How to Make a Game in 5 Minutes (Playmaker vs. Bolt)

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this is a simple game made in five minutes each with different visual scripting tools for unity playmaker and bolt everyone asks me if i can't code which tool should i use well i decided the best way to show you is to make the same game in five minutes using both tool sets after that i'll go into my pros and cons for each and pick a winner first off this video was inspired by pushypixel's channel so be sure to check them out and see how they made the same game with c sharp [Music] so let's dive right into playmaker and start the timer now first let's go to game object let's go to 3d object and then sphere this will be our player let's call him player to stay organized let's zero out his x y and z position coordinates now let's go to the bottom and let's go to add component we need a playmaker fsm so click play maker click play maker fsm and then click edit this is where all of our interactive features go so let's go to action browser let's find input and let's find git axes double click that then let's type in horizontal in the multiplier change the 1 to 10 and then click on the store drop down and then click new variable and let's name it something like h movement okay next we need to move our player so let's go to action browser again let's go to transform and then let's go to translate double click that and then we will put the x drop down as h movement now what happens if our player is hurt well we need a transition so let's right click on state 1 go to add transition go to system events then go to collision enter now while holding control drag and drop then let go and then that should create a new state automatically so let's go to action browser and now let's find game object and then destroy self that's how we die in this game that we just made so that should be it for here actually there's one more thing make sure that we click the movement tool and then we need to move this down to about negative three on the y axis so keep bringing it down there we go about negative three i think that looks pretty good let's go to game object we're going to create an enemy go to 3d object cube a really mean looking cube let's type in enemy and then let's zero it out just to stay organized and then we need to add two components first we need to go to physics and then add rigidbody that means that the forces of gravity can affect it and let's go to add component let's add a playmaker fsm again now let's click on edit action browser let's go to transform and then this time rotate double click now let's turn off these little variable boxes so we can manually input the numbers let's do 300 300 300 and then make sure per second is checked next up we need to do a wait function so let's go to time and double click weight and then let's say five seconds it destroys itself so we need a transition before we can do a finish event so right click on state one add transition finished then add finished right here and then while holding control drag and drop then let up and then that will automatically create a new state so now let's go to game object destroy self and we should be good there oh and this is really important we need to drag the enemy game object into the assets window right here and that creates a prefab now we can delete this and now we need to create a way to spawn our enemy so let's click on main camera let's go to add component playmaker fsm like usual so we need to create a random number so let's go to action browser let's go to math and then let's go to random float double click that and then in minimum let's do negative nine and max let's do 9 and then store the result as random x next we need to set a vector 3 which is basically just three numbers in one so let's go to vector 3 click on set vector 3 x y z and then we're gonna save this as random spawn in the variable and then in the in the x drop down let's set this to random x then y this is important we need to put it as nine so that it's up above our player next we need to create an object so let's go to game object go to create object and then we need to drag and drop our enemy prefab right here we need to drag it into the game object box next are for our position just hit the drop down there's random spawn we need to add one more thing we need to add a wait function under time so double click that and then let's put it as 0.1 this is pretty much our difficulty and then we need to add a finish event so right click add transition finished then make sure finish event is right here and then this is important we need to drag finished and we need to drag it to itself so it creates a loop and there we have it we should have a game let's play oh here they come here they come watch out watch out don't touch him don't touch oh i died let's try it again hit play hit play again at the top all right we got a game made with playmaker now keep the whole dev process in your head because i'm going to be doing the same thing with bolt here's a new project i downloaded bolt for free from the asset store and set it to human friendly naming and we're ready to go let's start the timer now all right let's create our player let's go to game object 3d object sphere we'll name him player and then let's go down add component and let's type in flow for flow machine now we need to create the macro so hit new let's just call it player and then let's hit edit graph and i like docking it on the bottom all right an update event let's drag this arrow and let's type in get axes there we go we'll do the top one and we're going to call this ax's name horizontal now we need to multiply this so let's drag this and then hit multiply multiply scalar and then also let's right click right here and then type in delta time and then we'll connect that to here and then we got to multiply again so multiply that by scalar and let's multiply it by 10 and then we need to move so type in translate there we go let's do translate x y z and then that looks right and remember we got to connect our get axes to our translate next let's use the middle mouse button to move and let's right click here and let's type in on collision let's do on collision enter right here and then we're going to move this over to here and type in destroy and then we're going to look for game object destroy not component and next we need to right click here and type in self and then connect that all right that's looking good oh let's move our player down to about negative three and next we need to make an enemy so let's go to game object 3d object cube and we need to add a rigid body component so go to here type in rigidbody that looks good and then go to add component let's add another flow machine with bolt we'll create a new macro call it enemy that's looking good oh let's name him before i forget and then let's edit graph okay we got a new flow graph here for our enemy so let's drag this arrow over here and let's type in wait four seconds and then let's do the delay as five and then do another arrow and then let's do destroy do game object and then remember we gotta do self so you can select it there and then connect it all right after five seconds it will destroy itself but wait we need to make this a co routine or else it will not work so let's go to graph inspector and make sure co routine is enabled that looks good i'll dock it right there and