How to make a bow string

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hi guys children from find it again today we're going to do something a little bit different we're actually going to do a tutorial on on how to make a bow string for a recurve generally the principles we use for making recurve strings we also apply to making compound strains a very similar manner just slightly different tensioning is involved in making compound vs recurve so we have to make the string for a customer so I'll actually walk you through it step by step very carefully if there's something that I've missed or you don't catch something when you watch this review or this tutorial guys flick me a message on YouTube and I'll explain that step in detail but I will try and keep this as as well verse for you as possible so this video will be very heavily edited edited so hopefully it doesn't jump around too much but for now let's get into making this string okay guys so here's our string jig here as you can see I've set the jig up we're making a 66 inch string so this is all set and ready to go you'll notice my ends are on about a 45 degree angle from from the block and you'll see why shortly tools that we're going to need sharp scissors always very handy trying you scissors rather than a stanley knife you're less likely to slip and cut the string accidentally or break it in any way so always try and get really nice sharp scissors these are actually hairdressing scissors because I find that they're the sharpest and they've got the smallest point on them so you don't tend to cut any the string today because we're actually going to make a black and red string which will actually turn out to be closer to a burgundy color we're going to do a split string so when we're doing that you can buy these little tools from bihter it's a little string making tool that you can see here and this would be quite a useful little tool when we're doing the demonstration today so I will try and focus on getting close-ups where I think we need to get the close-ups done and hopefully from there we'll be able to cover everything that we need to know the other thing you'll need throughout this process if you've got gloves gloves come in handy because the strings are very sharp piece of leather any old piece of leather you can also use cloth for the gloves themselves to do this and you'll need a cigarette lighter as well this is pretty much everything you're going to need of course your string all that kind of stuff now the string that we're using today is bcy eight one two five I find this to be pretty much the best string that we can use for recurve you can use it for compound as well has very minimal stretch it's not too stiff it does give a bit of flexibility but excellent string to work with great quality as well so let's get into it and we'll focus on a couple of things okay so we're going to start with the strength we're going to start with the first layer of the strength so we'll start with black now for the interest of filming is we've got to focus on the start I will take a snapshot of the string finished and before we serve it and turn it so I'm just going to focus on this point here but something to keep in mind is as we come around the string we always come by one post so we don't go around the back of the post as we're doing the initial tire for the street or the start of the strength we stay on one post but we start our time off on the opposing post so like I said we're using a 1 to 5 now generally speaking the best string to use for your recurve you hear people talk about fat and thin strings or 16 strand streams or 18 strand strings things like that most of the strings that are using here are 18th Street I find 18 strangers is a much more stable stream for shooting on a general basis so to in order to get if you were doing just a straight one color string you would generally just do nine passes of the string but because we're going to make a split string then we will actually do five passes of each creating 20 strands okay so I'll start with the black and you'll see how we start off so you've got your two posts here there's a little knob here and a little knob here or jigs are slightly different but the principles are roughly the same if you don't have a post to start off put a screw in your jig on the side and use that as your tie off point or start off point so we're going to loop it around here probably six times seven times enough that when you pull on it it's not going to come we're going to come around the back and then we're going to start our pass so that that's one pass that we've just done so three for and that's five times we've done that and then what we're going to do is we're going to secure that strand by tying that on to the other end and then just cut that off now doing it this way what we hand up we is we don't end up with bits of string tied off or tied into anything so it makes it very easy later on to be able to get out of this situation that we're in so some people call this style of string a continuous loop string basically for each herb is in most most applications this is the most common way of making a string so that's our first layer so we've got around the post five times so by rights by counts there should be ten strands of strings in total five on this side and five on that side so we'll put the next layer on and we do it exactly the same way continuing in the same direction so we start off with our file again around the back but this time we stay following the layering of the string and five times we go around that's four and this is our fifth and then we just tie that off now