How to Make 3D Inflated Text Effect in Illustrator

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hey guys hope you're all doing well today I'm going to show you how I made these inflated wallpapers that I uploaded a couple of days ago it's super easy you just have to follow up some easy steps to get that 3D look let's [Music] go so first things first I created a document in a size of iPhone 14 pro you can do in other sizes but uh I'm just trying to create nice wallpapers that's why I made it in this size so I'm just going to type inflated I'm going to show you an easy sample first just type in your text as your desired and then create a nice background for it change the color of it to whatever you like just go around that color maybe and put your background behind your text in the layers and from here I'm going to also change my color also the background want to make it a little bit uh darker I would also would like to give it a stroke here like so after that just simply select all both background and your text and just hit command G to group them or you can just simply right click on it and here select group by selecting your group what you need to do is to go to effect 3D material and click on inflate so as you can see it kind of gave us a 3D look but we are going to change some settings for the depth I usually go around th000 and for the materials down here in the base properties and for the roughness I'm going to give it [Music] 05 and for the metallic I will give it 0.22 so as you can see it will give you a nice reflection in the light section um there are different options that you can change to achieve a look that you want uh intensity basically I'm going to put it around 90 and for the height I'm going to leave it in 50 to see what happens if I rotate yeah that's what I like I want I want one t to have a little bit of uh Shadow above so I believe this is actually nice so the heess is good so after you've finished uh setting up your settings what you need to do is that you should just come up here and and this drop down menu click on uh R tracing and turning it on and put the quality on high and just simply click on render so it might take a little bit of a time due to your system configuration and your design itself so after it is finished yeah you can see how cool it looks and if I zoom in you can see the nice Reflections here and the dents that it gave me like here so let me just create something else for you so for the second sample I'm just going to use this Batman logo uh so I just drag and dropped my image but for this inflation uh effect you need uh vectors not images so what I'm going to do with my image is that I will just simply click on my image and up here I would uh convert my image into the tracing option and from this icon when I click it it will open up my image tracing panel like so so I don't know if you have worked with um image trace or not but I'm going to uh describe it quickly so you have different presets and Views but what I mostly use is that uh this mode drop down you can select black and white or color if I click on color it will just as you can see kind of vectorize your image in a color way so as you can see but there some issues with it and from this Advanced tab you can just change the path the corners and the noise but for now I'm just going to use black and white mode so as you can see it is much more cleaner on the edges and everything and I will also lower my noise and that's perfect so uh it is now uh kind of a viter but you cannot not actually delete the background because it is on the layers as you can see it is saying that this is just one image so what you need to do is that you need to click on your image and from up here you need to expand your image it will basically convert your image into path so now as you can see it has turned to a path so now I'm just going to simply delete my white layers and boom now we have it so now that I have this Batman logo I'm going to put it in the center and uh yeah that is good I'm going to create a nice background color of yellow so this is what happens when you use image Trace uh in the previous step because we chose black and white mode now it is turning everything to the black and white so what you need to do is that you simply just uh select the rectangle that you have chosen go to up go to edit edit colors and convert it to RGB and now you can just simply go and grab your color again and place the rectangle below our icon select all of them command G to group him and again you can go to effect 3D material and inflate or if it is open for you the window open is open for you you can just simp simply select inflate from here and it will give you that nice effect I'm just going to give it a nice depth and in the material for the roughness I would always use 0.15 and for the metallic 0.22 yeah that is nice and for the intensity I would maybe keep it yeah I would keep it around that 70 as it was and uh we just keep you this that yeah that is good and I will simply go to retracing put it on high and select render and here we go we have our nice 3D inflated effect that is just beautiful also you can always just click on the file and change all the settings but make sure you turn off this icon so it's basically a real time preview and when it is on it's going to take a little bit of more time to process everything so just make sure to turn it off change your settings and then turn it back so I'm just going to create another sample for you guys but I'm going to speed up the videos so let's go hope you like the video make sure to like And subscribe and peace [Music]
Channel: iamrealism
Views: 3,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inflated text, inflated text illustrator, inflated text effect, 3d text effect, 3d text effect illustrator, text inflation illustrator, inflated logo effect, inflated logo design, inflated logo illustrator, inflated 3d text illustrator, 3d inflated text illustrator, 3d inflated effect, inflated shapes illustrator, 3d inflated shapes, 3d inflate text, 3d inflate effect, illustrator tutorial, turn 2d to 3d illustrator, turn text to 3d illustrator, 3d typography illustrator
Id: 461YLwbRhYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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