How to make a 2d face rig in Blender | Part 1

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don't you hate it when you cannot find a tutorial of how to make a 2d facebooking wonder well luckily you found one all right so let's get right into it so first of all go ahead and create a sphere there is why is because we need a base to put the face on if you already have a mesh that you want to put it on then you can use that said make sure it has shade smooth so it's nice smooth and we're gonna be adding in a plane now you gotta do is click tap which will turn into edit mode and now we're going to rotate it so it faces front so click art which is the shortcut for rotating and X the reason why is because it will get the coordinate X and rotate on that coordinate now type in 90 it rotated 90 degrees now click G which is the Schroepfer transform which will move the objects and click Y which is another coordinate for going like this this way now put in the number 1 and click the minus about it now I brought it self going to 1 which is over here and made it go over here because you've made it negative now we have it in front of the sphere we're going to shrink it to the size we want the mouth the B by default when it's open we're gonna choose this now you gotta do is click loop cut let's give the left and put it make sure it's this way on the mesh the reason why we're doing less this away you can have different parts of this mesh we can move so we can make his mouth different shapes now go here switch edge mode so we can select edges now select the two edges o shift it and click on the other one to select more than one edge and click the e to extrude which were basically do look them and put them connected there we go and click enter to verify it now click S which is the shorter for scaling it click X which is the coordinate go on the x coordinate make it scale on the X now put it in you know two as that's the size you have for this click enter now we have the base for our mouth just to make it a little easier for us to see what's happening would be changing the color this is fear by clicking new and this is a material which is a color change the color also we can actually see the colors go to material mode which enables all the shading options now add another material here for the mouth click a new to add one change color to black for just for now and make sure this is in shade let's move already as you can see we have these points that we can mess with you can make shapes you can make it smile it may look a little creepy but that's fine for now now what we're going to do is rig it up so we can control these points but without messing up the mesh and so we can animate it to do that click add armature now adds the armature and our scene in one bone and we're gonna to change some settings on it so we can see it at all times click on object data click on view board display and here you can see in front I'll always be in front of every object so we can see it click view then view point and click front so you can see exactly in front of everything and select the plane for the mouth and click a tab now you can see we have this bone and we need to move it up here to this vertice which is a point of them out that you can move so the way we make you exactly there's by clicking shift s just a shortcut for doing this stuff now choose cursor to selected I'll bring the 3d cursor to the vertices that you have selected now click the tab which will make you get out of edit mode click on this bone and click tab now you can edit the bone so what are you gonna do is select this bone by clicking on it shift s and click selection to cursor now at this point is connected to it what we can now do is go up here and switch the pivot point to the 3d cursor so that now when we scale it it'll scale down and this will stay where it is like so change the size you want to have whenever you use this rig it will always be that size I think I'll use this size once you're done that click tab click back on the plane click tab and click shift s cursor is selected click tab go back on here tab shifty shift s select a node cursor now there is a easier way to do this what we can do just the weight off to keep setting those up we can click shift B on here to duplicate it click X and if we drag it over here for now and hold and control you can see how far it is we can see it's 3 meters at the top left so we can do here is go negative 3 meters if it's correct it's right at the vertice go back in here shift D X and 0.3 and make sure it's negative and do the same thing here point 3 now we got the top of the mouth now all we have to do is go back into our mouths the plane click tap go comes first vertice shift s cursor to selected now we can click back on armature selects all by clicking a shift D and Zed and a hold ctrl and so it lines up with that there we go now the last thing we want to do is create some bones for the sides so we can control the sides better now you could you select the head these are called heads we'll just call it the bottom point of this bone is anything here now click shift s cursor to selected and I'll hit the middle of that to click on one shift Evo duplicate it and doesn't matter which one you duplicate now shift s selection cursor there we go it's lined up do the same thing on the other side this bottom point on that bone on point of this bone if Jess cursor selected duplicate any bone do death selection to cursor now we have that now we have to assign each of vertices to each bone so make sure you're bringing the front select your plane first an old shift and click on one of the bone and it selects the whole armature now do control P which will parent them do not do objects and I'll do object capture so farm do not do an armature deform click on with empty groups there we go now if we click back on to the plane and we click on the object data which is right under the modifier and all right above the materials and we can see we have a bunch of vertex groups but thing how do we know which ones what as you can see this one is bone this one's bones your one is bone zero two zero three zero four here at zero five zero six zero seven zero eight zero nine you just have to remember the order that you did it so BAM this first vertice click on it click on the bone vertex group click a sign now if we move this bone it will follow it that's what that does it signs it to that bone and do that for every single one select this objects here what it's like this object to object zero three objects zero before now down here zero five objects here six object here seven objects your eight object zero now we have two left number ten and eleven leave those and do not put anything on them if we click tab again go on to armature switch the pose mode by clicking on object mode and looking on pose mode we can now control them now we have kind of Meldrick control but what's the point of having these bones when they are doing nothing no so what we're gonna do now is you make this bone actually do something what we're gonna do is make these two bones follow this bone clicking on this bone first and holding shift click on the middle right boom click ctrl P and keep offset do the same thing for your bottom one click on it shift-click on the middle right mode a trophy keep offset you can see you can move it and move those ones with it even if this it doesn't move any of the other ones with it do the same thing on the other side tab click on the top left now left middle cut repeat keep offset bottom left shift left middle cut repeat keep offset there we go we have that all set up now maybe like this is not on the object well fix that or go into object mode click onto our plane go to your modifiers then click Add modifier add subdivision surface that the subdivisions as more points to the surface so that we and we add on the shrink-wrap it will connect to more points on this sphere so it's more accurate switch it to view the two - now I don't a shrink wrap the shrink wrap will make it go around the sphere so click on this little eyedropper tool and click on our sphere switches the mode to outside surface now you can see it's kind of inside of that which it's not what we want so what you're gonna do is change the offset we're going to try it 0.005 there are still some little things here so let's change it to 0.01 now it works and we don't see any of the sphere poking through now add on another subdivision surface so we can smooth out that's even more so this is a three set the render to six to make it as high quality as we can now we do see a little bit stuff here to make it work better click on the sphere at a subdivision surface you can set it to two in the render to the three now it's smoother now the mouth has more points to attach to that means we can change the offset just 0.005 so then there's less of a gap X so we can make it so the shadings is the same right now it does kind of look the same but make sure it's perfect let's go ahead and add on a data transfer it may be a little bit of overkill but just in case you need it so source object do sphere change faces corner switch this to nearest face interpolated click custom normals and there we go I'll click on our object data which is under there click on normals click on auto smooth now it should work now it should always be shaded just like it's on or just like it's part of the sphere you select our armature pose mode and move a bone actually I switch the subdivisions right now to 3 we can move it you may see this and you'd send it too much but for now we know that that's the basics there we go Congrats you made it through the first part of how to make a 2d face rig in this part you learn a tattoo make a basic mouth rig that's 2d and how to break it and how to wrap it around a objects and making it have the same shading so it doesn't look like it's a separate object an expert we will be adding teeth and a tongue thanks for watching see you in the second part [Music] [Music]
Channel: Citrine's Animations
Views: 59,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.8, eevee, face rig, rig, 2d, 2d face, 2d face rig, 2d rig, blender 3d, lego rig, lego face rig, lego minifigure rig, animation, 2d animation, blender animation, lego animation, 3d, 3d lego, lego 3d, lego, 3d blender
Id: u8EmSZW9wLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2019
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