How to make a Flamethrower in Houdini and Arnold

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so based on the previous feedback of my original flamethrower tutorial i thought i'll do a longer version because lots of people complained that it was too short too fast and was hard to follow in today's video i'll be showcasing you guys how to create a flamethrower using houdini 18.5 and it's new notes we'll be also using kinfx to get the animated rig inside and we'll be using the pyro tools to get some nice exciting looking flame after that we'll be doing some shading in arnold making sure the flame looks nice and juicy and then we go into nuke to composite it all together to get a final good looking flamethrower for you guys a few months ago i have started a discord community to share and help others in the industry it has been growing to two and a half plus members already so i would highly appreciate it if you would like to check out the discord channel it's about vfx about lighting shading rendering effects all that fancy stuff also if you like what i do and you want to support me more than just liking the video you can head over to my patreon account and check the pledges i offer there's also a quite interesting idea about mentoring so be sure to check out my patreon the link is in the description below so now let's get cracking dive into houdini and get that flame going see you inside all right so let's do it you can see my scene is already prepared i have an asset in this scene i will be showing you quickly how i set it up i use the mixamo assets from adobe i have a few fbx animations already you can see i'm i'm clipping them together using motion clip sequence to bring them all into one kind of long motion clip and then the final the important thing is to evaluate it so now you have this actually the skeleton moving um i applied a rig post to adjust the hand movement which is now sticking which is great and then i use the fbx character import to get our mesh in and then using the bone deform at the bottom to bring it all together right now you can see he's actually holding the weapon and with the help of the cg wiki and their discord channel um someone on the channel helped me out with this constraining issue so obviously i did create the little geometry first it's quite straightforward just beveling and edge loops um nothing too crazy on the front here and then all i had to do was create this capture capture pack geo and what it does it actually brings it all together so it actually locks it to the joint of the skeleton you need to specify the geometry and you need to specify a joint i want to lock it to the hand wrist which i did and then you just confirm that and then it jumps to that position you might need to use a transform to actually move it but then it's locked to that position after the bone deform which brings it all together and everything is working as expected i'm just splitting out the weapon and the body so i can prepare the particle source for the pyro sim and then i have the ground plane which is just a bend modifier on a grid and i have a camera and an environment light and a key light and this all comes down together into the camera view and he's just walking backwards for the pyro to work we need to have a good source and the source would be some kind of fluid which is emitted from the flamethrower right now the flamethrower is just the geometry and there you don't see any particles coming out of it so i'm just creating new context here which is a um we just do this maybe prep the source of our sim and i'm just diving in here and i'm bringing the gun in here using the object merge and i'll just uh find our out weapon and we have this guy in here right now it's a pack geo which means we just have a single point for it we want to unpack it like that and now we have the geo in here so what i want to create is i want to create two points which calculate the normal direction so our particle emission is working properly i'm using that with a blast and i'll be just picking the points in the front which i'm blasting off and then i'll do the same for the points in the back of this guy and then what i need to do i need to create a pack geo again so we can create a point in the center of this little geo here and i want to do the same on the other one so now we have two points you can see there's the point in the middle and this one has the other point right there and that's quite good because now i can actually calculate the normal direction between those two points what i want to do is just create an ad here so we don't have any geo to work with so but this essentially just removes the geo footprint and just leaves the point you can see the point is the leftover so that's quite good and now what we want to do we want to use a point wrangle to do some point operations and to calculate our normal direction so i'm just hooking up both points into the point wrangle and all i need to do now is create a new attribute called normal and i want to calculate the point of our first particle and i want to extract the p position of the first point right and i want to subtract the other point from that so essentially it's the same i just want to target the input number one get the p of the first particle and then we should have our normals in place and you can see they are pointing in a direction which is correct so you can see normals are calculated and they always follow our weapon which is amazing this is what i wanted and so what we want to do now is we want to create our particle emitter so i'm creating a little sphere and i want to move that to the point so i do a copy to points like that and now we do have a big sphere following that little point let's obviously scale it down maybe to 0.015 disable normals and we have our sphere in place what we want to do now we want to emit particles from this and for that to work i need to generate points on it you can use scatter but scatter is only on the surface so i want