How To Make a DawnCraft Server (Play DawnCraft with Friends)

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dawncraft is one of the most popular mod packs ever made it's got questing It's got bosses it's got custom biomes and animals so much stuff that is added to Minecraft by over 250 mods and you want to know how to play it with your friends and in order to do that you need to make a server now a few things up front don't craft is extraordinarily resource intensive and for that reason I would recommend at least 32 gigabytes of RAM on your computer in order to run dawncraft and run a dawncraft server at the same time it's extremely resource taxing I cannot stress that enough on top of that you're gonna need a decent newer CPU it doesn't have to be top of the line per se but it needs to have enough Headroom to be able to run dawncraft on a server and run dawncraft the Modpack itself locally on your computer again very resource taxing to do both of these now what if you don't have to worry about that you just want to be able to play Don craft ensure you can run it on your computer but you're worried about being able to also run a server and maybe you just want to make setting up a server easy this video is very very long setting up a dogcraft server will probably take about double the time that this video runs because because we're going to be able to cut out a lot of the waiting you have to do when setting up your server so keep all that in mind what if you just want to do things simply well that's where our company simple game hosting comes in you can check out simple game hosting at the first link in the description down below the simple to start your very own Minecraft server quickly and easily running dawncraft so go there once you're here go ahead and click get started select the package you want we recommend an eight gigabyte server for dawncraft and then once you've purchased you will get this an account created email click set up your account and basically go through the account creation process it's super easy just enter in your password basically and then it'll be taken to where you can select and access your server from here all you need to do is Select mod packs at the top then as you can see Don craft is right here but you may need to search for it in the future if it's no longer one of those popular packs but as you can see we have this version drop down box and we want to select the most recent version down here at the bottom as you can see it is released currently on August 16th of 2023 that will update in the future so whatever the newest one is usually it's the one at the bottom click on install and then click yes and and now Don craft is installing on your server once this is finished all you've got to do is click on console and then click Start your server may already be started but you want to make sure that you start your server the first time this starts up it's going to take a few minutes after that it'll start up in about 60 seconds or so modded Minecraft takes forever for everything unfortunately from there you want to copy the IP up here in the top right by just clicking on it and then you want to open up dawncraft locally so yes you will need to install dawncraft using curse Forge we have a complete guide on how to do this in the description down below and everyone who joins your server will have to do this as well it's a limitation to mod in Minecraft unfortunately if there's anything we can do about it you wouldn't have to download Don Craft on curseforts but unfortunately you do once you've got it open though we can join your server just like any other Minecraft server click on multiplayer click add server and then you want to name the server here we're going to name it simple game hosting but you can name it anything that you want and then paste in the server address click done and boom there it is double click on it and you will join right on in to your dawncraft server this video like I said is super super long it will show you everything of starting a on craft server on your own computer and allowing your friends to join it but keep in mind that it's going to take a while it's going to have a lot of different issues along the way that you may need to fix we've got everything set up and ready to go at simple game hosting right out of the gate you don't have to really think about anything except what mod pack you want to install and if you do have any issues we have live chat support that you can reach out to to get help and assistance with anything to do with your Minecraft server so again you can check out simple game hosting to start your server the simple way at the first link in the description down below to simple to start your Don craft server but let's go ahead and get it set up on your own computer so in order to do that I'm going to go ahead and close out a dawncraft and go here this is the second link in the description down below and this is the official dawncraft Modpack page but what we can get here is the server files so to do that once you're here go ahead and click on files and then you want to find the most recent version for me this is it right now but obviously you can just check the date here by default the most recent version will be at the top click on it and then scroll down and at the very bottom down here you'll find the dawncraft server pack this is what we want to download let's go ahead and click the three dots here and click download file and after a few seconds Don craft will begin downloading it's a semi-large download so it might take a few seconds as you can see it is now downloading for us up here you also may need to keep or save it depending on your browser but it's 100 safe to do that so as you can see it has now finished downloading here and we need to download one more thing and that is Forge Forge is