side of the board it'll make for a fun cut even on the rough ends let's go around that really hard to see on this side but that's okay as long as we can see it I have a question for you when you're what sorry this is mercy 44s is planing Greenwood a bad idea or is it better to let the wood dry um planing Greenwood is easier than planing dry wood so it may be a good idea to plant but understand that Greenwood will change as it dries and will reshape so if you plane it now and you're expecting stay the exact same shape you will be not as happy later and so usually you want to plant it big when it's green and then once it's dried finish it off the nice thing about planing when it's green is it's very very easy to do this stuff has been seasoning for about six years outside if not more and so I actually just brought it inside so it's it is just as wet as it was out there from the weather but because it's been drying for six years in the pile and a pile of firewood it's relatively good so it's going to change a little bit so I'm going to leave it a little bit big so that I can come back and adjust it later but for today it'll make a grooving plane so now we need to rip down that angle all the way across do the same thing again here so put that in here grab me my big rip saw which and we're gonna go to town right on this line so I'm cutting down an angle and watching the line on my side now I pull the saw out and rotate the block around so that I can cut down on the opposite side and follow the line on the opposite side this way I can stay nice and true on that line all the way down ooh now we're getting down to that knot and now we're down to about the cut on the opposite side pull it out turn it around and continue to you are I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm cutting right on that line right now so it's right now at an engine 3/8 wide and I'm gonna stay as close to that line as I can when I open it up then I'll be able to see you know do I want to take off another eighth inch to get through that knot or do I just live with it not and this knot looks to be pretty solid so I might just live with it add a nice aesthetic thing to the plane yet not it's twisting the wood a little bit welcome to the real wood by right so I've cut down about two-thirds of the way rotate over and cut from the other end apparently they're all just here for me there's a reason I keep her around what that you keep me it's one of the problems with sawing in a vise this saw has a little bit of flexibility and as I'm cutting into the ingrained once I get it started all the teeth are catching in the end grain sticking up and so it's catching it aside you need to go a little bit softer so it's not doing that okay ready I'm ready what does a clock do when it's hungry what it goes back four seconds or the other problem I'm having is because there's so little contact point of this it's vibrating a bit more on the other end that's the one last flip around will cut through so we'll see how accurate this cut is you answered this question okay so Ann wants to know are you trying to avoid planing that face by cutting clothes um no just cutting close to the line I trust my cut when I have a line to view all the way around I trust my cut enough that I know it's only gonna take a few plain strokes to bring it back to perfectly flat so there really isn't a reason for me to stay away from it because I trust my saw work just like that so let's see how clean the saw work is on this side because the other one I didn't have that line to go and it always makes me want twist off but on this side that's pretty decent just a few strokes and we'll be able to plane that down nice and flat so actually before I before I playing this down I want to cut this side off yeah let's do that we just make sure I'm good this way so I left it out yeah let's do a little bit more detail on that before I turn this off because what I'm going to do is I'm gonna use the marking gauge and I'm gonna run around and if this edge isn't perfectly true then this edge will mirror it and be off by a certain amount I forgot where there's often a a little bit high here and you take off some from there and the rest it's pretty good just a little bit here and then I want to make sure it's straight from one side the other that's a really heavy cut I take one more heavy cutting I'm gonna bring in my smoothing plane and do a detail on this it's actually bringing this thing down there's something nice you pull it up so bring in oh my oh yeah is lasting chamfering that's why like why that's so heavy all of a sudden you should check that first taking off slight wince when I take a little bit more than that okay see how we're getting there now that is what I'm looking for just do a little bit more trim up cut myself nice yeah that's why I'm looking for dead flat all the way across and then let's check it with a straight edge to see good that way too okay so this is nice and true now to this edge so now we want to mark off the back of this and I want it to be as big as it can be and I'm also going to be chamfering these top edges too so if there's a little bit sticking out that's not a huge issue but let's see on this side I can mark it at two and you get to court note 208 so two and eight is over here it's like way over there - neighs - neighs I'm just gonna go all around this yeah - ninth is about the lowest so we're gonna use that to mark all around this and then we're gonna salt off that face I could clean it down that's a little bit thanks me that's go ahead and plant it down I haven't planed down a face yet so this is a bit thick here go with a scrub plane you can take off a good bit good bit of material here leave this around so you can see that line hopefully oops we lost connection come back to me okay come on come on really yeah focus there so I've got this line right here to come down to maybe darken it up for you you got a pen that's the line I have to plane down to that my pen you stole again no this one says James on it yes she's always accusing me of doing things what do I feel is glare are you because I'm high here mister be focusing on the high spot often planing is faster but using a saw we'll give you a usable piece in the future so I've got a little less than a quarter inch a little less than a quarter inch a little more than an eighth inch just trying not to go over that line focusing on spots run high trying to get it relatively flat I'm gonna do a couple passes there I don't want to get too much closer than that because I'm starting to get into the range of where the curvature and this will cause it you so let's bring you this one get rid of those marks make sure we're still staying away from our line who we're really close to the line on this side so I need to focus more on this side over here really close to the line here just a little bit left over here a little bit left all the way across there whoa boom Shakalaka to a point I have a question what's that Landon wants to know what brand of plains you're using several seems to be old stainless almost all of my planes are Stanley's that I have restored like this one so if I ever stored them and done a complete work on network town I paint them my blue but this one this one is a Varitek ustym plane and if I could buy any plane as my absolute perfect favorite plane of all time the various custom plane is it just has so many bells and whistles and it's a beautiful plane it performs phenomenally Yeah right on that line so now theoretically now that I've come to that line only across I should be able to come back to my original reference face and get a square line all the way across oh that makes me happy there we go now we have this side this side and this side perfectly true this side cut down so we can plane it down to truth and all we have left of that knot is this little space right here and then we have to do the two ends and then we can actually get into making the plane itself now they're getting a blank so let's smooth down this side and we'll see where the grain is going on that one the grain on this one is probably coming up to this knot and coming up to this knot so I'll be going with the green this way and against the grain the other way but with this plane set up the way it is that won't make too much of a difference oh no I'm on this side of not so let's turn around going against the green this way all right so neon Joe 5:29 has a question what's that I have a pile of 6x6 beans from an old outdoor garden is there any risk of using these robots workbench top if some of them have pissed the work the wood is fairly old but solid yeah great I'm assuming that their pine long as that is what most big beams will be made out of those would make a really really good bench and my first bench over here is made out of Douglas fir pine and it is a great beginner bench the nice thing about using a pine bench is that you're not going to be digging up your worst the bench is softer than the work you're working with so if you go like that you're not gonna hurt on the bench you might hit it when you drop the floor but like that there's a nice blank so next thing we need to do is trim the ends down on this so that we get exactly what we want so I left it about 1/2 inch longer than it needs to be so I'm gonna start by marking all the way around this now let me give you a little tip here that a lot of people run into problems when you want to mark a board all the way around you pick your reference edge so we have a reference face a reference side a reference face a reference edge and I want to stay on this corner so I'm referencing the fence of the square off of that corner I'm gonna draw my mark now I'm a rotate around and because this is my reference face I'm going to keep the fence of the square on that face and I'm going to come around now when I rotate it again now my reference edge is on this side not this side so I need to flip the square around I'm going to put it back into that mark mark that then we're going to rotate it again and this is my reference face on this side put the mark into my starting mark over here and just like