to use points from volume and this automatically creates me a little point cloud of points inside if your point separation is small enough so i'm trying 0.015 maybe 0.005 and we get some points in the center of the sphere maybe go even lower two five now you can see we have a grid of points i want to jitter them so i'm just increasing the scale so we have a random point sort in here and i want to jitter this every frame so every frame is a bit different so i'm just putting in the dot frame variable so everything is now nice and unique per frame so this now follows our object we do have 800 points on the sphere and now all we got to do is create a pop net in the hopes that everything will be working we want to jump in here and delete our merge and target all points of the first context and right now you can see no they are just essentially moving with the grid because we don't have any gravity so let's give that some force now everything should be falling down but we don't have any direction right so what we want to do is create some velocity based based on our initial normals right so right now we don't have even normals on our jittered points here so what i want to do here is create an attribute attribute transfer and i want to transfer the normals from our initially created point from the point wrangle so let's just see what this looks so now just by doing the attribute transfer we get the normals on our points which is great let's just rename this to generate n and now we have normals right what we want to do though we want to create velocity so to do that i'm just using a new node called attribute adjust vector which i just pop in here and what i want to do i want to make sure that our pre-process is overriding by a normal attribute and now we should have our velocities being applied to our points important though we want to adjust the length only and now we can essentially have a multiply of how strong the velocity is and now if you go into the popnet you can now see if i view from my camera and hit play you can see now the points are being emitted and we get this nice trail of points right now it's a bit messed up because um we need to do some kind of cleanup work within our pubnet so because of the steppiness what i'll always do i go to birth and i jitter the birth time to negative and have interpolation to backwards this already cleans it up quite a lot you can see now it's nice and smooth already i want to adjust the life expectancy maybe to 0.2 of a of a second and i want to vary it maybe by 0.25 this way we do have a fade and the particles die off after some time um it's my it's maybe a bit too long still so let's just reduce this a bit more and maybe adjust the variance as well so it's a sharper fade off like this is working quite well and i think our gravity is a bit strong so i'm just reducing um or reducing the effect of gravity to 0.3 so we have more like a straight line and this is already working better what i want to do though i want to adjust our uniform feel of the source right the stream is quite straight i want to apply some kind of force to it by creating a pop force which allows me to add some tubules to everything so if i just increase the amplitude to 10 maybe let's just have a look what that does you get this jittering i want to increase the swirl size so we get larger patterns i don't want to reduce the pulse length so the effect is um faster let's just see how this looks let's check real time let's make sure real time is on so this is now the speed of this i think the amplitude is a bit much that's for sure um but we do get the desired effect i believe so let's reduce the amplitude maybe to three and check it out again i think now it's nicely broken up let's play this back again you can see there's definitely some motion um it's it's not it's definitely more random which is good it's not like a uniform straight line and i think this is this will work in our favor what i still want to do i want to have the stream to expand a little and what i can do and the attributes i can add to my inherited velocity and add a variance on default this is spreading out too fast now so i want to reduce the variance maybe to 0.1 let's see how that looks let's just spread it out a bit more maybe 0.2 all right i think that works quite well so what i want to do next um i want to add some kind of noise pattern to the stream i want to have some kind of temperature and burn attributes which i needed for the pyro simulation so i like to use the adjust vector for this sorry the adjust float for this and pipe it in before the popnet so and i want to change the p scale to burn and i want to visualize that also what you can do you can change the type to blackbody if that's um a bit easier to see so whatever is white will be hot essentially so right now we have a constant value of zero so nothing is happening what i want to do i want to apply a noise to it and i want to make sure that the noise is animated over a period of time and we want to pulse duration to be maybe point a quarter of a second as well and because our initial sphere is super small i want the element size also to be very small as well so i'm trying maybe 0.015 and now let's see what this looks like and see now we do have lots of random values and it's um it's just very random noisy everywhere so maybe increase the element size 2.1 and now we get these bigger chunks so we have white black and it's actually now nice and random so what i want to do though is i think it's a bit too aggressive so we don't want the burn to be zero so i'm changing my minimum value maybe 2.8 so we do have some kind of um range between 0.8 and 1 which is a good breakup and it's just not as aggressive also in the popnet i want to go um to the dopp net and just increase our substeps to two so we have a bit more sub steps which makes the simulation a bit cleaner and we don't have this large steppiness anymore also i want to do a quite similar thing to temperature to break up that as well