basically the mod loader that dawncraft uses and we need to install the forge server files in order to be able to run a dawncraft server we have a link in the description down below and that will take you here this is a guide I'm getting forged but you really don't need this for this video just click on the download forge button to be taken to forge's official download page once you're here on the left hand side click on 118 and then click on 1.18.2 this is the version that Don craft uses so this is the version we want to download from here we want to go ahead and come under download latest and click on the installer button then Forge will begin downloading you may be taken off to a page on ADD Focus if that happens just wait a few seconds and click a red skip button that appears in the top right so now we have both Forge and dawncraft downloaded let's go ahead and minimize our browser now what we want to do is move these to our desktop so they're going to be in your downloads folder most likely by default that's whether it be for me right here they are and we want to get them on your desktop now first things first we want to actually work with this Forge file here so in order to do that you want to right click on it click on open with click Java and click ok but Nick I don't have Java well if you don't have Java what you want to do is go to the description down below and download this Java 17. you need it for Minecraft mods and you need it for Minecraft servers so you definitely needed to run a modded Minecraft server like dawncraft so here is a complete guide on getting that Java setup for Minecraft you may also need to run the jar fix this is going to take all the jar files from your computer and Link them back to Java making them work together but first you want to download Java then run the jar fix nevertheless at this point we can go ahead and minimize our browser and we want to go ahead and actually right click on our desktop create a new folder and title this folder dawncraft server you can title it whatever you want that's just a easy way to remember what it is and now let's open up Forge so right click on Forge click on open with click Java and click OK this is going to open up the mod system installer for Forge click on install server here now you'll get this big red box perfectly normal click on the three dots on the right hand side and then click on desktop on the left here you'll have the folder you created in Arc race Don Craft Server make sure that's selected it should be blue it should say it down here and then click open if the red box goes away you selected the rights folder the one you just created and then go ahead and click ok now the forge server files are going to install back here in your dawncraft server folder that you created so as you can see it's now downloading it's installing it's doing everything that you need in order to get dawncraft working with Forge so just sit back and let this install once it's finished go ahead and click OK and it will close out of the forge install dollar you can actually delete that file you downloaded from your desktop now before we even move into the next step we want to go ahead and extract This dawncraft Server pack file we downloaded to do that right click on it click extract all and then go ahead and click extract it's not going to go through and extract all of these files for our dawncraft server so this is another waiting game sit back let it extract and then once it's finished you will have a new folder it might open up automatically like this but if it doesn't it's going to be on your desktop and it's going to be dawncraft server pack it's going to be open like a normal folder not the zip style here we can go ahead and delete the zipped folder we want this one what do we do well we open it up and we select everything in here then you want to drag and drop it into that dawncraft server folder that you had already installed you want to go ahead and replace the files in the destination and then now if we open up our dawncraft server here not our dawncraft server pack but our dawncraft server right right here it is Don craft server we will have config default config Global packs libraries mod scripts readme run. and Java args you should have pretty much all this right this would all be in here and what we need to do now is go ahead and double click on this run dot bat file that's going to go ahead and attempt to start your server it's gonna fail though that's normal because we need to agree to the Minecraft Ula so as you can see press any key to continue we're going to go ahead and do that but we have this new EOL a.txt file open that up with notepad and assuming you agree to the Minecraft Eula which of course we do we want to change Eula equals false to euly equals true t-r-u-e exactly like that and then click file save now we want to go ahead and close out a notepad and double click on that run.bat file again now at this point your server is going to start with dawncraft but keep in mind you're the only person that can join it I'll show you how to join it how to test it but at this point your friends cannot Join This Server in order to do that we're gonna need to port forward don't worry it's all going to be covered in this video but it is worth noting like everything though with modern Minecraft we've just got to sit back and wait for this server to finish up starting so I will show you what it looks like and kind of what to look out for to know when it's finished then we'll join it then we'll allow our friends to join it so let's go ahead do a jump cut all right so once you see basically this dedicated server took amount of seconds to load that means the server is now started at this point what you want to do to be able to join the server is of course open up Minecraft with dawncraft so in order to do that we come here