that now I've got a line that runs all that on the board and is perfectly true so we're going to cut this off and then we will have one end of the plane then we'll cut off the other end and we will have a six sided block I grabbed my carcass saw this is a Veritas carcass saw verges is one of the the more affordable brands but still gives good quality I really like their stuff staying home alone and I can see the line on the top and I can see the line of my side so I'm going to cut a diagonal from corner corner where I can see the line then I can flip this over and cut the exact same diagonal again and that way I'm only cutting where I can see the line [Music] just like that and that there is a pretty flat square end I'm gonna see a little bit of a bump here where it last broke off I will take that any day of the week cool well there's one in now I've got to actually go switch my shoes because these are annoying me I put these on to go outside and pick up the firewood but I need my clogs they're just so much more comfortable in here so give me just a second here much better clog is now those are far more comfortable and yes I do wear clogs in the shop everyday and then right here wooden clogs okay so now we need to cut this to length and we are going to cut it at nine and a half inches is that is the historical correct like should we see if I can get 19 to half inches out of this no now we're going to make this a little bit shorter this one's gonna be nine and a quarter inches oh we're breaking from tradition well nine and a quarter inches actually need to market on this edge because that's what we're starting from so a quarter inches set up our square make sure we're referencing off of our reference edge and face oh sorry I didn't bring that in her keep dingle on the chair the joys of short missus one inch all right did you catch up on these questions no I did not all right let's see going through them ah is Julia once knows the veritas a number for smoothing plane this is a Veritas for custom plane any plane can be a smoothing plane it just depends on how you set it up but yes the number four is generally considered the smoothing plane all right one of these days I would love to get a full set of custom Veritas custom planes because they're just they're a beautiful plane that has done extremely well and I'd like to have the four or five and jointer but they are incredibly expensive and it was enough just to get this one okay so let's cut this one to length and that will give us all six sides of our block any other question I rotate this around and there we go we have our plane or our plane body so the next thing we need to do is start working on this and we need to cut out all of these segments for this so in this case this one is actually a little bit shorter which isn't a problem because I'm gonna be adjusting the angle on this one so you can see here body is a little bit shorter but that is okay because I didn't need all that fence size so the first thing I want to do is I want to make the choppin on this so I want to cut down this side and then I want to cut in this side so we're going to make this rabbit here now I could just go ahead and bring in my rabbiting plane then rabbit that down but I don't want to make a plane with a rabbiting plane I want to show how to do it without that so the first thing we're going to do is Mark out this rabbit and want that rabbit to be twice the thickness of this iron one two and then I want it to be the depth of whatever I want on that fence so in this case I'm going to grab my marking gauge here and let me actually make sure I think this one's a little bit less than a quarter-inch remember early now that one's actually pretty close so we're gonna set this one at a half-inch actually no I do want to make sure that it is exactly twice the thickness of this no no no inside of the half-inch I started heavens thinking wrong half inch gives me the quarter inch of the blade like this so we have the quarter inch of the blade and then the quarter inch of the groove that we want to cut in what we see is the right side of the screen this will help a little bit oh and tell it unplugs I mean we can see it's just bright I really need to get better plugs for this how did that did I oh yeah that's better a little bit yeah yeah you change the ISO down a little bit then it's just that one like AHA that's so much better don't you do like somewhere around there thank you oh yeah so on this one I've been taking this marking gauge and I'd be marking in how far in is that fence we're gonna do that same thing here start on this side and we're gonna mark in how far use that fence oops tiffen this is the top I don't want to do that we want to do it down here there we go this is where I want to take the fence up you got that you want to come down a little ways on either end if your lines go a little bit long that's not a problem what do you mean okay the other thing I want to do is now I've marked how far in the fences now we want to mark how deep is the fence so how much fence we're going to put on this now what about a half inch so we're gonna do a half inch by half inch Ravel on this one I had like three quarter inch down you really don't need that you only need a little bit of fence so let's come in this half inch by half inch we're gonna draw this one all the way around the three sides and there are our lines so I'm going to cut we need to cut all the way down on this face and we need to cut all the way down on this face and we'll be able to remove this little half inch by half inch stick I'll actually put a little less than that so put that in here and I'm going to come in with a chisel and make a little knife wall it's not necessary but is useful ones like this I know I know if I'm making a long cut like this it is helpful just to start it and then I'm gonna grab my tenon saw your mother cookies with me it was too bright so we're all good now when your mother and your wife agree on something you'd better go with it okay um yeah I'm gonna grab my tenon saw here and we're gonna go away this is a Veritas tenon saw put right in that groove and we're just going to start this all day plus the important thing is that you go all the way through the board you come out you want to have teeth in the middle that both come out one end and the other so they can discharge the chips if it loads up with chips then it won't cut and we're just going to cut down so this is going to take a little while so I'm actually gonna cut back here and I've cut in the groove a little bit any questions yes I don't question put them in the chat below again please folks for on em asks how long have you been using a Veritas saw and have you sharpened it once oh yeah yeah I sharpen every six months or so I bought my Veritas saws three years ago or so do this on this side as well give myself a little bit of a groove to follow in this cut I'm actually going to cut down deeper than the half-inch because what we've got here is I want to cut this face all the way down to the depth of this groove I don't have to go all the way down to there yet but right now but I want to get close to it there's no saving time in future once you get down there little ways it actually holds it pretty well you're getting this nice screwed so I'm all the way down well past the line they're down well past the line there now we can cut in our other cheek other questions we got do the same thing here come back into the knife wall because I think everyone else answered everyone else's question so I love about this community there's so many people who are oh there what's that pup-pup man said is there danger using reclaimed pressure-treated lumber indoors um that depends on what you clarify as danger if I would not use it for anything having to do with the kitchen this and if I did make something out of I was gonna have regular contact with I would probably seal it really really well I don't think I would use it just because pressure-treated lumber is more expensive than non pressure-treated lumber so why do that but if you get it for fries and I guess there's a few applications where you could but most the time I wouldn't there are a lot of carcinogenic things in pressure-treated lumber that are known to be carcinogenic even outside of California so let's cut down a little bit on this end I'm gonna take a finger off again going all the way through the woods so that the chips can fall out one side and coming back all the way so if those chips can fall out see how close we are on this line get going right down that line can you turn any hand plane into a scrub plane pretty much yeah open up the mouth of it put a camber on the iron and you got yourself a scrub plane I've got a couple videos showing how to do that if you want to see it I like turning a number 5 into a scrub plane personally a lot of people like using number 4 see how close we are I don't know why in there and we need to go a good bit deeper over here so I'm gonna focus more than far side number six see I notice it's adjustment opposite of all my other planes yeah um at one point Stanley had all of their depth adjustment knobs turning one way and then they changed them to be the other way so there is a little bit of variant of that over the years so there we go we have our little piece that came out of that and this cut isn't perfectly true I saw that I went off a little bit on the backside here so I could come in with a plane and fix that up or I could come in with a chisel and do the same thing so I'm just going to plane this back just like that oh yeah from time to time if I do I show them in videos unless they're like I just have to use it to get this project done on time there's a few times where I would gladly do them all by hand but in order to get the video out I have to save some time and that occasionally is a pain okay now what we want to do is we want to actually make a groove in here so we've got our plane that's a quarter-inch and we want to have a quarter-inch groove in here this way now the problem with that is the easy way to do it would be grab a grooving plane and make a groove wouldn't