How to LUBE your Wooting Keyboard

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sounds amazing right that's because this keyboard is completely lubricated and it might seem a little bit daunting at start lubricating your switches but actually it's very easy but just a little bit time consuming and that's what i'm going to do in this video i'm going to show you different methods of lubricating your letter switches with a wooten six stitchy let's get started [Music] the first thing i'm going to do is put this one away because it's ready lubricated and i use it at home and we're going to grab a fresh new 60h here that needs a lubrication job the second thing we need are all the loops and tools now thanks we have these all available on the booting store you can find the link in the description and these are the blank toolkit and rooting duplication set so first of all in the toolkit we have a switch opener switch puller two brushes and a stem holder or tweezer then we have two loop lubricants one is the crytox 205 g0 this is what we're going to use for the switches and you should not use for the stabilizers instead for the stabilizers we use the molle coat em50l which is a bit more stickier and greasier to help you eradicate all that rattle from your stabilizer before we dive in let's prepare first and remove these keycaps here with a keycap puller that you get with almost any keyboard including the 6a alright so now that we've removed all the keycaps we can get started with pulling the switches and the loop job so what we have now are all the switches exposed we can grab the switch puller here which is this tool and we can see from a switch that on the switch there is a bracket on both sides and that's we're going to use the puller for i'm going to push those brackets in and then pull out the switch and i'm going to do here on my spacebar for example i wiggle it from the bottom first and then the top and you should be able to plug it out without any effort if you're using a lot of force or effort then you're probably doing something wrong wiggle it instead if you plan to lubricate all the switches on the keyboard then i recommend you to remove the module release the pcba and then removing the switches it will be a lot easier to remove them and a lot less chance to damage anything we're gonna screw these five screw holes that you can already see that are exposed now now that i've removed all the screws we can take out the module there are two ways of getting out the module the first way is by lifting up this bottom side here which is now very difficult because there are no keycaps and then sliding it out or the other way would be just grabbing it like this flipping around the case and it should get out without any force trouble or it hinging on anything on the module we also have screws that attach the pcba to the top plate we also need to remove these screws and then we'll fully expose the top plate where we can remove the switches so after you removed all the screws you can wiggle off the pcba it's stuck to the switches so be careful with that and then on the other side you can see all the signature edition icons that is from everybody that back the campaign so thank you for that guys and we can safely store this away over here and then you will see that you have the porn foam underneath the plate you can remove that if you want you can also keep it on there but it will probably drop off so we're just going to remove it and now you have an exposed top plate with all the switches there and now it's much easier to pull out the switches though i do not recommend it to you this way just put it on the table and remove the switches as you would usually do it in the keyboard until the switch is removed now we just have the stabilizers left which are also going to duplicate and to do that you can grab the tweezers and use the end of the tweezers to push the clip that's on either the bottom or top side and push up the stabilizer after releasing all the stabilizers you can simply slide it out and make sure that the metal bar which is the wire between the two stabilizers is pulled out in the opening of the switch otherwise this is going to stop you from removing the stabilizers this completes all the preparation work we can put this one away for later when we're going to put everything together now let's open up a switch we have the switch opener so this switch opener has two sides one side with two large prongs which is for box switches and other side with the four prongs which is for cherry mix lekker flair tech or any kind of general switch basically and that's the side we're going to use in this case now we can grab a lacquer switch make sure to see where the clips are on the switch there's four clips two on both sides and we're gonna align those with the prongs of the switch opener and then we're gonna push down the switch with quite some force it will push open those clips and voila your switch is open after opening up multiple switches and separating the separate parts we can close the switch opener and start with lubrication now we're gonna do it with the crytox205g0 we also need a brush and we're gonna need the tweezers now if you have sense of skin make sure to wear some gloves or something to protect the fingers the loop can irritate the skin if not so make sure to wash your hands afterwards because it will get everywhere on your fingers while you're doing this it's unavoidable unless you're a dexter if you're going to lubricate the flare attack switches then check out this other video we have about lubing the flaretech switches because that's going to be different from the letter switches i put the lid of the krytos container right over here i like to do that because then i can scrape off the loop from there instead of dipping it straight in it will prevent overlooping which is something we don't want here now i'm going to use the tweezers to grab the stem of the switch dip a little bit into the loop and then we're going to gently apply lubrication on a couple of sides first onto the stem glider there are two sides and you can apply it on both sides you can just take the whole side so you don't need to do it on a specific area not side just do the whole side now the last part that we're going to loop is the cylinder that's in the center of the stem we're going to go all around it and we're going to also do the bottom of the cylinder and that's it now we've lubricated the stem we don't need to duplicate anything else because this is the most efficient and effective way to loop your switches and to prevent it from being overlooped especially if you're doing it for the first time now we would be able to install it back but if you want to actually lubricate more you are able to lubricate on some other parts of the switch and each part will have a different effect but the chance of overlooping gets far greater so make sure you apply it thinly let's take a look at those other parts the bottom housing has a big cylinder opening in the middle and it has two rails on each side the gliders go into the rails and this is where you create