we play Don craft using curse Forge although if you did want to install dawncraft you would just search it in the top of the curse words app here and then click on it and click on stall instead of play I have played because I've already got it installed once Don craft starts to open it will open up the Minecraft launcher here and then obviously just click play in the launcher to launch up dawncraft just want to give a little guide there in case you didn't know how to do that but I'm guessing if you're starting a server you've probably already downloaded dawncraft locally using curse words but just in case you haven't that's how you can do that I'm unless I'm gonna go ahead and let this open and then we can join the server to do that you want to click on multiplayer and then you can go ahead and add the server if you want and you can name it anything we're going to do our local Don craft and then the server address is localhost just localhost all one word and click done as you can see we have our local Dawn Craft Server here double click on it and you'll see us join on in on the left hand side and there you go you can Join This Server now again you're the only person that can Join This Server your friends cannot Join This Server um in order for them to join the server you're going to need to port forward how can you port forward well I'm going to show you how to do all of that so let's go ahead and jump into it first things first we want to go ahead and close out of dawncraft we also want to stop the server to properly stop your server whoever hit the right hand tied and top stop you could type it here or you can type it down here there's no slashes or anything just stop and hit enter this isn't going to close out the server right like so we want to make sure we do that every time because that properly shuts the server down from there we want to go ahead and open up command prompt to do that go ahead and click on the start menu and then type in CMD you'll have command prompt here open it up and then in command prompt type ipconfig ipconfig exactly like that and hit enter you think you get a bunch of numbers here specifically we want two I'm going to go ahead and make note of them in notepad but you could use a sticky note or anything like that it doesn't really matter but the two numbers we want is our ipv4 address and our default gateway as you can see here's our ipv4 so we'll go ahead and make a note of that ipv4 and that's going to be our default gateway is going to be below that and you may have a different looking default gateway than me and if that's the case that's okay as you can see mine is just numbers you may have one that's numbers and letters if that's the case there'll be another one right below that that's just numbers right it won't have default gateway next to it it'll be blank next to it but it'll be under default gateway and it will be the same format as this just numbers go ahead and make note of that which for me that's yours may be different or the same just depends generally your ipv4 address here is going to be different which is why we get that sometimes the default gateway is the same so yeah nevertheless with notes of both of these taken down we want to go ahead and open up our browser in our browser we want to take that default gateway here and we want to paste it up here at the top we would normally type in the up here at the top paste that in and hit enter then some sort of a login box is going to appear here now yours may be completely different from mine and that's perfectly normal but no matter what you're going to have some sort of a login box here and no matter what we have a guy in the description on how to find your router's password this goes over all the basically methods that you should use start with method one work all the way down through method five which unfortunately is contacting your ISP generally though people find it by Method four which is resetting your router and trying the default info which you find in method three right so it's kind of all links together throw a method one work your way down method for there and you'll be good to log in I'm going to go ahead and log into my router and then once I've done that we can go ahead and port forward now every router is going to be different but I'm going to be giving you the common terms and things to think about and look for whenever you are port forwarding your router now in the description down below we do have a guide on port forwarding on the most popular routers it's worth checking out and even if your router's not listed it's worth listening to it and kind of going through and picking up the different terms because well a lot of routers have very similar naming schemes and things like that so it is worth checking out but with that being said I'm also going to give you a bunch of terms here now for you poor 40 may be an advanced it may be an advanced and then advanced again it may be an apps in gaming it may be in port forwarding it may be in port forwarding slash Port triggering it may be in Nat forwarding Nat forwarding it may be Nat gaming Nat gaming it could be in the security tab the firewall tab or again an advanced admin or Administration tab for me it is an advanced and then it is in advanced again and then it is in port forwarding slash Port triggering now once you've found this here you might have two options you could be like me and be able to click add a service add a new port forward you might have some sort of a plus button or you may just have a list of a bunch of boxes all the way down the screen either way you want to go ahead and either enter in the first box or click add a port forward once you've clicked add here what we want to do is go ahead and enter in for the service name or ID what this port forward is for it can be really anything you just want to make sure