that be nice a great way to do it but we don't have a grooving plane so we can't make the groove with the grooving plane so we're gonna do basically the exact same thing we did here is saw down a quarter inch on both sides so we're gonna lay out on the end how far that is in and if we want to come down a quarter inch that means it's got to be 3/4 inch deep so it's this market 3/4 inch come down here and Mark in a three-quarter inch line there mark in a 3/4 inch line here that's how deep we want to come in and then the next thing I want to do is I want to lay out the width of the groove and so I'm gonna set my iron on here and I'm going to make the we're making the the tongue in here that will actually slide inside the groove in this tongue I want to make it slightly wider than my current iron and the reason I want to do that is because I can always plane this surface back to make it thinner if this ends up being too small I can't make it bigger so I'm going to set this on here and I'm going to put a mark in right there so are you putting it on the cheek yeah and then I set my marking gauge up to that mark and we can mark this side so Landmarks wants to know your bench is so nice how you decide on smoothing cleaning the top again um I'll probably flatten it in a couple years but I haven't really had a need to in a while uh I like the dirty bench that shows all the stains and marks from the years just pleasing to me at some point I'll probably replace these two jaws and I'm thinking about getting a different vise on here but we'll see how that goes in the future so now I need to actually cut down both sides of this cheek all the way down and on this one I could come in here and create a knife wall like this but it's just not going to work very well that way so I'm going to move this over give you a little bit different view in this one focus come on focus so let's cut in I need to take this cut all the way down to depth and then we're gonna cut take the other one down in the same depth okay at mark here how close in my toe marks there you're pretty close at the mark here and at the mark there okay so now let's do this side here and because I can't get that knife on there have to be a little more careful with it and I'm going to start at this end then I'm going to slowly lower the saw down all the way across that line just keeping an eye on it and making slight adjustments going right on that line almost all the across and just like that we're across so the question is which took more time doing that or cutting the knife wall I think they're pretty close to equal that's why I usually don't cut the knife wall because it's just easier to cut it I don't have to bring out another tool for it so I like showing both ways there's a lot of people they like the night ball okay they're just a little ways away from it on both sides and basically whatever depth we cut down to is how deep our grooving plane will naturally cut and there we go so now I'm going to bring in the same tool we're going to use as the cutting iron and I may use it to remove all that waste between those two cuts turn it double down and chop out is backing up a little bit each time this what's it oh no oh no that's great no that's not a signal am i turn on there it goes and now it's all gonna be really bright again do it there sorry about that really need to get a different cable for that I wish I could find a different cable there's only one manufacturer that makes it plug in for those batteries only last a couple hours come in it from both sides just like carving and I'm taking it down till I get to the cut depths so on one end you can actually come in from that line as long as I trust the grain that's how deep I want to take it down to every tool in the hand tool shop is just a jig to hold a chisel because you can do most anything you want with just a chisel for pressure-treated wood um I would probably use something really thick I can epoxy seal or a really really heavy poly coat and then to check the depth you can use a little depth gauge so I've got this one here and so I can set this on the depth I want just down and this lets me know where I need to do more work to get it all down to at least that depth this is a depth gauge lets me know how deep I've cut across [Music] not exactly okay tip it around and actually use it to scratch back this will clean out any burrs in the bottom in there one hour in and we've got ourselves a grooving plane body so now we have basically exactly what we have there now we need a way to get this now one thing I was thinking about doing is most of them are shaped this way for right-hand users and I thought about turning this one around for our left hand but I think I'm going to keep it right hand so it would be nice to have a left hand other than these two are slightly different thicknesses this one is it ever so slightly thinner than this one so um yeah let's work with that so the next thing we need to do is create a bed for this to go in and I'm going to keep it this way I want to cut it at 45 degrees so we have a nice big bed angle on there so I'm gonna grab my on the square this is a this is a mitre square and I put it on here and eyeball about where I want I want the mouth to come out about 1/3 of the way back from the front so I don't want the mouth to be coming out the middle I want to be about 1/3 of the way back and that puts the iron out a little bit behind Center so somewhere around there and there's a lot of historical mathematics of exactly where to put it but this is where I'm going to put it right here there's our 45-degree bed angle the next thing I need to do is put this chisel on here JJ asked a question what's your question bud well he wants to read a question oh here no this one what and why oh I'm actually looking at getting the oh come on what's his name he just started making well he's taking pre-orders for a gear run twin screw with a parallel set up on it and it's Oh someone's gonna post it down below but it's basically it's two screws and there's gears in between them so you move one it moves the other words this one is a chain connection between them but the nice thing I thought he also has this this set up so the two can pivot and you can have the two jaw phases unparallel and it's it's kind of like the best of all worlds it's like four hundred and sexually I think it's like six hundred something I remember what he has on bugging I can't remember his name yeah really really cool voice one of these days so okay so what we need to do is now we have the bed angle and oh there we go now we have the bed angle on here I'm going to set the chisel in place and put the back of the chisel on that bed angle and I'm gonna hold it down nice and tight so it doesn't move around like that and then I'm going to mark off how thick's the iron is this is going to give me two things number one it is going to tell me how thick the iron is so I know where the wedge needs to start because on this one we've got the bed of the iron we have where the wedge needs to start well now we need another angle of what angle is our wedge at but the other important thing is this also then shows us how big our mouth is on here and so we can we know that when the iron comes out the tip of the iron is going to be right here so the start of our wedge needs to be a little bit farther forward now what I'm actually going to do is I'm going to start the wedge dead-on that mark so that we can always open this up but we can't always we can't make it smaller so we're going to start this with an opening that is at zero so the next thing I need to do is I need to make the wedge and I need to find a scrap of wood too the wedge out of now originally I was gonna go over there and I have a piece of quarter-inch and maple that would turn out really well for it but then we were splitting this off and I thought you know what we got enough time let's make it out of the oak so we're gonna actually make a small wedge out of this which I thought would be kind of fun now the wedge needs to be now that we have this on here we know how long our wedge needs to be so it sticks from there out and I want to stick out a little bit farther so in this case we've got a lot of tools in the bench mat to clean it up here but in this case we've got our our angle on here turned around like this and we want our wedge to stick up as far as we can but I don't want it running into the ferrule on this so in this case because I'm using a chisel you can see how it comes out in an angle here and I really couldn't get to stick out very far because this ferrule is right up in to the end of the body so in this case we put this on here we can actually get a rather long come up a rather long wedge so I want to get it something that's like four and a half inches so it'll stick out somewhere around here so I need a wedge that's four and a half inches long by about an inch wide and we're going to make it out of this very same oak right here so let's lay out roughly the size we want so I'm going to cut this back to and reclining there you are sorry I finally got caught up on a chant now but I don't have a child yes he is a really cool woodworking inventor does some interesting things so let's cut this off at this length and then we'll figure out where we want to pull our wedge out of this wants to know how often do you wax the sole of your plane's a watch Rob is it kossmann postman yeah do it nearly every time yeah I only use it when I find it as being restrictive most the time it's not that much of a problem I normally do it with my finishing planes [Music] so yeah I only do it when I when I feel that there's a problem with it so there's one now I want to cut this down to somewhere around hey JJ JJ why don't you go play right now Thank You bud so I want this to be somewhere around an inch and a half here so I'm just going to roughly grab and Mark and we're gonna cut it down to that so imma grab my parents' all again because this is a rip cut and the tennis all has ripped teeth anytime it's catching that usually means I'm putting too much way to do it back off the pressure with the Saudi to work