by blending colors like this when we actually come to the rendering process it will actually change the dynamic of the colors a little so that red isn't going to be so ready okay so that's pretty much our strengths as you can see it there so you know that's that's basically the start that's how we start this string so as you can see there that's how we've started the string and if you wanted to know what was going down on the other end as you can see we've just gone around the fencepost down the other end but you can see that both the ends are sitting in that 45 degree angle okay so we're going to move into starting the serving on this string there's not as you notice there is no knots tied into this at all we have a look back on anything we haven't done any fancy winding or anything the way that I make a string I've come up with this way because of issues that I've seen with other strings and you notice a lot with factory-made strings they separate where the loop is they start become apart and break the way that I've done it and I find making them my way I don't have too much of that issue don't be too concerned with that tension at this point this will stretch in the next few minutes so don't be concerned about this but it's very important that when you start where you make your mark to start your strength you do need to count in fact probably a half an inch of stretch and turns so be prepared that if you mark it at 66 or 68 or 70 inch on the nose it's never that way it's generally about half an inch to almost an inch of difference by starting and finishing so now we're going to get onto getting this started so you've got your two strands here you've got these starting strands here take this side of the string and put over to there so you've now created three sides okay most jigs have a bolt that tie them down and hold those true loosen that off and we're going to turn those arms until we're perfectly square tighten that back up now you can see there's like a triangle shape happening here okay but we've got plenty of room but where between our bars okay this is where we're working from you can see that that original string is in there the starter string that's in there okay so again still no loops no tie offs we're going to get our serving jig for this principle we're using a biter serving jig probably one of the best available in the market very well made enables you to get plenty of tensioning on the string the way that I tend to make my strings I like my tension to be incredibly tight there is a difference of opinion in this with the tension of a string you do hear some people say that it shouldn't be too tight I disagree one of the biggest compliments that I get for when I make a string is just how smooth and silky that serve is now the serving we're using today is a majesty serving it's very very fine lovely thin serving so it will give us that really nice professional finish to our string now today we're making the string in right handed not left handed so I'm starting is this side of my string so this is in front of me to the start of my right hand side starting the string how do we start our serving this always seems to be a bit of confusing for everybody so I will do this as slow as I can as you can see I have the jig in my right hand the tailpiece in my left hand I'm going to reach through and I'm going to make a show just straight up and down nothing fancy I'm going to take my left hand and tie it over the string so you can see the jig is going to go up I simply loop my Jeep over the tie coming across that starting cable I go over about two times still not or not all we've done is just loop over so we keep this tie coming towards us okay so this stays towards you and you give you give yourself plenty of room to hold that okay put maybe two or three turns in there and you've started now we're quite a fair way from our post and because this is our top as part of our serving because the way that I make a string my right hand is the top part of the string my left hand is the bottom of my string and if you're left-handed you may want to work that way as well we're going to slide this over just attack about a thumb distance from our post okay so there's the post you can see my thumb is about where that string is starting keep hold of that day keep that tension nice and we're going to flip that over and keep it going so we're going to go about an inch into the string okay so we've gone down about an inch we pull this day out I'm going to try and zoom in here for you so you can see that dag coming up from the serving there as you can see we've got about an inch of serving along here we're going to take our scissors all we're going to do is take the blade the blade of the scissors and Nick that off nice and close we don't want to have any sort of bit hang out here we want to make that as clean as we can then we're going to keep serving that nice and tight now you probably noticing that down this end here the string is actually starting to twist and bind up don't worry too much about that if it gets too tight just flick that back and the string will reset itself but you'll need to do that all the way through okay so we're just going to keep that going and I'll zoom back out again so you can see the movement as it comes but what I'll try to do I try and get it right in on that serving for you that's about as close as I'm going to get but you can just see how find that serving is lovely and tight so we're still going to continue on try and keep your rhythm - your jig pretty consistent in that serving you know a lot of people do overhand I'm the hand over hand underhand but just