that you can identify it we're going to name it dawncraft server for the protocol you want to enter in TCP slash UDP UDP slash TCP or both no matter what you want to make sure that both of these are selected here for anything involving the word port external Port internal Port first Port second Port outside Port inside Port anything to do with the word port you want to go ahead and enter in two five five six five for the internal ports hey that word ports there it is I said anything with the word port is two five five six five now last but not least you need an internal IP address well this is the local ipv4 address we found earlier right here so as you can see you may not be able to select and enter in an individual IP address and if that's the case you'll have a big drop down list of different devices you want to select the device you're starting your server on I also have that so as you can see right here it is you can see the IP address matches there so we can select it this way too doesn't matter which one you do you just want to make sure you select the computer you're starting the server on you may need an external IP in some rare cases and guess what even if you don't need it you need it to allow your friends to join your server because that's the IP they will use now for me I don't need it I can go ahead and click apply save all of that stuff if you did need an external IP we have a link in the description down below when you click that link it will take you here this is our page that basically just takes your IP address and gives it back to you now for me you can only see four three here the reason for that is This Server is only meant for your friends your family people you can trust if you want to give the IP address out to people you don't trust you're gonna need to use somewhere like simple game hosting because with this IP address can people can figure out where you lived under your latitude and longitude coordinates in addition to being able to DDOS you basically hitting your internet fall offline making it slow all of that stuff so you want to make sure that this is only for your friends your family people you trust click to copy here and then if you did need this in your port forward you can go back here otherwise we can minimize our browser and we can start our server so let's go ahead and do that by double clicking here and double clicking the run.bat file that's how you'll start your server we also want to go ahead and open up curse Forge and open up dawncraft so I'm gonna go ahead get all of this going get Don craft open get the server started and then we can join now we're going to join how your friends will join your server they'll use this public IP we just had with dawncraft they need to install dawncraft open it like this and then they'll use the public IP we just got to join now in some cases you won't be able to join via your public IP address that's perfectly fine I'll only be people that need to join via your public IP are your friends you can always use that localhost IP now let's go ahead and add another server we're going to call this our public IP address and we're going to paste in the public IP here now again all you can see is four three that's it because you don't want to make this public especially in a YouTube video like this so go ahead and click done here and now we have this public IP address now I know that they're going to let me in right that my ISP is perfectly okay with me connecting back to myself via my public IP if yours isn't and you can join via localhost that's okay as long as your friends can join via the public IP as you can see here we are in the server time crafts is so hostile where you just join in and instantly start dying gotta love it but nevertheless what if your friends can't join via your public IP well in that case we do have an in-depth guide on how to allow Java through your firewall for Minecraft servers this goes over everything that you need to know to get basically your friends joining because most likely the reason they can't join is either an issue with your port forward it's worth double checking that or this you your Windows Defender Firewall is blocking the connection so if that's the case this covers everything here it could also be an antivirus and also if you do have a VPN on that won't work you need to turn off your VPN and you need to get your public IP address again in order to join the server but nevertheless we also have a how to fix a broken Minecraft server guide this does work with modded servers and goes over everything you need to know to get your server up and running now with that being said you have a Don Craft Server started and unfortunately a hostile spawn like I said but nonetheless you can play with your friends you're good to go if you want to set up a dogcraft server the easy way you already know how to simple first link in the description down below that link will take you directly to simple game hosting and let you get your Don Craft Server started the simple way but anyway you can now start one on your own computer if you'd rather go that way as well hope you enjoyed give it a thumbs up we'll see in the next one peace
Channel: The Breakdown
Views: 21,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Make a DawnCraft Server, how to play dawncraft with your friends, how to create a dawncraft server, how to make a dawncraft Minecraft server, how to setup a dawncraft server, dawncraft server, dawncraft server guide, dawncraft how to play with friends, how to use a dawncraft server, how to create a dawncraft minecraft server, dawncraft modpack, modpack dawncraft, dawncraft modpack server, dawncraft server files, dawncraft server download, download dawncraft server
Id: i6Z4lDob1EE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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