there there's our blank we can pull this wedge out of so let's actually get one true face on this putting a couple dog holes on here corrects for the s would you use wax on the saw blade yes yeah I do that quite often if I find it binding or it's more pressure I will wax up the saw blade and it works really really well and so what I use is I have a block of beeswax impregnated with with raw linseed oil and this block I've been using for probably about three years and I've only used that much of it and so this will last me for many more years to come but it's like I think it's like 50/50 oil and wax I have a video on making paste wax where I make that block actually so let's flatten this sucker out in there okay how true and flat is this not very so I've got bubbling up here in the middle take a couple middle shavings let's try it again still a little high right here though taking a really heavy shading with this one yeah it's better come with a smoothing plane there so um there is our our wedge and this will be the back that actually sits against the iron so it'll be something like that in there next actually might take a second and clean up because I'm getting this is what happens is I'll get working and the bench just soon gets covered in tools and it saves me time to take a break and put these away so I have a little more bench space so while doing that what the questions we have in do we have any caught up cool what are you guys working on right now I they've kind of been mixing so let's see Trillian asks how besides your superior skill can you keep that long saw cut square um well practice having a well-set-up plane and the the problem that most people have is when they start to see themselves going off the line they try to bring it back onto the line and that is the wrong thing to do because then you're just going to get the zigzag that binds up the saw and causes you more problems farther down rather than that you need to back up and repair where you just went off so that you're not creating new problems you're fixing the old problems so you bring the line back into being true and that's that's where most people go wrong what you can do is it back up and twist the saw and let the set of the teeth the side of the teeth basically scratch out the the surface so it can bring it back into true throw but in the end you can always video yourself so you can see your your body posture and the way you're working it but the best way is just more practice more practice you have the better your song skills come the easier it is to follow a line it's one of those things that you know if you go back and watch some of my early videos my my channel has been following my hand tool journey from beginning to end and so if you go back and watch my earliest videos you'll see that I I had just as many problems with it and it's one of those things you just learn over time the more you do it the more you learn and the more you learn the easier it becomes so eat your beans at every meal can you that can do that dad put that way so nice to have Brian Mulligan once know what's your opinion about hitting a holdfast with a metal hammer um whatever you want I don't do it because I've got a really nice split faced mallet that works phenomenally well I find that to be better to hit it with is a maple than with the metal but a lot of people like using metal I know a lot of people who use metal metal hammers for their chisels it's all a personal preference nothing right or wrong to it okay now I've got you two things with this number one I've got to bring this down into the same thickness as my iron and so I'm gonna plane it down to that but I need to mark off exactly how thick that iron is so I'm gonna set my marking gauge on here and actually it's set up that's right because my last thing I marked was the thickness of the the tongue on this so I'm going to use that to mark all it around this thin piece and then we complain it back to that thickness works well I am NOT a fan of deadblow hammer I just do not find any benefit to them but I know a lot of people really really like them so great I guess it's a hammer anything that it will impart force to it will work so throw this in here and we're going to plane it down to that line and I'm going to use the scrub plane first just take off a little bit here and there so we get down close so I use aluminum dogs if I hit them with a plane it really doesn't matter it won't hurt them steel is harder than aluminum I'm going to try and make a shave pony soon but I've never used a shave horse or pony I am just limited on space have you any suggestions on either the pony bench top version or full horse if you have the space for a full horse it is much much easier it's just it's it's great to have a tool that's just set up to do it but if you don't have the space the bench top version works really well I mean Shannon rogers has a series on that in the hand tool school I actually think he has that project is a separate thing you can buy and I'm thinking about making that one of these days just haven't haven't done it but I think that because in my shop I don't have space for the full horse so I'm just going to use a pony so there we go we has ourselves a wedge it's still slightly thick make sure my take off a little bit more right here just a hair more and I'm gonna leave it slightly thick because again just like with the plain body I can always plane it down to what I need in the future there we go get that line close to that line all the way around so now we need to make the wedge itself and for this we need to cut an angle on here now that angle really doesn't matter that much and you're gonna hear a lot of people say it's got to be this angle it's got to be that angle and really whatever angle you want I am going to grab a straight edge yes why why are you asking no what I would do that or I wouldn't be the answer so we need to make the wedge angle on here now if you make it too steep of a wedge like something around there you're going to run into problems with it not wanting to seat itself down in and if you make it too near all of a wedge then you're going to run into issues with it with it either wedging in there being impossible to get out or the head being too small to pull it out the other thing we're going to want is we don't want it to come to a point here I mean eventually we will but we're going to be cutting off that point so why not actually start with it missing I'm gonna have about eight inch here rather than actually coming to a point and I'm going to choose an angle that's somewhere around there OOP and then I'm just going to draw that line we are having drama being at home so there's there's our wedge on there and this will then fit down into that actually now I'm gonna make it a little bit bigger than that make it a little bit steeper in that just because I want to because if you make it steeper you can always make it smaller yeah it's do something around there instead and there's a lot of guides out there that will give you you know eight to one or ten to one whatever you want there I'm going to cut it at that angle right there so let's put this in here and cut it down I would normally use my ten saw but this is so thin that using my tenon saw would cause me all kinds of odd grief so I'm actually going to use my key dovetail saw because the dovetail saw is actually a rip saw follow that line right down oh no I hit the back that's why we can lean down a little farther turn around to the other side there we go a little bit of wedge we're gonna trim that down just a hair put that on here come on up fogs up grab the smoothing plane again I'm just going to get close because we're gonna be doing more work on this and a little bit so there is our wedge this is what will be sticking down in there to create our angle no it's actually a little bit more narrow than the last one but lettle do and if I really wanted to the nice thing about this is what I've got is I've got another one here so if I mess up this wedge I still have this one over here which for some reason I ended up using this one almost as much as I use the first one so now we have that wedge on there we're going to set this in place and we are going to transfer the line that we just created so that's why I didn't matter what the angle was because now we have this on here we can draw that in line it up really nice like get the fingers all the way so it'll slice with a knife remember the mono I spent enough time at the hospital and there is our opening so that is what we need to cut down so on a little more on this line we pin these in I think oh there it is so on this first line here now the Pens working on that first line there we need a straight cut down and that straight cut down is what the chisel will bed against but on this one here if I make a straight cut down there's nothing that's stopping this wedge from sliding sideways out of the plane so I'm actually going to undercut that a little bit so that this then I can put in a slight angle onto this and when I drive this in it actually sucks it down into place so for this one on this one here I need to cut it straight down and on this one here I'm actually going to tip the saw at a slight angle and cut it at that so that's actually our first thing I do is mark the depth of cut which is this one here I need to put that line over here right to there and then we're going to transfer these lines with this square so these lines where the side lines come up here I'm gonna put this in here and transfer that align to that depth of the cut line do the same thing on the back here this will just give us something eyeball with the saw and put it down into here and we're grab my tenon saw and we're going to go right down along that line so again here's a point where I could use a knife all the person I find that faster there's an eyeball but everyone's different see if I am on the line I want this side looks to me down to depth there down to depth there and then we're gonna do the same thing on this ones I'm going to start the cut just like we did so now that the cut is started I'm gonna take the