i just want to change the attribute name to temperature temperature um that way we also have a varying temperature as well maybe offset it so it's not the same exactly the same noise pattern maybe three five and now we do have already two different attributes on our particles which is great all right next up is we want to prepare this for our pyrosim so we need to rasterize those attributes so we get actually a volume for the pyro to work with so what we want to do we want to use temperature velocity and burn and we also want to use density which we don't have yet it's quite easy to do we just created and i think actually by default it does create it but let's just use a pop a point wrangle just to create um density on everything right so i'm just using f at density is equals to one quite easy nothing fancy here set density and now we have that i want to make sure that i normalize by clamped average which gives us a normalized result and also i want to reduce my particle scale maybe to 0.01 so we have smaller particles and i want to reduce my voxel size as well to get more detail into our source so let's reduce the voxel size even more and increase our particle size and i think this works quite well we just want to make sure it's roughly the same size as our initial particle stream so the this works already better make sure you enable velocity blur to get this nice streaking effect and this seems to work already quite nice what i want to do though i want to make sure that we stop emitting those particles at some point so before we do all these calculations what i want to do is create a switch node right in here and i want to switch it to a null which is essentially just saying okay there's no geo to work with i want to turn off the particles so the switch is essentially just switching over from the current frame once it's bigger than let's say 90 as our frame range and then it's it's on and on up until frame 90 and then it's disabling it's quite easy nothing fancy going on and so let's do a file cache to write this actually down to disk and let's just call this one pyro source so let's just create a null here to have our out like so and now let's just do a save to disk here all right so let's load it from disk and now we see that our particles are dying off at a certain time and everything is working as i expected to so this is a good um time to create a new geo context for our simulation so let's just color this actually to be yellow and the prep will be purple as well and this will be pyro sim for our simulation so let's jump in here and create an object merge to bring in our volume which we just created like that and we can also then pipe this into our pyro solver which is the sparse solver and this already should give us something you can see now we do get some kind of emission going on it's not the best looking yet but it is working already so what i want to do here i just want to reduce the voxel size maybe to 0.05 so we get a bit more data to work with and i want to create this pyrobake which is a new node which is also essentially a shader directly in the viewport and i want to make sure i enable fire which is giving me this result for this smoke i always like to have a higher density maybe 40 and i change the color maybe to .05 to get a nice dark smoke right now you can see there is not much smoke going on this is because the default solver has a high dissipation value which i like to reduce to maybe 0.05 and if i hit simulate now you can see now we are emitting a lot more smoke for pyro it's quite important to always or it's not important it's better to work with a dark environment which i do and then also make sure that you enable um lighting to get this nice shaded of the light and i it's working because i have lights in my scene which is the environment and key light and this already now looks quite nice with everything enabled so a few things i noticed already i i feel that we don't get the the strong velocity which i wanted like i want to have this directional force so in the sourcing of our um pyro i want to increase the velocity by two so this is now multiplying the initial velocity and you can see now everything is pushed towards the direction of travel essentially what i also want to do i i want to adjust the buoyancy i find that it's going up too fast so in a simulation you have this buoyancy scale which i just reduced maybe 2.65 let's see how that looks you can see everything is now going more straight it's not as directional upwards i think this works a bit better we still get a strong effect of the pluming here of the smoke which is good um so i just want to maybe adjust the flame length right now it's on two so maybe go 1.5 so the flames are not going or living as long as they are right now and also what is important is to add some kind of breakup into your simulation so within the shaping i want to introduce tubulins i i will exaggerate this now maybe to five so just that you can see what's going on um you can already see these trails of smoke going all over the place and this is what turbulence is doing it's only affecting the smoke right now but i want to reduce this maybe two points um maybe just two down to one and let's see how that works what is important because we increase our velocity we need to adjust our substepping just because it's moving so fast so within the simulation under advance you can increase your maximum substeps i will go up to three for this flamethrower just because we have very fast moving objects and this will alter the shape of the simulation a lot also i think we need to adjust the shader i think the density might be a bit too much so i'm just reducing this so we get a bit more smoke coming through and light coming through the smoke which already looks a bit better now and what i want to do then is you can see we have these uniform big plumes of smoke which are quite boring and not really that realistic and the way to do that is to actually apply some disturbance to our