let's make these cubes spin make them a little more threatening so let's type in rotate and the update function and select the euler's one oh we got to get delta time to rotate so let's type in delta time get delta time and let's multiply that scalar and then let's let's set b as 300 and then multiply that by a new vector three so i'm just going to type in vector three and then create vector three x y z and let's connect the other three parameters x y z and then let's connect that to euler's and that should be good oh of course we can't forget to make this a prefab so let's um okay it's zeroed out so just drag this into the project and there that's a prefab enemy all right now we need a way to spawn our enemies so let's do that on the main camera why not let's hit add component and then type in state machine we're not using a flow graph we're gonna do a state machine for this and let's hit new and let's just call it spot let's call it spawner right there and let's hit edit graph all right so right click on start and then say make self transition now double click the arrow now right click over here and say enter enter state and then we're gonna drag this and then go wait for wait four seconds this will be the difficulty of our game let's set it to 0.1 and let's connect that to trigger transition oh can't forget we're using weight for a second so we need to set this as co-routine right here and that should be good let's go back to main camera by clicking main camera and let's double click start state and now on enter state let's drag the arrow and then type in random we want random range and if you can't see the numbers zoom in with your mouse wheel and let's do negative 9 for minimum and then 9 for maximum now let's take this over here and type in vector 3 and then right here vector 3 in unity and let's do create vector 3 x y z now connect our random number two x and then go to y and then nine that will put the cubes up above our player and then that looks good let's take the arrow and let's go to instantiate or create a game object and let's do original position parent let's move over here and then rotation we gotta drag this and then just select quaternion literal then remember our new vector three we need to connect that to position and then we need to select our prefab so click this you could just drag and drop if you want to but i'll select it from here enemy and let's delete our old enemy so it doesn't kill our player and then we should be ready to go let's play oh here they come here they come oh it feels the same as our playmaker one i think we did a pretty good job oh and i'm dead let's do that again all right all right oh died cool it plays just like the playmaker one i think this is looking pretty good and if you want you can see the stuff working like the spawner let's click on main camera and here it is it's waiting 0.1 seconds it's doing that and then we click on start oh here's our random numbers you can see it right there generating it from negative nine to nine that's the position of where our enemy spawns so yeah it's looking pretty cool hopefully this helped illustrate the differences between these two awesome tools because as you can tell they're pretty different but what if i had to pick only one honestly my preference is formed by so many different things including my background as a designer and a filmmaker some people are just naturally talented with programming but that definitely isn't me so my likes and dislikes are different from a lot of other developers but i'll try to explain the pros and cons for each first off a pro for playmaker is that it removes the learning curve surrounding code you don't have to worry about what a co-routine is or why delta time is important you just search for the action and it works this was huge for me when i started because all these experienced programmers on the forums assumed i knew this stuff already we all start somewhere though and i like how playmaker simplifies things because my games are also pretty simple and similar to movies it works pretty well and that brings me to a con simplicity equals limitations if you're making a very complicated game with combat systems and procedural gameplay playmaker is probably not going to cut it complex games need complex systems to work and make sense especially if you're working with a team another con is the price which is set at 65 dollars as opposed to bolt which is free also the interface can get confusing and doesn't feel as polished as bolts just remember that with both programs it's really easy for all that code to turn into a bowl of spaghetti now the big pro with bolt is that it's just like c sharp but that's also the big con it's just like c sharp there is so much stuff you're expected to know that i'm sure bolt will still scare away a few newcomers but it's easier than diving straight into coding the ui is amazing and searching for units just feels right but at the end of the day you're still writing c sharp code you're just using a mouse more than a keyboard i can see why unity acquired this asset because it fits into their educational goals so well unity wants you to learn code because coding and game development will forever be tied together however i'm proof that you can finish a game with playmaker and now that i've gained some confidence by using beginner tools things like structs arrays and singletons don't scare me anymore so which one should you use if i absolutely had to pick one for beginner it would be playmaker it's just easier to start with however if your goal is to learn c sharp and become a rockstar coder one day then i would still start off with playmaker but then i would graduate to bolt then finally to c sharp game dev newcomers give up every day because there really is an overwhelming amount to learn but i'm convinced if they can quickly make a simple game that they can actually play they won't give up as easily you'll have to learn a few more interfaces but you will see progress faster and your motivation will skyrocket if you like this video then you'll love my online school gamed of unlocked every facet of game development is covered including brainstorming marketing and launching your game i show you how to take the simple game here and add tons of cool features in only one day there's also the intermediate section where we make a first person thriller in one week all using free assets and i show you how to publish it and start making money check out the description below for a coupon code i hope this video helped remember a tool is only that a tool countless successful games have used bold playmaker unreal unity it really doesn't matter in the long run what happens here isn't half as important as what happens here so challenge yourself to finish a game no matter the tool set you use because trust me it's worth it [Music] you
Channel: David Wehle
Views: 254,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unity, unity3d, beginner, easy, develop, games, programming, 5 minute game, 10 minute game, differences between playmaker and bolt, visual scripting in unity, make games without programming, make games without coding, create apps without programming, the first tree, brackeys, I made a game in 5 minutes, gamejam, game jam, game development, game dev, software engineering
Id: OqHM0ZNtZ_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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