saw and I'm going to tilt it over just a little bit not much just a little bit a little bit more down there down there and now we need to come through and move this waste in between so I'm going to grab a chisel and a mallet and we're going to pair in I don't want to go too far cause I don't want to blow out this side start in here remove a bit of material come down low if I move a bit of more material and let me get it down close to that depth line sorry I'm probably blocking you with that make you put this over here and focus down into the line oh I just disconnect it again come on man I hate this thing we tried this one see if I get a better connection no I just need love these cameras other than their external power supplies are horrible see did that work hey that one works I can move this one back over here except for way out of focus we put this one back on the other camera so we can have that one too technical difficulties who getting anything on that one come on oh well I guess we're working with just the one camera right now so let's work on this grab the smaller chisel so we can get in there same thing from this end maybe I love these chisels so you didn't see the chisel test on Thursday went into picking my favorite chisel and why and then I went out and got my favorite ones from the test which in case you didn't realize are the Richter's so you bought some huh I don't really learn something new every day okay we're doing close to the depth I want what to get it all the way down I'm going to bring in the router plane so Alan has super chatted doing technical difficulties mom joke time yes though all right let me get my mom just back up read that up a little bit ready yep thanks for teaching me the meaning of plethora it means a lot I like that one I like anyone you tell Sophie Theo Brock wants to know how much are the nearest Richter's for a set um they're about 35 bucks of chisel which is no it's it's the medium price there actually there are there's a reason that they won my best overall and they depending upon what you call what you rank pricing they're also my best per price as well 35 so what how what would you consider a good set like like a quarter inch a half inch and an inch like what is a quarter half a three quarter and possibly an inch though I also got the three eighths because it's just a good in-between size there's occasional zone I want it and they also come with the eighth you can also get an eighth or an inch and a half if you want those as well so if you're trying to get like a starter package price point I'm helping the men with their wives for justifying cost I don't know why so 140 bucks hundred fifty by time you do taxes and shipping project but more than that but if you never have to buy another set for yeah and so something for me you know I use these every single day that the chisel is the most used tool in my shop and I want something that is comfortable something that is functional something I have to worry about as much and they hit every Nick every bit on that bill so there is that I can put this in here see how well that lines up that is what we wanted so now we can put in our wedge and see how close we are on that except for it is too long up here so I got trim off this now I know it when I was first starting out you know 35 bucks of chisel would have been way way too much there would be absolutely no way I could afford that and so that's why I bought cheaper chisels but now that I have a little bit more money and it's now a business for me spending a little bit more on chisels is as well well worth it so I'm gonna make a lot of men happy with this comparison you do 35 because I'm not a I'm not a hair nails girl obviously but you know manicure-pedicure $35 on that last one for maybe six weeks if it's a really good one it's not a bad investment there you go guys mother's Day is coming up I'm helping you build your case well that was always the thing in our family is that if I spend money than Sarah spends money so Alan wants to know is there a difference between Eric's and Eric's check known check in Eric's is a Czech company and business yeah so what I'm doing is I'm just taking off extra material here so that I can fit this in right now it's running into the ferrule actually you know what I think it's time I'm going to break this handle off because I don't need it so because I got my I replaced it with this one is that your this is the Newark's and Eric's yeah grab a screwdriver am i a purse lady there Sarah I have a so these cheap Harbor Freight ones I could just break this ferrule off and then I'm actually going to be coming in here the screwdriver and tearing up the wood because I don't want to use a chisel to tear off the wood just like that we got rid of the wooden handle well it's a mess okay so we can put this in here put the wedge in yeah now we're starting to get a good feel in here so I'm noticing with this line not to show you what I'm talking about here so now from here on out we're going to be doing a lot of fitting we want to get this wedge to fit nicely into this gap and so if you look closely here you'll see that I have a gap up here and it's nice and tight back here so that means I need to either adjust the angle of the of the slot or I need to change the angle of the wedge itself and in that case I'm actually going to change the angle of the wedge as that is a little bit easier so I just need to take a couple shavings off high start back here take a shaving off from here to here back it up then each stroke I'm gonna take a little bit longer a little bit longer and a little bit longer until I get it from one end to the other now let's see what that does and it's gonna be a lot of this just fitting back and forth and back and forth and seeing how it comes in from one side over yeah that's pretty close a little more so I'm probably gonna do this like twice twice more just take off a little bit there a little bit there each stroke gets a little longer so we go from one end to the other test it again and I know this probably will not work but I don't want I don't want to take off more until I get a chance to test it because I want to make sure I'm getting a nice tight fit and I'm watching the gap here getting smaller and smaller do it oh are you gonna Disney pose then from your phone how do I do so let's take off a little more that should be pretty close to enough to get rid of that gap yeah yeah see there now I've got a really nice tight fit all the way top to bottom now the only thing I have in here is that this face of the wedge is 90 degrees to this side but I cut that slot at a slight angle so now I want to duplicate that angle on here so I'm going to put this on here with this face flush with the top of the bench and I'm going to let the plane ride on the bench over here and then over here on the edge so that it's naturally an angle oh sure back up a little bit here there and so when I let it ride on the bench it's naturally going to create an angle on there the question is is that angle sufficient or not and I want to make sure I take a shaving all the way from one side to the other side every time I don't put it in here and boom I got lucky on that one let's just see what we got most the time it takes two or three tests I think this one actually came out really close to I wanted nice and so I'm looking up here at the top focus on this and I want to make sure that I have a nice tight connection all the way across here if this top were flat then there would be a gap here at the bottom and not up there but that is actually what I want so now the next thing is with this tongue of the the man how does it come up with that much extra on there apparently I messed up something because this tip should have been back here and they dissenters matter so I did my mouth and this is gonna be pretty big show you my mouth and this one is about an inch which is a fairly big mouth but for a grooving plane that's okay on this one it's actually a little bit more than a thin so this will have a little bit bigger mouth than others but for grooving playing that's not a huge issue it's not something that I'm worried about the detail on it so the next thing I want to do is I want this wedge to have an angle here because right now as I would cut into it I want something to discharge the chips out the side let me actually take this one out then whilst they're taking this one okay you get the big tools kids in the shop all right so let's remove this way and so this back here allows you to get right on there you can take that leg out and so we want to do is create this little angle here on the side that will allow it to discharge the chips coming out that way so let's take this wedge out [Music] now this project took some blood so let's see we've got this wedge all good in there but we need to actually I didn't mark that I should've done it right back in there's not all the way and we want to actually create where that angle comes back so I'm going to come back about three-quarter inch from the tip and I'm going to draw a line here parallel with this and then I'm going to draw a line about 1/8 inch from the tip and that's where I want to terminate at and so now I'm gonna grab some sacrificial wood here maybe I can find something and I'm going to chop this tip off so I'm just going to take a three-quarter inch here I'm gonna put it in that line that was right up by the front hold this down chop that tip off and then now I'm gonna actually pare it back so we get that angle on your hold this on here and actually let's do this the safe way cuz I'm going to slice my finger up on again put the holdfast in here let the hold fast and then you can do this coming here and slowly pair it all back down to that tip they're just like that we've got a nice clean feathered edge all the way down do one more pass I'm just taking that curl off there we go and that should be a functioning wedge the next thing we need to do is create a hook on here that we can use to pull it out if it ever gets jammed in like we did earlier so in this case I just want to round this off a little bit put that back in here I'm