DIY Fallout 3D Light Box

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[Music] what's up makers and wastelanders really excited to walk through with y'all how to build something Fallout Inspire that is pretty darn cool one of the most awesome things about Fallout is the attention to detail with the weathering um everything looks old and rusted and it's been sitting in a wasteland or a pile of mud for ages and ages they the all of the items have a story they have personality we're going to take that and we're going to apply it to some 3D prints check this out so this right here is uh 3D modeled infusion and it's controlled by a RGB LED controller and inside of it we've got a bunch of LEDs behind each of the letters and with the LED controller you can essentially create any number of different patterns that are built in to have them display on on the LEDs so let's open up the face here so you can see what's inside so here you can see we've got five strands of LEDs and they're animating right now and in the bottom you can see that there's an LED controller also I'm sure you've noticed that this one has already had a bit of weathering done to it get in frame here you can see that there is a good amount of kind of rust and dirt and it kind of looks oily and this one's nice but we're going to do it even better using some really cool paints to make it literally look like aged rust with texture and everything so let's Dive Right In all right I wanted to show you how this was constructed so here we are inside of fusion 360 and you can see the body on the canvas here where I started is I got a I basically created an SVG and then brought that SVG into Fusion 360 I'm not going to go through all of the details on how that's done there's plenty of videos out there basically an SVG is a vector-based graphic that contains uh outline data that you can bring into Fusion 360 and create extrusions so if I go here and I show you the initial sketch you can see um The Fallout logo here now also you'll see a lot of these numbers um and might be wondering what those are those are all offsets that I've added in here because these pieces all need to fit within each other and there's recesses and clear spaces and cavities and so on and so forth so though this might look like a simple model on the surface it actually takes a lot of precision um in order to execute it and if I turn on my analysis here and we slice the model down the middle you can kind of get an idea of what's going on here with the different layers we have an outer frame um and then we have a clear layer which is let me turn off all of these and you know what we'll turn analysis off so you can see this here's the clear layer this is what is going to allow the light to transmit through the edges um the reason why there's a big uh space on the back of it is so that we can glue it to the insert which you can see here is going to fit on top of it then we've got all our faces and all of our faces sit on top of of the other elements and they will glue using a little bit of contact adhesive to the clear layer so let me turn all these back on so you can see what's going on here and then our bolt over here is it's a couple different pieces if I turn off all of the other stuff here we can just focus on the faces and the bolt you'll notice that the bolt is a yellow piece and then it also has the little black parts that are going to glue on top of the bolt um to create that effect also um with uh again I forget typographic Anatomy but with um letters that have a I don't know if it's called a bull or a negative or whatever you'll notice that I have this separate piece for the a um and that piece right there that I just removed will print separately and then we will glue the the little insert for the a inside of it and then we will glue that clear layer to the a so that we can get our little negative space there all right so let's go out into the garage and start putting this thing together all right so here we've got all the parts for our Fallout sign and we've got the frame we've got the face insert we've got the clear layer this is the a we've got all of our um face insert pieces and then we have the lightning bolt all right so this I have already primed and because the technique that I'm going to use is going to make it very rough which I'm sure you're looking at this and I will talk about that in a second um I'm not going to sand it but this stuff is amazing filler primer it's phenomenal for 3D prints it allows you to have minimal processing so if we take a look at this finished one over here um and this one was a different technique that I'm going to show right now this one was weathered using um a spray can to get some of the spatters where you hold the can upside down and far away and then we used water mixable oil paints to get this kind of organic oily you know rustic looking texture on it but it's uh it's very smooth on the exterior you you can't see a whole lot of layer lines if you look really close and I get it in the right light you can so all I did to this was filler primer and I sanded it with around 400 grit sandpaper and that's it I didn't go through multiple multiple layers um now if this was going to be gloss black you'd probably see the layer lines there is always a level of sanding um that implies the the finish that you're after and I'm not going to make this gloss black I'm not going to invest the time in trying to make it absolutely smooth this one even less and the reason is we're going to use some really cool stuff here that gets this just amazing rust effect and I think you'll be blown away at how well this stuff works um and for this I will have a link in the description below punish props has an amazing tutorial on this style of weathering um but for this walkth through we're