How To Make $10,000 A Month With NO SKILLS Working 10 Hours Per Week

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i do this part time and i work about five to ten hours per week on this great about ten thousand dollars per [Music] month what's up muscles this is your boy jc else is back you another video in this video i want to talk to you those of you out there that are interested in learning how can you make an extra 10 000 a month but you don't have an extra 40 hours a week for you to take on another full-time job and you might also say you don't have any skills right you don't know how to build things you don't know how to do any software type things so you just have the basic human faculties you can read you can write you can walk talk so just using those basic skills no specialty skills how in the world can the average person make an extra ten thousand dollars a month what's up it's the shark damon john here and i want to shout out jt hustles yo yo shout out to jt hustles for teaching people how to become entrepreneurs on youtube and all over social media so i know a lot of you are new to this channel you just subscribed and i've been getting a lot into this channel description below videos which was how i made five thousand dollars per month selling on ebay so i thought i would update a video of that how i make ten thousand dollars selling online is my side hustle in that previous video you guys asked where i source my items from how much i buy them for and how much i sell them for so in this video i'm going to go over one month where i sold 10 000 per month and i'll go over the exact items that i sold how much i sold them for it and at the end of this video i'm going to show you guys exactly where i source my items from and where you can source it from it's really easy so follow along and you'll have exactly what you'll need to get started with the slide house i really do love the site i saw a lot because you don't need a lot of money to get started i started with 200 and now i'm making 10 000 per month and that's just from reinvesting my profit and you really don't need to invest a lot of time into this i worked started with hold on so that's even dope too that he works full-time we'll get into that in a second but started with 200 and flipped a 200 initial investment into an income stream that makes him 10 000 per month by reinvesting the profits he made off of that two hundred dollars that is a big testament to the importance and the power of delayed gratification where some people might want to flip 200 into a thousand dollars and then went shopping and did whatever he reinvested those profits scaled it up and he made it to ten thousand dollars per month where a lot of people would have never had the discipline to keep flipping it until it scaled that big anyway shout out to him and i want you guys to understand that this is just a real life testament of the power of delayed gratification reselling for me personally has not only been such a huge blessing that it allowed me to pay all of my bills but it also allowed me to help take care of my daughter when she was younger and i used reselling pretty much as like a segway business where when i was transitioning from my independent courier service over into the digital space and i was still figuring stuff out on the digital side reselling filled in the gap and then scaled up to becoming more than enough to cover all of my overhead expenses so i love reselling and i highly recommend reselling to anybody that wants to add an income stream to their tool belt for me now it's a hobby i'll probably be reselling on the side for the rest of my life nine to five so i do this part time and i work about five to ten hours per week on this great people to make about ten thousand dollars per month what the hell did you just say working five to ten hours a week making ten thousand dollars a month it's people out here on some jobs that may work 40 hours a week and not making that kind of money so that's definitely dope uh i've seen in my own life that is real money and reselling and you guys could also check out additional videos after this and reselling is a real thing right so for those of you that may not notice people out here making six figures a year this gentleman being one of them if he's consistently making ten thousand dollars a month he's well into six figures at the end of the year just off of five to ten hours of work every single week a lot of money and you don't need a lot of time plus there's no special skills that you have to learn so this is perfect for somebody that's just starting right i do like to sell exclusively on ebay because it's one of the easiest platforms for sell engine optimization bringing people into your site you don't have to worry about setting up payment for your buyers all of that is already set up through the ebay system all you need to make it too easy to make money download the free ebay app if you haven't done so already and you don't have to worry about all the other stuff that you would if you're selling on something like your own site but i do still sell on amazon and also facebook marketplace so those are the three places that i sell but right now i'm going to focus on ebay because that's usually where i do most of myself so this is my sales report for ebay on december 27 2018 through january 31st 2019. so i sold a total of 9445 this excludes the sales that i did on amazon and also facebook marketplace so on december 27 through january 2nd i sold two thousand five hundred thirty three dollars and on january third to the ninth i sold 879 january 24th through the 30th i sold three thousand dollars some total nine thousand four 9445. i did promise to show you guys exactly what i saw during that time and one of the items that i sold a lot of and that made a good amount of money was this this is the dji mavic air this is a drone that's sold by dji chinese company and this usually retails for 799 because i'm able to get it for 239 dollars and as you can see i got a lot of them and i was able to resell them for 650 so that's about a 400 profit per item and i did end up selling a lot of these on facebook marketplace because that allowed me to avoid the ebay fees which is a 10 fee and 10 feet is a lot when you consider that these are selling for 650 so i made a good amount of money on this product so i ended up selling a good amount of the dji mavic airs but i did also end up selling the dji sparks they're a smaller version of this drone and they give me a good amount of profit i'm not going to go to that right now but another item that i sold was this this is the bose home 500 speaker and as you can see that if if you guys haven't caught on yet technology sales right and he's showing us drones and speakers there's people that kill it on vcrs yes i haven't watched anything on a vcr in probably over 20 years but there's people out here that's killing it going to thrift stores yard sales and finding all sorts of tech and the good thing about reselling on ebay is before you even buy an item you already know approximately when it'll sell and how much money you're gonna make off of it anyway so you have minimal risk you can look at the sales history it's gonna tell you exactly when