How to make a closed terrarium and basic care | easy tutorial

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so hello so today i'm going to teach you guys how i  made this little terrarium so the things you'll   need are some type of clear container it can be  glass or plastic and it can really be anything   um if it has a lid so like a mason jar or like  a pickle jar or like a pasta jar works what i   use for substrate is kind of different than what i  see most people use i just use two things charcoal   and sphagnum moss and i found that using the  combination of the two really helps reduce mold   growth and prevent it my terrariums that i have  with charcoal and sphagnum moss i get no mold i put the charcoal and this little cup with  holes on the bottom and now you have to rinse it   and then the next thing i use is sphagnum  moss um i don't use soil because i think that   using soil kind of introduces molds and things  like that and if you want your spectrum to be   extra sterile you could boil it beforehand that hey   foreign um um so one of the most common questions i get is  what kind of light do i give my terrariums so   one of my favorite spots is in a south window  on the windowsill but behind like a curtain   or a window screen to help diffuse the light so  it's not as harsh and this is how it looks so this   window screen helps kind of diffuse the light so  it's not as direct and harsh onto the terrariums   if you don't have a south facing window you can  also put your terrariums in a west or an east   facing window which would also be good i would  avoid a north-facing window because you probably   won't have enough sunlight there if you don't  have the background if you don't have windows   you can also use grow lights i have a lot of  girl lights in my room um that'll show you guys okay so i have perlite here and here and up  there these two grow lights are ge grow lights   and so is the one that is in this lamp and  these are just like tri-head led lamp that   clips onto shelves and this one's really nice  because you can like move it around and stuff so   if i were to put this terrarium somewhere i'd put  it like on the shelf and then i'd bend this light   to face the terrarium and yeah i'd probably leave  it on for about 10 hours or so throughout the day so the next thing that you need to know about  is how to water the terrarium so one of the   really good things about closed terrariums  is that you don't really have to water at all for example like this terrarium i haven't watered  it since i made it which was about four months ago   and if i were to water it i'd probably just spray  it with a little bit of water to resaturate the   moss i wouldn't like actually like pour water  in so for this one that i just made it kind of   has like the perfect amount of water in it in my  opinion it's like a very thin layer of water at   the bottom of the charcoal so yeah this is good  and i probably won't water it for months as long   as this cap stays on okay that's all i can think  of right now so if you have any questions about   terrariums like how to care for them or how i make  them then ask in the comment section and i'll try   to get back to you for my next video i think i'm  going to do like general plant care tips because   there's like a lot of things that i learned over  time that i think would be useful to beginners   and yeah thanks for watching follow me on my  instagram and tick tock if you want and subscribe bye
Channel: benjiplant
Views: 448,795
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Id: ix8OMEEo-hU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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