gonna grab this poppin mine why are the kids grandparents on my side what's up your parents I could have but if they're my parents then there'd be mom and dad Oh should I tell your parents how you've been channeling your sharpie so we're gonna do the round on this side we're rounding it off mixing a little making a little bit prettier if I really wanted to make it nice I'm gonna grab a file and I could just come in here and round it that way around it that way and then I'm gonna take off break the edges on this just so they're not harsh hard edges and then I need to create this hook and so to do that all you're doing is you're cutting a cut down and then chipping in to that angle so I cut this in just a quarter inch or so then can come under the chisel and pair back a line to that cut I'm guessing it's about another half hour 45 minutes actually okay so there is our wedge this corner though this corner is a bit sharp I just want to round that off a little bit because any sharp edge that's where fibers can't get caught and tear off I'm just gonna grab that file and that is all that you really need now the wedge and comes in all sorts of different sizes and shapes Oh a band-aid thank you melody and so over the years and different places you will find them shaped in all different ways and different traditions you will find them shaped in all the courage our melody hey guys look at me no talking you can come over here but no talking so there is our wedge you can put that in here and we can put in our iron now let's actually take this thing for a test drive and see what we've got here I'm noticing something actually I've got to fix it on here the the tip of the wedge is actually sticking out past the the bed down in here so actually if I shave that off a little bit more before we go any farther so let's grab this and let's pair it back a little farther so just like we did before just a couple more shavings we'll see how that comes down there that's right it's stopping now the tip of the wedge is stopping just before it comes to the bed here so it doesn't it's sticking out into this and that's what we want except for the blade is it upside down so I see is this sharp enough yeah it's sharp enough to play with I'll sharpen it up a little bit later we're gonna put it in keep it back a little ways so we can tap it forward grab our iron or not tap the wedge down in just say no and now I'm going to tap this forward and tell it's just sticking out make sure it was a bit too far yes Molly old man fred is very simple design where would I post it I don't know what you're talking about there's probably a message with mommy yeah I know I don't know what he's what design he's referring to um cool the iron is sticking out just a hair set the wedge in there let's take this for a test drive and see what we got sticking out a bit more and I'd normally want but hey first pass and I do say that is a functioning grooving plane just like that now the problem is this is incredibly uncomfortable in the hand this is uncomfortable up here and there are a lot of different things we're going to do this so the next thing we're gonna do is we're going to make this look a little bit prettier and then we're going to get into the finishing of it but right now let me actually back it off a little bit tapping on the nose drives the iron back and now it's out so it's not gonna take anything no taking a little bit so let's actually drive it forward just a tap these are happy perfect little curls we got ourselves a grooving plane that is what I like so now let's actually make this thing a little bit more pretty and we will have a little bit of fun with this I'm sorry what was that the sign and poor man Fred old man Fred was he step stool that I made no he made one for the kids at church oh here's a good one so now when it comes to the actual shaping of hand planes there are lots of different traditions on how exactly it should be done and I grabbed a couple of these and show you some of my favorites if I can get them out there we go so this one is is fairly traditional why is it so dark all right so this you have a little bit of rounded surface back here so that the palm can work into that it was very common to have a light angle to chamfer back here and then a light angled chamfer that comes all the way around and then a lot of them would have a square nose on the front and this chamfer would then terminate into an eye here coming down to the square that was a fairly common for a lot of different love different designs some will do it's the same thing on here with the the rounded back the chamfer coming up and over and then a square on here in the front but this is a really sharp chamfer where this chamfer actually rounds out under the main surface and so some of them like this one actually made has a chamfer coming all the way down to the face and it's just you know slightly different designs in different ways I'm actually my favorite design is the one I made for my first one and I found it just be more comfortable and that is you round the back here in both directions so it's nice and calm fit in the palm then the next thing is you hold it here so why not put a rounding here and rounding here so it fits into your hand here and then I keep the front into a point but just round over the corners just in case I grab it like that and then normally what I'm going to come do is come in and put a chamfer so this is one of my first ones I didn't do that on this one but I'm actually to do that on the new one here so we want to actually shape the back end here the front end where the fingers come around and then this base up here where the finger comes around this way so you can actually kind of grab it like a horn I did that when I when I first made this one thinking I would grab it more like that I don't grab my finger on there so I don't put in this round anymore I just put it in the one up here and then rounding on the nose so let's actually make those in there any questions I know you're having built on without me this file and this rasp thank you melody built on so I'm gonna grab a rasp a fairly heavy cut on here ever take off the corner zoom in here a little more you can see what we got going on here yes melody do you want to ask what I didn't know if she wanted to do some resting oh sure come on over here maybe in a moment here we'll do is a file so I'm gonna take off this part over here as well now this is the back of the plane and this is where my poem is gonna go in so I want to be nice and flat across yeah what are you doing Valley so now I have a big chamfer on either corner I'm just gonna round those off inch a little bit I'm gonna take that big chamfer come in it from all angles and just get a rough edge on here rough shape No and we're getting close to shape we want so I'll start down here low and then I wrap it up around as I go I'll let you do the file here in a minute okay and then as I'm going I'm gonna be putting my hand in there and seeing does that feel good do I want a little bit more where do I need a little bit more on there Jamie we want to try the file okay so now that we have the rough shape in here we're gonna come in with a finer file let me just do this I'll show you and we're gonna do the exact same thing but we're gonna get rid of all the scratches we just made that last file okay how do you wanna try come around over here hey no but you're doing good I'm gonna grab the next finer file while you're doing that you like to make these Plains um whatever I vent whatever I have on hand here I'm using white oak which is one of my favorites historically beech or maple are the better choices historically but yeah whatever you got okay let's see we want to actually feel this and see where do we still need some work done well I'm here because I didn't clean up the end of the plane just gonna come at it with a file just getting rid of all the scraps are you singing let it go then we're coming with a finer file remove any marks that the last one made there and then we can just test as we go and see you know is there any rough spot is that where I want we're gonna do some more chamfer work on that here in a minute next thing I want is an area up here where my thumb can go across because that square just doesn't feel very good and a lot of these with the light chamfer that that still just doesn't feel very good to me so if I want to come in here melody melody and then make marks I want to come through here and here stick this round into here I'm gonna grab grab my heavy rasp again melody don't you go back over there large chunk of material like that do a matching one over here like that and then while I'm here I'm also gonna do these corners not gonna do as much as I did in the back I'm just gonna do the corner take that off of 45 take that off at 45 just round them over a little bit just like that and then I come in with my cider file I'm trying to make a scratch that goes from one side all the way around to the other and doing this really makes metalworkers mad you should never go both ways with a file okay so let's see how that feels put that up there that's good need to take a little bit more back off here I feel this corner rubbing in a bit see oh yeah that's better then we can come in with a finer file get rid of scratches from that one reproductions but one inch work oh yeah this is well this is inch and three-eighths so basically what you want to do is you want to have the thickness of your iron the thickness of the the the tongue you want left over and then the thickness of your fence and so usually if it's if you want a quarter inch you're going to have quarter inch by quarter inch by about three quarters so you didn't give an inch and a quarter but you could get by with just a half inch fence over here so you'd have a quarter inch quarter inch and a half inch which case a one-inch blank we're gonna find a personal preference on how much material you want on there I think for me I would like an inch and a quarter for one like this but again everybody different and so this is just a series of different files finer files coming in and cleaning him