How to Create Flamethrower with Sparse Solver using Houdini 18 / Arnold

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hey I guess you know what's trending today right it's those little lazy videos to a short snippet like sometimes a minute sometimes five minutes I'll try something so much today with this little flamethrower here and yeah let's see how that goes [Applause] hello everyone Oh what come along to another episode where I'll be showing you how to create a flamethrower effect and I'll be trying to be very brief so you guys would need to stop and pause and go back and check it out again I'll be trying to make it nerdini using sparse silver so I hope you will learn something from this video I myself are still learning Houdini so I might be doing something wrong and I bet I am so I'm always happy for some feedback so leave some comments below if you have any suggestions what I should be doing better what I did wrong so yeah let's jump right into it Dini and get started with this short a quick video alright here we go open the internet go to the website and download an email kept data you can find online import the file to Eugenie apply a transform to scale it down and then unpack your objects select two points in your mesh and blast them off after that you merge them back together and then you create an ad shop to connect to credit line in between those two objects you can see that the line follows the animation very nicely and now let's create a sweep node and change the type to round tube adjust the radius and set the end cap type to be a single polygon after that create a normal map to have nice normals on your emitter type and credit null and rename it to out emitter create another null name it geo soldier and connect the unpack to that node then you merge those two nulls together and create one last null node what you call out geo alright go up a directory and create a new geo node rename it to source and then go inside it and create an object merge select the object emitter from your previous context and then you create a blast node you select the front end cap and blast that off then you create a scatter node to create points on that front cap and make sure you reduce your relaxed iterations to zero let's create some noise create a point verb node dive into there and create an AAA flow noise then you create a vector to vector for node and hook up P and time to that node the output of the vector to vector for now it goes into the flow noise into the P slot then you create an ADD node and hook up the normal and the output of the flow noise to that and the output of the of the ad note goes into the normal end velocity of the output promote the parameters of the flow noise you want to adjust and then dive back out tweak the promoted parameters until you are satisfied next up create a time blend node and after that a pop NAT be sure to go back to your scatter node and reduce your scatter points and also for the global offset at an expression dollar sign T to randomize each frame and the source changed a mission type to all points and then go to birth and adjust the variance until you are satisfied with the result great a pop for Snowden in the force field changed the y direction to negative 9.8 which mimics gravity go back to the birth tab and change the jitter birth time to negative and interpolate source to back furthermore go to the attributes and inherit velocity multiply that by 10 all right go up a level and create a pointer angle node in there you will paste the VEX code which is in the description below click the Create slider button and adjust the ramps so you have a increase in temperature over over time create a pyro node and add temperature and burn after that changed the particle separation to 0.01 create a volume restaurants attributes and then in the attributes field at temperature burn and velocity after that change the voxel size to 0.01 enable velocity blur and and increase the shadow to 0.75 make sure to click normalize by clam coverage create a null name it source and go up a level create another geo node name a pyro jump in and create an object merge to merge in the previous source then quite a dump that jump in there and create your spas smoke object your volume source and your spouse Pyro's over and connect them all up in the smoke object change your initial voxel size to 0.075 and make sure in the multi visualization field you have density temperature and fuel set in the volume field make sure your source burn and targeted to flame add burn and divergence at temperature to temperature and v2 well also make sure that you have and large flames to the content sources on hit play to see your first pyro solver sim in the silver under the flames tab make sure to enable image smoke at temperature and add expansion this will enable you to get more realistic fluid sims reduce your voxel size to 0.04 and head over to flames and adjust the range of the flame in the shape tab reduce your dissipation to 0.001 and over to simulation and change direction type to single project and and increase your cooling rate to 0.95 finally increase your max steps in the Advanced section to 3 to get a more fluid and realistic looking sim go back to flames that increase your smoke emission and I want to force you get denser smoke next up add a gas shred at a gas disturb Microsoft M together and add into the advection slot adjust the parameters slightly and then and then Ana wind Microsoft or to the merge alright for now we're done with the pyro go up a level and create a new geo node call it room and enter that credit few boxes to create the surroundings of the soldier so we add a few walls and we pull them up like two or three meters so they do not intersect with our main camera frustum jump back into pyro spars and credit op import field assign the top Network and the default object and make sure to select the pyro preset after that kind of volume visualization to display the volume in the correct colors now create a flipbook to see your current simulation to see how the density behaves and how the fluid works in the visualizer reduce the density scale to 0.15 and do another flipbook let's see how that look once you're satisfied create convert filipino and a BD b vector merge after that create a VDB file cache and store your files to disk once it's done caching create an Arnold volume node and plug in your VD be path to read back in your simulation head over to the material context and create an Arnold material builder and there you create a new shader and this will be our base shader for all our geometries in the out contacts credit Arnold when your node and adjust a few settings so to GPU make sure you do not have an too many volume depth and adjust your samples so you get a more or less clean render I will be using D noise as well so I will go lower in my samples and then run at the noise path afterwards in the Arnold volume node find the material s sign jump into the shader and tweak the temperature scale to ten and then adjust the settings in the shader until you are satisfied with the result mainly I'm changing density and the Kelvin blackbody Kelvin values go to a different frame and change your settings there as well until you find that result is pleasing to you I wanted to have more defined reflections so I went back to my base material and change those specular roughness settings to be lower so we get more spec in there now I am happy with the results and I think it's time to adjust my camera frustum so I'm just zooming in slightly changing the focal length to get a better framing once I'm done with that I'm just going through my out contacts and I am submitting the frame range for final render and we are done so I hope you enjoyed this faster-paced video let me know what you think about this in the comments below and obviously if you are not subscribed to my channel yet I would really appreciate it if you could help me out by just clicking that subscribe button below and you'll be part of the of my youtube channel and also if you become a member you get some free perks you get some stickers for the chat there and you can also get access to all my source files which are the same which are on patreon and you get the same files when you be a join a member for my youtube channel down below so thank you again guys for watching and I will see you in the next episode [Music] you
Channel: Arvid Schneider
Views: 49,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: houdini sparse solver, houdini pyrosolver, houdini sparse pyro solver, simulation, houdini fx, sidefx houdini, houdini, htoa, houdini tutorial, sidefx, procedural modelling, arnold houdini, arvid schneider, vfx, arnold, 3d modelling, 3d texturing, lookdev, rendering, 3d rendering, lighting, 3d lighting, maya tutorial, visual effects, vfx artists, vfx tutorial, vfx effects, 3d tutorial, render, surfacing, shading, 3d render, denoiser, tutorial, houdini tips, houdinifx, arnold renderer
Id: Fm7q1i1-SZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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