velocity fields you can enable them within here but i like to do it within the pyrosolver because i will be doing a bit more than just one gas disturb and disturbance is essentially disturbing the velocity field based on one of those grids and right now the binding is density it's been density is essentially driving the velocity right now this is on continuous mode i want to change it to block base which means we have we are starting off with a block size of three and then we are for per sub steps we are reducing the size so we get large scale and then it's smaller and smaller and smaller so let's just see how that looks let me just store this or pin this view go back inside and see how this feels now you can already see that these plumes are already breaking up quite nicely we don't get this um uniform plume obviously it's way too strong but you get the idea so let's just reduce the effect maybe two to seven or or five maybe let's see how that works we get a little bit of the pluming but then the smoke is nicely broken up and everything is already feeling more organic and for my taste i think it's maybe a bit too strong so maybe leave it at at five which is good and also what i like to add is wind and wind is always available like in nature you always have some kind of wind or tubules going on what i like to do i want to increase my direction in y so i'm increasing the wind direction to two and also an x maybe to two so we have like a diagonal wind maybe we want to push it up a bit further um i want to merge those two together and let's see now how that looks so yeah you can see now that everything is pushed upwards again it's similar to buoyancy but now this is more directional based i think it's a bit strong so maybe go to one and two so we don't have um this strong wind direction also now because of the wind our disturbance is a bit broken up i think let's so what we can do is reduce the block size maybe and increase the strength to six also the tubulins i believe is a bit strong so this is now where pyro is a bit tricky you need to adjust so many values to get a good looking result and it might always be a bit tricky but now this already works um quite well for my taste what i still want to see is like these micro break breakups on these smoke plumes right now it's still a smooth surface which is broken up but i'm missing these really fine ones so i'm creating another gas disturb here but this time i'm binding it to temperature instead temperature like that and i want to make sure that we are using continuous mode so what this is doing now if i bring these two together like that we should see a high frequency noise on our smoke and you can see already that it's now bro broken up quite nicely we get these really fine details everywhere i think that works already quite nice you can adjust the strengths maybe it's a bit too high maybe go down to four and we can adjust um the threshold range so everything from a temperature of 0.2 to 0 will be affected now by this field so we get a bit more effect on the flames which you can see in these areas see quite well also make sure that you enable opencl so you have the advantage of your gpu so i'm thinking um let's create a flipbook and see how our result looks like so what i want to do i want to reduce our our voxel size to maybe 0.03 and also for the play blast i want to increase our sub stepping maybe to 4 and now let's see how that looks like once we are back all right so this is now our current simulation we can see that we have a bit of a strong disturbance on the volume so i need to adjust that a little bit but i think overall this already works quite well um and i think we need to add some kind of rotational force right now it's still just i don't see these nice movements going on so what i want to change is two things i want to update the disturbance so it's not as aggressive and i do want to adjust maybe the dissipation it's maybe dissipating not fast enough and then i want to add rotational force to our simulation itself so in the pyro solver within the gas disturb there is this add rotational force which i just want to enable and that's essentially it and then for the next thing i want to reduce the overall disturbance by a little bit so maybe going down to 2.5 and for the last step the dissipation which i want to change here to maybe 0.04 uh sorry to point um i want to increase dissipation so maybe go to 0.2.06 and then let's do another simulation and see how the changes look all right so this looks a lot better in my opinion we have this nice rolling effect here you can see it especially in this plume right there where the smoke is actually rolling um underneath each other it gives a really nice effect to everything and i think the dissipation is just great it's fading off very slowly and i think this works really well um so what i'm thinking now is i will just do the simulation and do a file cache to disk so we can actually get into rendering so i'm just creating a file cache here and i'll see you once that is done right so now everything is cached to disk and now we can actually apply this to our render engine so i'm using arnold so for that to work directly without caching out vdbs we need to do a few things still so let's just create a new group here call it r dr pyro something like that just that we have our um fire nice and clean so i'll create a green group here and let's jump in here using object merge to bring in our um volume caches here so as i said we need vdb so right now we do have a volume only so what i need to do here is create a convert vdb which will convert the volume to a vdb grid so you can see now this is converted i just i do want to clean it up a little so i'm using an attribute delete it's always good to clean up your your sources so i don't want to have any attributes i just want to retain the name so i'm deleting non-selected so everything else will get culled which is great and now we do have a clean pyro sim here as a vdb what i want to do