keep flicking it nice and even don't try and get too aggressive with it too many flicks you will lose that little bit of tension in the string but it's very important that you try and keep that rhythm very consistent now this video will be posted in real time so as you see me make this string there is no editing shortcuts or sped up film this is done as you're watching this stream other than when you see me just talk on camera it is me making this string from start to finish okay and you will see it actually doesn't take that long now there are so many ways to make a recurve string or a compound strength and look guys I don't care what anybody says there's no right way there's no wrong way you simply have to experiment and find what works for you so we've got about equal distance you know we've got about a thumb over here and about a thumb over there maybe another couple of turns let me get you we're going to pull that off we're not going to cut it it stays attached okay but you can see that lovely thin serving that we've now got it's pretty flawless absolutely smoother silk and you can even hear it there's no bumps or grinds in there absolutely perfect so I've just zoom back out for you now so we've done our initial start of our serving so that string there is served that's our top loop at this point undo those two starter cables so we pull that out that's one side that's two sides so that is the start and the finish of our string that you can see here okay again we take those scissors we just use the blade of the scissor we get right in real close Nick that off now here you've got one part of the string that's popping through don't cut that one just yet get rid of that other one we loosen this toolbar off and we turn our string back to a 45-degree now what you probably can't see here is I have a mark where I align my V back to so I know that it always goes back at the same point so I know that when I make a string that turn and everything else is consistent we flipped that back over now that string is going to go lovely and loose feed it around okay so here's our serving you can see the strings quite loose now before we tighten that up because this is a split string you're going to just open those strands up a little bit and we're going to pull that up through that loose starter string that we had we're going to tighten just back up getting their attention back going now you can see that it's quite loose now we've got from where we started it's back being quite loose just re when you've put that around just turn the string so your two ends you start ends roughly together so it's a bit hard to tell from this angle but these two are actually right together the right opposite each other one is about two mil in front of the other one which side it doesn't really matter so that's that date that we had hanging off and grab our scissors and we're just going to Nick that off okay now at this point you can see that our strands are starting to flip and twist that's when our little tool that we have comes in handy we're going to insert that tool because one side is nice and even here we're going to insert that into there like so and in if you find that it's too hard to get in on the other strand just with your tool go to your other end where it's not so tight and get those strands realigned okay so what I've done with this serving tool here is I've actually gone through my string and I've actually gone okay well there's my right there's my black my Reds on top my blacks on the bottom and I'm forcing one of the colors into a twist okay so I know that on the other side of this my black and my red are perfectly separate they're not intertwined in any way shape or form and I know that my black is on the top my red is on the top and my black is on the bottom okay so how do we go from here okay so we've still got our jig hanging off take your jig over the string like so and pull it back that brings those two together okay then in a big long line lined your string over and try and keep that tension there to get all those twists in front of that serving tool and as you come open it up a little bit try and keep that angle nice and long because if you go too short with this angle along here up to the point it will be harder to serve back now you're probably thinking why am I doing this what I've actually done is serve down the string here okay I've got two lovely 1 red 1 black strands here now I've come all the way down I will opposite my pin so this is actually straight opposite here okay it's a bit hard from this angle to see I know but I'm trying to explain it as best as I can so we've got this long strand through here and we've got this distance here now what I've done is I've straightened up and I'm simply going to go across that strand there so I'm actually serving back towards this end and I just do a few turns here about four five keeping reasonable tension so I'll try and zoom in on that for you so as you can see we've gone to this point here we've got a nice little knot and we're serving back towards our start point pull your jig in so we get right up onto that string and get a couple of turns in so I don't know if you can see that from here but you can see how we're now coming back down the string so we're going to keep that doing it you've noticed that I've still got this serving tool here keeping those strands separated okay it's actually a very useful thing to do because then at least you know that those strings are separated all the time and it's a clean exit out of the end of this serving here so we keep doing this but I'm sorry if this looks very fast but I guess it's just a bit of