going to be doing a different technique and then we have our ins okay so uh let's start assembling some of these parts and pieces but before we do that we're going to weather this so that it matches our face plate all right this is the stuff this is Magic it's made by a company called Modern Masters and it comes in three parts you have a primer you have this oxidizing paint and then you have this rust activator that you can spray on or you can use an airbrush to apply it so first what we're going to do we're going to do about two maybe three coats of the [Music] primer all right so we've got uh did about three layers so got some pretty thick coverage here all right my GoPro officially died this is the stuff we're going to put on now we're going to do about two maybe three coats and then we get to do the fun part which is we spray it with the solution and we let it sit probably going to have to let it sit overnight um sometimes it takes effect Within hours and then other times I've used it and it takes takes some [Music] time all right so we've done two coats I'm going to call that good it's thick enough so now it's the fun part we're going to spray it with the uh no sorry this is the clear coat um the rust activator and I have it in a little spray bottle and uh I'm just going to go around and kind of Spritz it you can do this more than one time uh depending on the effect that you're going for so for example this one I did it one round upright so that I got a lot of a cumulation down here on that bottom Edge so that it you know looked a little more believable like if this sign was sitting up and it a bunch of rain had hit it more rust would probably accumulate down towards the bottom uh but this one I'm probably just going to kind of sit it up like this and do the same thing with spray across the top and the [Music] sides all right so we let this sit for I let it sit overnight and then it still didn't look that great so I sprayed it a few more times let it sit for another like I think like 5 hours actually um and it looks pretty cool I like how we got some of the like really serious stains on the bottom where it kind of like dripped around and accumulated the other thing I did is I just painted the back black and I use this stuff uh I think it's called like black 3.0 stuff actually smells really good uh you can just Google it Amazon it um it's acrylic paint and it's super matte um the one downside with with it is it it can kind of like rub apologies I accidentally had my camera on time lapse so what we're going to do next is just glue the face plate to the clearer layer and you'll see all I'm doing is running a bead of uh CA glue around the top of the clear layer and then slowly and carefully pressing the face into the clear layer face plate clearer insert is attached I had to go around my edge here and do a little trimming because my printer kind of goofed you can see this Edge is a little rough and I need to make sure there's enough tolerance there I still got to trim a little so that it will fit into the recess um of the face anyways we can continue on okay the letters if you look at the letters you should have printed them face down hopefully the back side can see is creatively got a tolerance here there's a little Edge and that's so that it makes it easier to place them pretty perfectly on the uh the clear layer so we're going to start installing these bad boys again just going to use some CA glue and I'm going to run a very slight bead around each letter [Music] and all we have left is the A and there's this little insert that goes inside this clear container and then we're going to glue that to the back of the A and the way I do this is a little handy dandy aesthetic here or prosthetic I mean some squeezers okay um the orientation for this thing doesn't really matter you just have to make sure that you know you look and you see like okay that tail that tail there you go so let's throw some glue down in there and as you've noticed on my CA glue I have an extension this is helps so much I also have bought some of these on Amazon and filled them up with super glue and these tips you know they don't last super long but I replace them and that this gives you a way to distribute super glue through a really precise nozzle so in this case that can help because we can just put a dab right down in there and now we're going to grab our tweezers we're going to place it right in there and then push it down cool there we go all right last but not least because my face is painted I'm going to put a towel down and we're going to put it face down and our a negative or I can't remember typographic terms this is a counter something I can't remember somebody who is a type of graphic connoisseur will probably be able to correct me on that but anyways we're going to glue this in you can see there's another cutout on the a here right in there there's a ridge so it's going to make it easier for us to place in there so we're just going to put a little bit of super glue around the edge of this guy and then we're going to just plop it in there I'm going to use my tweezers again and I got to make sure I've got the orientation right okay okay going give it a little wiggle to make sure I'm in the cavity yes I am there we go so now if we put our face in here and test it look at that that is pretty cool the next part is lighting it so there's a couple things that you're going to need to light it one you're going to need a power source two you're going to need a cable and then three you're going to need some LEDs and then as an optional if you're going to use addressable LEDs you're going to want a controller so for a cord I love using just your standard USB cable and the reason is is most of us have a number of USB power blocks floating around the house and some of us