Archery Basics 15 - how to make your own bow string - english

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hello and welcome to another episode of archery basics today I will show you how to build your own Flemish fly string what do we need for that first we need some string yarn in two different colors than a lighter a pair of scissors a sharp cutting knife a tape measure and our Bearpaw string wax I will show you how to use these items so let's begin I have here a Kiowa bow with a string already attached to it which i will remove usually you know your string length or your bow length but let me show you quickly how to find out your string length of our string board mount one of your string loops to this screw here and then go all the way up to this small metal pin then back down and you can read your string length on the scale which is here exactly 52 inch so now we have proof that your string is 52 inches in this case so let's begin I have orange and green chess because they are my favorite colors you start with one color and make a small loop after you've done that you put the loop add the up most metal pin here here in the middle we have the scale with lots of different numbers with a small metal pin here we can define our bowstring length in our case we want to make a string which is 52 inches long so we put our pin at the 52 you have mounted the string here on the first pin with a loop now go down to the screw and up to our 50 to pin down again to the other metal pin and all the way up and around this is our first round so we want to make a string with 14 strings this means we will need two bundles with seven strands each the first two rounds are always on these two metal pins up here that's nifty is it begins so what does it is inside string an email of these we now have to complete rounds our first two strands the next or third strand will be put on pin further down that the hit a flat and I used to provider one you will continue to do so until you have reached seven strands now we have four strands this was the fifth strand you will get a feeling for it how tight or loose these strands have to be put on the pins to tight is not good and to lose isn't so good either masculine done positive missed and from the scene so it's nearby the last round now we have completed seven rounds we have here one and two three four five six seven seven strange which means we are done with this color for now next step is to take a sharp cutting knife and cut the strands here in the middle right through please to not forget our small loop from the beginning we have to cut it out trying to get it out there and cut it off with a pair of scissors now you have completed your first bundle take it off in the middle here in our 52 pin hold it tight and Stroke the bundle a few times so that the strands get aligned next to each other you can so Polly the militia positions of she that you know yet named Edith take your bare bowstring wax which is extra developed for this purpose although this is a heavy bags bowstring material we will back sit with our Bearpaw wax for better handling again they no box needs no more big Auden's if now furthermore is it good for your stream if you have enough wax on your string it will last longer and as we said it's easier to handle now this again the Box Sakai sorry Melissa sinful Philistine is Marty Cena and for fans Nick hyper-alert whenever I buy tomatoes and aneema put the strands onto your wax press with your thumb on strands and the wax and slide the bundle slowly through and now our first band is completely done we will do the exact same thing with the other color as well now you have seen this already but I will show you quickly again all the steps you need to finish your second bundle make the loop first and mount it to your string board then all the way around doing six sack on the boards as before soft and good and fast way to do this is when you hold your screen like me hold the string yarn in your right hand and leave the yarn around pimps with your left hand with a bit of practice you will become quite fast if your strands are coming up just push them down again we already made two rounds and are now done with a third I will let me explain something else these metal pins are tapering and therefore create your Flemish splice as you can see later your string gets thinner from your string loop to the center and for this tapering are these metal pins build and disorder on the n54 you know synthesis is fair and an upstander to shindig this is all even if I lose track about the rounds I can simply count them and know where I was 1 2 3 4 5 now I am on my sixth round you can count it very easily all right we have now one two three four five six seven rounds down again the cutting knife and now we have completed our second bundle and don't forget about the little loop here just cut it away so Fasulo here let us just grab the bundle in the middle and Stroke them so that they are aligned all even to each other the more precise you were the better your result will be prophetic is seen it does claw okay once again the Bear Paw swing whacks one or two times same on the other side and we are done here now we have completed the basis for our string our two bundles next step would be the string loops so let's start with the first one you have two marks here for small and a big string loop let's make a small on first therefore you align the two bundles like this then go to turns around or a screw here and two times around this pin down here so the string is fixed yes okay now let's start with the advanced stuff you have your two bundles next to each other you know how a finished string loop will look like and therefore we have to turn each bundle between our fingers like this to the right side and cross it over to the left right turn with the two bundles and cross them over the left right and cross over the left try to do this as consistently as you can you rotate the bottles a full round to the right between your thumbs and index fingers and cross them over to the left right and left right and left you can recognize our pattern of the later string here I will hurry up it now always right and left right and left right and left the weekly Smita wait nothing's right no links hey nothing's so honest for the length you can compare it to your old string or chest have a look well this seems