experience talking here so you know we're about the 15-minute mark here okay so you know your arms will get a bit tired and I'm going to try and adjust the camera very shortly when I get up near where we started that serve because that's where it gets tricky that's where a lot of people have difficulties and that with this particular design on the way of making your strength it can get very awkward so you saw all the way until you hit that string now we've pretty much come there at this point what may happen is you may end up with my starting to stir back on yourself so if they find that that happens just unwind it a couple of turns and go back to where you've done that okay and we're just going to whine this next section by hand keeping that flow consistent you only need to do it maybe two or three times and then the string should just follow it to alignment in the same direction okay so we're almost at the end so as you can see we've served up we're over the top of that V so those two original starters are just down about here so we've gone over about a pinky depth we're going to go over just another couple more and again that tension that I've had from the start it's still there it's still lovely and tight pull your jig away give yourself about a good 600 ml 700 ml worth of tie off and the good thing is when you cut that jig off as you can see I've cut that jig off when you've done that as you've probably noticed it hasn't really unwound itself it stayed pretty nice and tight so now this is going to look a bit all good on camera because of the angle and I'm going to try and do this over and I know now as you can see my dad is coming from underneath the string okay so what we need to do is we need to put our finger at about four two inches away from the string and we're going to bring that loop over the string over the other side so one is under one is over so all I've done is come across okay so that is the moment we're going across I'm going to zoom out so you can actually see me do the movement so the string is coming under we want to take that string over so that's right up near the end of the tie off here okay so we're going to go a 3d now then you've got a big hole in front of you bring that back through okay and you keep feeding it back through that hole now keep the distance okay so I'm going to just pull that and keep that tension there I'll try and zoom in for you so you can see hopefully what's happened here so now you should see that there's a bit of a tie off here we're going to feed that through about let's say for about nine times okay now as you saw me stop that we're underneath so the dag goes underneath that and back along the string then simply wind it on the way we were going now we're at the end we'll be started here is our dag to my left this is on my right I'm simply going to pull that through until it goes tight now this is where those gloves came in but one of the gloves on zoom out so we've got our glove take that dag now it's really important here that you don't over pull it because you will break that strand but just pull until you see it start to bind up on itself and keep pulling yeah it's about there now wall under tension take your scissors chop chop and cut it about two inches away from the string and then we're going to finish this off so here's our Derrick sticking out the side we're going to like that let it burn up to the string generally when it hits the string it will put itself out with that glove smooth it off okay I'm just going to change camera angles we're going to come around I'm going to have a look at that serving and how it ended up then we're going to do the other end so as you can see guys that's that in that we finished okay it's lovely and fine really nice and tight so unfortunately the camera won't let me get much closer without going out of focus so I'm trying to keep it as close as I can without it pulling focus on me look back it out so there you have it guys these are serving that we did before it's absolutely perfect we've gone about the tie off the or the original loop that we started with the serving is somewhere down here so we've actually got about half an inch up into that delete loop there so that loop if you put in a relation to my thumb it's just a bit bigger than my thumb okay so we'll go to the other end and we'll do that in okay so we've got our other end down here now that tool that we use before I'll just bring it up that you can see I've still got it sitting in the string now when we split this apart this tool is going to have to stay down that other end down anywhere that's tie off was so we'll just slide that back down and that just keeps all the strings lovely and in tune so you keep that nice separation so we've still got our red and black completely separated again the same as what we did down the other end we simply take that over now before we do this we're going to put a little bit of tension on this just a few turns just to get that tension back into the string loosen that off turn it so we're right angles tighten it back up again like I said guys the way that I make a string it's not necessarily gospel but I find these work I get a lot of compliments about the quality of the stream and I have people that also use these strings with some of their traditional boats so they do work quite well so as you can see we've got our jig again so get yourself a good start line okay plenty of hangover that jig is nice and tight keep those bolts tight and again we're going to start so this is my right hand this is my left again we start up we pull our right hand up and all we do is simply cross over so like so