though you can see velocity is split in x y and z and also make sure to convert it actually to a vdb that way now everything is converted properly and the vector merge will work as well so now we do have velocity temperature flame and density but arnold to render properly we only use need to use density and temperature so i'm using a blast to actually disable or delete everything we don't need so i want just density and temperature for now i even don't care about velocity because i won't be rendering that just yet so that's creating an output null here set it to out and then this will be ready for rendering all we need to do now is create a shader so let's head over to material context delete this maybe and create a new arnold material builder which we will call in pyro and in here i'm just creating a simple volume shader um standard volume and hooking that up to the volume slot like that and then back to our object context the r dr needs to get the material assigned so i'm just picking that in our material under pyro so now everything should be good to go maybe we visualized the pyro sim that way we have a nice representation in the viewport and we can pick a nice frame here maybe let's work with this one and then hit save make sure you have autosave on and then just hit render and see what we're getting so this is the default shader and it does not really look that well and it does not actually look close to our um our viewport render right so we need to make sure that we get some kind of nice view to this so the trick is obviously similar we did on the viewport shader is to increase the density so let's just um jump into the standard volume and increase the density maybe 225. already now you can see we get this nice detail everywhere and this is already working quite well we don't have fire yet so what we need to do is essentially just push our temperature so we can increase the emission maybe to 20 and you can see start seeing we get some kind of fire look in here and what i like to do though is i right now it's using the black body which is good which is based on temperature but i like to use the ramp which is based on temperature so what i need to do is create a volume sample and make sure we sample a float grid and we set the channel to temperature um i always said they have spelling so that's why i pronounce it that weird and this will actually drive a ramp and the ram will need an input which is our temperature grid and then base of the ram we are driving emission color and this way we have a nice representation of what we are actually dealing with so what i want to do with the ramp i want to pick the same shade we had in the viewport so i'm heading back to obj and going to the pyro and in the pyroback volume i'm just copying the fire ramp here copy parameter go back alt left arrow and we are back in our simulator in our material context and i just want to paste that in here and that way we get the same kind of ramp in our fire as well you can see now it's getting a lot closer what i want to do though i think we still need to increase our emission maybe go to 150 so now you get you see it's getting hotter and hotter and i think in the viewport we added a 250 so this is already getting very close to our um viewport here i think the density is maybe a bit much and so let's reduce that maybe to and see now we get more fire creeping in also what i like to change is maybe the color of the volume it's of the density itself maybe go down to 0.1 or something in that range just that we see some kind of shaping on the volume on the smoke here and then in the volume sample you can play around you can remap the temperature grid a little bit so i want to increase the bias which means we get more fire traveling over into the um the smoke areas and i think this is already quite interesting we get these nice darker areas and it's an overall nice effect so what i want to do now is i want to change skip to a different frame so maybe try something like frame 55 here so at some point we are hitting our limitations of what we can do within the shader and we need to play around with render settings a little so right now we do not have any secondary lighting from the fire so what you need to do is go to your render settings and within raid depth you have this volume option here so let's try increasing this to three which should allow us allow more light into the volume it is definitely a lot slower but you can see now we get more lighting within um the volume itself which is quite cool and then again you can adjust the volume indirect samples which will clean it up a lot more this is now our result of the current shader so what i want to do now is i want to add some kind of surface displacement and it's a cool trick which you can do in arnold you can create a noise and make sure it's going from minus one to one in terms of the value and then also make sure you are creating vectors and then you can create a vector map on top of that which enables you to create some vector noise on our displacement so make sure the vector out goes to the displacement sampling and then you should be able to see um already something is displacing make sure that you enable color to sign which is normalizing those values now you can see that the displacement is being warped which is great we just need to adjust our scale maybe go up to eight that way we get this nice um breakup and obviously we want uh wanted not as strong so in the vector map itself you can dial down the intensity maybe go 0.05 and you can now see that we do have some kind of distortion going on obviously this is still way too strong so um a few things i want to increase the octets maybe two four and maybe add a little bit of distortion and what i also want to do is make sure that every frame it has a different noise pattern so i want to create a dollar f variable within the time here which means every frame it's a different kind of noise pattern i still think the intensity is too strong so maybe