did it uh sell last and it's going to tell you how much did it sell for shipping all of that good information so it pretty much if you can read and mimic exactly what others have done then you're going to have similar success you don't got to reinvent the wheel to have success on ebay that's why i love it and it's my favorite reselling platform as well fine product that i really like at a good price i end up keeping one for myself as well so this one retails for 399 dollars but i was able to get it for 119 dollars and sell it for 375 dollars there's a target receipt right there profit and i was able to get a good amount of these so that's how i made the ten thousand dollars that i did in that month and this is usually what i do when i uh we sell items i get them that's a really good pr i told you guys right so uh we just saw that that was on the target receipt now taking advantage of we we recently uh experienced black friday and cyber monday sales so if you didn't pick up anything then it's not the end of the world right most if not everything that i bought the resale i never purchased it on a cyber monday or a black friday uh the retail section of walmart and target just like you guys seen that he had receipts from their uh thrift stores flea markets yard sales small mom and pop shops right these kind of places always have hidden gems that if you're willing to go do the research spend some time sourcing items clean them up depending on what it is and list them online you're going to have a lot of success when it comes to electronics since that is specifically what has him killing it right now you want to test all of the electronics make sure they do actually work as designed and even if they don't there is a market for certain electronics to be parted out right so you can sell it in pieces or you can sell a broken one at a certain price because somebody's gonna use that for parts to fix another one or several other ones so that's the dope thing about electronics and it's not true for every piece of electronics so that's why you need to do your due diligence prior to the purchase right when it comes to reselling you should know how much money you're going to make and approximately when you're going to make that money before you even put out that initial investment so in his case if you follow my blueprint or the blueprint of a lot of people like him that's killing it in the game by the time you put out that 200 yes it's a risk because it's business however you have an idea of how much money is going to come back to you and you know approximately when that money is going to come back to you because you've done your due diligence and you're not just blindly going to the store picking up every piece of electronic everything that you think is going to sell for a lot of money you're actually utilizing the free ebay app download it right now you're looking you're scanning barcodes if it has barcode you're typing in the item name if it doesn't have a barcode and you're filtering it by the soul listings to see exactly what it's going to sell for and when it's going to sell you're factoring in approximately 13 total if you factor in also fees as well and then you're gonna have to ship it right so you're gonna do your due diligence say okay i could buy it for a dollar i could sell it for two dollars but after the paypal and ebay fees and after shipping you might be negative like you lost money you gave that product away you don't buy those sorts of items you're gonna look at something that okay if i buy it for a dollar i can sell it for eight dollars maybe i'll lose a few dollars in fees and shipping but i'm still left with something and you determine your margins right i'm just using that example for easy math and a lot of these stores usually do clearance items and they clearance items for a couple reasons one they might be trying to get rid of old inventory or they might be uh trying to get rid of inventory to make space for a store uh renovation or whatever reason they're doing clearance items all the time and these clearance items are stored levels so they're not nationwide they're store specific so you have the option of driving around to these different retail stores and seeing if they have clearance items all right and that answers a question that a lot of people have when they get into the reselling game as well is if i could go to walmart and i could go to target and buy it why would somebody buy it off of me offline for a higher price right and that just explains it maybe at their store they already sold through it so they're not trying to free up that real estate on those shelves to put in newer items that are going to move faster right maybe in certain regions people are more into drones people are more into bluetooth speakers right for a lot of different reasons people have different interests depending on where you're located but there may be some people in that area that still want a product or service but they can't pick it up locally so now they have to go to amazon they have to go to ebay they have to go to macari facebook marketplace these sorts of online retailers because it's not available locally for them but more importantly if you're a hustler right let's get this money first i actually found a website that allows me to do this very easily and it's called is a great tool for a reseller on a time crunch like myself that doesn't really want to drive around these different stores and look at their clearance sections i can just log in online and see what the prices are at these different stores if they have a clearance item it will show me right there online and i can drive to the store with confidence that first of all the item is going to be there and second of all i'm going to get it at a good price so brooksie taps into the inventory of target walmart lows office depot staples home depot and you get to really see what their clearance is like so some stores are going to have a better clearance than others and you get to drive to that specific store and buy the item that you want at a really great price for more information about reselling be sure to go to subscribe to his channel let them know jts will send you and now you guys have no excuse out there for those of you that want to know how you can make an extra nine ten thousand dollars a month but you don't have an extra 40 hours a week so you can't commit to another full-time job to make that kind of money i highly recommend that you check this out again fact check me just like you fact check anybody else you come across on the internet anybody you come across in real life make sure that this makes sense for you and your area and until next time so my hustler stay hustling jt usually i'm gone
Channel: JT Automations
Views: 119,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ebay, amazon, ralli roots, mercari, six figures, making money, how to, jt hustlez, 10k a month, 10k per month, $10000 a month, start up, atlanta, las vegas, california, memphis, miami, baltimore, charlotte, north carolina, south carolina, charleston, side hustle, side business, business, start a business
Id: 26RVulvK-KI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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