even have USB Outlets which means you can take one of these that you've got lying around somewhere and use that as your power source that makes it easy um okay with the cord you can get these on Amazon and again you might have one of these lying around it seems like everything we buy these days comes with one of these cords of some flavor so what we're going to do is we're just going to snip off this end and we're going to use that to wire into our LEDs okay for the LEDs you could do a whole bunch of things here you could use Warm White cool white or you could use you know color LEDs you know you can get them on Amazon and they glow red green blue Etc or you could go even farther and use addressable LEDs and that's what these are the difference between addressable excuse me addressable LEDs and just your standard RGB colored LEDs that these can have animations and each one of these these smds on this strip can be its own color so these are really fun because you get a really cool effect when you pair it with a controller that is pre-programmed with certain animations so that's what I'm going to use then this also gets into how you lay out the LEDs inside of your light bunch of ways you could do it an easy way to do this would be to just run it around the perimeter of the inside like so and you're going to get some great effects again I'm you know speaking because I'm using addressable LEDs you're going to still get some good effects but the effects will be running obviously around the edge the harder way which results in a much better effect is to light each individual letter across so that is what I'm going to do you don't have to do that but the results um that I have found are worth it additionally you're also going to have to use if you're doing the the the method that I'm doing which is going to be lighting the each individual strips is a diffuser now the back of this is a pretty good distance away from the back of the box but I have found that even still these things are so bright that when they're behind it they can make hot spots so I use uh a diffuser for that here we go this stuff's great it's just packing foam and when I get packages I just tend to keep this stuff because it works amazing for diffusion all right so let's start making our power connector so the first thing I'm going to do is just well there went that snip that off and peel back some of the wires which I am going to use a stripper here because inside of these this one um this power cord also has a data line in it so it's going to have I believe more than just two wires it's also got shielding every time I open these it's always uh surprising to see what we find all right almost all the time black and red are going to be the wires that we want and this is the data wires so I'm just going to try and clean up some of this and what we can do is plug it in just to be sure sure and test I'm going to strip this back just a little bit more I'm just going to strip with my fancy wire strippers here okay I'm going to plug this in right yes we get 5 volts great okay all right now the controllers I didn't really mention this earlier there's two controllers that I've used before I'll put the links to both of these in the description below this I'm not doing a good job of describing this I just keep saying this okay this is an RF remote controller and this little module plugs into your LEDs and this goes to your power supply and when it gets power you can then control it with this RFID remote these are really cool they've got a bunch of built-in patterns they work great there's really nothing wrong with them the only downside to these is if you got a bunch of device devices in your house this controller will control them all cuz they all tend to operate on the same RF frequencies supposedly there's a way to make this remote only control this module but I've got them all over my house I haven't figured out how to do that yet so I found another solution which is kind of cool it's called a VIP Moon SP 1110e what yeah anyways uh these things are really cool because it uses an app on your phone and that lets you control the lights so I shall demo plug in to the power supply and this um controller can go all the way up to 24 volts 5 volt to 24 which is pretty cool these are 5vt LEDs as I mentioned before these are addressable so let's plug it in it's going to light up and I think it's just doing its default pattern right now and what I will show you is let's go into you're going to download this app called LED Hue they actually put this QR code on here and you just scan that and it will take you to the App Store the app's not that great but it works and you got to find it there it is connecting you got to enter the number of pixels and the color order mine is green red blue an easy way to test that is you just go into um what happened here a thing to note about addressable LEDs if one gets fried or you put the wrong voltage into the Strand it will only fry the one that's first to receive the power which is a good and a bad thing um so what happened was and I don't know what I did I think that I had grounded the the first led so it toasted it and that's why the whole strand stopped working so let's uh go back into the app here I was just previously showing you you know how this works um we can go to a solid color oops you know what I'm sorry let me go back here got to reconnect to it like I said the app here is not the most uh intuitive in the world okay so there you can see we're changing to green to blue so that's how you would determine with this specific app you know if yours is in the correct order you can see here I've got grb is the order that I've got set up for mine and if yours is is not in the right order you can change that um but when I hit red it's changing to red green is