go to 0.01 that way we get a little bit of this effect it's not too intense but we still get an oval breakup let's try a 1.5 and let's render this here so you can see now that the base of the flame has this little bit of a warping which is effectively adding a bit more detail to the simulation it's a quite a fact a quite cool effect which you should just use quite subtly but i think it's working quite well so uh what i want to do next up is make sure that we are actually enabling our denoising so we can actually have a cleaner render so it's important that you enable the output variants auv and have half precision on and then obviously have a nice file path and then just render this to disk and then i will see you in compositing so once we are in nuke what i want to do i want to do a little bit of color grading first of all i want to create a great note to just add a bit more contrast into our smoke and fire so i'm just increasing the black point slightly to get a bit more black areas and also reducing the white point to essentially get more whiteness into this so we already see a nice difference from before and after and the next thing what i want to do is maybe try to get more detail within the flame so i'm using the exposure node and to reduce the oval exposure until i see a cool result in the flame itself and i think something like this will bring us nice detail but what i want to do now is i want to mask our effect here so i'm creating a kia which is a luminance-based key and if i look at the alpha channel you can see only the fires essentially being selected you can adjust this a bit more freely if you need to to have a bit more control over everything something like that so you just want to really isolate the flame you don't want to get as much as i'm getting right now but i think this should work quite well and then if i hook it up to the alpha slot you can see now that we are affecting the flame on the inside i also want to blur this map because it's a bit too sharp using a blur node it will blur the alpha a little bit and we just want it subtle so we create a nice little um softer edge here don't make it too strong because you will get black areas but i think this works quite well and then we can adjust the exposure we just want to reduce it a tiny bit to get a bit more detail within the flame itself and i think i'm quite happy with this so another cool thing what i always like to do is adding a kind of lift because i think the blacks are now a bit too much so i'm using the toe operation which is essentially lifting the blacks obviously just do it very gentle you don't want it to be super strong like this it's just a miniscule amount to get a little bit more fill into those dark areas on top of that what i always do is adding glow and i'm using a plug-in or a free plug-in from nukepedia which is called expoglow and i just create that which allows me to generate an exponential glow on top of everything i want to make sure i'm adjusting it before i'm applying it so i can go into the pre-grade section and i only want to affect the hot area so quite similar to our exposure mask we're just isolating these very hot areas with the black point and even lift the white points a little bit then we can go back to our original result which looks like this now and then all we got to do is adjust our post grade intensity and by adjusting this you can see that we're just applying the glow very gentle to the bottom part here i want to increase the exponent so i have a larger radius of the of the glow you can see now it's going over a lot more which is already looking quite nice obviously you want to play it very very gently you don't want to go overboard with this and you can also desaturate the glow a little if it's too orange looking but i think this works quite well and see now it adds some quite nice fire effect to this what i always do as well is using chromatic aberration this is obviously up to you if you want to do it i like to use it quite gently as well it's just helping a bit to get this realism back in shape here and then the final thing i always do is adding grain on top of everything because the cg stuff is just super clean i'm using the regrain from furnace core just plugging that in picking a preset and adjusting the size so we on fuji 250 under 2k and i just want to adjust the grain amount and the grain size we just want it to be very gentle nothing too obvious it's not too obvious so i'm just reducing this to be just almost not no noticeable and this is essentially what i am doing here so this is before and this is after before and after so it just adds a little bit more detail and contrast to everything and i think this is always a good idea to do that for your compositing as well so now let's have a look at the final render and you be the judge of the quality of this [Music] i hope you guys enjoyed the in-depth tutorial about the flamethrower and i hope all the questions which you had are being answered in this video please let me know if you liked the video by leaving a thumbs up and also if you haven't done so i would highly appreciate if you would subscribe to my channel so thank you again for watching my videos and i will see you in the next tutorial [Music] hmm you
Channel: Arvid Schneider
Views: 55,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to create fire in houdini, Explosions in Houdini, Fire in Houdini, Simulation Fire in Houdini, Arnold Fire, VDB Simulation, Rendering Vdb in arnold, arnold houdini, simulation, fx, vfx, visual effects, shading, arvid, learning houdini, houdini tutorial, how to create fire in houdini, houdini pyro tutorial, houdini fire, houdini fire tutorial, houdini realistic fire, rvid schneider, autodesk maya, arnold, arnold renderer, maya 3d, 3d, 3d modelling, 3d texturing, lookdev, houdini
Id: UrcitW3LV2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 1sec (2341 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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