out yeah yeah you know if the if the mouths are much bigger I probably would do something like that just to build it up a little bit but in this case it's really not that much of a problem you don't need a fine fine mouth for a grooving plane but some people are picky about that so go for it okay so there is my rough shaping now what I want to do is eat a little bit more biltong then I put a chamfer on the top corner on both sides because I like the look of a light chamfer now a lot of the traditional ones the chamfer is an angle like that and so it's a really really steep angle so we're basically going from this to like that I actually like to make it a bit more I don't want to make it quite 45 I want actually do a bit more normally is done mmm grain the majority this way something right around there I like that look then just ease the edge just a little bit so it's not sharp on your hand yeah that's pretty I want to do the same thing on the other side I'm just going until the to match definitely matter what exactly that chamber is how big it is whatever you want this is your painting your happy little wood girls make it whatever you want buying things from the shop of the game no not right now all right no but well look at later he's playing it on my account right now now we're just coming through and doing a lot of the little detail things we're feeling it we're seeing where we want some more work on here actually no I'm not gonna do that I'm gonna leave that alone I'm gonna round this nose over just a little bit more let's do it this way you know every time I make a molding plane I change it ever so slightly I changed my eye design and shape a little bit more so I really like the look of that eye so I'm gonna do something kind of similar to that and then you're ground it into this front nose yeah I like that do the same thing on this side smooth it out studying that little bit of chamfer right down the nose do the same thing back to this is where you can get really really picky and this whole project could become a lot longer just by how much you're putting into this and how smooth you want this to be and what your your finish on it is just going to break the edges yeah questions go for what you got that is a great way to start an argument well when you look at rasps like this one this one's machine-stitched so here we zoom in on this so all of these were put in by machine and it makes it much cheaper because a machine doing this is a lot faster than someone just doing this by hand the problem with that is that means they're all in lines and you get an even bounce on this so if it hits a certain frequency this thing will bounce around on the wood whereas I the hand-stitched one there isn't any frequency to because they're all in random locations the problem with hand-stitched is that they're all at slightly different depths and some of the teeth stick out a little bit farther and so the really really really really nice ones to get that clean finish on them they could be upwards of $100 a piece for a good rasp or more and so the antique hand stitch ones feel really really good when you're using them but some of the hand-stitched ones are good and some of them aren't you got to play it by hand so it really kind of depends down to personal preference of you know how much do you care about that or not I actually don't have any like I mean this one this one is like a this is an old this is a Nicholson and it is probably 60 70 years old but it was machine stitched I don't really like it so yeah I really haven't spent much money on getting high-quality rasps and files because I can usually pick up old cheap ones at garage sales and things that have a bucket of files and so I'll buy a whole bucket and I'll throw out about half of them and I'll keep another I'll keep a quarter of them and the other quarter gets set in the corner or given to other people and so that's that's where I get most of my files from I rarely buy new ones other than my saw sharpening files okay now we have this knot here and I think I'm gonna keep it just the way it is I like that little bit of naturalness in there yes I could have cut the planting a little bit thinner and gotten rid of the nut I just kind of like that bit of character in there so let's see how comfortable is this that is it's pretty good I'm liking that it's just ease over the corner on this and ease over the corner on this and I think that is good for that so the next thing we to do is get this thing ready for finishing and so for that we're going to scrape it any questions a little bit we'll be done all the while do so let's scrape this thing and I'm just getting rid of any reflections on the surface getting rid of any marks I've got a good mark to get rid of on the top here the tops gonna take me a little longer good card scraper is a fantastic thing when you get it down you get these really nice curls coming from it actually I'm gonna use the plane and I'm because I made that mark on the top when I made for the original rabbit and I made it on the wrong edge so I get rid of that so what do you guys think should I give this one wait since I already have one I think I should give it away on the live here so when we're done with this the last thing we'll do is give this one away so um for those of you who are live thank you so I need to know what criteria to give this away well you got over like a thousand people watching right the second so thousand people live you have 1069 concurrent viewers right this moment 1069 cool so so we're gonna come up with something on here and I'm gonna give this away to someone my send this very plain with all of its quirks and oddities out to one of you so just going through and we're scraping and we're smoothing we're getting rid of any nicks any places where the plane went against the grain so the question is are you gonna brand it does not is making it fun right here because half the grain is going one direction half the grain is going in the direction I think I should do what is my favorite wood okay I need to do some work on the fit and the ends here because this is still rough from the saw so we're gonna clamp this down and just file off carries a bunch of I need to get it on my hand screw clamps you made yeah good luck finding those those are harder and harder to find no the Handy peg clamps okay I think that is about it let's set this in take her for a test drive that's the other thing I gonna do is still hip because I left when I made this groove I made it slightly thicker than my so right now my iron is thinner than the group so when I run this through there eventually this will wedge up in there and it won't go forward so I need to plane this surface down until it is flush with the iron so I'm gonna do something here it's really gonna scare some people I'm actually going to plane it with the iron in place this is going to give me two things number one it will smooth off the wedge because the wedge is sticking up a little more tap this all the way down now so I'm not hitting the iron and then we go and Tom really close to the end right there now I'm going to take the iron out do a couple more shavings because I want that tongue to be a little bit thinner than the iron I'd rather the iron stick out just a hair then have it perfectly flush the proceeds go to James's new cable fund or a better battery sure I wish I could okay let's take her for a test drive actually nope let's just do the last smoothing of the card scraper yeah it's better that's better oh yeah test drive what's that oh my so pop back up again well the problem is it's on auto if I turn it off of autos and I got a bunch of other issues that I got mess with do this there should be a little bitter just scraping along the bottom getting the finest to find wedges of shavings I do a little bit tighter than that there we go there's a little on the heavy side but still fully functional so let's take this groove right down to the step and see where we end up I have not sharpened this iron so I could probably use that there we go right down the dips so let's see how accurate this thing actually is we grab my calipers this is one of the fun parts we get to see just how precise you were so for my calipers have disappeared oh they're over there okay let's see just how accurate this groove ends up being so this should be a quarter inch it is currently 2.6 so it's going to leave a little bit at the bottom that is slightly thicker than a quarter inch and it is aa two point two six so it's actually not quite a quarter inch deep so I could fix that by taking this groove down a little bit more actually it's go ahead and do that got a little bit of time here we do the finish and oh I needed to know how wide the groove itself was so the groove was well it's the thick of the air and I can't change that so that's two point four three so it's slightly thinner than a quarter-inch but I knew that because my iron is slightly thinner than a quarter-inch so let's actually trim this down a little bit I think we're ready for change then so Foreman says for reference James went from firewood to working plane in two hours and thirty minutes actually the working plane was just over an hour but then you got all this other stuff too oh is it a tweaking yeah there you go let's see where is higher it is so I'm gonna grab this and it's just a hair too thick yep that's good just a hair too thick rubbing the sides more than I want so I'm trying to find a file that will work here you go this will let me work on that bottom number one it will flatten it out number two I can take it down a little farther i'ma grab one it's a little more aggressive just if you need a more aggressive something that reminds me about my wife the proper term is a circle I thought it was vigorous here we go so I can do that a good while to take it down a little deeper or I could come into the saw and cut each face down a little bit more and then pair it out actually would do that just dig it out a hair more down there and there and then I come in with my quarter inch and we're going to pair it all out to that that's how I cut myself earlier hit