creating that loop we go over again and over again and over again so hopefully that was pretty easy to see I'll zoom in a little bit so all we're doing is simply going over that loop this end doesn't need to be as big as the other end because is our tail end so what about a thumb distance so we're just going to go that a little bit more so almost that three-quarters of our thumb as you can see where it is on my thumb from the end that's about roughly where it is now if you want to get more specific with measurements guys you could take your ruler and we're going to go from the center about an inch and a half to where this knot should start and we're going to finish about an inch and a half on the other side the case it just so you can see turn that thick so we're going to finish you have an inch and a half somewhere around here on this side okay so once you've got a couple of turns in there this is your deck tighten that up so you get to the tip of the string keep hold of this Dagg and get that about an inch of serving done and again you're going to have that string twist on you because of that tension as I said every so often let that tension off so you can let the string recover okay so you can see that it wants to spin back we've done about an inch sorry guys I keep getting in front of the camera there we'll cut that off all right and then we'll continue that serving and from time to time that impatience will kick in and you'll really want to rush it the guys try and keep it even in steady again let those turns off every so often let that string recover so we're almost there and if you want just keep checking your measurements to make sure it's reasonably consistent got about half an inch to go and it's actually important you get this end right because if you don't you're going to kind of strip it and start again at this end so we should be that equal distance now one side I can tell here is this going to be slightly different I let that flick out a little bit and I'll pull it down so I can turn the strength so turn this back to that angle we all right as I said before I have a mark in this jig of where I take my feet to my V by 2 it's the same spot every time I turn it back tighten it up then I pull that string over now a little bit of tensions going out of that string we're going to wind a few turns on keep that tension nice and tight and what you can see here at this end is we want one end that finishes here and one that finishes back here ok I've probably gone a little bit short on this other side which will make it tricky when we do our tie off but that's actually about spot on the length we want for our bottom end of our bow ok that's going to give us a really nice tight dealing on that bottom ok so we go back to our tool that we had and we're going to pull that down we're going to get all those twists and turns in the string bunch them up here as much as we can taking our jig go over the string pull the two together start your big angle and just keep moving that back as you go so as you can see we're going down about there now it's a bit hard from this angle because the post looks like it's in a different area for believing me this here just so you know is a straight line okay so we go down to just in front of that post and then we come up and then we come back over that Street side okay so we go back so if we can zoom in so there's this is heading back towards our post okay and what we're doing is simply coming backwards serving back towards that post so we get to back there we're going to pull our jig up get it nice and tight against that stream make sure we're right on track and we're ready to go just zoom out now because this is so close to this post this jig is actually going to hit it so what I do is I tend to pull it away so I can let that free spin until I get clear of that post otherwise you get an annoying Clank Clank Clank every time you hit it so yes we try to keep this video as uncut as possible so that you can actually get a taste of how long it actually takes to make your strength so everything we're doing into doing in real time we're not speeding it off you know no flash photography and nothing like that but yes everything is done with smoke and mirrors alright so we're at where our first part finished okay so bit hard to see from here but you can see that's without first tile finished this is where you can have that odd chance of this bumping back on coming back on itself so when you get there just loosen it off a little and just do it manually so you can keep the direction under control just for a few turns then you should be on then keep it going now we're at the end of that other one if you just click it over it will capture it so there you go we're actually on there now so both those two are combined okay we're going to pull our jig down I'm going to cut that off and I've even loose let that go and you can see it's not bouncing back on itself because we've pulled that closed now this sound is very tricky to finish off but again as you can see we're underneath we're coming out from under the string so whatever we do we must go over the string so we're going to gather it down here loop it over just in front of that post I'm going to take it over once twice now you can see it's sliding up towards where we've come away if that happens just pull it back just let it go a bit loose and pull it back once you've got it over about three or four times now you must remember that when you come back through towards this way don't always make sure the threads follow each other so don't let the threads cross over make sure they follow the line so you've got to know