still a bit small I think we need some more turns here it's quite a good finger training so ok let's do it again right then left right then left yeah this looks quite good for a small string loop so this looks like we are done next step untie the string hold two ands tightly so that it can't get loose again this let me show you it looks something like this this is going to be your first string loop lay it around the screw and now you have to arrange the two cream and the two orange bundles together so you have them divided by color two green ones and two orange ones apply some further string wax on the strings so they don't get loose and now we do exactly the same thing as before turn them to the right and cross them over to the left the two loose ends of our string loop are getting tied together with each other you do exactly the same thing as before turn both babbles right and cross over to the left please separate the two bundles after two or three turns from each other otherwise they will get mixed up so badly you won't be able to get them apart from each other again this tiny thing here is the first end of your single string that's totally normal because this is how we get our Flemish splice our table string right and left right and left and separate them again right and left right and left all in all you need a length around about 15 centimeters let's measure it okay 12 centimeters is a bit short I think we have to put a bit more work in this you can also see some loose ends of our single strings they all have to be gone before we are done with our string loop left right and left right and left right and left and always separate the bottles from each other oh no almost get stuck here you can't separate them too often as you can see this looks quite good now get the tape measure out and have a look well 15 centimeters that's perfect now we have to fixate it I use a short piece of string here and just make a simple knot you can also use a clamp or web not just make sure the bundles can't get undone by themselves and we are done with our first string loop for the next work step you have to get up you must yet by the bundle as mushroom separate the two bundles so that they are parallel and take a close look if they're perfectly even there you really have to be a bit picky in this case the orange bundle is a tiny bit too long and therefore we have to give it a few turns to the right until the two are perfectly even in their land on the optical a shilling a video Hong snare - pinyin so is not more I give it another two turns okay now they are the same length I think I have to explain the next step a little bit we are now going to make the second string loop on our first string loop we drilled to the right and crossed over to the left therefore we have to pre-roll the two bundles to the right to even out the crossing to the left later on when you do it yourself it will get clearer as this sounds now fine it's vivid and make full turns with your bundles now we have to do this around 20 times if you make strings with the length of 53 and more inch you will need around 30 turns it's really important that you make full turns so let's start one two three four five six eighteen ninety twenty hold this bundle with one hand so it don't gets loose again and do the same thing with the other bundle one two three sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty three okay now check again if both of your bundles are the same length if they are you can continue with the next step if not just give longer one a few more turns and now for the second the bigger string loop the same as before lay your bundles on your mark two turns around our screw here and two other rounds around the pin down here and now as I said for the exact same thing as before turn right and cross over to the left right and cross over to the left and so on check your length in between this might be a bit too short let's do a bit more and again well that looks quite good for a big string loop and time the whole thing as we did it with the other string loop bring both colors on top of each other and turn them all together as you did before turn right and cross over to the left right and left right and left as you can see if you keep it tight it really looks evenly and very nice it also might help to get it more evenly looking if you wrap along the Flemish splice a bit so what's in the key figure I need up callosum when I can that's very human isn't so let's measure it again this was a bit too long now I have to shorten it a bit again and now we are done with both string loops the last thing we have to do is the following as you can see your string is not twisted yet you can do a last check if both your battles are the same length if one bundle would hang down something would be wrong but in our case it looks quite good optimal chest mound just swing with one string loop to the screw now turn your string to the left as you can see if you turn it to the left it gets more twisted if you would turn it to the right it would get loose and now to a good 20 turns for the beginning full turns of course you can stroke along the string to get the bundles even so how much can you twist the string well somewhere around 20 to 60 full turns is okay around 40 to 50 turns is considered best let's take a first quick look on our post string length here as we did in the beginning and we see we are at 53 and rifle and soil we wouldn't file fluency does it say as a good a train it I don't know we can give it a few more turns now have another look mm-hmm okay a bit too short but in our case this would be okay cause as you might now and you string will stretch up to 1 inch after the first few shots so I would say we are done here Buddhists well ours Martin in sulfon Danish its molasses comes good income congratulations on your first self-made string we will show you how you apply the center serving string in the next video so stay tuned for the next actual basics see you soon I hope you have learned something see you soon then bye bye you
Channel: Bearpaw Products
Views: 278,452
Rating: 4.8625488 out of 5
Keywords: traditionalarchery, archery, outdoor, adventure, bowandarrow, Bodnik, Bogensport, Bow, Sport, Turnier, Bogen, Feelthespirit
Id: C07evRZT_PQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 05 2014
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