the same spot so you're saying that ship chisel sharp no I hit the corner of the wood coming soon episode 2 how to make a chisel for my nail and a dozen toothpicks so I'm comment Ruth says practice helps shave the time how many grooving plans have you made um I think this is my fourth grooving plane actual hand planes it's probably like 30th or something like that so there's that reopen to the cut so know that that's in let's adjust this down remember let go there it is it's hiding under the board seat the iron all the way down tap it for just one more don't see how much deeper we can go now we're going to eat now so we can do to adjust the iron back is hit back here [Music] no taking much of anything so we're gonna give it one little tap here we go I'm cutting your leg got a very very light cut let's make it a little bit heavier they're worried about where I like it clogged up I'm running into because I'd rolled all these holes here and so it's actually getting all of these chips inside here and those tiny little chips are coming out and clogging up the mouth here we go I think let's down the Depp's yep let's wax Oh we put the finish on and wax this up there we go see how deep we are now I want to be right at a quarter-inch so we are at ha who bumped it all the way down there we go we are at to a point 2 2 5 7 so ever so slightly over 1/4 inch but that is what I want right there so there we have a grouping plane now we're going to add some finish to this so what questions we got and we are going to use a high-tech polyurethane to finish this no comments so let's pull this apart and it's get out polyurethane breaded ah it's been a few days since I've open it I know a lot of people tell me put vaseline or that I have put vaseline on this it's just I've been using it for so many years that there's like a good eighth inch of cured Biello on the outside of this thing and we're going to finish this down this is my favorite part the oak comes through me you focus in and show you this that's a little better oh thank you okay focus it's almost Tudor but that's here I can do that's good right there right there yep there we'll get the color this all coming out I love oak this is the very reason right here so we need to come up with a way to give this away um I don't know is there a way like you can pull all the viewers Nate let's see I'm thinking of a number oh dear so I do with the kids a number between one and a million okay melody what question should I ask about me I love this seeing the Rays pop out in the end green here oh so pretty showing off this little knot on the side so yeah this is one of these really fun weekend projects and a lot of people are scared of doing planes but if you make an open-sided plane like this they are incredibly easy to make and if you mess one up then you just wasted an hour or two on it it's not that much and you know if I'm not actually shooting the video and talking about it I can probably get this down to you know 45 minutes from firewood to working plane two hours to be done with a pudding finish on Alan says give it to whoever super chatted woo except for that's illegal yeah giveaways have interesting rules so there let's let this sit and we're going to then well I'm going to be working on the start the rest today but basically for the finish I'm gonna let it sit for 15 minutes or so until it soaks up enough and then I'm gonna come back in and put some more on it and put some more I'll probably do three or four coats looking over the course of the day and then I'm gonna wipe off the excess and apply paste wax which I have a couple videos on that so back this camera up see if there's any last-minute questions and do a giveaway so if anyone has any questions going throw those in the chat we will get to those so yeah for the the finish on this I'm just gonna let the boiled linseed oil soak in and as it soaks in I'll add more and more over the course of the day and then I'm going to use paste wax which I finally ran through my min wax paste wax and I thought you know what I'm gonna actually use the can so my last batch that I made I filled up the candies it makes a really good camphor paste wax so yeah and that's that's or Madhu's wipe that on let it sit on the surface for 15 minutes or so and then come back and polish it off I want to wait until the thick coating of that on the surface can set up and Harden and then I can come back through once the thinners have come out and actually polish it down and that will that will fill in all the pores and seal it in place and then be a nice soft finish for it so uh question let's do a question that is for people who've been here a long long time ah here is a good one what was so we're gonna give this away to the first person to put in the chat so just know that your speeds might be different yeah and so your your name may be at the top of your your list but it's the one at the top of this list that matters so the the first person to type into the chat with the item that I first made my first woodworking project what was that in life or as in life that one before I have but this is more I've talked about it I've ever asked it does your mother get to comment see if she knows how well does she know me so whoever answers it first wins this plane I'll get that in the mail but yeah this is this is one of these things that a plane is it's a very scary thing to do but once you try one you realize oh it's really not that hard now they get more difficult if you want an integral plane but if you want an integral plane is this you could slap another piece on the outside and have that done but to actually cut a solid hole those become a little more difficult which I do have a couple videos on doing that as well but this is a great beginner project that so let's see a mallet no mallet no pinewood derby car the poor man gets it see that wasn't that hard so thank you yeah and then you get in try it out and especially if you got extra time in the shop now it's a great time to experiment and play with new things so have fun turning firewood into something useful so yeah poor man send me your address again I don't remember if I had that one on file and I don't get this one to use I know you've bought a couple things for me so thank you we've had a couple questions come up okay answers yeah let's do some questions and we got a super chat so okay Bobby says you've always been nice to answer my question offer advice and encouragement okay I got a mom joke adding boiled linseed oil to this as I'm watching it soak into the end grain all right are you ready yep I'm pining for a good tree pun I wish they were more popular all right there were a couple questions hang on I had a thorough wouldn't work um hello yes a cello is my first woodworking project although I am I'm thinking sometime the next year or two I want to make a guitar because I want to take I want to teach myself guitar and it's thought it would be a fun time to do with my daughter okay so David rottingham says any kind and branch of files and wrath you would recommend um the the only files that I buy new are the massage sharpening files because they have a good good file that works well that works efficiently as it doesn't vibrate too much that's that's very important to me and I buy the the Baca files the Lee Valley actually sells a kit so there they come and it's wrapped and they sell aqua files yeah oh sorry about that there you go that's better so yeah the Baca files those are the ones that I I get for saw sharpening for regular woodworking I one of these days I want to get a good set but it's one of those things that's way down on the list and for the price that they are in comparison to the output I haven't seen a huge benefit from that and so that's why most of mine are antiques that I buy at garage sales and the such I'm gonna buy it because they sell them in buckets for five ten bucks and you get 100 files and most of them are trash and they've all been rubbing against each other so none of them are really great but you eventually find a few in there that you like and work well and that's that's where by most mine what's next let's see um Maisie J asked what's the softest would you'd risk using for this um you know honestly if you make it out a pint you can get a functioning tool out of pine will not last as long in other words it will dent up more and it will eventually wear away loose but it would be really easy to make and hey if you run out then you know you've just wasted two or three hours oh well go make another one two or three hours so I wouldn't make it out of balsa but if you had a thick piece of pine or making it on a 2x4 that would be it'd be a great use for it go for it is it going to be the best play never know but it'll work fine for regular constant use I don't think I would go much cheap much softer than like walnut poplar would be yeah bit too small for soft for long-term use but doesn't mean you can't make it out of poplar it just it will probably wear out a little bit faster what else said it I think that's cool it's gonna remind everybody to join with my right hive mine on Facebook if you're not already yeah you go to Facebook search for would buy right hive mind and that's where I bounce a lot of ideas off of people and can I do ash at your shout out and people can show things that they're working on and ask questions and so a fun little group but yeah we're gonna fish finishing this up looking forward to sending it off to you poor man and thank you for your support you have been with this channel for a very very long time so thank you I think that will do it for today so thanks everyone for coming that's been what almost three hours 15 cool well that I think I'll do it so until next time have a wonderful day and if holding his position until she finds it no I should just she's gonna wait for ya know here we go
Channel: Wood By Wright ASMR
Views: 123,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: q8yrBiCkCC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 17sec (10157 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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