about four times if you give that a bit of a pull you can see that it pulls those two strands together okay I'll try and zoom in on there for you okay so we've got these two strands together pulling this through okay now I'm not really happy that's quite close together so I'm going to let that go and I'm going to slide it back up towards that bar again I'm going to try and get that pinched a little bit further up so we get a little bit more wiggle room and we're going to keep going through like a snake back towards our other end so again we go through about eight times okay so we have one end here and that's the end of our serving there okay so this is the end of our serving and this is our tie off section so you can see there's a gap there now what I'm going to do as you can see this is my the strand that my thumb's are now wiggling it that is our under strain we take the dag underneath that and capture it and then we wind on in the same direction we were going originally now keep that tension pretty consistent if you can keeping it lovely and close to the original serving if you do that it should stop this serving from jumping back on you if the serving on this side gets too close count how many strands you have to go so we've got one two three four five five turns so if we actually go over the top of it we need to remember we've gone over five times and that's actually really important for when we come to the finish of this because it will look like you've actually got a big bump there but if you keep that going however it will then you're going to just pull that started to pull that through so this is our Dagon zoom back out so this is our Dagon you pull this through when you get near the end let it slip through and that's caught okay again we grab our glove I grabbed our glove get a bit of tension on here and the reason we use the glove is that you can get a good grip on it it kind of slips through when it gets a bit tight as you can see my hand slips but it doesn't cut your fingers this string serving material is like a knife it will cut that your skin so quickly we just trim it off grab our lighter and we smooth it off now as you can see our strands are perfectly separated there so now we have perfectly finished top and bottom and string okay so from this point here we need to put our turns in now if you can see here where the joint is I'll just try and swim in on there I actually have a mark that I've written here of 66 so that's my 66 March marks so that's a 66 inch string but you can see there's at least nearly 3/4 of an inch here from where the mark is to where we have actually made the string so we've actually made the string about 3/4 longer than 66 inch so we're going to come back out zoom back out of here okay now the next part kind of happens pretty quick okay so we're going to loosen that tension off we're going to leave our separator in the string just for now we're going to tie that off I'll pull all this string off okay now if you're right-handed roll the string forward and do it about probably 20 times that's a good place to start how about there put the string back on I'm going to crank that tension right up now you probably remembered before when we started I said we started with 20 strands okay so this is where it's a bit tricky okay but as I said we had that 3/4 of an extension there in the middle we've now reduced that by about a quarter of an inch so we'll go back to that mark there you can see we haven't actually reduced it that much there's the original mark so it's pretty we've just come out just a little bit so we're going to come back out with this shot okay so we've put the twist in the string let me see if we can get in this you can see you can see whether that lovely candy can look through the string okay I'll just try and move you back a bit try and get it all in short so it's a bit hard to sort of keep everything right in short here making that middle 50/50 so now we've got this tool here that we had before okay now what I do is I slide it up and down the string letting the turns just sort itself out what it does is it scrapes a little bit of that wax off the string okay what it also does is it smooths the distance with the twist okay now one more step we have to do before we render this street so we're going to take this back to about the middle okay and you can just see how much wax this has actually pulled off that string what we're going to do is we're going to turn that and open that string up okay just zoom in on there for you now like I said we started off with 20 strands we now need to remove two strands so we're going to pull one out of our redline now when you get to this step if you find the string has bound itself up and it's a bit tight take the tension off okay because that string is now kept that distance but I'm letting that tension off okay find the looser strand you can we're going to remove one black strand you just cut it so we've cut and removed one black strand you don't have to pick a red one when we cut one red one okay now before we actually remove it we're going to put that tension back on okay so we've got the two dikes hanging off here that you can see at this end so you're going to remove the black one first just pull it till you get to the end and if we want to wind itself around so get it all the way to your end with your scissors now do not burn the string simply get as close to that can as you can and use the scissors to remove it and do the same with the red one just pull that through it doesn't matter which strand you come it's just very important that whatever you do you pull it all the way back and get it