green that's all correct okay then what you can do again not super intuitive if you press the left Arrow you check this out you got all these animations so now you can see in the background we've got a rainbow animation running and if I press the right and left button here on this little wheel it'll just start flying through all these really cool different animation sequences and you can favorite them um these little pink ones are ones that I have favored previously and uh it's really funny that this thing looks like some sort of like progress counter or um some sort of indication of uh you know I don't know it's the the the design here is is really interesting um but it it works it's just it doesn't make a whole heck of a lot of sense but anyways you get the point I have another one of these in the house and I'd have to turn them both on and see how do I I wonder if I can control them individually or if it lets me or if it doesn't let me control them individually right so there is one of these modules inside of this thing and I haven't tried this yet but I want to see if we can cont how how this works with both of them okay so here we go we can see one there and one here the funny thing is you can't rename them so I don't know which one's which but let's let's go into this one okay and I'm going to make a change all right so that is this strip right here now if I want to change the sign you got to check click on the same num number name whatever you want to call it go in there and then yeah so you can control them individually which is nice now I don't know if you can sync them doesn't appear so I'm going to modify this housing a bit because I want I want mine to be like Mega [Music] clean let's try this out uh let's plug in our LED strip and there we go now this this is another thing you could leave this connector and you could do something like this I'm going to cut it all right so you can see I clipped off the connector um you might be wondering why this green wire is snipped this controller support supports um many types of LED strips you'll notice this one has a positive and negative in a signal it has three contacts some Led strips have four it's a different type um we're not using that which is why I just snipped it off and I'm just starting to create the uh the chain of of LEDs so it's going to end up going like this where it's going to kind of go in a sequence you know up down up down up down all the way towards the end end and all I'm doing is just soldering the contacts and creating this chain and I'm going to continue doing that and then we're going to stick them on here and I'm going to use some hot glue to tack them in place because sometimes these LEDs heat up and we don't want them coming loose and hot glue is a good way to secure that all right we got our sequence of BS all soldered up you can see them here and I have figured out a good number of LEDs that work um also you can see I'm using really dense LEDs so I think what I've got is I've got 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 7 7 n or something like that that seems to work well it's easier to solder this without it being in the box and also because this is pla if you start trying to solder on top of this you can melt it so let's uh plug it in here and uh fingers crossed just push this through here um all of these should be lighting up there we go cool all right now that we know all of our LEDs are working let's start attaching inside of the box so the first thing I'm going to do is get my glue gun and and I'm going to secure the board to the bottom right here I'm just going to put a little bit of glue underneath it and just kind of press it in place there and hold it for a second and then the other thing I'm going to do is I'm going to put some glue where the cord is exiting so that if it gets pulled on for some reason that it's not going to yank the connection out of the board because that would be no good [Music] w [Music] let's put our face on here turn it on there we go that is pretty Rad but it can get better some packing foam so I'm just going to kind of Chuck this on top and I'm going to cut [Music] all right got our foam diffuser attached realized I got hot glue strings so I actually already notice a big difference it's not as I don't know you don't see as much of like the high reflectiveness inside of the the white the clear areas it's a lot more just Blended that's pretty cool so it's like a rainbow fade and we can adjust the the speed of the fade yeah psychedelic or you can make it real nice and slow and subtle okay so if I pull this off again just so we can see here's what we have I like to leave the faces removable so that they're serviceable and when I designed the model I designed it so that the tolerances are I mean they're tight enough but it's not you know if you pick the thing up the face you know if you actually it stays in there pretty decently but the face can pop out all right decided to Super Glue mine in notice this okay something to be aware of I used super glue and then I used some accelerator it ate right through it so we're seeing the undercoat there it's all right right like this kind of just adds to it whatever but uh yeah that was that was surprising so be careful if you're using super glue accelerator because it will uh go right through the uh the finish here okay so that was it that was a lot of fun I hope you learned something along the way and you've got yourself a really awesome Fallout sign that looks like it came right out of the Wasteland [Music] for
Channel: Factory Of Fun
Views: 3,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: D6EfuAA4KrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 44sec (2024 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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