more smoothness now you can lubricate those rails additionally make sure it's thin and you can lubricate additionally the cylinder in the center now this will make the switch more smooth but again if you over lubricate it will dampen the sound but also make it feel murky so you don't want to do that be careful if you want to in addition create a more dampened sound you could choose to optionally lubricate the floor area around the cylinder but there you have to be very careful because it's very easy to apply too much lube now let's look at the top housing the top housing basically dampens the sound a lot more when the switch them is returning to its resting position and it will kill those higher frequencies there's a couple places you can loop to sound damp in it the first one is again on the reels but all the way at the top this is where the stem slams against the top housing you can do that on both sides and the other one is actually the edges around where the stem rests and that would also further sound dampen that stem and finally you can also lubricate the springs you can lubricate the whole spring whatever you want or what i usually do is lubricate edges and that will help remove that sound from the spring now that you know all these different ways of lubricating the switch i do recommend you start experimenting with the loop because maybe you don't like something or you do like something or you find out you over lubed it and it's very murky you completely hate it or you did too little and it's too light and you don't see the effect anyway so when all the switches are open loop three or four of them a little bit different from each other we put them back together which we're going to do in a minute and then test them out and see what you like before you do the rest of the switches so let's put that switch back together and see how my switch sounds to put back together the switch i'm going to grab the spring with my tweezer and grab the bottom case and put that spring onto the bottom case then i can grab the stem and put it into the spring not only if i need to check there's a little fin sticking out of one of the stem sides i need to make sure that is orientated towards the side with the opening grab the top case housing and i need to take a look at where the window of that top case is and just click it back together after putting back those switches together you can actually grab the switch opener and there's a little opening here you can click in the switch and you can test it i would recommend to test it in a keyboard but since it's completely disassembled this is the fast way of testing it or test it next to your ear and find out what you do or don't like and while you're at it you can also swap out the springs for a different one that you can get from the booting store there's a link in the description for this certain one and there might be more in the future now to finish your switches we can get started with the stabilizers we're going to use the molle coat loop for that with our matching white brush so we can separate the loops from each other and we also need here the stabilizers and the wire and now it's very important to know this is for killing the rattle in the stabilizer wire that's why we're only going to apply it onto the wire not on the stem not on housing you could use crytox for that but generally you don't need to use anything really we can grab the wire you can choose to use the tweezers or your hands i like to use my hands because it's more stable you can take a generous amount of degrees you don't want to apply it over the entire wire instead you want to apply it over the corners and all the way till the end of the wire go nice and thick make sure you go all around make sure that corner and a little bit extra is covered and like i said be generous we're going to assemble the wire now back of the stabilizer make sure that the stem is oriented the right way inside the stabilizer housing there's only one way you can put it back inside just take a look on the bottom side of the stem that the big opening the big u-opening u-shaped opening is orientated towards the opening of the housing when putting it together you need to make sure the stem is popping out a little bit because otherwise you can't fit it into the stem hole properly we can put in the wire and once it's in there you can click it onto the housing and you can go to the next stabilizer until you've done all of them once you're finished you can we're going to assemble it back onto the keyboard switch are lubed stabilize our greased up let's start putting back together the keyboard starting off with the stabilizers into the plate make sure the wire goes through the opening and in this case for the space part of the wire goes on the top side once you got it in there you can just click down the stabilizers and it's in and now we can do all the other ones so here with the other one it's not on top side anymore it's on the bottom side so all the smaller ones are on the bottom side only the space bar is on the top side before you put in the switches it's better to just assemble the whole module together and then do the switches it'll be a bit more stable and you have less chance of breaking anything so first we're going to put back the pour on back on the plates make sure to pour on holes for the screw openings are all aligned and everything will fit together nicely and then we can grab the pcba you can see here the big beardy mound is the spacebar area so you can just align it with the spacebar and you know where it will need to be and then we're just going to screw this together right i screwed the module back together no switches i'm going to put it back into the case so we'll have a stable underground while pushing in the switches that would be the best way that i can recommend so make sure when you put it back into the case that you do the usb-c port first so you put it at an angle like this make sure that the usbc port is oriented the right way then when it's in there push it down until you have make sure that the usbc port is actually inside the port now you can install back the switches make sure that the switch window side is orientated with the led side because that's where the light goes through if you orientate it the other way around it's okay you won't break it but your led won't get through so make sure it's aligned and just push it in now to switch our back in we can now screw in the module put on the keycaps and then you have your awesome sound and keyboard make sure to share your keyboard and maybe a sound clip or a video on our discord with the community members i think they'll love it and maybe we'll learn a thing or two from others on the community that's it and i'll see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Wooting
Views: 132,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wooting, analog, mechanical, gaming, keyboard, pcgaming, wooting one, wooting two, mechanical keyboard, analog gaming, analog keyboard
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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