closest cut to there as possible okay so I'm going to stitch with speedy NC steak and I just go back to that middle there I'm going to remove those other two get off sorry guys I keep jumping in front of the camera remove that black one the other thing is by removing this too in this fashion helps keep that separation between the black and the red perfectly aligned so you have over that really nice professional candy cane look which I absolutely love okay so we've got that lovely twister that strength let's remove our tool and that's pretty much our string done guys now we've got one more step to do before we get it onto the boat check bracelet check twist and everything else we're going to actually finish this off and render it so we're going to take a bit of leather that we have we're going to put our gloves on it's important when you use your clasp try and find a nice soft leather to work with try not to use abrasive leathers the gloves that I choose to use in here are actually riding gloves okay they're for horse riding because the leather is extremely soft it's a bit of an expensive way to go but when you're making lots of lots of strings you kind of get your money back on them value of the gloves okay so we're actually going to start with the gloves on rubbing that strength we just start off nice and slow now it won't start to get a bit hot under hand now what we're doing is we're actually smoothing all the wax all those little notches and twists in that string we're smoothing it out okay so we've done that little bit grab our leather that we had well leather on get it nice and tight and get some speed to it if you can get nice rhythm going and get a lot of speed nice tight grip you will see the string start to look like liquid and that's the wax melting and actually softening up now you're probably thinking what does this do now what it does is it smooths the string up it gets the wax into the string now I know that that's getting through because I can feel that heat coming through that leather that we were using okay I can feel that heat coming through okay you can see the wax peeling off there with a cloth just wipe that string down from end to end get off any of that excess wax hit it again you will need to do this for a couple of minutes okay it's really important and I just skip this step that I used to skip when I first started making strings and then when I started getting this step done I found my strings was so much nicer to shoot and they were quieter too so you know I'm just keeping that tension in there keeping that leather nice and tight and you can feel the heat coming through and that heat does get red hot guy so be careful when you're doing it when do you need the end switch back to your last nice tight grip like I said be careful because it gets quite hot like it will sneak through that glove will burn you okay so that's pretty much that stream finished it's going to wipe that clean and I'm hoping we'll be able to zoom in on this I'll try and hang it up so that you can actually get a closer look at how it turned out loosen it off and one thing you'll notice is that strength I've now loosened that off nearly two inches that string is staying perfectly intact it's not spinning it's not twisting and it comes away and you can just see it's like wire alright guys so we finished that string now so you know as you can see there's our two loops that we started with you can see one's clearly bigger than the other and one of the bottom why are they so different well first of all you never get the ends wrong ones always the top ones always the bottom okay you can see how we finish them off hopefully the camera will let you let you come in on these get my finger there hopefully get it focus so you know we've got two really nice defense you can see with the way that we've got the tension they're really going to give you a lot of movement the string well you can see that lovely black and red stripe through the string almost the perfect twist and that's simply because we did that division when you render it properly the string or pretty much maintain its integrity throughout the balance point there so if I pull that and I've actually got it holding it down there so that's how much that string is stiffened out so guys if you have any more questions about the video I know it's a bit hard to see some of the stuff that we did but look if I've missed something or there's something you can't see flick me a question I'll try and get to it as quick as I can and I'll try and make it as explanatory as I can it's very hard on video to try and show you some of the little things because cameras just won't really zoom in or having the cameras that we have it just doesn't allow us to zoom in on what we do so guys I'll edit this in a way and hopefully you found the way of it that this have been helpful but guys I tried to make a tutorial for you on how to do basic stream making the way that I make it as I said it's a personal way it's a way that I've come to after making hundreds of strengths and I really do find this way the easiest and the most reliable and out of this is this string I'll get maybe no more than a quarter inch of stretch so for now have a great day and we'll see you again soon
Channel: Sheldon Gannon
Views: 210,303
Rating: 4.7781458 out of 5
Keywords: recurve bow string, how to make a bow string, making a bow string, making split bow strings, compound bow string, archery tutorial 1
Id: RMKS4lL8sG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 5sec (3485 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2013
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